*THE OFFICIAL 2008 ELECTION RESULTS * -President Obama picking Cabinet now

[quote name='BigT']Congrats to Obama! I've got to admit that he really kicked McCain's ass.[/quote]

OMG, Wally George in your avatar! :D
When I lived in Los Angeles a few years ago, I loved watching his show, even though I'm a Democrat. :)
Apparently Obama is already setting up to govern. He has certain key positions already planned and people in mind for jobs. He wants to start announcing them right away and moving towards getting things done before becoming president.

To me this is
1. Impressive and shit and gives me hope that he is going to be a hard worker that really gets shit done.
2. Hope that he will overide president bush in the coming months. How funny would it be if people treated Bush as a nothing and looked to Obama for guidance already!
Did Obama's wife go hunting today and forgot to change her clothing? Your husband is going to be president, wear something decent!
[quote name='JJSP']Don't lie, Strell. Everyone knows you don't have parents and were instead raised by gypsies.[/QUOTE]

I do sport some killer dance moves and can play the accordion.

[quote name='StarKnightX']Older or younger? I'm already the oldest of 3.[/QUOTE]

I'm probably older. And therefore, older.
[quote name='SynGamer']Anyone else notice how commanding Obama's voice is compared to Bush?[/QUOTE]
That's what happens when you remove the straw from your teeth.
[quote name='SynGamer']Anyone else notice how commanding Obama's voice is compared to Bush?[/QUOTE]

Also, notice how he can speak fluent English without sounding like a complete dumbass.
[quote name='SynGamer']Obama just mentioned McCain and people in the crowd actually cheered...props.[/QUOTE]

It's actually much more quiet. The crowd is hanging on his words.
i loved last night on Monday night football when he said we NEED a playoff system for college football.. he's so fuking awesome..
[quote name='SynGamer']Anyone else notice how commanding Obama's voice is compared to Bush?[/quote]

I definitely noticed that alot! Its alot more powerful and dominant
[quote name='Dynasty1756']I definitely noticed that alot! Its alot more powerful and dominant[/quote]

He IS a president. I liked the quote where he says, his main goal isn't to become president, its to become the next GREAT president.
OMFG We have a real president finally!
Finally our standing in the world will be repaired!
Finally we will be proud as a nation!
Finally we will have solutions to all our problems!
Finally we have a president that truly is good and truly cares about us!

OMFG OMFG OMFG it feels so awesome! It feels like such a heavy burden of these horrible Bush years has been lifted! A new dawn is ahead. There is light at the end of the tunnel, I can feel it's warmth!

This truly is a great day for America and a great victory for the struggling American. Hold your chins high Obama supporters, you fought hard, you hoped hard, and soon we'll get changed hard.
Can't believe nobody's said it yet: America has a liberal bias.

[quote name='mykevermin'] It's like listening to the crust punk have a laugh at the plebeian tastes of a "Green Day" fan; they obviously are superior because they listen to Severed Head of State, or some similarly unknown band that have sold a collective 76 albums. "I favor more unknown guys, so I must know better."

You run into Ass lately, Myke?
[quote name='bigdaddy']Did Obama's wife go hunting today and forgot to change her clothing? Your husband is going to be president, wear something decent![/QUOTE]

Jesus christ, finally got a look at it. Totally hideous.

Great speech though. Absolutely wonderful.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']How many more days till Bush is out?[/QUOTE]

Too many. I remember an ex who was in Washington during his inauguration and the amount of demonstrators that were there. I sincerely hope (and not on the basis of party lines) that we see a more unified America at this point.
While I am not surprised that Obama won, I am shocked by how much he won. He won 2:1 in the electoral college which I Find outstanding. I am glad to see this though as that means most of the country will unite around him and go forth, and hopefully solve our issues.
78 days, huh?

Plenty of time for Bush to call No Backsies or something. No Blacksies maybe?


Maybe they decided to postpone catching Osama until January 28th, on which day they will declare a state of emergency and that Bush gets to choose who is the next president, because that's strategery at work.
Ugh. Now I gotta listen to my gay-for-Harper roommate rant about this for the next couple of days. The only thing that kept him quiet 'til now was his raging sexism and anger over the choice of Palin as VP pick. I gotta get some fucking headphones.

EDIT: "Who would expect a Muslim and a black man to get in?"

Christ almothafuckingmighty...
My mom thinks Obama is the antichrist based off the "Left Behind" series of novels. In those novels, a character comes out of nowhere, immediately charming everyone. No one knows where he came from, but it doesn't matter because he seems so trusting. Eventually he becomes President of the United States... but he turns out to be the Anti-Christ! Oh no!
My mom is such a moron. She set our relationship back another 20 years.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']My mom thinks Obama is the antichrist based off the "Left Behind" series of novels. In those novels, a character comes out of nowhere, immediately charming everyone. No one knows where he came from, but it doesn't matter because he seems so trusting. Eventually he becomes President of the United States... but he turns out to be the Anti-Christ! Oh no!
My mom is such a moron. She set our relationship back another 20 years.[/QUOTE]

Oh shit.

Now I'm Friend of Sonic's secret brother.


Getchur ass outta here, Starknight. I don't have the ability to keep all this shit in line. One secret brother at a time ONLY.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']My mom thinks Obama is the antichrist based off the "Left Behind" series of novels. In those novels, a character comes out of nowhere, immediately charming everyone. No one knows where he came from, but it doesn't matter because he seems so trusting. Eventually he becomes President of the United States... but he turns out to be the Anti-Christ! Oh no!
My mom is such a moron. She set our relationship back another 20 years.[/quote]

wtf... $hit like this scares me.
[quote name='japaki']January 20th, 2009 is Inauguration. 78 days, unfortunately.[/quote]

So the next question is: What more damage can the Bush Administration can do in 78 days?

Oh well...Congrats to Obama! Good luck with the new job buddy...
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']My mom thinks Obama is the antichrist based off the "Left Behind" series of novels. In those novels, a character comes out of nowhere, immediately charming everyone. No one knows where he came from, but it doesn't matter because he seems so trusting. Eventually he becomes President of the United States... but he turns out to be the Anti-Christ! Oh no!
My mom is such a moron. She set our relationship back another 20 years.[/QUOTE]

Between this and broly's and starknights's story all I can think is how this represents an older mindset. Like how some 90 year old senior says something incredibly racist/sexist/whatever and everyone says "well, that's how things were back then." The mindset of the people evolve and new ideas and beliefs replace those relics. This may just be one of those moments
[quote name='The Crotch']You run into Ass lately, Myke?[/QUOTE]

My, you have quite the memory.

BTW, Ass has a liberal bias.

[quote name='Friend of Sonic']My mom thinks Obama is the antichrist based off the "Left Behind" series of novels.[/QUOTE]

Nah. He's more like Jack Torrance from "The Shining." Why? I dunno. They're both fuckin' works of fiction anyway, so might as well go hogwild. The only cool thing about the Left Behind series is that it became its own cottage industry and brought in so much revenue that they sponsored a NASCAR - so some shitleague stock car driver was saddled with an automobile that had "LEFT BEHIND" plastered all over it.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']My mom thinks Obama is the antichrist based off the "Left Behind" series of novels. In those novels, a character comes out of nowhere, immediately charming everyone. No one knows where he came from, but it doesn't matter because he seems so trusting. Eventually he becomes President of the United States... but he turns out to be the Anti-Christ! Oh no!
My mom is such a moron. She set our relationship back another 20 years.[/quote]

And that's why religious people shall all be shipped over seas to some forgotten island, where they can preach to each other about how awesome dieing is.
[quote name='mykevermin']The only cool thing about the Left Behind series is that it became its own cottage industry and brought in so much revenue that they sponsored a NASCAR - so some shitleague stock car driver was saddled with an automobile that had "LEFT BEHIND" plastered all over it.[/QUOTE]

Oh my god, lmfao.

This beats out marketing the "Nova" in Spanish speaking countries.

As well as an illegally parked car with not one, but two boots on it.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']When all is said and done, Obama will likely have 367 votes (338 now posted on CNN + North Carolina + Indiana + Montana). Incredible.[/quote]

wow, he tore a new asshole in the game.... he just kicked some butt
[quote name='Dead of Knight']When all is said and done, Obama will likely have 367 votes (338 now posted on CNN + North Carolina + Indiana + Montana). Incredible.[/QUOTE]

This is kinda like when you play a game and repeatedly lose a level over and over and over. So you throw the controller at the wall and say THIS GAME SUCKS and storm out of the room.

Then a few days later you turn it back on and kick Dr. Wily's fat ass to the curb like the old bitch he is.
After 9 months of volunteering with 15 hours on top of my 40 hour job, Virginia has finally turned Blue for the first time in 44 years.

Congratulations to not only fellow Obama supporters, but also everyone who voted and had their voice heard.
[quote name='billyrox']wow, he tore a new asshole in the game.... he just kicked some butt[/QUOTE]

I'm so glad I was completely proven wrong. I had thought America was still full of racist bigots. There's still a lot out there, but much less than expected.

Just because the election is over doesn't mean you shouldn't look at some of the insane margins Obama has (as of right now) in "battleground/turncoat states:"
+11% NM, +9% CO, +18% NV, +11% PA Holy shit. This was LITERALLY the mandate some people were hoping for. I thought it would never happen in a million years. And it did.

[quote name='Ecofreak']After 9 months of volunteering with 15 hours on top of my 40 hour job, Virginia has finally turned Blue for the first time in 44 years.

Congratulations to not only fellow Obama supporters, but also everyone who voted and had their voice heard.[/QUOTE]
bread's done