[quote name='aTaRiFrEaK223']For those of you who buy used DVDs/games online, thrift stores, or wherever. Do u make sure the discs are mint or don't care as long as it works? Maybe I'm just too OCD where my stuff has to be mint or minor minor scratches... Wish I wasn't so OCD, but was curious.[/QUOTE]
We have a $2000 disk buffer at work that basically makes some of the worse scratched disks Ive ever seen look brand new after 3 deep buffs. Its awesome.
Squarehard....I wish you stuck to anime only....you're stealing all these SNES games from the rest of us. You keep that $5000 for our SNES games. Anime ONLY for you.
[quote name='Rollobobo']Squarehard....I wish you stuck to anime only....you're stealing all these SNES games from the rest of us. You keep that $5000 for our SNES games. Anime ONLY for you. [/QUOTE]
I just had a HELL of a score. Went to the Pawn Shop and somehow nabbed all this amazing stuff for incredible prices. Someone must've sold a huge chunk of his/her collection. I got:
Final Fantasy Anthology Collector's Package - $5
Final Fantasy Chronicles - $5
Final Fantasy Origins - $5
Final Fantasy VII - $5
Final Fantasy VIII - $5
Final Fantasy IX - $5
Chrono Cross - $5
Lunar Silver Star Story Complete - $15
And a copy of Shenmue for $3.
On top of all that, I picked up the following guides as well for just $3 each AND they were B1G1.
Final Fantasy Anthology
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy XI
Final Fantasy XII
The best part? All the games are COMPLETE, MINT, and BLACK LABEL. The guides are in phenomenal shape too.
[quote name='Tsel']I just had a HELL of a score. Went to the Pawn Shop and somehow nabbed all this amazing stuff for incredible prices. Someone must've sold a huge chunk of his/her collection. I got:
Final Fantasy Anthology Collector's Package - $5
Final Fantasy Chronicles - $5
Final Fantasy Origins - $5
Final Fantasy VII - $5
Final Fantasy VIII - $5
Final Fantasy IX - $5
Chrono Cross - $5
Lunar Silver Star Story Complete - $15
And a copy of Shenmue for $3.
On top of all that, I picked up the following guides as well for just $3 each AND they were B1G1.
Final Fantasy Anthology
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy XI
Final Fantasy XII
The best part? All the games are COMPLETE, MINT, and BLACK LABEL. The guides are in phenomenal shape too.[/QUOTE]
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - $10
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 - $10
Dark Souls - $30
Persona 4 Arena - $60
The Simpsons Game - $5
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga - $4
Dead Island - $30
Wii Sports Resort Bundle - $10
Red Steel 2 Bundle - $8
Endless Ocean: Blue World (came with Wii Speak) - $5
Rhythm Heaven Fever - $0
Sin and Punishment: Star Successor - $5
Skylanders! Wham-Shell on the right and a glow-in-the-dark Zap on the left. I got insanely lucky with the Zap. We got it in at work, and as I was unpacking it from the box, I noticed it looked a little off. I didn't think much of it until I pulled a regular Zap out of another box and compared the two. I set this one aside because it looked unpainted and might be worth something. I was off on the "unpainted" part, but right on the money with the "worth something" part. I'm very glad I was working that day!
I didn't know squarehard was into anime. Oh wait, I did, because he must post at least three times on every page of the pick ups thread with all the fly shit he buys. Holy so much anime.
[quote name='KtMack23']I didn't know squarehard was into anime. Oh wait, I did, because he must post at least three times on every page of the pick ups thread with all the fly shit he buys. Holy so much anime.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Squarehard']I beg to differ. I think I need more! RAWR![/QUOTE]
I am just too cheap to buy it usually because I can stream it lol. I'm watching Ouran Host Club right now, Idk how it's viewed by others, but I find it quite enjoyable
picked up Mass Effect 3 Collector's Edition for PS3 for $20 at BB (it was marked down to $49.99 with 40% off, and i had that $10 award from ordering over $50 for instore pickup).
Got the DVDs for $1 each at a garage sale. SWTOR CEs from GameStop, HDN2 used from GameStop so I can play it without opening my CE, FFIX and the guides from the bookstore for < $8 each.
[quote name='ShogunNage']also got shoot fighter tekken today, got it cause i have the first two volumes of tough and liked it alot. Also got first two dvds of Fighting Spirit[/QUOTE]
[quote name='ShogunNage']where do you buy hard to find anime? usually i use rightstuf or ebay[/QUOTE]
Surprisingly I use Hastings to get a lot of my anime nowadays. Good prices and low risk since their customer service is always solid. Rightstuf, ebay, and Amazon for the rest.
King of Kings for NES $7 Its one of those shitty wisdom tree games that's pretty much unplayable, I only got it because I dont have any unlicensed games and I'm a sucker for those weird cartridge shapes
Final Fantasy 3 for the Famicom $15- Picked this up because I have a "Power Joy" system that is essentially some cheap famicom system thats shaped like an N64 controller. One of those things they sell at the mall with 90 prepackaged games. The weird thing is those games came on a famicom cart that plugs into the back. So that should be fun, except I dont know any japanese.....
These came last week. Noizi Ito artbooks are always welcome at my house.
Kingdom Hearts came Saturday. Civilization V GotY, Spirit Camera, and Camo from Best Buy Sunday. Looney Tunes came yesterday. Computer stuff came today.
Here is just one pick up from August. I will post the rest later as this pick up is huge. It all started at a flea market. While perusing the fine merchandise of many vendors I found an elderly gentleman who had this beast of a figure. Picked it up for $3
He also had a Ken Masters gi joe figure from back in the day. So I thought to ask him about video games. He said "all anyone wants is the news stuff so I didn't bring them." I asked what he had and he said " Genesis, Nintendo, and Turbografx stuff mainly "space shooters." I asked if he would bring his stuff up next weekend. He told me I could stop by his place after he was done at the flea. We exchanged info and I arrived at his house later. This man's house was crazy. He was borderline hoarder but mainly looked like a guy picking stuff up cheap at retail to resell years later. He had two of these in his house
When all was said and done I spent $240 for all the stuff that follows.
The main reason why I went. I never had a TG-16 before and have been itching for one. Highlights: CIB Turbostick and a loose one and every game.
we couldn't find the rest of the Master System games he said he had. Probably buried under a pile of boxes. Highlights CIB 3d glasses and another loose pair
Unfortunately both the screens are scrambled. Highlights of the games are Sonic 2, Streets of Rage 2, Power Rangers, Mickey's castle of Illusion
as expected the NES needs new pins but it came with this weird 4 button controller. I am having a hard time finding info on it.
Highlights for me. Contra, Kung Fu, Trojan, Clash at Demonhead, Renegade
All are CIB.
That is a really cool Sega Genesis hard carrying case. It looks like I am an arms dealer carrying this around.
Highlights: Air Buster, Burning Force, Wings of Wor, Fire Shark, Phelios, Arrow Flash, and Shadow Dancer. Sadly no MUSHA. This was the one game I was hoping for when he said Genesis Space ship shooters. =(
Highlights: Moonwalker, and King of Monsters 2 we will see again later in one of my next pic up pics =)
highlights: Dinosaurs for Hire and Ecco
Random stuff. The dancing game actually looks pretty cool.
He had two Vectrex systems! At first he would not sell them since he said they were his favorite systems and his middle age daughter constantly pestered him for them... =/ Once I told him I would give him an extra $50 he was more than happy to let one go. =) To my surprise he gave me the majority of the games and all the manual/overlays. This system looks amazing. Wooh CIB controller! Should be able to make a nice chunk of my money back with that. Game are
Armor Attack, Cosmic Chasm, Hyperchase, Rip Off, Scramble, Spike, Star Trek, Web Wars
...and the cherry on top
I never remembered this display back in the day. Also got brand new Ryu and Guile 12" figures. Kids wanted these? I know I didn't when they came out. lol. Anyway this was a very unique pick up. Got to talk to a cool old gamer and got a bunch of great stuff. Oh and if tallied this all comes out to be about $2 per item with over $1200 worth of stuff if I sold everything on ebay but why would I do that??