The Hurricycle Memorial New Japan Pro Wrestling Thread Does Its Talking In The Ring

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In regards to Smackdown
People are saying that Christian might be hurt and that's why he's losing it so fast. Might be wishful thinking.
[quote name='xilly']In both fucking companies no less.[/QUOTE]

"Daivari made his return to Ring of Honor on February 5, 2010, at the tapings of Ring of Honor Wrestling on HDNet, once again portraying an anti-American heel"

Looks like it was a trifecta actually...

Also kind of amusing from his Wiki page:

"Daivari was born in Minnesota..."

Talk about the most American of American states.
[quote name='Chase']I actually felt saddened when I read the Smackdown spoiler. That is absolutely depressing. :whistle2:([/QUOTE]

The sad part is that prior to this I was contemplating making a point of watching Smackdown because I was interested in where it would go, now, not so much.
[quote name='JJSP']Also on TNA,
"Wildcat" Chris Harris returned to join Matt Hardy. They'll wrestle Beer Money at the PPV.


And yeah.... ugh.... as much of an Ort mark I am..... yeah....... Christian deserves better.
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Some thoughts on the Smackdown spoiler, spoilered only for those who haven't figured it out yet:

Orton. This isn't about Christian losing the belt, it's about Christian losing it to ORTON. Do I think it's a shame that Christian lost the belt? Definitely, though it is worlds better than the recent 'Dolph Ziggler is officially WHC for a few minutes' debacle. The point remains, though, that if Christian had lost the belt to someone like Del Rio, this wouldn't be nearly as big of an issue.

Orton is the new SuperCena. He's even advanced the concept, and whittled the 5 Moves of Doom down to ONE fuckING MOVE. He's bland, he rarely contributes to great matches (by that, I mean that his 'good' matches are generally against people who are able to bolster and carry a match, like Punk), and there's zero creativity behind the character. Could we get a non-legend main eventer with a storyline BEYOND 'me want belt'?

Orton is the salt in the wound of this terrible fucking booking. Period.

... and, by the way, this is why WWE has a fucking problem. Edge suddenly retires, so they panic and toss belts onto their two 'money' guys, unceremoniosly ripping them away from not-yet-established main eventers who *NEED* the belts. There was no fanfare to either recent title change, which speaks volumes about how WWE views their roster. No build, they just sort of happened. Until they correct this problem, they're fucked.

Sorry, the more I thought about that spoiler, the more it pissed me off. It's just so much bigger than Christian losing, but WWE will never see past that.

Looks like the TNA name change might be going through - includes spoiler on who the network representative is

Mick Foley makes it a point to say "This isn't TNA, this is Impact Wrestling" on the 5/12 show.

Hogan also posted on twitter "No TNA. Only Impact"
[quote name='JJSP']On the topic of absolutely idiotic things to happen in wrestling (Smackdown spoiler).

Randy Orton defeated Christian to become the new whatever belt is on Smackdown.


Also on TNA,
"Wildcat" Chris Harris returned to join Matt Hardy. They'll wrestle Beer Money at the PPV.

This is bizarro world... and we just live here.

[quote name='diddy310']Looks like the TNA name change might be going through - includes spoiler on who the network representative is

Mick Foley makes it a point to say "This isn't TNA, this is Impact Wrestling" on the 5/12 show.

Hogan also posted on twitter "No TNA. Only Impact"

That's a good spoiler, though I've heard conflicting reports.

Some seem to think it's a change to the company's name altogether, while other reports suggest it's in reference to changing the name of the Thursday night program only.

Nevertheless, a smart move for Total Nonstop Action.

As for Smackdown, I'm with 007.
The point was to make new stars, new main eventers. WWE had a great opportunity to make someone a permanent fixture in the upper card with Del Rio v Christian. It took them 48 hours to undo that.

They may be booking it as "oh, christian is so tough, he lasted 15 minutes versus Orton after a ladder match" - but they've already pussed him out. Triple H came out like nothing ever happened the night after WM. He never was made to look like a pussy.

It's easy for me to say this sitting behind a keyboard in my office, but I thought about it this morning - what a greater show of disrespect in the teeming-with-corporate disrespect WWE career of Christian than to not even have an *opportunity* to prove his worth as champion? So, like I said, it's easy to say this from where I sit, but I'd have, as WWE likes to put it, "taken my ball and gone home." I'd straight up walk out of the building if they booked me like that. What are they going to do, bury me on TV? I'm Christian, they've done that already for damn near my entire tenure here.

Think about that - WWE had a match on Sunday where it was *guaranteed* that someone would walk out of the PPV a world champion for the first time in their career. If I had told you last week that by Tuesday, the champions would be John Cena and Randy Orton, you'd tell me I was outta my fuckin' mind.

From Miz and Christian to Cena and Orton. fuck this company. Maybe they should go do that Dora the Explorer shit they were discussing during their financial conf. call.
Dusty WWE title finish on RAW + Orton winning WHC = Screwed up booking in Stamford, CT

My question to you guys is:
How would you guys feel if the RAW match was actually a clean finish and Miz winning back the WWE title?
[quote name='mykevermin']That's a good spoiler, though I've heard conflicting reports.

Some seem to think it's a change to the company's name altogether, while other reports suggest it's in reference to changing the name of the Thursday night program only.

Nevertheless, a smart move for Total Nonstop Action.

As for Smackdown, I'm with 007.
The point was to make new stars, new main eventers. WWE had a great opportunity to make someone a permanent fixture in the upper card with Del Rio v Christian. It took them 48 hours to undo that.

They may be booking it as "oh, christian is so tough, he lasted 15 minutes versus Orton after a ladder match" - but they've already pussed him out. Triple H came out like nothing ever happened the night after WM. He never was made to look like a pussy.

It's easy for me to say this sitting behind a keyboard in my office, but I thought about it this morning - what a greater show of disrespect in the teeming-with-corporate disrespect WWE career of Christian than to not even have an *opportunity* to prove his worth as champion? So, like I said, it's easy to say this from where I sit, but I'd have, as WWE likes to put it, "taken my ball and gone home." I'd straight up walk out of the building if they booked me like that. What are they going to do, bury me on TV? I'm Christian, they've done that already for damn near my entire tenure here.

Think about that - WWE had a match on Sunday where it was *guaranteed* that someone would walk out of the PPV a world champion for the first time in their career. If I had told you last week that by Tuesday, the champions would be John Cena and Randy Orton, you'd tell me I was outta my fuckin' mind.

From Miz and Christian to Cena and Orton. fuck this company. Maybe they should go do that Dora the Explorer shit they were discussing during their financial conf. call.

You know, that's something I hadn't thought of before but you're right. We went from Orton and Cena both being on Raw and being the sole big faces on the show. Now, with no rhyme or reason we're left with both carrying the belts on opposite shows. Its really like someone (I think it was you) mentioned the other day; the belt doesn't mean anything to Cena, it seems like its just an ornament for him not something he sought after. Now we've got that on BOTH shows with both Cena and Orton.

Orton didn't do anything to get it they just handed it to him like here ya go we'll do this now. I had previously only thought of the slap in the face to Christian but the slap in the face to Del Rio is almost as significant.

This is precisely the type of thing that caused the belts to lose their significance in the first place. It seemed like with the lengthy reigns of both Edge and Miz that they were moving toward addressing their disregard for the titles. What we've learned this week is that the titles not meaning shit is back in full effect.
[quote name='Purple Flames']If there was ever a time that ROH needed to get a new TV deal, the time is now.[/QUOTE]

We can't see them but their time is now!

C'mon, everyone sing along!
[quote name='mykevermin']

There are times when I swear he's the combination of Harrison Ford and Steve Martin's sperm
Strange to see that two people I saw as having absolutely ZERO redeeming value (Bubba Dudley and R-Truth) somehow turn into solid, entertaining heels. Hope it lasts, especially in the case of Truth.

Pretty shocked TNA has their shit together enough to know they need a name change. I just didn't think they'd go through with it since they've spent so much money trying to establish the TNA name. Good for them if it's happening though. Tits N Ass Wrestling was never going to be a strong wrestling company no matter how good the programming was. Now, uh, about the programming itself...
[quote name='neocisco']We can't see them but their time is now!

C'mon, everyone sing along![/QUOTE]
They're not a franchise, but they're shinin' now!
[quote name='nasum']There are times when I swear he's the combination of Harrison Ford and Steve Martin's sperm[/QUOTE]

I would have said Dennis Quaid and Steve Martin
I accidentally read the TNA mistress spoiler thinking it was a Smackdown spoiler, and wow, that is retarded. Just when I thought nothing could take away from how bad that was, I read the Smackdown spoiler.

Taking the belt from one of the few remaining guys I like after two fucking days? Come on. Then I read that the Great Khali got a 61 day run. SERIOUSLY?
That smackdown spoiler reminds me of when WCW finally put the US belt on Raven by beating DDP at the PPV when he was super over as a heel. Then the very next night on Nitro, had him job out to Goldberg. I read that WWE fans are blowing up RKO, Joey Styles and WWEs twitter accounts bitching. I think WWE is still down on Christian because of his TNA run.
Here's a youtube video of fan footage from the end of Smackdown. If you don't want to be spoiled, obviously don't look under the tag:

The finish is actually kind of awesome.
[quote name='dkreegz515']i personally dont think christian is main event material.[/QUOTE]

True to a degree - he was exposed as that in TNA. He isn't someone you can push as THE guy in a company, but he's worth having in the main event mix because he's decent enough on the mic, is usually far more over than his push would indicate, and is one of the best workers in the company.
He certainly deserves more than a two-day reign. I expected him to lose it at the PPV, but to a heel, not Orton. Now Christian's reign is killed before it ever really got a chance to do anything, and Orton's means little because there was no chase for it at all.
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Is there anybody here who hasn't read the spoilers that doesn't want to know what they are? If not, we can remove the ambiguity from these posts now instead of waiting until Friday.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Here's a youtube video of fan footage from the end of Smackdown. If you don't want to be spoiled, obviously don't look under the tag:

The finish is actually kind of awesome.[/QUOTE]

So RKO out of nowhere to win the title? Looks like we get Super Cena 2 for Smackdown now...
- According to Dave Meltzer, the original plan for Extreme Rules was for Alberto Del Rio to win the World Title and then lose it to Randy Orton on Smackdown two days later. The change was made to Christian either the day before or the morning of the show.

Sure it was! I love how Dave Meltzer just reports things that have already happened. The original plan was for Edge to not relinquish the title due to a horrible spinal injury, but plans changed the day of or after or before Wrestlemania. I'm gonna go write a fucking newsletter.
[quote name='Survivalism']
- According to Dave Meltzer, the original plan for Extreme Rules was for Alberto Del Rio to win the World Title and then lose it to Randy Orton on Smackdown two days later. The change was made to Christian either the day before or the morning of the show.

Sure it was! I love how Dave Meltzer just reports things that have already happened. The original plan was for Edge to not relinquish the title due to a horrible spinal injury, but plans changed the day of or after or before Wrestlemania. I'm gonna go write a fucking newsletter.[/QUOTE]

I seriously believe Jay might cut you if you talk shit about Meltzer or his newsletter.
Had to delete your post, RvB, it was fucking up the thread. Quoting youtube links with media tags does that.

Just a heads up for everybody, you can just post a Youtube link and CAG automatically converts it to be embedded.
[quote name='Trakan']Had to delete your post, RvB, it was fucking up the thread. Quoting youtube links with media tags does that.

Just a heads up for everybody, you can just post a Youtube link and CAG automatically converts it to be embedded.[/QUOTE]

Ah, I see, didn't know that.

I don't remember exactly what I said but it was something along the lines of
With the way Orton randomly hits the RKO to win the title out of nowhere it seems as if we've got Super Cena 2 for Smackdown
[quote name='davo1224']The most disappointing part of that video was that Orton had fans cheering for him. Vince knows what his rubes like.[/QUOTE]

I was disappointed with that too.
Someone on another forum made a great post about this situation, among other things wrong, with the 'E. Under a spoiler due to length and...well, spoilers.

If nothing else, these events should hammer home one dead certainty.

What attracted so many people to the WWE during its heyday was that you could get personally invested in a character/wrestler, tune in every week to watch them feud and grow and maybe someday realize their dream of winning a title. During the Attitude era, Mick Foley embodied that ideal for so many people watching at home.

That personal investment was the key to building a loyal audience.

With Christian, the WWE just took the guy who was perhaps the perennial "glass ceiling" fraternizer, rewarded him & his fans with an elusive world championship after 12 1/2 years in the business and then took it away from him after 48 hours.

Just for shits and giggles.

Bear in mind this was through no fault of Christian's own. He's done everything the company has asked him to do. He's worked entertaining matches when given the opportunity. The Extreme Rules Ladder match was the best PPV match of this year (no matter how many Triple H/Taker vids you've seen to argue otherwise).

He didn't botch a move against Orton.
He didn't make an inappropriate comment on Twitter.
He didn't strangle Justin Roberts with his own tie.

He didn't get caught with weed & Vicodin while driving between shows with Sabu... although he might as well have 'cause he carried the title for 48 hours just like RVD did after that incident.

Doesn't matter. He's not THE guy. Randy Boreton is THE guy.

Why should anyone get personally invested in the WWE product, their shows, their wrestlers, their feuds, their brand, their ANYTHING... when Vince & Creative are perfectly likely to shit all over whomever you like, take their belts away after 48 hours (Christian), job them for an entire year (Punk), make them dye their hair (Ziggler), kill their heat with brainless diva segments (Danielson), banish them to Superstars (Ryder), drive them to quit their childhood dream (Low-Ki/Kaval) or future endeavor them (Benjamin)?

Why would anyone bother?
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Someone on another forum made a great post about this situation, among other things wrong, with the 'E. Under a spoiler due to length and...well, spoilers.
Why should anyone get personally invested in the WWE product, their shows, their wrestlers, their feuds, their brand, their ANYTHING... when Vince & Creative are perfectly likely to shit all over whomever you like, take their belts away after 48 hours (Christian), job them for an entire year (Punk), make them dye their hair (Ziggler), kill their heat with brainless diva segments (Danielson), banish them to Superstars (Ryder), drive them to quit their childhood dream (Low-Ki/Kaval) or future endeavor them (Benjamin)?
That's really the heart of the issue and I couldn't agree with it more. Furthermore, I'm more than a little concerned that soon Miz could be going this direction as well now that he doesn't have the belt (and already lost his rematch clause match, well not so much as lost as he had the decision reversed). I really, really hope they don't just end up putting Cena into a new feud and leave Miz by the wayside.

Previously I wouldn't have thought they would so abruptly ended a storyline but with them stripping the title off of Christian 2 days after putting it on him anything's possible at this point and sadly it would actually surprise me more if Monday's Raw match led to the next pay per view than if they put Cena in a new feud and forgot Miz exists.
That really is the heart of the issue. I'll talk about how their product is a piece of hot garbage to the end of time because I'd like for them to improve (and naively hope it will eventually happen). Same as I do with TNA.

But I'm going to work on changing my Monday night habit. The SD spoiler is appalling, and the cherry on top was not only the shunning of Obama during the rah-rah USA crap on Monday night, but they also edited Obama's name out of the video of Cena announcing bin laden's death after Extreme Rules. Shameless propagandists who seek to control the message. It's harmless when it's wrestling related (e.g., Dean Malenko and Chavo Guerrero still kicking the corpse of WCW while praising WWE). But they should elect to not do politics at all instead of what they pulled on Monday.
Hopefully this situation is the straw that will finally break the backs of the rest of you.

Unshackle yourselves from the chains that are the WWE!

Free at last! Free at last!

Too much?
[quote name='neocisco']Hopefully this situation is the straw that will finally break the backs of the rest of you.

Unshackle yourselves from the chains that are the WWE![/QUOTE]

TNA is not an option -- so where does the revolution take us? Um, we use sites of ill-repute? (I won't name them; the last time I did someone deleted my post)

[e] Oooo, missed pun opportunity. Let me try again.

Since TNA's not an option, the Revolution will not be televised.

(Too much?)
[quote name='Ansé Solis']Why do any of you even continue to bother tuning in? I've gone out of my way to stop watching the WWE because of how tepid and infuriating their product has become. Why don't you?[/QUOTE]


Something is up with the WWE since the RAW before Wrestlemania. I'm finding myself enjoying the show more than often and they're actually building up characters: Alberto Del Rio, Cody Rhodes, R-Truth, Kharma, Sin Cara.

The change in writers is really showing.

Whoa, bro. You've really changed in a week and a half.
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