The RJ MacReady is Nick Suttner is Dick Buttner is Banana Man OTT

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[quote name='lordwow']You are a horrible person and an awful parent #83.[/quote]

Mrs. Number83? What are you doing on CAG? And why are you using LW account??

[quote name='lilboo']Did ya at least order it from Amazon? That $20 coupon softens the blow, IMO[/quote]

Yes...but I still feel awful! Damn Nicktoons channel!!!!
[quote name='Number83']Mrs. Number83? What are you doing on CAG? And why are you using LW account??

Yes...but I still feel awful! Damn Nicktoons channel!!!![/QUOTE]

:lol: Well that's good. The $20 coupon almost tempts me. I'll admit I wanna try the game, but I don't know about buying it. Even at $30 it seems It's a shame that these first party Nintendo games never see a price cut, like, ever.

There's no reason why Twilight Princess should be $50 retail. None at all.
I think the reason first party nintendo game don't drop much is because then they'd be priced with all the shitty third party games. The price kind of keeps them separated.
Just ordered AC Wii on for in store pickup. Got that and Banjo coming soon.

I should pick up that AC/DC Rock Band thing sometime soon too.
[quote name='lordwow']79 out? jeez, it's barely 50 here.[/quote]

That's Nebraska weather.

Two weeks ago, it was hovering around the low-50s, high-40s.
Looks like another week min before I'll be able to get something from yf360. Gonna use the virtual paypal things and you have to become a verified paypal member to do so -_-

So, I opened a 2nd checking account just for paypal to be linked to and to never put money in it save for the xx cents they deposit for verification.
[quote name='tiredfornow']Its 90 outside right now.

I hate you northern fucks.[/quote]
That is what you get for living in Texass.
I was driving to school today and there were like 2-3 people standing on different parts of a street waving McCain/Palin signs. :lol:
[quote name='Moxio']Munch, are you as homophobic as Linkking Prime?[/QUOTE]

Yes. I just don't understand why people choose to be gay. I mean vagina > butt, mirite?
Over the weekend there were 7-10 groups of people taking 3 corners of a major street near a mall with "Yes on 8" signs and banners...and only one group of 3 people came out with signs of "No on 8"
I have a really bad feeling about the election (McCain winning) and prop 8. (Yes on 8).

I hope I'm wrong. Guess we'll find out soon enough.
I swear to you that a lot of people are saying they're going to vote for Obama, then vote for McCain. Plus, Obama overpolled by 7% everytime during the primaries. My worst fear is a McCain win.
Oh yeah, jimbo, do stay the fuck out of the vs. board. It's the same people, who make the same arguments, over and over again. Totally retarded. It's a cesspool where people just go to stir shit up.
[quote name='tiredfornow']A lot of the people around the office are voting for McCain just cause he's white. :whistle2:|[/QUOTE]

I'm voting for Obama because he acts white!

I've seen a lot of shirts that black people where that has Obama next to King and X. Despite the fact that X and King were very different, I wonder how blacks view Obama. Do they seem him as a fulfillment of "the Dream," or do they seem him as someone who's going to push forward more civil rights legislation and such.

I seriously wish it was Biden was the one running, though. I'm a HUGE fan of Biden, always have been, though he does put his foot in his mouth a lot.
[quote name='munch']I'm voting for Obama because he acts white!

I seriously wish it was Biden was the one running, though. I'm a HUGE fan of Biden, always have been, though he does put his foot in his mouth a lot.[/quote]

I think that racism will once again rear it's ugly head in this country. People in this country honestly don't know how to vote, they vote for all the wrong reasons.

They vote for McCain cause the other guy is black, they vote for someone who will raise their taxes even though they're poor. It's stupid shit like that that boggles my mind. Why don't people vote for their interests instead of stupid shit like race or religion?
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