*THE OFFICIAL 2008 ELECTION RESULTS * -President Obama picking Cabinet now

[quote name='The Crotch']Comparing Left Behind with The Shining is like... I dunno, comparing Ass with Barack Obama.

You just don't fucking do it, man.[/QUOTE]

First thing that came to mind.

How's this: McCain reminds me of Count Olaf from "A Series of Unfortunate Events." Because he's old, power hungry, willing to do anything to achieve his goal, and is a bastard.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']And that's why religious people shall all be shipped over seas to some forgotten island, where they can preach to each other about how awesome dieing is.[/QUOTE]

Unless you don't feel a sense of progress since the supplanting American Indians, the non-religious folks should ship themselves to a forgotten island, since the religious people were here first.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']My mom thinks Obama is the antichrist based off the "Left Behind" series of novels. In those novels, a character comes out of nowhere, immediately charming everyone. No one knows where he came from, but it doesn't matter because he seems so trusting. Eventually he becomes President of the United States... but he turns out to be the Anti-Christ! Oh no!
My mom is such a moron. She set our relationship back another 20 years.[/QUOTE]

Sadly, you're not the first person I heard say this. I mean, don't people have better things to do?
[quote name='mykevermin']First thing that came to mind.

How's this: McCain reminds me of Count Olaf from "A Series of Unfortunate Events." Because he's old, power hungry, willing to do anything to achieve his goal, and is a bastard.[/QUOTE]
Bingo. This comparison actually improves our relationship, Myke, instead of destroying it like the one I have with my mother.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']

hahahahahahha, i wouldn't want to mess with Mrs. Obama... she looks like she could take people down pretty well
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']My mom thinks Obama is the antichrist based off the "Left Behind" series of novels. In those novels, a character comes out of nowhere, immediately charming everyone. No one knows where he came from, but it doesn't matter because he seems so trusting. Eventually he becomes President of the United States... but he turns out to be the Anti-Christ! Oh no!
My mom is such a moron. She set our relationship back another 20 years.[/quote]

Damn , I had almost forgotten about it till I read this , but one of the things my father was rambling about with Obama was how he was the antichrist. Someone must've given him the abridged version of this story when he was considering who to vote for. I know he never read the book cause he isn't much of a reader.:lol:
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']My mom thinks Obama is the antichrist based off the "Left Behind" series of novels. In those novels, a character comes out of nowhere, immediately charming everyone. No one knows where he came from, but it doesn't matter because he seems so trusting. Eventually he becomes President of the United States... but he turns out to be the Anti-Christ! Oh no!
My mom is such a moron. She set our relationship back another 20 years.[/quote]Ahem.

See, not all evangelicals are out to get us...
[quote name='thrustbucket']Unless you don't feel a sense of progress since the supplanting American Indians, the non-religious folks should ship themselves to a forgotten island, since the religious people were here first.[/quote]
No meaning, the unevolved ones: So yes the religious ones, ship em off.
Here's to four years of excuses about how it's not "their" fault the incoming Presidency is inadequate/inept!
((It's okay though. McCain would do the same thing if he had won))
((It's also okay, because maybe Colin Powell will take up a Cabinet position... he should have been the first black president as predicted so many years ago))

I'm so glad I was completely proven wrong. I had thought America was still full of racist bigots.

There are still plenty of them out there... except in today's world they are more likely to just JFK him. I was actually surprised to not hear about an attempt on him thus far given how people *really* are.
As a member of the GOP, I was completely embarrassed by the reaction of the crowd at McCain's concession speech, especially with McCain making an honest and realistic attempt to reach across the aisle, we simply seemed like a bunch of sore losers with that constant booing of McCain.

As someone who crossed party lines to vote for Obama, I hope that he moves quickly to improve the numerous issues domestically and internationally, including our economy, our image, and our energy dependency. I hope that he and the near-60 senate take to heart his comments about reaching out and becoming one country rather than a partisan split that we are right now, and not move to the extreme left.

All and all, I think the American people made the right decision, but only time will tell.
cool article about Obama

sad last paragraph
" When Obama's grandmother, Madelyn Dunham , who raised him for much of his childhood, died on the last day of the campaign, his coolness was tested anew. His announcement of her passing at a rally in Charlotte, N.C. , was tender, but he turned on a dime to critique McCain as too close to President Bush . It was only after the event that most reporters in his traveling press corps learned that, as he was speaking, tears were streaming down his face."

I'm sure its a very bittersweet night for him.
[quote name='lordwow']
I hope that he and the near-60 senate take to heart his comments about reaching out and becoming one country rather than a partisan split that we are right now, and not move to the extreme left.

Pretty sure that the near-60 majority would fuck a goat if they thought it would help them raise their sub-Bush approval ratings.
Grats Obama, may you lead us out of our hole we have fallen into

And Sarah Palin...you didn't help McCain accomplish anything instead you were there to drag him down like lead weights...
[quote name='The Crotch']Ahem.

See, not all evangelicals are out to get us...
HAHHA, haha, haha, oh man, I want to eviscerate her face with this article next time I see her.
[quote name='lordwow']As a member of the GOP, I was completely embarrassed by the reaction of the crowd at McCain's concession speech, especially with McCain making an honest and realistic attempt to reach across the aisle, we simply seemed like a bunch of sore losers with that constant booing of McCain.

yeah i was watching Fox's coverage of the speech and they seemed perturbed about the booing too. they made a point about how the campaign might have trained crowds to this, which i think has some merit.

but all that aside, VICTORY! :cool: :D
[quote name='The Crotch']Ugh. Now I gotta listen to my gay-for-Harper roommate rant about this for the next couple of days. The only thing that kept him quiet 'til now was his raging sexism and anger over the choice of Palin as VP pick. I gotta get some fucking headphones.

EDIT: "Who would expect a Muslim and a black man to get in?"

Christ almothafuckingmighty...[/quote]

Good luck, Crotch. Try not to commit a crime. :whistle2:#
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']Already been there. *sigh* Circa last week:

I meant an actual attempt (shots fired), not just some convoluted wet dream by a skinhead for small-scale "ethnic cleansing." It's bound to happen, there's enough crazed people out there.

And Sarah Palin...you didn't help McCain accomplish anything instead you were there to drag him down like lead weights...
At least the election helped us find her doppelganger... a hotter, funnier doppelganger named Tina Fey.

The only real tragedy is that the news coverage pretty much just discouraged so many last minute voters because either their candidate either already won or lost... which annoys me because there were some very important state elections and referendums in the state I vote in.
I'm very happy with the outcome and proud of McCain for showing such tact with his concession speech. I'm also shocked beyond all recognition that Harris County (Houston) went blue. Congratulations, President Obama, and here's to a prosperous four years.
Looking at the tallies, looks like Obama will squeak out victories in North Carolina and Indiana, while McCain will take Montana. Missouri is within 3,000 votes so too close to call.

So looks like 364 Obama to 163 McCain with Missouri's 11 electoral votes up for grabs, so either 375-163 or 364 to 174. Impressive in either case.

Obama is up roughly 5.3 million in popular vote as well. Way to go America!
An incredible night that I will remember for the rest of my life......on the same note lets show McCain some love for that speech he gave tonight. He deserved so much better then what he got with Palin :(
It sure is refreshing to have someone who can form complete sentences and follow through on a train of thought with actual words and stuff.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Looking at the tallies, looks like Obama will squeak out victories in North Carolina and Indiana, while McCain will take Montana. Missouri is within 3,000 votes so too close to call.

So looks like 364 Obama to 163 McCain with Missouri's 11 electoral votes up for grabs, so either 375-163 or 364 to 174. Impressive in either case.

Obama is up roughly 5.3 million in popular vote as well. Way to go America![/quote]

And just think if it were close like last time, these final states would have to recount and it be 4 days before we know who is the next pres.
Congrats to Obama and I hope his term is a good one.

Despite supporting Obama, I feel sorry for John McCain. His campaign was derailed by some truly unfortunate acts of bigotry. And in the end, his graceful concession in the face of defeat was marred thanks to a vocal group that refused to show that sort of humility.
[quote name='ced']Congrats to Obama and I hope his term is a good one.

Despite supporting Obama, I feel sorry for John McCain. His campaign was derailed by some truly unfortunate acts of bigotry. And in the end, his graceful concession in the face of defeat was marred thanks to a vocal group that refused to show that sort of humility.[/QUOTE]

I blame the McCain campaign for failing to quash this, in no small part.

The last time I remember McCain standing up against the racism is when he distanced himself from Bill Cunningham for making comments and constantly referring to him as "Hussein" when introducing McCain at a rally/fundraiser in Cincy.

I blame the McCain campaign for pushing the William Ayers angle; the RNCC for pushing the Jeremiah Wright angle; for digging up dirt on his illegal aunt, for the "madrassa," for questioning his citizenship.

McCain was not too far removed, or directly involved, in all of that.

McCain gave a gracious and prompt concession speech. This does not forgive either the venom, racism and lies perpetuated by his campaign, nor does it change that he's now helped make the Republican party a save haven for people who are overtly racist and nationalistic in their views. We always stereotyped Republicans as being pro-white, pro-god, anti-everything else fearmongering idiots. Now, however, it's ok to wear your "Stormfront" t-shirts to Republican rallies.

And Paul Krugman is right; there will be no introspection, no look to change philosophy or stop being deeply bigoted against everyone else. Just further accusations of liberal bias that helped Obama win, fear of more groups, wanting to pass more legislation to restrict the rights of other groups, no consideration for the expansion of government or suspension of rights under Bush...and a further and more extreme racist/nationalistic/xenophobic party come 2012. There has been zero self-examination over the idiocy that is supply-side tax policies; why should we expect anything less that 100% other-attribution elsewhere?
The Republican party doesn't have anyone to explain their side. They're all spineless wonders. You get a Conservative to explain things, how they work, why they haven't and why their side works, then it gets interesting. But for now, the search continues.
There's no true leader of the Republican party that knows a damn.

Anyways...like I said earlier, Stevens is probably going to be pardoned.
Gotta' agree with Myke.

Look at some of these Facebook statuses on my friends list...


"welcomes you to the USSA. Religion: None. Wealth: Spread. Abortions: Mandatory."

"Now works to support bums....thank you!"

"stupid librals.. do something productive with urself n stop depending on the government to support you. paychecks are for people who work. vote mccain08"

[quote name='seanr1221']Gotta' agree with Myke.

Look at some of these Facebook statuses on my friends list...


"welcomes you to the USSA. Religion: None. Wealth: Spread. Abortions: Mandatory."

"Now works to support bums....thank you!"

"stupid librals.. do something productive with urself n stop depending on the government to support you. paychecks are for people who work. vote mccain08"


That stuff all has its racist undertones (and overtones in many cases), but it's par for the course. It's the right-wing doing what many of us have done for 8 years. "Bush is going to send us all to the poor house!"

(now, the economy right now suggests that the complaints of the left have far more accuracy, mind.)

People seem to forget how awesome things were under Clinton. We elected Bush because of Gore's guilt-by-association for some dick suckin'.

Really. Look at the world we live in right now, and everything about it. And never, for a moment, forget that we were inspired to put the sitting president and other politicians into power largely because of some dicksuckin'.

So, by contrast, what it takes to put a Republican in office as opposed to how bad it had to get for a Democrat to be elected. Wow!

The world isn't going to end. Health care's going to improve. The economy's going to improve, and the first president to be sitting when the "green-collar industry" hits is going to look like this century's FDR in terms of economic recovery. Once our industries go green? Unemployment will hit the fuckin' floor and we'll be rollin' along. Hope we get there soon.
Stop being so smug, Myke. You know as well as me that the secret e-mail Obama's camp sent to all of us told us that we're going to start dismantling the country as early as Friday, because that's the day King HNIC wants.

I'm stationed in what will soon be known as Sector C7G. I'm in charge of Indoctrinization. If I do well I'll become a level 2 Czar, and they'll let me have a robe with our glorious leader's face emblazoned upon it.

And the eyes will shoot lasers! Lasers, myke! Lasers.

So let's let them have their pity party now, because Operation NightSink is about to commence.

P.S. Lasers.
[quote name='mykevermin']Oh, hey King Broly, did you see the fights and rioting that broke out at the Obama Rally in Chicago last night?[/quote]

Well, since I'm not seeing anything on the news wire atm, until you provide credible sources, I must refuse to believe you.
[quote name='KingBroly']Well, since I'm not seeing anything on the news wire atm, until you provide credible sources, I must refuse to believe you.[/QUOTE]

About time. Apparently, you were scared to death last night that over 100,000 people in one place who were *happy* that their candidate won would tear the city apart.

It's that kind of "I'm going to candycoat this in a way that hides the racism under it" thinking that 'when black people celebrate, they riot and tear shit down because they don't know how to behave.'

There were no fights. There was no rioting. There was no looting. People were happy that the man they elected won, and they celebrated. Peacefully. Like those of us with common fucking sense expected.
This is as happy as I get.

It's not "glass half full" or "glass half empty" for me. It's "fuck this goddamned glass."

On that note, I've got to go to class. Showing a video on Jonestown today (30th anniversary coming up on 11/18!) Only incident in US history where a sitting member of the federal congress was murdered while in office (Leo Ryan).


EDIT: To be fair, I have been listening to Tegan and Sara all morning, which is decidedly saccharine music. Must be happy to some degree, then.
[quote name='mykevermin']
EDIT: To be fair, I have been listening to Tegan and Sara all morning, which is decidedly saccharine music. [/QUOTE]

Holy fuck something is wrong with Myke.
[quote name='botticus']Yes, but about 10 million. 64% turnout.[/quote]

but no breaking records right? that was what, 66% -67%

close though.
[quote name='mykevermin']This is as happy as I get.

It's not "glass half full" or "glass half empty" for me. It's "fuck this goddamned glass."[/quote]

I agree. Also if you fill the glass half way then it's half full, if you drink half of a full glass then it's half empty.
[quote name='mykevermin']About time. Apparently, you were scared to death last night that over 100,000 people in one place who were *happy* that their candidate won would tear the city apart.

It's that kind of "I'm going to candycoat this in a way that hides the racism under it" thinking that 'when black people celebrate, they riot and tear shit down because they don't know how to behave.'

There were no fights. There was no rioting. There was no looting. People were happy that the man they elected won, and they celebrated. Peacefully. Like those of us with common fucking sense expected.[/QUOTE]

Of course there was no rioting, it was a celebration not a protest. Nobody believes that or expected any kind of rioting, Myke, stop kidding yourself that all of white america are racist fascists.

We know that people only riot for two reasons: the first is when they don't get what they want (i.e. if Obama DIDN'T win), or if you're white, drunk, and your favorite sports team wins a championship.
bread's done