The General Gaming Thread with a fabulous and interesting title #16!

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Is there any reason to keep the Rock Band guitar if I have a wired Xplorer and the GH3 wireless guitar? I know the RB guitar has issues with the Guitar Hero games and the GH guitars work just fine in RB.

Assuming no, anyone want to buy an extra RB guitar? ;)
[quote name='ighosty']Finished Mass Effect so now I have these games to finish.

Bioshock (almost done)
HL2 (need about 3-4 more hours)
Blue Dragon (need another 20+ hours)
Mass Effect (second play through so probably 15+)
Ghost Recon 2 (haven't even started it)
Resistance (will probably finish sometime this winter)

Don't really know what I'm going to finish first, plus with the sememster ending and finals approaching the time for gaming is shrinking.[/QUOTE]

Just finish BS, and HL2. Save the others for the coming after-holidays lull.
[quote name='Brak']Too cool for fucking school, right there.[/quote]


[quote name='Rei no Otaku']The game is good what do you expect?[/quote]

I guess everytime I come into this thread from now on I should just expect to hear MASS EFFECT OMG MASS EFFECT. Every person I expected to hear a reply from left one in one way or another. I don't really give a shit play what you like but you can't say that game isn't over hyped.
Watched the Clippers lose to the Hornets. Boo-ums.

I did get a free t-shirt and cheap deal on a cap for my son, though.
My older sister wants to go half and half on buying Rock Band with me since she thinks it would be a lot of fun, only condition is I leave it at her place...haven't decided if I want to yet since I wouldn't be playing it that much.
[quote name='whoknows']My older sister wants to go half and half on buying Rock Band with me since she thinks it would be a lot of fun, only condition is I leave it at her place...haven't decided if I want to yet since I wouldn't be playing it that much.[/QUOTE]

Say you'll pay 25% if she gets to have it at her place.
Rock Band is the shit. I wish I could haul everything up to school but it's pretty much impossible :(

Oh well. Chinese food tomorrow, probably a few CoD4 matches because it's probably the best online shooter ever created (It's between this and CS IMO) and then school work. At about 6 or 7 PM I gotta head back to school. I should get there at about 10:30, and I'll pretty much be doing school work for 3 straight weeks until the semester is over. In a strange sort of way, the RRoD was a blessing because I can't get to distracted. I only have Zack & Wiki and RE: Umbrella Chronicles to play for 3 straight weeks, so I should have plenty of time to do school work.

Damn I hate school :( and broken ass 360's. I wish I could just fucking do nothing for the rest of my life and play games. Oh well. Schoolwork is a necessary evil I suppose. At least College is more fun than fucking high school.
[quote name='red flare graf']Would anyone recommend the HORI Fighting Stick 2?[/QUOTE]

Depends on what you're gonna be playing and how serious/hardcore you are about the quality of your product...

For the casual gamer though, it's good stuff.
ended up getting a copy of VF5 in at the store today, so I snatched it up to play around with tonight and now I'm even more sold on the game. and since I'm renewing my xbox live gold tomorrow, now would be the perfect time to get it since I'll also get it with my employee discount subtracted from the price. still unsure though.

other than that, no work tomorrow so i'll prolly focus on school stuff to get ready for monday. have a paper due in a week, so hopefully I'll get that done sometime this week so I don't have to worry about it this weekend.
Just finished Eternal Sonata. Good Stuff.
Now time to move onto mass erect.

FYI ES took me around 21.5 hours, and I was overpowered, final bosses were a joke.
just bought xbox live vision gold kit for $52.99 free shipping from with google check out. I'll have some gold live in a about week again finally.
I'm really liking VF5, but I hope the quest mode gets more difficult soon. I've got a 40-0 win record with Pai, and I'm not even that good at the game. This is only a few hours of playing, but i remember VF4evo being a lot tougher.
I'm also playing Mass Effect, game is fucking awesome. Like I said in the official thread, this is my first Bioware game that follows this type of formula (never played Knights of the Old Republic or Jade Empire.) Is Jade Empire BC? I might grab it from Goozex since I have a few points and can get it for virtually free.
[quote name='MarkMan']Depends on what you're gonna be playing and how serious/hardcore you are about the quality of your product...

For the casual gamer though, it's good stuff.[/QUOTE]

I want quality, but I'm looking for something in the $50-60 range.. Though I have to admit, I've been using a crappy Pelican stick for my PS2 for the past 4 years or so. It's getting kind of mushy and crapped out.

I've been playing more VF4 than anything, but I also play a lot of GGX and soon to be KoF XI.. That'll be my first 2D KoF on the PS2. I played a lot on PSX/MAME.
Jade Empire runs pretty crappy on 360, though. Really bad framerate and odd graphics glitches. I'm sure you could play it, but just be aware.
[quote name='red flare graf']I want quality, but I'm looking for something in the $50-60 range.. Though I have to admit, I've been using a crappy Pelican stick for my PS2 for the past 4 years or so. It's getting kind of mushy and crapped out.

I've been playing more VF4 than anything, but I also play a lot of GGX and soon to be KoF XI.. That'll be my first 2D KoF on the PS2. I played a lot on PSX/MAME.[/QUOTE]

Well if that's the case, drop the Pelican and go with a Hori.

If you're going to be playing on the PS2, I'd recc the T5 Anniversary PS2 stick.
Still playing Bioshock. Encountered a pretty big plot twist. BIG
Turns out Atlas was actually Fontaine all along, and he was just using you to get rid of Ryan for him. I have been saving the girls, so I woke up in the safehouse. Really cool, for a while I thought the game was over after Ryan was dead.

I'm planning a second playthrough, on hard, to get the rest of the achievements. Also have The Darkness sitting unopened that I will play through next.
just beat Mass Effect last night after 2 nights of being super busy and staying up till 6am loosing sleep twice playing mass effect...

I can and will say this is the one game that, out of the entire year, has not disappointed. after moments of when the plot seemed to crap out, it turned around and made that crap awesome. Thank you bioware for ending this year for me on a good note unlike alot of other big name titles.

oh and it's very obvious that the 360 is creaming when the game runs... mainly due to loading the streaming data... ie like this:

[quote name='daroga']Anyone want to Rock Band it up later tonight?[/QUOTE]
I'll be able to play tomorrow night. I forgot to pick up the game tonight T.T
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I'll be able to play tomorrow night. I forgot to pick up the game tonight T.T[/quote]Could be fun :)
[quote name='The Crotch']Um. Typo, or intentional?

Rolento: No idea. I'm-a gonna go see if Cheapy/any Mods have responded to my "Banned User Thread" thread.

EDIT: And in a brilliant stroke of irony, the thread appears to have been deleted. A post of mine disappeared on me a couple of days ago, too...[/quote]


Im up for Rock Band tonight daroga.

We need to find out what happened to TMK.
[quote name='InuFaye']Intentional.

Im up for Rock Band tonight daroga.

We need to find out what happened to TMK.[/quote]I've been talking with him and he says he simply got a note saying "Tired of all the fanboyism" or something along those lines coupled with a nice perma-ban.

I don't support the way he handled himself real often in a lot of threads and some repremand was probably in order, that out-of-nowhere with no warning permanent banning way pretty out of line I think.

What time would work for you tonight Inu?
[quote name='daroga']I've been talking with him and he says he simply got a note saying "Tired of all the fanboyism" or something along those lines coupled with a nice perma-ban.

I don't support the way he handled himself real often in a lot of threads and some repremand was probably in order, that out-of-nowhere with no warning permanent banning way pretty out of line I think.

What time would work for you tonight Inu?[/quote]

Ive got to finish this PowerPoint for English class, and if I dont go to a friends house to watch the patriots, It should be around 9 Eastern.
[quote name='daroga']I've been talking with him and he says he simply got a note saying "Tired of all the fanboyism" or something along those lines coupled with a nice perma-ban.

I don't support the way he handled himself real often in a lot of threads and some repremand was probably in order, that out-of-nowhere with no warning permanent banning way pretty out of line I think.


I politely disagree. He derailed the GGT multiple times in each iteration. Calm, to-the-point posts were the exceptions to his usual style. The wall of text posts talking about himself and his tastes were insane too. The worst part is the frequency of it all-- it never let up and he never really made any effort to control himself. I mean, come on, rising blood pressure because of posts? I think in the long run, it'll be better for us and better for him.

on topic: gonna play some more Revenant Wings tonight. it's pretty good.
[quote name='Apossum']I politely disagree. He derailed the GGT multiple times in each iteration. Calm, to-the-point posts were the exceptions to his usual style. The wall of text posts talking about himself and his tastes were insane too. The worst part is the frequency of it all-- it never let up and he never really made any effort to control himself. I mean, come on, rising blood pressure because of posts? I think in the long run, it'll be better for us and better for him. [/quote]Perhaps. But I still think that a temp-ban and then a reintroduction to the community would've been better. If the same crap would've happened again, then yeah, ban hammer time. But if he reformed his ways because of that little, official warning, more power to him.

But, it's a judgement call. And a call I've not been charged to make so it's not like there's much I can do about it.
Yes Apossum, I agree, The Mana Knight is a retard.

I'm glad someone else sees it the same way.

This week holds nothing but Rock Band action for me!

[quote name='daroga']I've been talking with him and he says he simply got a note saying "Tired of all the fanboyism" or something along those lines coupled with a nice perma-ban.

I don't support the way he handled himself real often in a lot of threads and some repremand was probably in order, that out-of-nowhere with no warning permanent banning way pretty out of line I think.[/QUOTE]
I agree with you. I didn't agree with what he said, and felt he was a bit strange, but a perma-ban is just not necessary.

It's not like he was refusing to post deals for CAGs, like some fanboy mods...
He did derail alot of threads with his stupid fanboyism, but I dunno, I didnt see a perma-ban coming.

The OTT is saying its a joke account.

If we are gonna start banning for fanboyism, we need to start making of list of whos next.
[quote name='daroga']I've been talking with him and he says he simply got a note saying "Tired of all the fanboyism" or something along those lines coupled with a nice perma-ban.

I don't support the way he handled himself real often in a lot of threads and some repremand was probably in order, that out-of-nowhere with no warning permanent banning way pretty out of line I think.

What time would work for you tonight Inu?[/QUOTE]
Did he say who sent him the note? Is Cheapy the only one that can perma-ban?
I'll Rock Band it with y'all as soon as I get back home. Also have Mass Effect, Uncharted, Stuntman, Contra4, NBA 2K8, and Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max. Yoiks! I'm glad I held up my Amazon BF deals (Darkness and Saints Row) order with a pre-order or I'd be a tad...overwhelmed...

Edit: As far as TMK, the guy was an annoying nutjob, but I also did not see a perma-ban coming. Oh, if I had a [ban] hammer...

Yeah, I don't think I could ever be a mod. ;)
[quote name='daroga']Perhaps. But I still think that a temp-ban and then a reintroduction to the community would've been better. If the same crap would've happened again, then yeah, ban hammer time. But if he reformed his ways because of that little, official warning, more power to him.

But, it's a judgement call. And a call I've not been charged to make so it's not like there's much I can do about it.[/QUOTE]

I think that has happened before. pretty sure he has had temp bans. but that's the last I'll post about this subject in this thread :)
[quote name='Apossum']I think that has happened before. pretty sure he has had temp bans. but that's the last I'll post about this subject in this thread :)[/quote]Just going on what he's told me, this was the first time he's had any blow-back personally to him from a mod on CAG. But when it came, look out.

The normal moderators wield the ban hammer as well as Cheapy. If you've got concerns about how this was handled, I'd recommend bringing it up to our mod crew.

If Mana's a joke account, someone's pretty seriously invested, keeping up the charade even after a ban. I somehow doubt that little theory.
[quote name='daroga']Just going on what he's told me, this was the first time he's had any blow-back personally to him from a mod on CAG. But when it came, look out.

The normal moderators wield the ban hammer as well as Cheapy. If you've got concerns about how this was handled, I'd recommend bringing it up to our mod crew.

If Mana's a joke account, someone's pretty seriously invested, keeping up the charade even after a ban. I somehow doubt that little theory.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I doubt it's a joke account as well. Someone has less than no life if it is.
The Mana Knight was insane, but he was at least mildly amusing. Except for when he derailed the GGT. That is unforgivable.

Though I have to admit, his tirades were kind of scary. It scares the shit out of me to consider "what if I end up like that someday?"

Still, his banningment is good. I'd say that I like all of the people who show up in this thread now.
Chacrana, I never really kept up with it, but what happened with that crazy guy you were talking to on AIM?
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