The Great "Tron" DVD hunt - Sell now if you own.


1 (100%)
(I know this isn't a deal, but since deal requests and other topics discussing movies tend to reside in here, I figured I would post it here.)

Actually, this might actually be a deal is you own a copy of the Tron DVD.

I figured with the new flick coming out, I would take a trip back to the past and rewatch the original. Since Netflix doesn't have it and most of the physical rental stores around here have closed down, I figured I would just pick up a copy off of Amazon.

Apparently, I wasn't the only one with this idea.

Holy shit. Ebay,, everywhere, this is the price.

Apparently, this is an out of print DVD, and the blu ray doesn't make its debut until sometime next year. Personally, I'll be hoping to get lucky at some mom and pop stores in the area.

If you own a copy of this DVD, I suggest you sell it now. Before all the hype for the new movie, the DVD prices were < $20, and I expect them to be less than that when the blu ray is released next year.
Yeah, I wanted to do the same. Really poor timing on Disney's part if you ask me. They could have easily capitalized on the Tron Legacy hype but instead the movie's not even available in digital format via Zune, Itunes, etc. Really wanted to see the original but oh well.
Wow, wtf. I don't have much interest in the new one, but I was thinking about rewatching the original. I don't think I've ever seen a dvd copy of it anywhere. I bet one of my parents has the vhs, not sure I can handle that though.
Try your local library! =)
Once i heard the new Tron was coming out i just ordered it at the library to pick up and watch again.
I think the movie holds up to the test of time pretty well actually.
I'm pretty sure I read on a movie site that they were specifically *NOT* rereleasing the first movie (either theatrically or on home video) because they were afraid it would actually turn off the youth of today and cause them to pass on seeing the new one.
Damn I didn't know the DVD was going for this much I should sell mine then I have the 20th anniversary version
I got the 20th anniversary dvd that i watched once and stuck away. I'll sell for 75obo or trade it for some games or something if anyone is interested. Send me a pm.
Joker, I was just thinking the same thing... not sure I want to sell though-- cause it is better than the Legacy will be. :)
[quote name='blant217']I got the 20th anniversary dvd that i watched once and stuck away. I'll sell for 75obo or trade it for some games or something if anyone is interested. Send me a pm.[/QUOTE]

This is CAG... not ebay...`
What's retarded is I watched the DVD through Netflix a few months ago, and now I check and it's not even in their library anymore. You'd think they'd have it if anyone. Stupiddd
[quote name='ssjmichael']What's retarded is I watched the DVD through Netflix a few months ago, and now I check and it's not even in their library anymore. You'd think they'd have it if anyone. Stupiddd[/QUOTE]

Folks decided to permanently rent it.
Wow, I guess I lucked out when I picked this up earlier this year at Best Buy for $10 with $10 worth of movie money for Alice In Wonderland. :D

I didn't realize it had disappeared from areas like Netflix, Zune Marketplace and the like, though I did hear that supplies of the movie were disappearing at retail.
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Disney recalled it and put it back in the vault. they may have made Netflix pull it. We got an email from our corporate offices about a month ago saying Disney was pulling the title and that we were to send all copies of the title back to the warehouse to be sent back to disney, and there was no date scheduled for a re-release.
[quote name='ssjmichael']LOL, even the UMD version is fetching big bucks:

Absolutely ridiculous move by Disney imo.[/QUOTE]Agreed.

I can't see why Disney wouldn't want tons of copies out in the market for people to see the first movie before seeing Tron Legacy.

I mean, I know that I'm all over the BD of Tron when it's available unless the encode is a complete trainwreck, though I think this move is pure stupidity by Disney.
I have the 20th Anniversary Edition (not sure why anyone would want the original release), though I'm not sure I'd sell - especially considering they may 'tinker' with it before re-release.
[quote name='dabamus']Sell high now, buy low when the price drops.[/QUOTE]

i agree im sure they would release the bluray around the same time as when legacy comes out so sell high now & im sure the BD will be cheap plus im sure there will be a $10 off coupon
[quote name='Strell']Tinker with the original? Aww man, they are going to remove the totally hot sex scene.[/QUOTE]

I heard they were adding a third character.
I'll definitely sell my 20th Anniv. DVD for $60, very nice find OP. I just watched it with my son a few weeks ago, I can wait at least a year for the BD release to watch it again.

Gotta check the quality of my copy, but if anyone is interested pending final quality check, I'd happily sell mine on CAG for $60 shipped, otherwise I'll be listing it on I try to avoid eBay if I can.
Just found my order confirmation from picking this up for $20.94 on 1/14/2002. Who would've thunk Tron, of all movies, would be fetching $60-$80 used!? I almost feel bad for opening it..! I have the UMD around here somewhere, too, I don't think I ever watched it.

I do agree with the tinkering comment, gotta wonder what changes Disney may try to make. Don't know if they'd go all Lucas on it but you never know.
[quote name='Kerig']Gotta check the quality of my copy, but if anyone is interested pending final quality check, I'd happily sell mine on CAG for $60 shipped, otherwise I'll be listing it on I try to avoid eBay if I can.[/QUOTE]

You do realize who owns and runs right?
Lol, yeah for real...", am eBay company."

My friend has this, it's 1 of 3 DVDs he owns. I could prolly buy it for 5 and sell for $60, but I dunno if I could do that lol.
Funny. Wonder how much I could get if I auctioned my 20th Anniversary DVD and 20th Anniversary CD Soundtrack off as a lot. Not going to, of course, I plan to be buried with the soundtrack. :D
[quote name='mikeyme']Try your local library! =)
Once i heard the new Tron was coming out i just ordered it at the library to pick up and watch again.
I think the movie holds up to the test of time pretty well actually.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I rented it from my library when the Anniversary Edition was released.
[quote name='Justin42']Just found my order confirmation from picking this up for $20.94 on 1/14/2002. Who would've thunk Tron, of all movies, would be fetching $60-$80 used!? I almost feel bad for opening it..! I have the UMD around here somewhere, too, I don't think I ever watched it.

I do agree with the tinkering comment, gotta wonder what changes Disney may try to make. Don't know if they'd go all Lucas on it but you never know.[/QUOTE]

Lots of movies go OOP and shoot up in value. I have pruchased the james bond movies 3 times on dvd. Every time the newer version was coming out I put the old OOP ones up for sale. They easily sold for more than what I paid(usually 2x or 3x. one set like 8x what I paid).

I remember buying and reselling little shop of horrors(recalled version) and reanimator. The people at frys were wondering why I bought 20+ copies of reanimator.. I told them it was for a class...
[quote name='shrike4242']Wow, I guess I lucked out when I picked this up earlier this year at Best Buy for $10 with $10 worth of movie money for Alice In Wonderland. :D

I didn't realize it had disappeared from areas like Netflix, Zune Marketplace and the like, though I did hear that supplies of the movie were disappearing at retail.[/QUOTE]

thank you for this, i was trying for the past 3 days to remember the deal that i had seen on this movie recently.
Same thing happen with Star Wars Clone Wars cartoon. I remember we bought the Cartoon Network version super cheap at TRU with coupons. Less than a year later we sold them on ebay when the new movie was coming out for a really nice profit. The funny thing is I almost gave them away for $5 each when I check ebay prices and saw the set was going for $50 to $70. Now prices are back way down!

If I had tron, then I would sell now at a high price and hope to pick up later when prices are back down to super cheap.
[quote name='mrbill2084']Lots of movies go OOP and shoot up in value. I have pruchased the james bond movies 3 times on dvd. Every time the newer version was coming out I put the old OOP ones up for sale. They easily sold for more than what I paid(usually 2x or 3x. one set like 8x what I paid).

I remember buying and reselling little shop of horrors(recalled version) and reanimator. The people at frys were wondering why I bought 20+ copies of reanimator.. I told them it was for a class...[/QUOTE]

With Sound of Music recently released on bluray, my wife ended up trading her dvd copy in to Amazon for $17.50. There must be just enough of a rabid market of late-comers to merit the high prices, but not enough folks that want it to keep it in print.
Odd that the original release is fetching more money than the "collectors edition". I'm guessing they are getting more of the latter.

But, this is some epic fail on Disney's part.
[quote name='thelonepig']In a recent interview, Steven Lisberger stated that they recently spent several months remastering the first film and even made a few "tweaks." If I had to guess, I'd say they both come out on bluray at the same time.

EDIT: Found it![/QUOTE]

This makes perfect sense because unless your high as hell or saw this movie when it came out it sucks majorly. There is no way the target audience that Disney wants to get obsessed with this movie would enjoy the original Tron at all.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Yeah, I wanted to do the same. Really poor timing on Disney's part if you ask me. They could have easily capitalized on the Tron Legacy hype but instead the movie's not even available in digital format via Zune, Itunes, etc. Really wanted to see the original but oh well.[/QUOTE]
how they will capatalize is by releasing both trons on bluray at the same time. However, we may benefit if they release $10 MF coupons and target has some $10 off when you buy two thing.

Just like OP, I wanted to freshen up and saw the prices on amazon and crapped my pants!!!
From hearing that interview it sounds like the Blu-ray of the original Tron will have some significant differences/digital enhancements over the original film (aka like they did w/Star Wars). Apparently the glow was manipulated, among other things. Its possible the 20th anniv edition will be the last DVD with the "original" Tron on it and thus may continue to retain value even after the BD comes out.
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Like shrike, I too picked this up earlier in the year at Best Buy for $10 w/ a $10 Alice coupon.

Just threw my used copy up on ebay last night for $80 shipped and sold it by this morning. I figure I can just pick it up again when the BD comes out having just watched it this past summer to prepare for the sequel. Not the greatest movie anyway IMO.
damn - i bought a few of these for the $10 alice coupon when i was going with 4 friends and just sold the DVD for like $10 back then. Whoops.
[quote name='Ruined']From hearing that interview it sounds like the Blu-ray of the original Tron will have some significant differences/digital enhancements over the original film. Apparently the glow was manipulated, among other things. Its possible the 20th anniv edition will be the last DVD with the "original" Tron on it and thus may continue to retain value even after the BD comes out.[/QUOTE]Looks like it might be original Star Wars on VHS versus Star Wars on DVD scenario again. Hmmm.
[quote name='dafunkk12']I'm pretty sure I read on a movie site that they were specifically *NOT* rereleasing the first movie (either theatrically or on home video) because they were afraid it would actually turn off the youth of today and cause them to pass on seeing the new one.[/QUOTE]

I haven't seen the first one and I borrowed the DVD from a friend and I can see why. The special effects look like poop compared to Legacy.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I haven't seen the first one and I borrowed the DVD from a friend and I can see why. The special effects look like poop compared to Legacy.[/QUOTE]Uh,you do know when the movie came out, right?

1982 isn't going to have the same class of effects as 2010. Not a fair comparison.

Wiki article for it, since the Disney site has Tron Legacy all over it when you look for Tron:
I can't believe this movie is selling for this much..... I guess its the Nightmare Before Christmas all over again! I still have the 20th Anniversary Edition of Tron sealed that I bought many moons ago, I'm pretty sure I purchased it from the bargain bin at Wal-Mart too.
[quote name='Strell']Tinker with the original? Aww man, they are going to remove the totally hot sex scene.[/QUOTE]

Greedo shoots first I hear
bread's done