The General Gaming Thread with a fabulous and interesting title #16!

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[quote name='Trakan']Chacrana, I never really kept up with it, but what happened with that crazy guy you were talking to on AIM?[/QUOTE]

Lol, the thread's still there and the last legit conversation I had with him was back in September. Basically, I found out that the reason for the 4 month span between conversations was coz PlayZ ended up in jail. He stole some tourist's purse and thought he got away, but the cops followed him back to his "house." After he got out of jail, he was supposed to be under supervision, but he fled to New York and was living with his cousin and uncle. If I'd known which PD to contact, I woulda gotten his ass arrested right then and there, but it seems like they caught on eventually and threw his ass back in jail for a little while. The justice system is clearly not strict enough.
[quote name='Chacrana']

Though I have to admit, his tirades were kind of scary. It scares the shit out of me to consider "what if I end up like that someday?"

You couldn't even if you tried. That shit requires training from birth.

on topic: tried playing RE:CV tonight. the game looks 1000x better on my CRT at my folks' place. I get some serious ghosting and weird "burn in" with it on my LCD... The ghost trails leave permanent (though kind of subtle) spots on the screen, at least until the camera angle/screen changes. So now I'm trying it with PCSX2 to see if it's any better on that. I don't know why I wanna play this game in the first place... :lol:
Hmm... well if it makes you feel any better, the first part of the game that's all foggy and murky is intentionally unclear. Can't say I'm seeing the same issues you are, but then, I'm playing the GC version so that might change things.

And yeah, I hope to God that I don't end up like Mana Knight....
Back to playing Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones on my new Lite. So bright!

Through chapter 10, probably have a long way to go. Kinda split on the idea of a place to grind in an SRPG, but I suppose it could be a positive.

Since I'm paranoid/anal I'll be waiting till I get some screen protectors to play a DS game.
[quote name='Apossum'] So now I'm trying it with PCSX2 to see if it's any better on that. [/QUOTE]

For the record, Inu and I rock at Rock Band. That's right. I can play drums or guitar on MEDIUM.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
[quote name='daroga']For the record, Inu and I rock at Rock Band. That's right. I can play drums or guitar on MEDIUM.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.[/quote]

And I can your dying grandmother...................
Personally, I never had a problem with TMK, I've had several AIM conversations with him and played numerous games on xboxlive with him as well and he's not a bad guy, the perma band came out of no where. I think he's a good guy, he's not like super pro sony as he's made out to be, sure he has a lot of sony products and stuff of that nature, but he's far from trying to shove sony down anyone's throat.

back OT now, played lego star wars the complete saga today and enjoyed it quite a bit, but I can definitely do without buying it for a while. Playing zack and wiki on wii and dragon quest monsters joker on the ds. not much else.
Just a couple more days until I can smoke that Rock Band pipe. I can't wait to play fake drums. Hopefully y'all that got it on amazon got yer $10 refund today too.
[quote name='gunm']Just a couple more days until I can smoke that Rock Band pipe. I can't wait to play fake drums. Hopefully y'all that got it on amazon got yer $10 refund today too.[/quote]

10 dollar refund?

Anways we need to finalize the ggt band and start rocking it hard.
Longshot Question:

One of the Arcade versions of Drum Mania has the first intro song to the Kenshin anime series.

Does that appear on any of the home versions, and if so, which one?
There are zero pointless arguments in this thread since mana knight was banned.

And I love mass effect. 7 hours in and I just now left the first station, and the galaxy map looks freaking huge. Mix that in with some Gears single player and I've got a good balance of "F YEAH" and slightly more intelligently written stuff. So many great games!

That PS2 emulator pic is great.. I love pictures where the Z-Buffer gets all screwy like that, i think that's what it is, at least some kind of mechanism for prioritizing what is in front of what and what is visible. I should find that picture from one of the NBA 2k games inside that guy's head..
I don't know how people finished Mass Effect in 15 hours. It took me 30. Well, I can see how people could finish it. I guess I should have said, I don't know how people can enjoy it in 15 hours.
[quote name='SL4IN']jer how long did it take you to finish zack and wiki?[/QUOTE]


I'll tell you when I finish it sometime next year? I've got it but only played a few levels. Mario Galaxy came out and took up all my game time, now mass effect..
school work does suck. I prolly won't play much of any games this week due to a test on thursday and a paper due the next monday.
Apossum keep me posted on revenant wings. Do you think it was worth the $40? That's whats keeping me from buying.

GGT panel discussion, part one.

Can non game factors save a game with poor gameplay? I hear Kane and Lynch is quite clunky and unpolished, but the bank heist missions just look so good that I know I'd enjoy it despite the problems. Freedom Fighters was the same way, I enjoyed the scenario so much that the actual game problems were overlooked. A more extreme example would be Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, since I was a star wars fanboi back then in 8th grade..

Any other examples?
I think that somethings have certain appeal to people thus making it easier to overlook the flaws of games.
For example I love the time period Assassins Creed takes place in, and the story has helped me overlook alot of the problems with the game.

Sometimes it kinda rubs off in reviews I mean just look at the reviews for Mass Effect, the people that cream over everything that is BioWare, have a hard time seeing the major problems in that game.

O Well I guess its all about personal taste anyways.
[quote name='jer7583']

GGT panel discussion, part one.

Can non game factors save a game with poor gameplay? I hear Kane and Lynch is quite clunky and unpolished, but the bank heist missions just look so good that I know I'd enjoy it despite the problems. Freedom Fighters was the same way, I enjoyed the scenario so much that the actual game problems were overlooked. A more extreme example would be Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, since I was a star wars fanboi back then in 8th grade..

Any other examples?[/QUOTE]
Ar Tonelico. One of my favorite games this year. The graphics and gameplay are severely lacking, but I don't care. I loved the characters to death.

It depends on what you value most in a game. With me it's story and characters. So I can very easily overlook most gameplay problems, and find enjoyment. It probably explains why I still like JRPGs.
[quote name='jer7583']Apossum keep me posted on revenant wings. Do you think it was worth the $40? That's whats keeping me from buying.

GGT panel discussion, part one.

Can non game factors save a game with poor gameplay? I hear Kane and Lynch is quite clunky and unpolished, but the bank heist missions just look so good that I know I'd enjoy it despite the problems. Freedom Fighters was the same way, I enjoyed the scenario so much that the actual game problems were overlooked. A more extreme example would be Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, since I was a star wars fanboi back then in 8th grade..

Any other examples?[/quote]

I got to sit down and play through the first chapter of kane & Lynch and read some reviews on it as well. While I do agree with some of the problems reviewers had with it, I don't think the game deserved to get bashed like gamespot did. Either way, the game simply isn't worth $60, but it's far from a bad game. It controls and handles exactly like the hitman games (gunplay, hand to hand kills, movement).

My biggest complaints with the game where the at times brain dead A.I., at times unfair A.I. and that every weapon in the game (including the basic pistol) has a kick that throws the crosshair off center. Other than that, I've always enjoyed the hitmen games but they've been far from one of my favorite series.
I hope to get it from gamefly this week so i'll post impressions. The acting looks phenomenal from what i've seen. i really like kane and lynch's characters.
[quote name='SL4IN']I got to sit down and play through the first chapter of kane & Lynch and read some reviews on it as well. While I do agree with some of the problems reviewers had with it, I don't think the game deserved to get bashed like gamespot did. Either way, the game simply isn't worth $60, but it's far from a bad game. It controls and handles exactly like the hitman games (gunplay, hand to hand kills, movement).

My biggest complaints with the game where the at times brain dead A.I., at times unfair A.I. and that every weapon in the game (including the basic pistol) has a kick that throws the crosshair off center. Other than that, I've always enjoyed the hitmen games but they've been far from one of my favorite series.[/quote]

the first couple of levels of kain and lynch are fun, but the game takes a downward turn towards nasty town later in the game.
I thought the game was about robbing banks, which was really fun, but then you are fighting in the jungle...whats up with that.
[quote name='ighosty']the first couple of levels of kain and lynch are fun, but the game takes a downward turn towards nasty town later in the game.
I thought the game was about robbing banks, which was really fun, but then you are fighting in the jungle...whats up with that.

That was one of my complaints about the game as well. The first half was a blast but the unexpected turn (in the 2nd half) wasn't enjoyable at all.

The crappy cover system as well as terrible squad AI doesn't help in that part of the game either.

OT, I'm in one of my gaming ruts again. I don't feel really interested in anything new nor playing anything. I finally started Super Mario Galaxy in hopes that it will end the rut.
[quote name='The Crotch']Further explanation required. Rei, for example, cited character and story quality. I consider both story and character to be part of a game, barring spinoff TV shows/comics/whatever, as was the case with your Star Wars example.

Also, Fire Emblem just keeps getting better here in Part 3.[/QUOTE]
I think he was referring to gameplay.
[quote name='ighosty']the first couple of levels of kain and lynch are fun, but the game takes a downward turn towards nasty town later in the game.
I thought the game was about robbing banks, which was really fun, but then you are fighting in the jungle...whats up with that.
I know exactly what you're talking about. I hated that part and the cover system IMHO needs some work. My favorite cover system so far in any game is gears' cover system. the blind shooting in K&L could've used a little extra to it as well.

edit: the story and voice acting are top notch though. especially during the cutscenes. My god Lynch is one fucked up guy.
[quote name='SL4IN']I know exactly what you're talking about. I hated that part and the cover system IMHO needs some work. My favorite cover system so far in any game is gears' cover system. the blind shooting in K&L could've used a little extra to it as well.

edit: the story and voice acting are top notch though. especially during the cutscenes. My god Lynch is one fucked up guy.[/quote]

I would say that Rainbow Six's cover system is my favorite, didn't like how blind fire was useless tho.

the voice acting is well done. Makes me more interested in the movie, especially since Bruce Willis and Billy bob Thornton have been contacted for the main roles.
[quote name='ighosty']the voice acting is well done. Makes me more interested in the movie, especially since Bruce Willis and Billy bob Thornton have been contacted for the main roles.[/quote]

I have to say that billy bob thornton would have to be lynch because I just couldn't see bruce willis playing that role.
[quote name='gunm']Play COD4 on Veteran. You won't ever complain about cover again.[/quote]

I just hate games that force you to use it. I think it just makes the gameplay way to repetitive.

This could be the reason why I love DMC and Ninja Gaiden so much.
[quote name='InuFaye']I just hate games that force you to use it. I think it just makes the gameplay way to repetitive.

This could be the reason why I love DMC and Ninja Gaiden so much.[/quote]

to be defensive, those are completely different genres of games from what cover in games is usually used for.

but I do love DMC and Ninja Gaiden...even though they are fucking hard.
[quote name='SL4IN']to be defensive, those are completely different genres of games from what cover in games is usually used for.

but I do love DMC and Ninja Gaiden...even though they are fucking hard.[/QUOTE]
Well some of us like them nice and hard.

Im just saying when you throw cover into a game its a gimmick and a crutch that the entire game is built around.
[quote name='SL4IN']Personally, I never had a problem with TMK, I've had several AIM conversations with him and played numerous games on xboxlive with him as well and he's not a bad guy, the perma band came out of no where. I think he's a good guy, he's not like super pro sony as he's made out to be, sure he has a lot of sony products and stuff of that nature, but he's far from trying to shove sony down anyone's throat.
We must know different ThatManaKnights.
[quote name='doctorfaustus']Don't know what it is but I am not too hyped about Mass Effect. I'm an hour into it and so far it seems ho-hum.[/QUOTE]

right after you
become a specter
is when everything picks up and gets good. from there you actually have control over alot of things... alot.
Rolento's right on that one. The game does have an odd slow bit after the intro and before you start getting sidequests in that first area. That's pretty brief though.

And yes, Mana did shove Sony down people's throats.

Rainbow Six Vegas and Gears both use cover systems very very well and I think both of those games would be worse off without them. Any 3rd person action game would be foolish not to have it now, and even more foolish to include it and not design levels with it in mind, as in cover can move, enemies that flank so cover isn't permanent, Cover that still leaves you a blind spot/weak point.. etc.
[quote name='whoknows']Well some of us like them nice and hard.

Wait..what?[/quote]...that's... that's what she said?

Oh, come on. Someone had to say it.
[quote name='jer7583']Can non game factors save a game with poor gameplay?[/QUOTE]
I was going to say yes, but looking at my shelf I can't find a single example. Maybe Shadow of Destiny, where the desire to see all the endings had me going through the game 4 extra times, which in an adventure game without much branching, gets old fast.

I have R&C on the shelf, Uncharted unopened, a Wii in the mail from Amazon. Yet I'm tempted to go and pick up a 360 today so I can play the Mass Effect LE that's coming in the mail. Have I lost it? Also I have 3 TV's in my room right now.
[quote name='InuFaye']Im just saying when you throw cover into a game its a gimmick and a crutch that the entire game is built around.[/quote]

They throw so many 'nades in COD4 veteran, you won't be able to stay in cover for long.
So TMK is gone?

Hope he doesn't decide to kill himself or anything extreme like that. Crazy fucker, that one.

I wonder how hard it is to find Rock Band at Gamestop . . . I really want to get it, and I have a nice little cache of Credit.
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