The 'Jimmy King' Wrestling Thread

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I missed him cashing in and winning? WTF?!

Oh well, at least he wasn't the first guy to lose his MITB shot. His first run will be super short though I can guarantee that.
I marked. Hard.

First for Miz cashing in.. then the win!!!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[quote name='JP']I missed him cashing in and winning? WTF?![/QUOTE]

and it was awesome... Pun totally intended.

I hurried up a busted date so I could finish watching wrestling at home

Fuuuuuuuuckin right!
Did I mishear, or did Alex Riley conjure up a bit of Scott Steiner on the ramp, with the camera audio catching him telling Miz about something something "your whole fucking life"?
Here you go. Capped it from my TV!

Myke - he said Freakin. I watched the ending a second time since it was so awesome.
[quote name='mykevermin']Did I mishear, or did Alex Riley conjure up a bit of Scott Steiner on the ramp, with the camera audio catching him telling Miz about something something "your whole fucking life"?[/QUOTE]

That's what I thought I heard, too.

I always liked the Miz because I remember watching him on the Real World drunkenly fantasizing about being WWE champion and then making racist remarks to Coral and it's been really cool watching him make it.

Having said that, though, maybe now that John Cena is fired we can not make the Miz lug around Cena's title?
MIZ WINS! MIZ WINS! MIZ WINS! Punk ruled on commentary, Ted Jr. lost, Danielson looked like a pimp, Melina looked like a whore, Morrison qualified for the KOTR, and THE MIZ IS WWE CHAMPION. Holy shit. fucking awesome show. God, what a great night.

Cena's promo was awesome, they had some great fan reaction shots - including a glorious one that teased an epic sad kid face but then he had a massive smile. Barrett "you can't see me"'d Cena behind his back, got his ass kicked by Cena with an awesome run-in, leading to the retention of the title at first, then the loss to Miz which made Riley's deal earlier in the show make perfect sense. Very well-crafted and logical show that felt significant. Miz went from reality TV to champion of WWE. Incredible.

Screens -

Miz so rules.

Cena-related stuff was funny too.

More screens -

I think Russo booked this kid. Sadface...


Quotes -
Cole - 24 hours removed from one of the most SOUL-CRUSHING PPVs of all-time - Survivor Series.
Barrett - Last night, John Cena looked me in the eye…(fans boo loudly) CAN WE HAVE SOME DECORUM HERE, PLEASE!? (fans boo louder) LAST NIGHT… (fans boo, Barrett shakes head in disgust) HARD LUCK! I FIRED HIM! I’LL TRY AGAIN - SHALL I!? Last night, John Cena looked me in the eye and told me he knew exactly what he’s doing. It means 2 things - 1, that he was willing to sacrifice his entire career to do what he felt was the right thing. And number 2, it meant that I went into last night’s match without a fighting chance because Cena already decided that I wasn’t gonna win. In fact, he was biased from the very beginning - AND THAT IS NOT FAIR! In the entire history of the WWE, an official has never once been allowed to place his hands on a competitor - yet it’s what Cena did. He distracted me, then pushed me into a waiting RKO. I don’t think an injustice is something we should be cheering! IT WAS UNJUST, UNFAIR, AND UNPROFESSIONAL. That’s why I’m here now - IN THE NAME OF JUSTICE, I’d like a chance to take on Orton. This time, with a neutral referee so I can prove to the world that I can indeed beat Randy Orton and become the new WWE Champion. (GM dings)
Cole - AND I QUOTE! There’s no question that there’s some validity to this, and there’s no doubt that Randy Orton would like to prove his superiority. Therefore, the WWE Title will be defended when Randy Orton faces Wade Barrett for the WWE Title. AND IT WILL HAPPEN TONIGHT.
Barrett - Well, GM, thank you for some a gracious decision - I am deeply appreciative. But in anticipation of such an announcement, I’ve decided to allow Cena to appear here tonight. DON’T GET ME WRONG - I enjoyed firing him last night, but as a fellow competitor, and a gentleman, I felt I owed it to him to allow him to say his final words to the WWE Universe. And believe me, I’m gonna enjoy listening to them almost as much I’m gonna enjoy becoming the new WWE Champion. Thank you very much.
King - Six hall of famers have been King of the Ring.
King - Glad he hasn’t let success go to his clothes. LOOK AT THOSE PANTS!
Punk - Hello, I’m here on the Raw broadcast team for the foreseeable future.
Cole - I love this song. At least he’s not singing that crunk junk.
Punk - I’m not impressed with the dancing skills of Eve Torres. Looks like she’s having an epileptic fit. I’m not a fan of R-Truth. Instead of dancing, he should focus on his wrestling skills.
Punk - I’M AWESOME at this.
Punk - King, who did you win the crown from? Hachenscmhidt or Farmer Burns? It was ‘38, right?
King - I was born a king.
Punk - Truth’s a rolling locomotive.
Cole - He’s the little engine that could.
Punk - Truth needs to keep the locomotive-like momentum rolling!
Punk - Do you know what irony is?
McCool - Look, Mr. Security Man, we’re Lay-Cool. But you already knew that.
Layla - What’s your name?
McCool - Mr. Nobody.
Santino - We almost won! I COULD TASTE IT!
Kozlov - Do not worry, comrade. We will win again. TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY.
Santino - WHAT IF TOMORROW NEVER COMES!? I AM SO DEPRESSED! (Tamina plays a ukelele for him)
Cole - Have you seen how good we look in the video game?
King - Yeah.
Cole - Yeah, I sound great. Why are you rolling your eyes? You’ve been an announcer for two segments!
Punk - I’ve done this before.
(after Riley comes out)Punk - Who is this?
Riley - I have news!
Punk - I bet he has some news…
Punk - I’m fine.
Punk - He wants to face Zeke? Is he under the influence?
Punk - KING ALEX RILEY. Doesn’t roll of the tongue. King Zeke sounds good though.
Punk - What do you call him?
Cole - A-Ri!
Punk - What? Like bread? He looks kinda stale to me.
Punk - I could outsmart him - or overpower him!
King - Punk, I understand this is one of your favorite groups.
Punk - Well, no, but I would like to thank Hail the Villain for the Survivor Series theme.
Cena - If ya gotta go out, THAT’S THE WAY I GOTTA GO OUT. If I’m leaving, I’M LEAVING JUST LIKE THIS. (Cena chant breaks out) Just in case you’ve been locked in sports entertainment solitary confinement - Orton’s still champion. That means I’m fired! Uh…a decision that was probable, but I didn’t think it would happen. Forget about it - before I got this job, I was sleeping in my car and cleaning toilets. I didn’t’ think any of this would happen. Over the years, you guys have kinda gotten to know me… Um…here’s the deal though… You only see what you see on TV…there’s a lot about me and everyone else you don’t know. I got a few seconds to tell you this one thing… You have no idea how much I respect this company. Not just the company today, but guys like Austin, HHH, HBK, the Undertaker… Ya see, when I got a chance… titles were one thing, but my goal was to look those guys In the eye and for them to say “Kid, you’re alright”. I’m out here tonight with a smile on my face. You guys might think I got a bad deal - but it’s wonderful. I got to dance in the ring with hall of famers. Travel the world, meet millions of people, and live out a fantasy. So I’m not gonna let what Nexus has done to me for two months ruin the last nine years of my life. One thing you may not know is that life moves fast here in WWE. When I first started, WWE was a big part of my life - then it became my life. It was by my choice - I wanted to give everything I had to each and everyone of you. That takes sacrifice. My family has been so patient with me. They let me step back and be me. They’re okay with it. My brother Matt just had a baby girl, and I missed it. My mom’s birthday’s In a couple days… I’m going to West Newbury to see chubby and my Mom is gonna get the best birthday present in ten years - cuz I’m gonna be there, hug her, and tell her I love her. All the money in the world can’t buy ya that. I look like an idiot up here. Forget it. If I look like an idiot, I’m gonna be an idiot. One thing I loved about you guys is you’re always honest. If I’m walking out here one more time, I just wanna hear half of the arena say let’s go Cena, and other half say… we’re gonna do it right. I want every woman and child to say let’s go Cena, and I want every guy over the age of 18 to say Cena sucks! Ladies and kids, LET’S GO CENA! Hold on - let’s go Cena, and Cena sucks from the dudes. Who can be louder? LET’S GO CENA! CENA SUCKS!
Cena - Remember everyone, It’s your passion that keeps us coming back. I wanna say something to Wade Barrett. I think the kid has some talent and I’m trying to help him out before I leave. Wade, do yourself a favor, take advice from a grizzled, ex-employee who wears purple and may have peed in your coffee once or twice. STOP TAKING SHORTCUTS. Stop trying to take the easy way out, cuz these fans will give you everything if you give them everything in return. Success Is due to consistent performance - give them everything, and they’ll give everything back to you. They’ll probably fire me, but I’m already fired - KARMA’S A BITCH and it’ll come back to haunt ya. Billy Kidman’s ready t strangle himself cuz I’m way over my time, so I’ll save the thank you list to one - THE WWE UNIVERSE. Thank you for letting me share my life, thank you for standing up for the WWE, watching every Monday, Tuesday, WHENEVER THE HELL WE’RE ON. Thank you for allowing idiots like me to live this wonderful dream. It’s all because of you. Let’s go home…
Punk - John Cena has left the building.
Cole - Took you a long time to think of that, didn’t it?
Punk - Well, I had to watch that awful speech.
Punk - What’s the matter Cole? Not a fan of Wagner?
Cole - No, Daniel Bryan.
Punk - IT’S A FAN!
Cole - It’s Brie Bella.
Punk - Oh. She’s a 4 at best.
Punk - You’re gonna talk about Maurice’s shoes next.
King - I know you’re not an idiot, but what!?
Punk - SHE’S A 4 - we’re in HD.
Punk - Daniel wins again. WHAT A NERD, HUH!?
Cole - We’ve got two broadcast journalists here - you and me, Punk.
Punk - You know what’s amazing about that smart, sexy, and powerful catchphrase? None of the divas have all three.
Cole - That’s J.R. and he’s not here. Thank God.
Punk - I’ll try to fill his shoes.
Cole - Big belly to fill though.
Punk - SHE’S DOING SQUATS. Looks like her father Jim the Anvil!
Punk - THE SHARPSHOOTER. Made famous by Bret Hart. You know something about him, doncha King?
Cole - We’re back in Orlando!
Cole - The parkour king, John Morrison!
Punk - What’s going on with the divas? Is there something in the air tonight?
Cole - Melina’s a beautiful woman.
Punk - No, no, no!
Punk - I beat John Morrison for the ECW Title. Tell Tyson Kidd how I beat Morrison.
Cole - He’s able to mold his body.
Punk - Wait, what!? He kicked him. He didn’t MOLD HIS BODY.
Cole - It’s about using the movement of the body.
Cole - I’m a journalist!
King - Don’t quote Striker.
Punk - It’s just what he calls it…
Cole - I just got a message on my Blackberry - NEXUS HAS BEEN BANNED FROM RINGSIDE.
Punk - Does that really matter? The damage has been done.
Cole - Orton has been DINGED UP a bit here!
Punk - One of Randy’s best attributes is his agility - which Nexus has taken away.
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That kid reminds of Michael Myers from Rob Zombie's Halloween


Here's my latest match from Friday night 11/19/10.

I (Cabana Man Dan) take on Chrisjen Hayme at ProSouth Wrestling in Piedmont, Alabama. Click the link below for fun indy wrestling action!

In other news, I woke up Sunday at 2 am with horrendous pain in my shoulder/neck. Also, my hand is half numb and I have a pinched nerve in my neck. I seem to be getting better after a day of icing and chiropractic work. Sadly, a 9 year old who learned the vulcan nerve pinch could be the culprit and not 8 years of wrestling.
Wow. That was the greatest thing ever. I was so worried that they'd have him lose, and marked out big time when he hit the SCF and won.
[quote name='Survivalism']I think that girl came out of a well on my TV once when I watched a weird video tape.[/QUOTE]

And you lived to tell about it!
[quote name='Scorch']I marked. Hard.

First for Miz cashing in.. then the win!!!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[/QUOTE]Me, too for both the cashing-in and the win. I haven't shouted "YYYYYYYEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!" 30 times in a row at the top of my lungs at my TV while watching the WWE since Rob Van Dam and Tommy Dreamer debuted in the WWF back in 2001. BEST. NIGHT. EVER.

[quote name='lmz00']Wow. That was the greatest thing ever. I was so worried that they'd have him lose, and marked out big time when he hit the SCF and won.[/QUOTE]

Same thing for me, a really sweet counter for the RKO. I was terrified they would have Randy defy the odds and defeat two people in one night.
[quote name='Survivalism']I made a copy.


at least you didnt have to enter the video

Had a great time at Universal Studios today. The Back To The Future ride was killer! 1.21 jigowatts like a maafakkaaaa!!!

:lol: (the ride closed in 2007 - Jericho tweeted that he was in Orlando earlier today)
[quote name='diddy310']IAmJericho
Had a great time at Universal Studios today. The Back To The Future ride was killer! 1.21 jigowatts like a maafakkaaaa!!!

:lol: (the ride closed in 2007 - Jericho tweeted that he was in Orlando earlier today)[/QUOTE]

oh god, please tell me he isn't stupid enough to join TNA
My net if finally back on after craping out all day.

Anyways, I marked hard when Miz cashed in his briefcase, and marked harder when he won. It was nice to see Miz actually had to put up somewhat of a fight with Orton, so it give him a sense of having earned that win.

I'm excited to see how this all plays out. I really hope he doesn't wind up with a Swagger run.

EDIT: Also, here it is in .gif form:
Wow, that gif is 100 times creepier than just the screenshot. Surveying all the people she is going to murder. Although, perfect when someone says something truly stupid and ignorant, bam post that.
That little girl was great. It would be nice to be able to get that kind of reaction out of wrestling again.
Went to update WWE Universe mode on SvR2011.. Had The Miz win the Rumble so it was Shawn vs. Miz at Wrestlemania.. Miz's music hits and he's nowhere to be found. He jumps Shawn from behind and when the match starts, I have a finisher. Shawn goes for a clothesline, I duck, hit the SCF on him and win the belt. Awesome.
[quote name='Purple Flames']My net if finally back on after craping out all day.

Anyways, I marked hard when Miz cashed in his briefcase, and marked harder when he won. It was nice to see Miz actually had to put up somewhat of a fight with Orton, so it give him a sense of having earned that win.

I'm excited to see how this all plays out. I really hope he doesn't wind up with a Swagger run.

EDIT: Also, here it is in .gif form:

better than that black kid looking all scared after they pan out from a shot of khali...
I honestly wanted Wade Barrett to win the title. But to be fair, Miz has been around longer, he's had his share of good feuds and bad matches, and he's been on the verge of breaking out for almost a year now, so he's definitely earned it.

Punk is on commentary now? Raw just became 100% watchable.
[quote name='Broken Scout']I honestly wanted Wade Barrett to win the title. But to be fair, Miz has been around longer, he's had his share of good feuds and bad matches, and he's been on the verge of breaking out for almost a year now, so he's definitely earned it.

Punk is on commentary now? Raw just became 100% watchable.[/QUOTE]


Punk is the only thing worth hearing on RAW.

as for miz.....I still think he has bad matches...its like watching a jerkier version of Cena. Same moves different day but then again thats like 95% of the whole roster so who am i to complain.
[quote name='diddy310']IAmJericho
Had a great time at Universal Studios today. The Back To The Future ride was killer! 1.21 jigowatts like a maafakkaaaa!!!

:lol: (the ride closed in 2007 - Jericho tweeted that he was in Orlando earlier today)[/QUOTE]

This reminded me of the part in Jericho's book where he met Christopher Lloyd and came off looking like an idiot. :lol:

My favorite Punk line of the night was when he called Maryse "Maurice".
[quote name='Purple Flames']My net if finally back on after craping out all day.

Anyways, I marked hard when Miz cashed in his briefcase, and marked harder when he won. It was nice to see Miz actually had to put up somewhat of a fight with Orton, so it give him a sense of having earned that win.

I'm excited to see how this all plays out. I really hope he doesn't wind up with a Swagger run.

EDIT: Also, here it is in .gif form:

:rofl: Best. Gif. Ever.

I know a thread that can use that right now.
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bread's done