The Lance Cade Memorial Wrestling thread

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[quote name='pimpster4183']I remember when Luna was a playable character on WWF Raw for the Sega[/QUOTE]

Hah, I played the 32x version less than a week ago. It always struck me as really odd that Luna is in the game. She was a great performer but unlike Chyna, she didn't really have a major role wrestling against men.
I was always a fan of hers, mostly because she managed Bam Bam. I remember loving the feud against Doink and Dink.
[quote name='Halo05']Hah, I played the 32x version less than a week ago. It always struck me as really odd that Luna is in the game. She was a great performer but unlike Chyna, she didn't really have a major role wrestling against men.[/QUOTE]

Didn't the 32X version have a secret character in it? And are the graphics any better on it compared to regular Genesis?
Yeah, but that was prior to the whole "they're entertainers, not wrestlers!" push when they became WWE.. a few months prior, actually. The contract is dated prior to the campaign (March 2002) and I assumed was signed on that day, but it wasn't notarized until August 2002, well after they became WWE.

The bit about the inability to sue WWE or other wrestlers in the event of an injury or the inability of the relatives of wrestlers to sue the company or anyone else in the event of the wrestler's death, no matter the cause, is scary.
Brock Lesnar got his contractual obligations reduced when he took them to court.

Remember, the Kanyon/Raven/Mike Sanders case was only thrown out due to statute of limitations. If someone EVER had the balls to stand up to the oligarchic oppression of WWE's clearly illegal contracts, they'd change like *that*.

Now, how they would change (i.e., classify them as the employees they really are with retirement and health benefits packages like they should legally be getting anyway *OR* if WWE guys would be granted more leeway to work whatever dates they wanted for whomever they wanted, just like a real independent contractor would) is another question.

WWE has no legal leg to stand on in claiming the wrestlers are independent contractors when they control *every* aspect of where they go (where WWE is), who they work with (WWE guys), what shows they work (WWE shows), and what promotional work they do (take a guess!).

Yea. Both DDP and Kanyon were VERY underutilized in the WWE. I did love his whole thing with Christian during the Yoga gimmick though. :razz:

Was obvious from the start though, that with that character he'd never be anything more than a midcarder. WWE just dropped the ball big time with what could have been. I won't even get in to what they started doing with Kanyon during the end of his WWE run.
Anyone else remember when Kanyon was in the tag team Men At Work? lol, I think his partner was Mark Starr maybe.. I think they only tagged on WCW Sat Night.
May have to get that Batista.

Also, this - though the only way it is coming out is with the 80s style Elite Scale ring.

What amazes me is that they shit on DDP like they did after he jumped through all these hoops to get over there. He could have sat at home and got paid a shit ton of money and instead Vince fucked him hard.
Positively Page ruled, oh, and Lucha Libre USA's TV tapings are finished. Tonight was one, but it was announced that the TV taping portion wasn't going to be done and that it would just be a house show setup for the time being. LOL @ Carlito coming out to the current Raw theme for his LLUSA match.
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I remember when Essa Rios returned to Mexico after his WWF run, under the name Mr. Aguila, and he came out to the DX theme.

Positively Kanyon > Positively Page, for the record. Is LL USA done for good, or is it on hiatus/done for the season? I'll have to ask Lalo.
[quote name='crr_1119']Anyone remember this?

I always thought Raven and Kanyon were awesome together.[/QUOTE]
Question: why did Kanyon run down the stairs tucking in his shirt when Raven's mom was calling for 'em???

I'm sure when I watched this years ago...I probably didn't notice it. Now, after knowing how Kanyon got down when he was alive....eww....
[quote name='strongpimphand']Question: why did Kanyon run down the stairs tucking in his shirt when Raven's mom was calling for 'em???

I'm sure when I watched this years ago...I probably didn't notice it. Now, after knowing how Kanyon got down when he was alive....eww....[/QUOTE]

He was changing into his clothes he had on when Raven's mom left so that she didn't know they had gone shopping.
There was talk at yesterday's Lucha Libre USA Masked Warriors taping in Charlotte that the show had been cancelled. Wrestlers at the event were told that it would just be a house show. However the show was in fact taped for online streaming, and for now the MTV2 show is "on hiatus" and not cancelled.

The show drew around 1,000 fans. David and Reid Flair wrestled as a team at the show, with Reid making Tinieblas Jr. tap out to the figure four. Ric Flair was at the show but left before the taping began.

Former TNA talent Petey Williams debuted on the show.\\On-Hiatus\\.htm

Like I said, I'd hate to see it go.
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I don't want to see it go since it's something different, and it gives jobs to more workers (plus our beloved EWF commentator, Lalo Gonzalez) but it is easily the worst wrestling show on TV.
I like all those, cdubb. I don't think we'll see Jericho/Bryan, but the other 2 seem highly plausible.

I know many of you guys aren't the wrestling shirt-wearing type, and I really wasn't for the longest time, either, but I used my $10 WWEShop gift card to get the Bret Hart "Best Since 1984" shirt:


It's on clearance for $9.98, and this has been the first time I've seen a shirt I wanted that was on clearance and still had regular people sizes available. Usually, once a shirt is clearanced out to that price, it's just S, XL, XXL, and XXXL left.

I bring this up because my wrestling shirt collection has grown lately, and I want to know how many of you actually own and wear wrestling shirts these days. I prefer the shirts that don't make it obvious that they're wrestling shirts (unless you know the guy's name), but now WWE has those tags on the outside of the shirt like replica NBA jerseys. Oh well. Oh, and part of the reason my collection has grown was because I received $50 of WWEShop gift cards for my birthday, and I coupled that with a birthday month deal to get free shipping, 15% off my order, and a $10 gift card, which was the one I used this time.

Shirts I currently own/wear (minus the Bret one):

1. Edge "Rated R Superstar", black (gift from summer 2006; would have bought myself otherwise)
2. AJ Styles "Unim Phenomenous", brown (bought at TNA house show, Halloween 2008)
3. TNA PPV Tour 2009 (TNA logo on front; all PPV logos/dates on back), white (brown bag special at Bound For Glory 2009- bag with 5 DVDs and 1 shirt for $20) I rarely wear this one.
4. WrestleMania XXVI official shirt, red (I was there!)
5. Matt Hardy "Unlock Your Destiny", purple ( birthday gift this year from friend)
6. Randy Orton "Lobotomy", black (gift cards for birthday)
7. CM Punk/SES "Salvation", black (see #6)

I do want the SummerSlam shirt for this year since I was there, but I'll wait for a clearance on WWEShop. Never did get the shirts for last year's SS, or WM21, despite being at both.

So, I guess I have more than I thought I did. There are several WWE and TNA shirts that I like the look of but won't be buying anytime soon. What can I say? I've been a lifelong wrestling fan, and I'm not ashamed to wear wrestling shirts in public, so long as they're not overly cheesy and they don't have pictures of nearly naked men on them.
Speaking of shirts...

by Mike Johnson @ 9:46 PM on 8/29/2010

Rob sent the following, which I missed from my vantage point at the WWE event in Newark, New Jersey this evening:

At the start of the Cena vs. Sheamus cage match, when Cena threw his shirt out in to the crowd, it landed a row ahead of me. A fight broke out over it and at least 10 people were thrown out and a few kids were hurt. It got really ugly and punches were thrown. I can't believe adult women, of all people, were starting a fight over something as stupid as a shirt from Cena. This went on for a good 15-20 minutes and it took awhile before Prudential Center staff came down to break it up. I am really surprised that they took a while to get it broken up, but it made me sad that these people mostly women fighting over something like that, not to mention they had no regard that kids were in the middle and were getting hurt during it.

From the headline, I assumed the fans were male. Yeesh.
[quote name='cdubb1605']guy on lordsofpain posted an article about the three matches he would like to see at WMXXVII.

i gotta say i like all three of the matches he proposes[/QUOTE]

I like them all except for the last one. I don't want The Streak to end, and wanna see Taker with it still intact. It's a huge part of his legacy, and to see someone, especially fucking Sheamus (even thought the guy has grown on me in past few weeks) end it would be a travesty.
[quote name='Purple Flames']I like them all except for the last one. I don't want The Streak to end, and wanna see Taker with it still intact. It's a huge part of his legacy, and to see someone, especially fucking Sheamus (even thought the guy has grown on me in past few weeks) end it would be a travesty.[/QUOTE]

The notion of Sheamus being the new "phenom" is especially laughable. No one needs to, or should, step directly into the Undertaker's shoes.

Too many limes indeed.
[quote name='Matt Young']
I like all those, cdubb. I don't think we'll see Jericho/Bryan, but the other 2 seem highly plausible.

I know many of you guys aren't the wrestling shirt-wearing type, and I really wasn't for the longest time, either, but I used my $10 WWEShop gift card to get the Bret Hart "Best Since 1984" shirt:


It's on clearance for $9.98, and this has been the first time I've seen a shirt I wanted that was on clearance and still had regular people sizes available. Usually, once a shirt is clearanced out to that price, it's just S, XL, XXL, and XXXL left.

I bring this up because my wrestling shirt collection has grown lately, and I want to know how many of you actually own and wear wrestling shirts these days. I prefer the shirts that don't make it obvious that they're wrestling shirts (unless you know the guy's name), but now WWE has those tags on the outside of the shirt like replica NBA jerseys. Oh well. Oh, and part of the reason my collection has grown was because I received $50 of WWEShop gift cards for my birthday, and I coupled that with a birthday month deal to get free shipping, 15% off my order, and a $10 gift card, which was the one I used this time.

Shirts I currently own/wear (minus the Bret one):

1. Edge "Rated R Superstar", black (gift from summer 2006; would have bought myself otherwise)
2. AJ Styles "Unim Phenomenous", brown (bought at TNA house show, Halloween 2008)
3. TNA PPV Tour 2009 (TNA logo on front; all PPV logos/dates on back), white (brown bag special at Bound For Glory 2009- bag with 5 DVDs and 1 shirt for $20) I rarely wear this one.
4. WrestleMania XXVI official shirt, red (I was there!)
5. Matt Hardy "Unlock Your Destiny", purple ( birthday gift this year from friend)
6. Randy Orton "Lobotomy", black (gift cards for birthday)
7. CM Punk/SES "Salvation", black (see #6)

I do want the SummerSlam shirt for this year since I was there, but I'll wait for a clearance on WWEShop. Never did get the shirts for last year's SS, or WM21, despite being at both.

So, I guess I have more than I thought I did. There are several WWE and TNA shirts that I like the look of but won't be buying anytime soon. What can I say? I've been a lifelong wrestling fan, and I'm not ashamed to wear wrestling shirts in public, so long as they're not overly cheesy and they don't have pictures of nearly naked men on them.

I own a few old school shirts.

1. nWo black & white (original WCW version)
2. WCW Four Horsemen (vintage Horsemen!)
3. D-Generation X (vintage Triple H!)
4. TNA Tomko Tattoo (white front / white back) and (red front / red back) -- I actually got 3 of these for $3.75 total .. I ordered one of them on TNA's clearance page awhile back, and they ended up sending me 1 white and 2 reds. Apparently, they were cluttering up the warehouse? lol

I used to have the original Austin 3:16 smoking skull shirt, nWo Wolfpac and a different DX shirt, but they were lost when I moved from Florida to Pennsylvania a decade ago.
[quote name='OnyxPrimal']\\On-Hiatus\\.htm

Like I said, I'd hate to see it go.[/QUOTE]

I thought this was funny... a comment from that site.

"I miss Petey! The Canadian Destroyer was a wicked finisher!!!"

An incredibly selfish finusher you mean. Petey is known for his me-first attitude, and it's apropos he picked a finisher that basically his opponent backflipping into his own head bump while he just rests his wiener on their necks.

Posted By: Guest#3451 (Guest) on August 29, 2010 at 10:01 PM
Yes, one on one matches at Wrestlemania.

All of those should happen, though with Taker over Sheamus. Have Sheamus start taunting him early and cost him the Rumble match and/or Elimination Chamber. They can have Sheamus destroy Taker on the Raw after, or Backlash equivalency PPV so he can take his post-Mania break.
To me, the bottom line is that I'll never care about a Taker WM match the same way ever again. Michaels ruined it... ruined it in the best way possible, mind you, but still ruined. Taker will never have matches that good ever again (WM or otherwise), and it also makes it very clear that no one will beat Taker. It used to be that it would've just been a let-down to see anyone beat him, but now it's also someone doing what the greatest in-ring performer of all time couldn't, twice.

So, where does that leave Taker? For two shining years, his matches finally meant something again... where does he go from here? A Sheamus/Taker match is something I'd watch, but it'd still be the standard ending on a mediocre match (I'm basing that more on Taker's health now than Sheamus' ability). The also leads to a bigger question... how much longer can Taker honestly have? For the first time, he's *really* starting to show the toll this has taken on him, and it's not going to get better. Do they keep him around to make it an even 20-0? That's my guess, but I'm not sure I want to see what kind of shape he's in a year and half from now. If it wasn't for that damn 20-0 mark, I'd put money on Taker having less than a year left.

My fantasy booking for all this, if he has to go two more, is Cena this year. It's the one match-up that has any actual intrigue, and the IWC will shit itself because of the fear that Cena could come out on top. It's a good story, it keeps Cena out of the title picture, it gives Taker a credible opponent, and a loss here isn't going to hurt Cena. The year after that, if he's still around, I'd give Taker's retirement match to Jericho. He's the one guy that I think can pull a good story and match out of Taker, and they haven't gone one-on-one too much in general, let alone at WM.

Sheamus is an okay filler, but if Taker has a finite amount of time left, there's no point in feeding a guy like Sheamus to him.
I think we'll get an Angle WWE return either next year or the year after - debut him at the Rumble, have him eliminate 'Taker or vice versa, and bam, Returning Gold Medalist vs. The Streak.

Also, Tiffany is officially done with WWE according to the Torch.
I've got a PWG gorilla shirt, a "Joey Knows Best" Joey Ryan shirt, and a "Who wants a mustache ride?" Joey Ryan shirt that I had printed on white since I hated the baby blue ones.
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