The Shockmaster (And Other Things Of Wrestlecrap) Wrestling Thread

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I too also signed up for the Network trial. My tablet hates it to the point where the video freezes, the audio makes a siren like noise, and the tablet automatically restarts. It's weird since I was able to watch PPV preshows on it and Raw content during commercials just fine.

Tried it on my laptop and it buffers every 60 seconds for about 1-2 minutes. I noticed this while watching PPV's when I tried KOTR 1993 (which has a white tracking line at the top of the screen) and Capital Punishment.

I figured it had something to do with the file size so I tried the Raw post show (runtime 14 minutes). No buffering whatsoever. Then I tried watching the Raw preshow (runtime 8 minutes). Only buffered once. Then I tried NXT (runtime 48 minutes) and it gave me the same problems as pay per views.   The live feed on the home page ran better though; it played for 5-6 minutes before buffering for 30 seconds.

Here's the weirdest thing: My laptop has a Pentinum i3 processor with 4 GB RAM yet my 10 inch netbook, which has 2 GB Ram and an Atom processor (read: the weakest machine of the three), plays WWE Network the best with very little problems no matter what.

When it works, I love the network. NXT blew my mind- epecially with the commentators. It's like they're actually paying attention to the wrestlers inside the ring and having a good time. Even the Divas had a better quality match than Raw fare.

I was also watching a Classic Smackdown episode on the live channel page and it had the debut of John Cena when he fought Kurt Angle. My god, Cena actually had wrestling moves back then. And who was in the back to shake Cena's hand after the match?

The Undertaker.

I wish WWE would use the network to enhance storylines. They could easily have done it with Orton and Batista and recapped various moments from their Evolution days.  

When I try to watch the live channel on my laptop, there's not much buffering, but the video gets choppy and the audio gets out of sync pretty quickly. Seeing as this is run by the people who do, I wish they'd add the slider where you can set the quality of the stream like MLB has.

I should also add that I tried to watch the network through my PS3. I couldn't even get to the 5 second TV rating video. I never had any of these problems when I subscribed to Netflix.

About a month ago the hard drive on my laptop went out on me so I'm using the 120 GB drive that use to be in my PS3 (in comparison, the netbook drive is a 250 GB). I bet that may have something to do with the problem and I'm saving up for a SSD drive to see if that helps.

This Lesnar/Taker buildup is the fucking worst.

They should have had tonight end with Undertaker literally fucking screaming in pain like he just had his arm broken or something, not Brock being typical Undertaker-opponent tentative about some lights and a casket. Unless Brock is actually going to win at Mania, this has been the worst shit ever. Not much time left to get it right at this point. Lesnar has been made to look like a sissy or a weakling every time so far. Why would anyone think this match is even going to be competitive?

This was the easiest built-in buildup in the world and they've totally botched it.
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This Lesnar/Taker buildup is the fucking worst.

They should have had tonight end with Undertaker literally fucking screaming in pain like he just had his arm broken or something, not Brock being typical Undertaker-opponent tentative about some lights and a casket. Unless Brock is actually going to win at Mania, this has been the worst shit ever. Not much time left to get it right at this point. Lesnar has been made to look like a sissy or a weakling every time so far. Why would anyone think this match is even going to be competitive?

This was the easiest built-in buildup in the world and they've totally botched it.
Considering this is a match that was/should have happened 10-11 years ago, they have had more than enough time to overbook the shit out of it to the point that bats should have flown out of the casket, Heyman should have shit himself silly, Taker descends from the rafters amid clouds and lightning, only to slip in the fore-mentioned pile of shit and Lesnar pounces on Taker and destroys him. That way in less than 2 weeks when the streak remains unbroken it is a "miracle."

However, since this is WWE, well ,you get what we got tonight. Hell, why not just break the "kayfabe" shit and use the whole angle of this was supposed to happen "X" number of yrs ago but Lesnar ran away, use the Taker/Lesnar stare down at that one UFC fight, and promote this as the fight "X" number of years in the making? I know, to damn simple to do something like that.

It's not great, but whatever. Shit writes itself. Laughed my ass off at Lesnar's "Lets! Do! THIIIIIIIIIS?"

The Shield/Real Americans match was off the fucking hook, though. Not only was it a great match (a really fast pace, though, and tough to maintain), but both tag teams are in a tweener stage with a small portion of the crowd HELLA into both teams, so the crowd made that fucking match. The first time I felt like Seth Rollins stood out at all in the Shield to boot.

My guess is they prefer to put over their IPs to "pro wrestling," even when they own ALL of it.

Overlooking the significance of The Outsiders is shortsighted at best, petty rewriting of history at worst.

Rigor Mortis, on 24 Mar 2014 - 5:40 PM, said:
Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the Wrestling thread..... Coming soon will prolly be more of the Zen Davis FanFiction art collection.
Really? Broadband + decent monitor + 150% zoom and it still was appropriate. Don't wig out because you're viewing the site on 56k or using a Boost Mobile phone.

I don't understand why Razor Ramon goes into the HOF and not Scott Hall. Seems dumb.
Razor Ramon is something they created. Stone Cold also sandbagged Hall hardcore so his only WWE moment is that awful match at WM18.

As for those injuries, so many of them are cringeworthy but a lot of them weren't freak accidents so maybe I'm just desensitized. CZW and a New Jack match? Foley has already said he did what he did at Hell in the Cell for the reaction and a memorable moment. Hayabusa is also sloppy as fuck.

I don't understand why Razor Ramon goes into the HOF and not Scott Hall. Seems dumb.
Best i can figure is it has to do with them licensing shit like they do. They own the rights to Razor Ramon, but not to Scott Hall. Kind of like them inducting Paul Bearer, and ignoring the whole Percy Pringle contribution to wrestling. They own the rights to Paul Bearer, but more than likely not the other.

Also, think of it like this as well. One day Kane will be inducted into the HoF. Isaac Yankem however will never be.

I wish they would've given Ziggler the win in the #1 contender match last night. The pop he got when his music hit was huge. He's still way over despite not getting anything resembling a push in a long while.

Taker/Lesnar DID write itself a few years ago when Undertaker did that dick move of trying to promote an angle after Brock lost a fight. If WWE had just shown that they'd already be doing a better job than they are, but whatever. Since this match exists in a bubble it's not really hurting anyone else, unless you subscribe to the horseshit theory that if Brock-Taker wasn't on the card that something like a Real Americans match would suddenly be so much more important for Wrestlemania.

The Scott Hall who? thing I think has already been hit on by multiple people here. Probably a combination of WWE stroking themselves and pretending what they did is way more important than anything WCW did (even if it's wrong, in this case) as well as "saving" Scott for a future NWO/Outsiders induction.
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It's not great, but whatever. Shit writes itself. Laughed my ass off at Lesnar's "Lets! Do! THIIIIIIIIIS?"

The Shield/Real Americans match was off the fucking hook, though. Not only was it a great match (a really fast pace, though, and tough to maintain), but both tag teams are in a tweener stage with a small portion of the crowd HELLA into both teams, so the crowd made that fucking match. The first time I felt like Seth Rollins stood out at all in the Shield to boot.

So now they're pulling Christian from his Main Event match for the IC title. What? Did he get injured again?
Yeah, they say its a slight concussion...

Main Event started with a triple threat to figure out who the new number 1 contender would be... And he faced Big E in the same episode of Main Event.

Considering they are doing these live broadcast of Main Event to stress test the network I doubt it was a work. Poor guy.

Simple question guys. Would you buy an Occulus Rift type device if it meant you could experience Wrestlemania from the front row?

The Wii U has a pretty nifty Google Street app that lets you get a 360 panoramic viewpoint. Imagine the WWE developed a live streaming panoramic camera that let you sit at Wrestlemania with the roar of the crowd and no Michael Cole on commentary. How much would that be worth to you?

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So all of TNA episodes before 2013, Brooke/Hogan Knows Best, Hogan's Championship Wrestling, and a bunch of other reality shows are being takes off PSN at the end of the month because they didn't have closed captioning.
None of those are any loss to me but its such a stupid world we live in when if one group of people cant fully enjoy something, then no one can. We might as well go and burn every book out there that isnt in braille since blind people cant read them.

I figured it was more of a covering their bases thing in case something goes wrong with him.  Celebrating the character and not so much the guy playing him.

Pretty much a less severe version of the Benoit warning on the network.

I was watching a Legends of Wrestling episode the other day on there with Taz, Flair and Jim Ross.  Ric Flair kept cutting over everybody and they were talking about somebody who is in TNA but I forget who and Flair goes "where are they now, in TNA?  what's TNA" ,  Only for him to unretire and work there a year or 2 later lol.

I was watching a Legends of Wrestling episode the other day on there with Taz, Flair and Jim Ross. Ric Flair kept cutting over everybody and they were talking about somebody who is in TNA but I forget who and Flair goes "where are they now, in TNA? what's TNA" , Only for him to unretire and work there a year or 2 later lol.
This got Jim Ross fired.

I know I'm late to the party, but I'm finally getting around to checking out NXT. I'm party way through Zayne vs Cesaro from the first episode, and I'm liking this a lot.

EDIT: Just finished up, and DAMN that was a great match from top to bottom. 

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Simple question guys. Would you buy an Occulus Rift type device if it meant you could experience Wrestlemania from the front row?

The Wii U has a pretty nifty Google Street app that lets you get a 360 panoramic viewpoint. Imagine the WWE developed a live streaming panoramic camera that let you sit at Wrestlemania with the roar of the crowd and no Michael Cole on commentary. How much would that be worth to you?

Sony is already showcasing the tech to be used in things like Id0lmaster to make you feel like you're already in an anime. If the WWE could apply this tech, I imagine they would charge based on how far from the ring a viewer sits. The closer you sit the higher premium you have to pay. So basically they would be able to sell as many front row seats to Wrestlemania as the market will buy. Perhaps even put a VR camera on the announcer's desk.

I wouldn't be surprised if this ends up happening in the next five years as Sony and Facebook's VR tech hits shelves. I also wouldn't be surprised if Cameron didn't didn't push this tech in one of his upcoming Avatar films.

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This is a really interesting article  in Forbes about WWE network.  Two things that stuck out to me:

*Vince paid 2.5 million for all of the WCW rights plus the tape library (whaaaaaaaat?)

*They're estimating a loss of $60 million in PPV revenue, but 1 million subscribers gives them break even in EDBITDA(earning before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization)  at 2 million it's $50 million in additional EDBITA, and at 3 million $150 million.

Also, Vince claims that  had they gone the  TV route, they'd  have only gotten in the range of $0.25 per subscriber form the cable companies,  meanwhile networks like  ESPN get $5.50(!) per subscriber.

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I'm glad I got the Network. I enjoy the Beyond the Ring series though I've seen many of them on Netflix, and Legends of Wrestling was a great look into the minds of some of the greatest minds involved in wrestling (Couldn't watch when it was new because I never had WWE Classics), and Countdown doesn't fail to amuse me with its silliness, especially the Top 10 Botches ep. Ambrose imitating Dusty was awesome, just as anyone imitating Dusty is awesome, and Jericho and Daniel Bryan crapping on various wrestlers throughout the show is a laugh (Sid, Sandman, etc). I feel like I got my money back and then some already.

Oh yeah, the wrestling's pretty good, too. Though people might be complaining about edits and stuff, most of these PPVs I never watched when they were around before, so it's still good to me. I honestly don't think I'd be able to enjoy Big Bossman being hanged by the Undertaker, for example. I agree some stuff hasn't aged well, but watching some WCCW eps (when it was "real!") and whatnot is pretty awesome, man.

Before you guys think I'm just a simple WWE GO JOHN CENA VINCE IS AWESOME fan, I'll have you guys know, I'm pretty excited for PWG's Mystery Vortex II, as well as the two ROH/NJPW shows coming up in May. Thinking of going to Jersey Championship Wrestling this Saturday to meet Jerry Lawler. I honestly think I'm enjoying wrestling more than ever now, which is awesome... and lame at the same time :D

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This got Jim Ross fired.
No you're thinking of the WWE 2K14 video game panel the day before Summerslam. That was because WWE almost lost the 2K deal with that panel and the McMahon's had to throw someone under the bus for it.

The Legends of Wrestling show was originally on the old WWE VOD channel on cable networks like Charter and Comcast, but now is rebroadcast on the network.

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- WWE is inducting the Razor Ramon character instead of Scott Hall himself because they can always induct Hall at a later date with Kevin Nash as The Outsiders or with the nWo as a group. Another reason for Razor’s induction is that Vince McMahon has always been proud of that character.

Source: PWInsider
I thought the story went that Hall walked in and started doing Scarface, and Vince and Patterson had no idea what it was from and thought it was totally original.

I elaborated on my initial post. Didn't answer my own question. You're the one too stupid to see the future coming.

But good detective work on figuring out the mystery of why Razor Ramon is going into the Hall of Fame. Top notch posting there. I'm impressed. 


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Also, Vince claims that had they gone the TV route, they'd have only gotten in the range of $0.25 per subscriber form the cable companies, meanwhile networks like ESPN get $5.50(!) per subscriber.
Makes sense. ESPN has the power to command that kind of price in negotiations (though if you think of what you pay for cable, that's one channel for nearly 10% of your bill!), and WWE certainly wouldn't have that. I'm not sure of the numbers (it ain't my market), but the disparity in revenue seems pretty certain.

That said, I wonder how ad revenue from cable would be compared to ad revenue from online. Let's not pretend like WWE Network won't try to monetize their network with commercials. Duh.

None of those are any loss to me but its such a stupid world we live in when if one group of people cant fully enjoy something, then no one can. We might as well go and burn every book out there that isnt in braille since blind people cant read them.
The thing I don't get... Why don't they just hide the crap so people cannot buy continue to carry it for people who did buy it. You know... Like Valve does with steam and MS does with XBL. (and nearly every other digital media provider does also.)

I'm watching NXT live right now, and I can't help but notice that I haven't experienced a single issue, yet when I'm watching old PPVs and previous episodes it freezes for upwards to a minute every few seconds.

Anybody else have this issue?

I may have finally figured it out with my big problem with what I dislike about WWE's "big dude" fetish. It has mostly to do with guys who deserve zero chances whatsoever getting many of them.

It's not Batista in the main event. I get that. I don't care for it, but I understand.

But go check out someone like Mojo Rawley on NXT. Bleerrrrrrgh, fuckin' terrible. Horrible wrestler, low-low-low rent indie gimmick, just blech. Everything about him. I don't *hate* the guy (even if I say horrible things), I just think he has zero place anywhere outside of a south philly high school gym wrestling show headlined by the Blue Meanie. But he's big, so he is on NX-fucking-T. 

Take everything about that guy and put it in a 5'11" package. Never get a first look from WWE, let alone a second one.

Every once in a while, a big lunk will pan out to show potential. I have to admit, I remain impressed with Titus O'Neil. He was petrified the entire first season of NXT when it was just a dumb competition show. He developed. He impressed. But even Titus, who I do like as a wrestler, got a helluva lot more chances than he would have if he were 5'10".

Now that I'm fully caught up on NXT I have a few thoughts I'd like to share:

- Bo Dallas must have been engineered in a lab somewhere to be the perfect douchey heel. Everything about him screams "that annoying little brother from every 80s/90s TV show grew up and become a wrestler", from his high-pitched voice to his shit-eating grin that you just wanna smash a sledgehammer into. He'd never in a million years get over as a babyface. I love to hate this guy. 

- Call Tyler Breeze up and stick him in a tag team with Fandango. Those two were made for one another.

- On that note, I love The Ascension. In an age of "put two guys together and stick an ampersand between their names", it's a breath of fresh air to see another honest to goodness tag team. They have great chemistry, and I've enjoyed the two or three matches I've seen them in. Plus their finisher is a modified Total Elimination. That doesn't hurt either.

- Just about the entire female roster has impressed me. Not much more to add there.

- I've always liked Adrian Neville since I first saw him wrestle as PAC in ROH, but I'm afraid he won't get a fair shake on RAW because of his small size. This is just me being a hopeless romantic, but I'd love it WWE resurrected the Cruiserweight Division. He'd shine there.

Yeah, I'm totally sold on NXT.

The women in NXT would win a Survivor Series match 5-0 against the current WWE Divas division. It's night and day, really.  The main event of NXT was really good, too.  That finisher by Neville was crazy.  It's a move that doesn't seem possible when you think about it. And Bo...they need to bring him to WWE to make him a big heel. The company needs heels that aren't pushing 40/50.

And yeah, ESPN takes the most money of any company from your cable bill.  Back in 2006 it was like $3.00/month and it was most then as well. Those bastards can't even carry hockey :/

Wrestlemania's next should be a good one, as there are a lot of interesting/big matches on the card unlike in previous years. I think Cena/Wyatt is going to be a letdown though. Taker/Lesnar can go a lot of different directions at this point, and I'm not sure where it'll go other than a Taker win.

- On that note, I love The Ascension. In an age of "put two guys together and stick an ampersand between their names", it's a breath of fresh air to see another honest to goodness tag team. They have great chemistry, and I've enjoyed the two or three matches I've seen them in. Plus their finisher is a modified Total Elimination. That doesn't hurt either.
You know what's funny? Individually, both of those guys are generic big men who we would all bemoan if they were individuals (see my rant aboe).

But you're right - as a dominant tag team that feels like a TEAM, they're a unique relic of a bygone era. I think they're pretty rad myself.

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