The 'Jimmy King' Wrestling Thread

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The real question is if both shoulders are down, why do you even do a count for a pinfall? That's some shoddy booking right there.
So,going by the logic of that finish - when both guys are down the ref should just count to 3 and call it a draw, and never to 10 like he has forever.
[quote name='rvdrock']anyone have a working feed or is that frowned upon, mine isnt working :([/QUOTE]

i found a chat feed on the last PPV but dont see it listed on the webpage for this one unless im overlooking it

doh fond it live chat
Both had their arm over the other. They didn't really make that clear enough, because I initially questioned the counting, too.

Kane needs to stop being champion now. Christ, that was boring.
[quote name='Purple Flames']How the hell the does the RAW GM have any authority during a PPV?[/QUOTE]
Raw roster involved, Raw GM has authority. When is this anonymous crap going to end anyway? I figure it'll end up being Triple H but getting rid of that anonymous crap would be worth it. I guess. Triple H is more bearable than listening to Cole.

I'm still a little disappointed through this entire Nexus thing that they didn't break down Cena more. They could've utilized this angle so much better. Allowing Cena to keep his music and his look when coming to the ring, albeit small items, shows just how much they didn't really capture this opportunity.
[quote name='Spyder187']I remember when a TITLE match was about the TITLE. Not about the person playing th part of the referee.....[/QUOTE]
Yeah, the video piece before hand focused on the referee. He is a part of it, and his orders tie into it but the match and primary focus should be on the opponents.
OK, so what if Orton wins and Cena is fired.

...and shows up on Raw somehow getting hired back?

...Do we revolt????
I don't need rapid-fire title changes or anything, but that was a complete waste of a PPV. One title change, and it was the Divas? I could be okay with that, if any storylines were really advanced by having this PPV... but they weren't. This isn't even an 'OMG CENA DIDN'T TURN!' rant, since I never really expected him to. This was just a 'blah' PPV all-around.

I mean, with the sole exception of Cena leaving for a little bit, this PPV might as well have not even happened.

[quote name='GhostShark']Why did he go hug Cole? Hahaha[/QUOTE]

Cena probably hates NXT too. Or loves The Miz.

Agreed with above though...this may as well not have happened. For being one of the "big 4" it sure didn't seem like it. Draw in one world title match, and probably the most underwhelming ending possible BESIDES a draw in the other.
It sucks since the in-ring stuff was damn good up until Kane/Edge (Nattie/Laycool wasn't the best match but at least she showed some emotion over winning the belt and Beth returned)
I never thought I'd type this....but I'm not even interested in Raw AT ALL tomorrow.

Whatever the football game is tomorrow....I shall watch that!

I'm offended at this! WHA????

We had a chance at a heel Cena
We had a chance at Barrett getting the title (he's ready for it!)
We had a chance at a screwjob of some sorts
We had a chance at "a moment"
We had a chance at the Mystery GM being revealed
We had a chance at maybe a superstar interfering (HHH)

.....It's like once again WWE chose the bullshit way out JUST to go against the internet!!!!

I'm tired of this shit. Its been happening for the past few years. The IWC has thirst for a storyline to happen and doesn't. Instead, the dumb plan is revealed. In this case, Cena counts to three, his face image is in tact, nobody interferes, Nexus looks WEAK as fuck getting their ass quickly whooped by a champ who should be tired and Super Cena....

...and we fade away to Cena saluting folks and hugging Cole.


And they expect people to pay for this shit????

I pride the WWE for being better than TNA because at the end of the's just more professional looking. This was some bullshit. At least TNA would have done something stupid. WWE just sat on their hands. Lame as fuck!

Nah, I'm tired of wrestling now. I already know the next title match....Orton vs Wade in a steel cage. Yep. I wouldn't be shocked if the next ppv is the elimination chamber one...
The next time someone wants to complain about TNA, be sure it's tempered with memories of this PPV.

[quote name='Purple Flames']I missed The Walking Dead for this shit?[/QUOTE]

Huh!? You skipped The Walking Dead for WWE? Well, I hope you've learned your lesson. :)
I'd like to request this thread be changed to reflect last night's shitty ppv....
Eagles/Giants has more corrupt officiating than WWE tonight, it seems.

Reading the results, seems like Survivor Series deserves a big ol' The Price is Right™ fail music. Were any of the actual *matches* worth watching? I had hopes for the US Title and IC Title matches.
[quote name='Purple Flames']I missed The Walking Dead for this shit?[/QUOTE]

Shame on you! Series creator Robert Kirkman even wrote this weeks episode.
[quote name='mykevermin']
Reading the results, seems like Survivor Series deserves a big ol' The Price is Right™ fail music. Were any of the actual *matches* worth watching? I had hopes for the US Title and IC Title matches.[/QUOTE]

Um...Ted Dibiase actually had a match kind of worth watching. I guess. That's about the best I can do.
Bryan definitely carried that match, especially with the way he continually sold his injury (which may or may not have been legitimet)
Weird. I enjoyed most of the matches on the show, but the main event's climax was pretty anticlimactic. I was totally expecting a Cena heel turn, but I guess that might've been too obvious with how much they built up Woi's control over Cena.

I don't know where they'll go with this, but I'm certainly interested in Nexus' ultimate fate and how the show will deal without Cena in the short run at least.

Also, the opening 2 matches as well as the 5 on 5 match seemed like the best matches of the night. so much energy between the competitors in those matches, i couldn't keep my eyes off the screen.
Please dont say Cruel words to #WWE 1st of all if it wasnt for them their wouldnt be JOHN CENA RIGHT? 2nd Thats DisRespectful. And By lashing out on #WWE clearly your not Standing up for them. Its not their fault. Come on now be real.
WWE booking John Cena to be fired *ISN'T* their fault? This bitch had it coming if she truly believes that crap she said.

#WWERaw please do not fire @JohnCena , the people need him. He's the face for #wwe, please don't let him go I'm asking in tears!!
"Have an issue? Here's a tissue." - Nigel Powers

#WWE #SSeries Damn fans are lucky they get to touch @JohnCena! No homo.
If the first phrase in your head after reading that started with "yes", you aren't the only one.

lesbians beth and fattie neidhard, get the strap on's out ladies and celebrate, it won't last long! Laycool will be back! #wwe
I did however read the results from SS and it sounds like an alright PPV. Keep wonder why they're crapping on Kaval all the time, I guess it could be used to build a storyline. Read the results of the main event and just kinda mentally shrugged. It did nothing to move the story along. Cena is just gone, accomplishing nothing, and not remotely going out with a bang. That being said I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see him show up on RAW tomorrow and one of two things happens.

1. We get the heel turn after a "heartfelt" farewell speech where he brings Orton out then attacks him.

2. Barrett or the GM gives Cena a chance to redeem himself/save his job in some sort of match against Orton, Barrett, or maybe Otunga.

However a report on LOP states that the Triple H return is now imminent... So, rejoice for Super Cena being gone just in time for another bland no-selling face to take his place.
BUT...HHH has a sledgehammer!!!!

And plus....who doesn't miss the epic 20 min monologues?!?! Let's not kid ourselves!
[quote name='strongpimphand']BUT...HHH has a sledgehammer!!!!

And plus....who doesn't miss the epic 20 min monologues?!?! Let's not kid ourselves![/QUOTE]

Trips can be good depending on if he is motivated at the time. The Jeff Hardy feud is the obvious one to mention in recent years.

If Trips comes back and isn't all Destructor on Nexus, hell let him come back. However, I see it being more of a situation with him coming back and doing in 3 weeks what Cena didn't accomplish in what.... 4 or 5 months.
Let's not pretend like Cena won't be on tv tomorrow in some shape or form. Either:
1) having a farewell speech/ceremony
2) Barrett insisting he come to Raw to be publicly, formally fired

And therein can lie the swerve, or whatever. Can't say I'm altogether interested. Probably gonna play some vidya games.
[quote name='BlueSwim']"Have an issue? Here's a tissue." - Nigel Powers[/QUOTE]

Reminds me of..

There was a PPV tonight? Oh well. Cena's fired? Yay, that'll last a week or so.

It certainly opens up the shove-down-your-throat spot for Triple H, though. Makes his return that much more significant, or something.
[quote name='Purple Flames']I missed The Walking Dead for this shit?[/QUOTE]
It was a good episode too :whistle2:(.

I almost thought about seeing Survivor Series for how great Piper was selling the show and what it could be with Barret's first title but they really seem to love killing whatever momentum Nexus has going for it.Overall sounds like a crap show and I find it hard to believe how anyone could actually believe Cena is fired minus 12 year olds and the mentally unstable so seems I made a good choice :lol:.
[quote name='Magiblaze']It was a good episode too :whistle2:(.[/QUOTE]

I caught it during an encore showing, and yes, yes it was good :D

I'm still really disappointed by that main event. It was almost as bad the match Triple H and Orton had at last year's(?) WM and how it completely shit the bed and didn't match ANY of the awesome buildup towards it.
Decided to order the PPV at about 7:50, on a whim. The show overall gets a 7 out of 10. Started off pretty strong thru about the first 4 matches...then divas/Kane just had to come out and bland-up the whole thing. And the ending...was, well the ending. Not too invested in whether Cena lives or dies, personally.

And was the crowd asleep or something? No noise thru the first 3 matches, they wake up for MVP (and any faces they knew) and get noisy for the main event (kinda). It was not that dull, in my opinion. Seems like the crowd just ain't buying anyone but the same ol' "Main Eventers", which I thought we would be past by now. Bryan, Morrison (even after he won), Kaval hell even Edge all got no love from the crowd.

Kinda reminds me of watching old Cruiserweight matches on Nitro/PPV and hearing crickets from the crowd while the announcers ramble on about Luger's heel turn or Sting's 15th return for the millionth time. Kinda depressing...
As soon as they had the crowd shots and the video package, it was fairly obvious that Cena was getting out of it without turning heel. Really, though, can you blame them? Look at those Twitter reactions... *those* are the people funding the company, not us. I've seen a Cena turn compared to the most famous turn of all, when Hogan joined the nWo, and while it vaguely fits, people forget that Hogan's popularity was waning a bit by that point. Now, an argument could be made that the smaller audience is a result of people not caring about Cena, but the ones that are left either 1) love him, or 2) are people like us who aren't going to stop watching no matter how many times we say we're done.

They also don't have anyone to slot into his spot. Orton is over, but has been made to look very weak. Even that match last night, he was (and I'm shocked and glad for it) basically dominated by Barrett. Sure, Orton will RKO every single person by the end of at least 2 out of 4 Raws, but his PPV matches are usually built with him squeezing out a victory. HHH, though popular, has a very finite amount of time left, and really shouldn't be the top face.

So... yeah. Who else is there? We have heel after heel after heel after heel, but the Cena domination has completely destroyed any upward movement of face characters. The closest thing we have right now is, sadly, Morrison.

All that aside, the ending last night was disappointing because it was the safe choice. They didn't even try to be controversial like the Kane/Edge ending, they just went with the good ol' Cena is an honorable American hero who'll sacrifice anything to do what's right.... well, even though he cost Barrett the match, but that's okay.

Someone made a TNA comparison, and it brought up a thought... I want an 'in-between' company. WWE constantly does the safe thing week in and week out, and TNA does risky things every 15 minutes just because it's gotta be entertaining if no one expects it. If that was a TNA match last night, Cena would've turned, then immediatly turned back, Orton would turn heel, Barrett would turn face, Miz would've cashed in and become the new champion, and HHH would've come in and cashed in the MitB briefcase that was hanging on a pole in the back.

If we could meet in the middle, that'd be great. As it stands, and it's a particular shame after last week, because it's been years since I've been so utterly disinterested in watching Raw tonight. 'Fired' or not, we're back to status quo, and that's the worst place they could've ended up at after last night.
[quote name='guyver2077']Won some free tix to Survivor Series last night so ended up going to the show..

It was OK i guess.. nothing special[/QUOTE]


guyver just got as close to 'meh' as I've ever seen over pro wrestling.

This is significant, folks! I've always been kinda jealous of your ability to constantly enjoy the product, guyver (even if I often think 'wait, you *like* this?' at the same time). We both watch the programs, but you get more out of it than I typically do. For you to be indifferent to a WWE PPV is a significant change of course, indeed.
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