The "Road to Wrestlemania XXX" Wrestling Thread

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The New Age Outlaws as the new Tag Team Champions doesn't make a great deal of sense to me, but while watching the match I continue to be impressed with Cody Rhodes at yet another PPV.
Supposedly they're keeping them around for a little bit for the storyline for
Triple H vs. CM Punk
match at Wrestlemania. But I'm guessing they wanted them to have one last run with the belts?

Although it did look like Goldust was injured in the match. Not sure how, after the break when ref was checking on him, it looked like he took a move the wrong way.

I missed the slip...what were they referring to and who let it slip?
I may have misheard, but it was the backstage interviewer Renee, talking with Orton about Batista being back in the WWF.

Also, did the post-Wrestlemania Raw crowd show up early? I mean they aren't near as loud or unified as the post-Wrestlemania crowd, but what the hell is going on? Randy Savage, boring, Y2J, Undertaker chants.

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Supposedly they're keeping them around for a little bit for the storyline for
Triple H vs. CM Punk
match at Wrestlemania. But I'm guessing they wanted them to have one last run with the belts?

Although it did look like Goldust was injured in the match. Not sure how, after the break when ref was checking on him, it looked like he took a move the wrong way.
I guess. I doubt they'll hold it for long, but there are just so many good young guys in the tag team division right now.

I hope it's nothing serious with Goldust. He really has been having a nice run.
I may have misheard, but it was the backstage interviewer Renee, talking with Orton about Batista being back in the WWF.

Also, did the post-Wrestlemania Raw crowd show up early? I mean they aren't near as loud or unified as the post-Wrestlemania crowd, but what the hell is going on? Randy Savage, boring, Y2J, Undertaker chants.
The last time they were in Pittsburgh for a PPV it was the Cena-Orton Iron man match, so I'm, guessing they're a bit tired of these guys. I don't mind either of them, but even I can only watch Cena/Orton so many times over the yars before I get tired of it.

The Brian/Wyatt match was awesome, though. Wyatt looked great.

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I guess the one good thing about Bryan losing clean in the first match is that his Royal Rumble odds went up the little bit.

The bad news is, it's only a little bit.
This match is boring as hell. I was thinking about Batista's return and one of the things we are going to miss with a seemingly face Batista is stuff like this:

That's just gold.

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This match is boring as hell. I was thinking about Batista's return and one of the things we are going to miss with a seemingly face Batista is stuff like this:

That's just gold.
Every year, Kingston does something ridiculous. This one wasn't a completely off the wall one, but still.

The Nash appearance wasn't nearly as awesome as when he came out as Diesel.

Looks like the Rhodes brothers storyline marches on.

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30 entrants just feels to low for the amount of ppl on roster + surprises.. any word why they didn't keep the 40 man?
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Well there is our Shield split moment. It also looked like a kid wanted to jump the rail after Kane. That was funny.

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Glad the crowd has been shitting on the Rumble since Mysterio came out as #30. It's good that they aren't letting the Bryan thing go.

LMAO at "NO!" when Sheamus was trying to get the brogue chant.
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I love that the crowd turned sour as soon as Rey came out and they realized Bryan wasn't in the match.

I think this is the most negative I've seen a crowd at the end of the Rumble.

While it's only one crowd worth of reaction, maybe they just bring Batista around to Brotista after Mania where he wins the belt I assume so he can take it with him on Guardians of the Galaxy promo tours.

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I'm guessing there's going to be some heavy editing on the DVD.
They'll have to bust out their Friday Night Smackdown canned crowd noise for this one.

I know there was some site that posted the edited differences between the released Mania DVDs and the tapes, does anyone do the same thing for Broadcast vs. Blu/DVD?

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I'm with the crowd on this one... Bray Wyatt and Daniel Bryan had the match of the night and both of them (especially Daniel Bryan) deserved to be in the Royal Rumble match. White it was fun to see El Torito, JBL and even Corporate Kane, it was very disappointing that the stars of the PPV weren't there. 

I hope Raw's crowd boos the shit out of Batista. 

.................And wwe really wants to try to sell people on wwe network when shit like that happens. That ppv was garbage.

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Why boo batista... wtf
Even when being away for a few years Batista is still part of the old guard... Or at least I consider him to be sort of old guard. (Granted, I went away for quite awhile during his absence too.) People, just want to see them promote someone new.

No spoilers, at least from me, but look how it ended... Crowd was going nuts for new school... and got denied again.

Because Batista is boring as shit as a face. And Orton/Batista is the worst wrestlemania match since miz/cena.

And why the fuck exactly was Bryan not in the rumble match? Undertaker better come out tomorrow or some shit because Wyatt/Bryan at wrestlemania is bullshit.

Also, no y2j? He's in Pittsburgh this weekend, and was at the same convention as dumb ass sheamus. I thought for sure he'd be in the rumble.
And why the fuck exactly was Bryan not in the rumble match? Undertaker better come out tomorrow or some shit because Wyatt/Bryan at wrestlemania is bullshit.
After tonight's ending of Orton/Cena, it's definitely gonna be Wyatt/Cena at WM.

I'm thinking Vince told Bryan to post this as damage control


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So apparently I missed this during the Bryan/Wyatt match


Yeah, definitely not any nightmare fuel there. Nope, not in the slightest.

He's done that before, but only on PPVs I think.

Take it away, Mick Foley:

"Does @WWE actually hate their own audience? I've never been so disgusted with a PPV."
From somewhat of an outside perspective of someone who just started watching Raws again a few weeks ago, I really don't understand why they are wasting Daniel Bryan on the hillbilly angle or why they are letting Batista come back and immediately headline. The shield stuff has been good and these guys definitely need repackaging. There's gotta be a way to get Cena out of jorts as well. FFS

I just don't understand how a guy that's literally been back with the company for less than a week gets to main event Wrestlemania....and it's not even a GOOD PART-TIMER. Lame-ass, boring FACE Batista is headlining the Super Bowl of Wrestling. WTF?

Edit:  I understand that he's Haitch's old bro and everything....but come on. The crowd in New Orleans is going to shit all over that match

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1) Really good friends with HHH
2) They really want the belt on him by the time his Marvel movie comes out.
That's not till August according to IMDB... Though, I suspect you are onto something.

Can anyone answer me a quick, not really all that important but I've gotten real curious, question?

When is the last time Ambrose defended the US belt? (I do suspect hell lose it to Reigns at the next PPV... Granted, I do think that belt is a little bit below him.)
That's not till August according to IMDB... Though, I suspect you are onto something.

Can anyone answer me a quick, not really all that important but I've gotten real curious, question?

When is the last time Ambrose defended the US belt? (I do suspect hell lose it to Reigns at the next PPV... Granted, I do think that belt is a little bit below him.)
October, not counting any house show matches.

He defended it at the October PPV against Big E.  Not sure about after that.  Maybe on a raw or smackdown sometime?

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Here's some cool smilies, courtesy of Monkey:

I've got some Bad News for you



Thumbs up?  Thumbs down! 

This smiley's going to Wrestlemania, bitches

Well I'll be at Raw tomorrow. hopefully the crowd is into it. I've never been to a show here in Cleveland, anyone have any idea how good the crowd is here?

Does it bother anybody else that entrances aren't shown like they used to be? I know that some entrances are boring and generic (quite a few guys have these), some are too long (these guys mainly fight around WM time), and some have terrible music (Mr. Sandow I'm thinking about you right now) but isn't that part of being the wrestler? Having an entrance that is tailored to the character?...

Now, this could all be biased because my favorite WWE Superstar of all-time is MVP and he first grabbed my attention due to an outstanding entrance. Yes, the one with the giant balloon entrance. That, mixed with awesome theme music created a unique entrance and I was hooked. It was only then that I discovered he is a great performer in the ring, and not too shabby on the mic either. Some people out there could be an entrance away from having that type of moment I had but we wouldn't know it because for a lot of matches nowadays, they come out during the commercial break so when we get back to Raw, they are already in the ring.

I just want to see every superstar get their entrance each night. That means haka (I think that's what its called) dances every time the Usos fight, the little 'millions of dollas' dance every time the Primetime Players fight, and ...well, everything except Los Matadores. Screw those guys. Alright j/k...In all seriousness, even they should get their 30-45 seconds of fame each week. It's better than those 30-45 second recaps we get after commercial breaks. Seriously, we don't need 10 of those a night.
There's a lot of people who suffer from having a shitty entrance -- Daniel Bryan being one of them. Flight of the Valkyries is always going to be terrible.

Also, fuck Boretista. I'm glad they shit on him. I hope every single crowd from now until Guardians comes out does it.

Well I'll be at Raw tomorrow. hopefully the crowd is into it. I've never been to a show here in Cleveland, anyone have any idea how good the crowd is here?
Doesn't matter where it is now. It could be held in my backyard and people will be into it (supporting Bryan). I fully expect "Daniel Bryan" and "Yes" chants more than ever especially when ever Batista is promoted. Cleveland probably isn't your top destination for a wrestling event, but like I said, the crowd will be into it regardless.

Hopefully we can hear them on TV. I also expect the producers to pipe out the boos.

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Wow, that was an absolutely horrible PPV. If this is their way of saying "hey, you'll get this for free when you pay for the WWE Network", then no thanks. Foley was right on twitter, WWE has just lost touch with fans with what they want.

Kinda hoping that between now and WM, they get the title off of Orton. Because Orton vs. Batista for the world title at WM is not something that should be headlining for the 30th Anniversary(feels more like a main event for one of their lower PPVs like Extreme Rules). If that is the main event, maybe Jim Cornette is right, that since WM 25 they've only tried one good match on the card and the rest of the matches are absolute shit.

When is the last time Ambrose defended the US belt? (I do suspect hell lose it to Reigns at the next PPV... Granted, I do think that belt is a little bit below him.)
There was talk recently that they were going to unify the IC & US titles soon. Which would leave them with one tag title, one women's title, one mid-card title and one world title. Which I kinda understand, although if they keep it active, would it basically be the European title(basically a poor man's IC title) now?

There was talk recently that they were going to unify the IC & US titles soon. Which would leave them with one tag title, one women's title, one mid-card title and one world title. Which I kinda understand, although if they keep it active, would it basically be the European title(basically a poor man's IC title) now?
I guess I could see them actually unify those two belts... (Till they actually retire or replace the belts that Orton holds up into one belt... I'm not even sure they have truly unified the titles outside of storyline.) but no so soon after doing it.

Also not sure if they really should do it... A belt at least gives them an easy thing to build a match around.

Batista winning the Rumble just reeks as the same sentiment as the Rock coming back to headline Wrestlemania amplified 10 fold. Hell even Rock's first return to Wrestlemania wasn't straight to a title match. It's just so disingenuous and so blatant that he'll be gone again as soon as this (likely) short term contract is over.

What's sad is that the 2 best matches of the night were a non-title match (Bryan-Wyatt) and a curtain jerker featuring 3/4 of the wrestlers who were from the 90s. Every other match felt like they were putting absolutely no effort into. Cena-Orton in particular was just god-awful boring.
Wow, that was an absolutely horrible PPV. If this is their way of saying "hey, you'll get this for free when you pay for the WWE Network", then no thanks. Foley was right on twitter, WWE has just lost touch with fans with what they want.
Psssst. You're getting worked by Foley's tweets. "Supressing" Daniel Bryan has been part of the storyline for I don't know how long now. Just because it's on twitter doesn't mean it's real. Especially if a company man is typing it.

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