The Official "We wish JaytheGamefan well in his future endeavors" Wrestling Thread

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Jeez, Kurt. If you love your finishers so much, why don't you go and marry them?

Then Jeff Jarrett can steal them from you and fuck 'em.
[quote name='Regian']Jeez, Kurt. If you love your finishers so much, why don't you go and marry them?

Then Jeff Jarrett can steal them from you and fuck 'em.[/QUOTE]


Guy thinks he's a hot shit movie star now that he's done a few shitty indie flicks filmed with a $50 Flip camera.
Angle's just mad he only wrestles in front of 200 people while Orton just wrestled in front of 70,000.
Why the hate on Kurt.. he is a wrestling machine and could make a Khali match good. WWE would take him back in a heartbeat if he wanted to go there. USA is pumping TE, every commercial break has a spot for it.
[quote name='pimpster4183']Why the hate on Kurt..[/QUOTE]

Because he just made an idiot out of himself on Twitter with baseless, empty bitching?

[quote name='metaphysicalstyles']Wrestlemania XX?[/QUOTE]
[quote name='davo1224']Yeah it was during the Benoit feud.[/QUOTE]

Well he tapped to Cena at WM22, so it's at least that recent. Remember the immediate crowd reaction shot when he tapped? That guy was the original Angry Miz Girl.
[quote name='metaphysicalstyles']Wrestlemania XX?[/QUOTE]
[quote name='davo1224']Yeah it was during the Benoit feud.[/QUOTE]

Well he tapped to Cena at WM22, so it's at least then. Remember the immediate crowd reaction shot when he tapped? That guy was the original Angry Miz Girl.
Angle bitching about the ankle lock of all things is hilarious since the only reason he was able to use it as a finisher was Ken Shamrock getting it over as one.
And also...King of the ring, and he doesn't even get a match? Who did Sheamus piss off...Way to push your talent...Danielson and Sheamus...
Nice! I've had a lot of fun watching Jon Moxley on DG USA and EVOLVE. Now lets get some Johnny Gargano up in the WWE as well.
[quote name='diddy310'] CMPunk
"my twitter account was hacked", is the new: "I'm a sloppy drunk douche".[/QUOTE]

Give him the title, now.

Something that great deserves recognition on a grand scale. CM Punk really is one of the few wrestlers that is just that entertaining in real life, even when they're not in persona.
I mean CM should already be champ...he's by far the best heel they have who can WRESTLE
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[quote name='rvdrock']I mean CM should already be champ...he's by far the best hell they have who can WRESTLE[/QUOTE]

I like Punk, but if you think Punk is a better wrestle than Daniel Bryan I'd have to call you crazy. Punk is good, better than WWE and the majority of fans give him credit for but I wouldn't say he's the absolute best they've got.
[quote name='rvdrock']I meant to say heel not bad...[/QUOTE]

Hmm, best heel wrestler right now? Maybe a little stronger argument there I'd say.
[quote name='rvdrock']That UT submission was crap and you know...he didn't even hook it in right at first...I'm so sick of The Undertaker...[/QUOTE]

HHH put his arm in the wrong place. Twice.
Man, I love Punk.

On the subject of Moxley, I've always thought of him as a garbage deathmatch wrestler (but that's pretty much everyone in CZW, to be honest). His stuff in Dragon Gate is an improvement, though - should be a good fit for developmental, but I'd almost guarantee we'll never see him on the main roster.
[quote name='Survivalism']HHH put his arm in the wrong place. Twice.[/QUOTE]

How does a submission fall on HHH? I mean, the job of the submission is to put the other guy into...submission right? IDK...
[quote name='rvdrock']How does a submission fall on HHH? I mean, the job of the submission is to put the other guy into...submission right? IDK...[/QUOTE]
It's still real to me, dammit.
last night sucked for most part. someone tell me what a all black choir with dmx rapping a prayer has to do with cena??? that was pointless. then to top it off att uverse decided to have signal problems big time during last match so was like watching it in still shots. what does att do when call to complain tell me to pound sand basically. a bulk of take match was them laying around. a no holds barred match and only weapong used was a chair? come on now where is the orignaliity in that. i go back to steel cage with cactus jack and the tacks now that was a match
[quote name='pimpster4183']Why the hate on Kurt.. he is a wrestling machine and could make a Khali match good. WWE would take him back in a heartbeat if he wanted to go there.[/QUOTE]

After the way he left by faking his painkiller addiction rehab to get out of his contract? I think they'd be more likely to hire Jeff Jarrett back before they'd hire Angle.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Or thanks to Beef for posting it last night.[/QUOTE]

Ah... I must of missed that post. Sorry.

Word has it that the WWE is potentially going to release 12-14 people soon. What's the Vegas odds on either Bryan Danielson Daniel Bryan and/or Sheamus being one of them?
[quote name='xilly']After the way he left by faking his painkiller addiction rehab to get out of his contract? I think they'd be more likely to hire Jeff Jarrett back before they'd hire Angle.[/QUOTE]

Ummm... He wasn't faking. TNA just dosen't care. Also See: Hardy, Jeff.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Ah... I must of missed that post. Sorry.

Word has it that the WWE is potentially going to release 12-14 people soon. What's the Vegas odds on either Bryan Danielson Daniel Bryan and/or Sheamus being one of them?[/QUOTE]

Ask me again after tonight. If either one of them isn't on Raw in some sort of capacity, they're gone.

My money's on at least a few of those 12-14 being some of the "Divas." That division has gotten bloated with no real direction.
[quote name='LoveLost']What ever happened to Awesome Kong???[/QUOTE]

Last I heard at least was she was on a plane on the way to Atlanta a few days ago.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Ask me again after tonight. If either one of them isn't on Raw in some sort of capacity, they're gone.

My money's on at least a few of those 12-14 being some of the "Divas." That division has gotten bloated with no real direction.[/QUOTE]

They have a match tonight for the U.S. title.
Kong will probably debut tonight in some form or fashion - she was flown in to Atlanta, and they do like post-WM debuts, although Sin Cara seems to be getting that spot this week. Maybe she'll do a dark match or they'll do two debuts on one night.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Ask me again after tonight. If either one of them isn't on Raw in some sort of capacity, they're gone.

My money's on at least a few of those 12-14 being some of the "Divas." That division has gotten bloated with no real direction.[/QUOTE]

Wonder how long it'll be until Beth Phoenix shows up in TNA...

On a side note, I doubt anyone would miss: Eve, The Bella Twins, Alicia Fox, or Maryse. Also, they could fire about half of the corre/nexus and no one would bat an eye either.

Of course, I'm cynical and don't like CM Punk either so my opinion is likely way off base. :p
[quote name='xilly']Wonder how long it'll be until Beth Phoenix shows up in TNA...

On a side note, I doubt anyone would miss: Eve, The Bella Twins, Alicia Fox, or Maryse. Also, they could fire about half of the corre/nexus and no one would bat an eye either.[/QUOTE]
I care about all of those.
Well, since I haven't said anything about Wrestlemania, here's my two cents. It was good. Not great, but certainly entertaining.

Edge vs Del Rio: Having this as the openner was definitely weird. And even though I may be the only Edgehead left on the internets, I wanted Del Rio to win. He's definitely ready for the big time and this would have been the ultimate slingshot for him. Hmm... I do see the fued continuing though. Del Rio needs to get retribution for his car, at least.

Cody vs Rey: I liked it. A lot. Reminded me a bit of WWF years ago with the use of the mask and leg brace. Also, Rey acting like a human torpedo with the mask was pretty funny.

Corre vs Team Show: ...why? I don't get how a team where 3/4 of the members are carrying title belts gets squashed. Corre should have won this, either with Barrett hitting Wasteland on Big Show, or Ezekiel winning with whatever his finisher is. Also, Kofi looked snazzy in his green attire.

Randall Keith Orton vs CM Punk: Good match. Punk probably should have won. I feel like they are abusing the whole "RKO can strike from anywhere" thing. Though at least it wasn't a run of the mill RKO.

Cole vs King: I don't know how I feel about this. Cole actually getting some offense in was interesting, though some of it looked bad. Also, WTF @ Cole having so many tats. he didn't seem like that kind of guy. King losing by DQ really sucked though. That ending shouldn't have happened. And when is the anonymous GM thing ending?! Just reveal him as Cole and let JR and King (and maybe Josh/Striker) announce.

Taker vs HHH: A loooooong match. I liked it. It was definitely good. But it started dragging on towards the end. How many finishers were in this match? It looked like me playing a DoR2 when I'm using a Hurricane versus.... anybody. Lol. Taker winning with the gogoplata was a good move though. At that point, what else could be done? Taker was obviously not going to not kick out of anything, and HHH has no submission moves. Finally, the post match was pretty intense, though it really lasted forever. I guess this means that we won't see him for a while.
Though, side note. I think something interesting for the next WM would for him to be on a losing streak going into the show. Come back from his vacation and just job non stop. Finally, have him cut a promo saying that he feels like his time is coming to a close, but he wants to end his career at the one place where he's been known to shine, whether he wins or loses. He sets out an open challenge for anybody who wishes to try and take him down when all of a sudden.... Br-r-r-r-r-r-r, APPLEDOUGH!!!! Cena comes out, spouts some of his company man shenanigans about the biggest stage in the world and finally says that he would love to be the last person Undertaker faces.

Team Snooki vs Team LayCool: Snooki was impressive in her role. Also, anyone who ever called Mickie James or Jillian fat must have been having a seizure when they saw Snooki's gut pop out during her flips. Finally, having Dolph and Morrison in this match was a waste of their talents.

Miz vs Cena: MIZ RETAINS!!! YES!!!! Though the match itself was lackluster. It was only a few minutes long, and at first ended in a double countout.... WTF. Then Rock restarted the match as a no holds barred match, only to rock bottom Cena and let Miz win. I imagined that would be the ending to this match... but I kinda thought there was going to be more to the match than that. Miz's expressions after winning were really good. When he won, he was still dazed from the FU he got, so he had that "did I win....?" look on him. Whereas if Cena won, he would have generated all his HP back, and been jumping around the ring, throwing his arms up, etc... And when Miz saw Rock staring him down, he stating hugging his belt, which was a pretty amusing sight.
The Bellas should have been immediately fired after their Smackdown hosting job the other night. Alicia Fox can go too...might as well dump off Kaitlyn if they aren't going to use her as well.
[quote name='xilly']Wonder how long it'll be until Beth Phoenix shows up in TNA...

On a side note, I doubt anyone would miss: Eve, The Bella Twins, Alicia Fox, or Maryse. Also, they could fire about half of the corre/nexus and no one would bat an eye either.

Of course, I'm cynical and don't like CM Punk either so my opinion is likely way off base. :p[/QUOTE]

It'll be interesting to see what happens to Nexus considering the squashing/elimination prior to Wrestlemania. I wouldn't be surprised to see them disbanded at this point considering their use has been cut off dramatically in the buildup to Wrestlemania. Then again, I 'unno, maybe they'll finally have a proper feud with Corre.

You know, as I sit here watching the Hall of Fame ceremony and remembering reading that WWE wants to induct 1 female and 1 celebrity every year going forward, I can't help but think we're gonna see Pete Rose inducted at some point. If for no other reason they can say "well MLB won't have you but we will."

Is Miz sitting next to Stephanie? Maybe now we know how he's been getting this push over the last year...
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I was hoping to see Road Dogg on HOF, guess that aint happening. On a side note, new Law and Order CI w/ the old guy on the show is back - nice!
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I can't help but think we're gonna see Pete Rose inducted at some point. If for no other reason they can say "well MLB won't have you but we will."[/QUOTE]

That point was 2004.
[quote name='JJSP']I can't remember the last time HHH tapped out.[/QUOTE]

Elimination Chamber 2010. Triple H pinned Sheamus and then John Cena locked on the STF and forced Triple H to submit to end the match.
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