The Steam Deal Thread V7 - The soda wars have ended, but the deals rage on.

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V7! You can find link to past threads at the bottom of this post. Read post #2 of this thread for Steam FAQs and more.

Since the V6 thread, we've decided to leave regular minor sales out of the OP. This post will keep track of major sales (Summer sale, etc.), Steam deals available through other sellers (like Amazon), Preorder deals, and Group Buys.

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Steam Sales - Updated 5/20

CAG Threads Featuring Steam Games on Sale Elsewhere - Updated 1/9

Preorder Deals - Updated 1/10
Group Buy Deals - Updated 1/9/13

Free Stuff - List needs updating with F2P games!
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Steam Retail Key List

What is a CD key and where can I find it?

Steam's explanation and list of Steam-activatable keys

The CD Key is a serial number with a combination of 13, 18, or 25 letters and numbers - it can be found on a sticker inside your game's case or printed on the game's quick reference card. The CD Key acts as your proof of purchase for the game - Steam Support may ask for it if you need to establish your ownership of an account. It is recommended that you keep your CD Key in a safe place to ensure the security of your account.

Other Keys that can be redeemed on Steam (CAG tested & verified)

  • The Ball (bought @D2D, tested by voken)
  • Supreme Commander Forged Alliance (gives both FA and original, bought @amazon, tested by vism)

Indie Bundles thread on Steam forums (link)

Past CAG Steam Deal Threads
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[quote name='Flowette']What's good enough for you
Is good enough for me[/QUOTE]

Girls just want to have fun.....time after time.
Former PSN exclusive Papo & Yo is coming to Steam next month. (source)

Another win for the master race? ;) And yes this was one of the games in that huge, mysterious registry update a while back.
So on the recommendation of several CAGs here I made my initial assault on my backlog by firing up Sleeping Dogs. I played a couple of hours last night, and I greatly enjoyed the atmosphere and what little I've seen of the story thus far. I have to ask though, is the combat that you encounter in the early part of the game similar to how it is throughout the game? Because I kept getting my ass kicked in the melee combat.

I guess the problem is, the fighting seems heavily dependent on combos & countering attacks. Sort of like a third person story driven fighting game. The thing is, I suck at any sort of fighting game or a game that features that sort of combat style.

I've managed to complete 4 missions so far, and I've died 12 times. That seems a bit much given that I'm only just starting the game. I'm sure I could eventually get used to the controls, but in the meantime I'm not having much fun. Does this game control better with a 360 controller? Maybe I'm just having a hard time hitting the right buttons because I'm trying to do so on a keyboard.
[quote name='The End']So on the recommendation of several CAGs here I made my initial assault on my backlog by firing up Sleeping Dogs. I played a couple of hours last night, and I greatly enjoyed the atmosphere and what little I've seen of the story thus far. I have to ask though, is the combat that you encounter in the early part of the game similar to how it is throughout the game? Because I kept getting my ass kicked in the melee combat.

I guess the problem is, the fighting seems heavily dependent on combos & countering attacks. Sort of like a third person story driven fighting game. The thing is, I suck at any sort of fighting game or a game that features that sort of combat style.

I've managed to complete 4 missions so far, and I've died 12 times. That seems a bit much given that I'm only just starting the game. I'm sure I could eventually get used to the controls, but in the meantime I'm not having much fun. Does this game control better with a 360 controller? Maybe I'm just having a hard time hitting the right buttons because I'm trying to do so on a keyboard.[/QUOTE]

Did you play Batman: Arkham Asylum and Arkham City?
Just like those games, Sleeping Dog's hand-to-hand combat sequences are best played w/ a 360 controller.
[quote name='The End']So on the recommendation of several CAGs here I made my initial assault on my backlog by firing up Sleeping Dogs. I played a couple of hours last night, and I greatly enjoyed the atmosphere and what little I've seen of the story thus far. I have to ask though, is the combat that you encounter in the early part of the game similar to how it is throughout the game? Because I kept getting my ass kicked in the melee combat.

I guess the problem is, the fighting seems heavily dependent on combos & countering attacks. Sort of like a third person story driven fighting game. The thing is, I suck at any sort of fighting game or a game that features that sort of combat style.

I've managed to complete 4 missions so far, and I've died 12 times. That seems a bit much given that I'm only just starting the game. I'm sure I could eventually get used to the controls, but in the meantime I'm not having much fun. Does this game control better with a 360 controller? Maybe I'm just having a hard time hitting the right buttons because I'm trying to do so on a keyboard.[/QUOTE]

Keyboard might be part of the problem, but for the combat most of it is just counter everyone and punch the fatties. Like a low-rent Arkham Asylum combat system without the intense chain combo timings and variety bonuses. You shouldn't be getting hit as you can counter whenever an enemy is red. That's not to say you won't get hit but if you play heavily toward defense you should be able to avoid everything but the grappling fatties who need to be punched.

If all else fails, listen to the vendors and prove you are a real man by buying a PORK BUN before each mission. The regen is helpful.

Keep going and you'll unlock the dojo which unlocks collectibles that can be traded for more combat moves.
Alright, thanks guys. I'll try a controller when I start playing again after dinner.

EDIT: [quote name='RollingSkull']If all else fails, listen to the vendors and prove you are a real man by buying a PORK BUN before each mission. The regen is helpful.[/QUOTE]

Do those meals/drinks last throughout the mission? I've avoided them because I assumed that they only lasted 30 seconds or so and I thought that they were probably a waste of money.
So my friend is thinking about buy a key for bioshock from, but the key is a EU key. He's in North America. I recall some conversations about EU vs NA keys but don't recall the details. Anything he needs to know ?
[quote name='The End']Alright, thanks guys. I'll try a controller when I start playing again after dinner.


Do those meals/drinks last throughout the mission? I've avoided them because I assumed that they only lasted 30 seconds or so and I thought that they were probably a waste of money.[/QUOTE]

They last. I think they had variable durations, but like 5-10 min or more. Maybe even longer.
[quote name='The End']Alright, thanks guys. I'll try a controller when I start playing again after dinner.


Do those meals/drinks last throughout the mission? I've avoided them because I assumed that they only lasted 30 seconds or so and I thought that they were probably a waste of money.[/QUOTE]

They last at least 5-10 minutes, plus I believe one of the face level bonuses increases the duration. I always grab some buffs when a happen by them. I also died a lot early on, but as you get used to the timing in combat and improve your skillset/health level, things get alot easier. I use a 360 controller while playing as well.

Edit: Also, Bioshock Infinite skirts the main issue at hand and uses the term "soda pop" when referencing pop. Get off the fence Irrational!
What everyone's said so far. Controller is crucial. Power ups help.

That said, the first time I played it was on 360 and I got my ass handed to me constantly. The combat takes some mastering, but once you do I find it is the best combat I've played in a GTA style game.
[quote name='Eldredpe']The one mechanic that I always found TOO incongruous was that you regain a clip of ammo for performing execution moves.
So if you want to stay up on ammo with rare weapons you HAVE to use executions, meaning I was making moral choices I didn't agree with (brutal executions) based on an arbitrary gameplay mechanic that doesn't make sense in the context of the plot (why would my enemy NOW have a rocket on him because I kneecapped him before shoving my gun in his mouth?).

Wow, I never realized Spec Ops: The Line had this mechanic. I just kept swapping weapons for more ammo and that worked out just fine. I can see execution moves being situationally appropriate.

[quote name='TheLongshot']Agreed. It would have been a stronger game if the decisions they let you make had a stronger effect on outcomes. And yeah, the moment you talk about is pretty obvious when it happens. It kinda takes the power of the moment away when you had no choice in the matter.[/QUOTE]

I thought my decisions had reasonable impact. I explored all of them. The tone is: "War is hell." and "You are not a hero, no matter how hard you try."

[quote name='vince_carter']the day i stopped taking IGN seriously was the day i read their fez review[/QUOTE]

I honestly find IGN to have some of the most consistent writing in their reviews. I can fairly consistently read between the lines in IGN reviews. (I'm talking about the writing and how they describe the game, not the numerical reduction.)

[quote name='CheapLikeAFox']
I thought FTL was completely unrealistic in that it is about space ships and intergalactic war and ... wait...

I thought Containment was completely unrealistic in that if there was a zombie outbreak no way are we going to be doing puzzles to fight them... wait...
I play video games to escape reality.
Otherwise I'd want to be one shot killed like 75% of the time, mortally wounded 20% of the time, and survive and spend weeks in the hospital the other 5% of the time. That would be fun. "I can't wait until I recover in the hospital so I can return to that save the world mission I was doing."

Well there is the living out things I'm unlikely to do IRL, like race supercars or run around beating people up with a dildo-bat.

[quote name='Davinatorman']
Wait, you're criticizing Spec Ops for not being realistic enough? The mechanic was meant to make you contemplate, not be realistic. They're brutal actions, but they give you more ammo, which do you prioritize? It makes you think about what you're doing. Similar to the headshot slowdown mechanic, do you revel in the head popping or are you irked that you're mercilessly and brutally killing these guys? It's all there for a reason. In fact,
I'm pretty sure time doesn't slow down in real life when you headshot someone, either.
Citizen Kane once faded into obscurity too.

It really does. Try it sometime. In fight or flight situations time stretches way out.
Also you'll be surprised at just how much blood a person has. (Yeah, I know it's only 5 L but it seems like way more when it's all over the sidewalk.)

[quote name='BigSpoonyBard']I think the fact that this discussion over Spec Ops is even occurring is more significant than any debate over its intentions and shortcomings. Yes, the game takes some things out of your hands and forces you to do things you don't want to do, and at times things operate in service of "being a game" more than narrative. However, the game largely attempts to make you aware of what you're doing and the choices you are making (as well as the actions you are forced to take). As the game progresses, the loading screens start to mock the player who might be enjoying the dudebro action setpieces and gunfights.

All that said, your average shooter doesn't even elicit the slightest conversation on these sorts of topics. Whether or not Spec Ops fully succeeded (and I believe it is mostly successful and many of the design choices are intentional in service of the ultimate point), the fact that we talk about these ideas and are aware of what it attempts to say is more important than whether any of us are right or wrong in the details.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='vince_carter']EA made a fortune on that f2p simpsons iOS game

i expect much more shit like that out of them in the next few years[/QUOTE]


[quote name='The End']
So on the recommendation of several CAGs here I made my initial assault on my backlog by firing up Sleeping Dogs. I played a couple of hours last night, and I greatly enjoyed the atmosphere and what little I've seen of the story thus far. I have to ask though, is the combat that you encounter in the early part of the game similar to how it is throughout the game? Because I kept getting my ass kicked in the melee combat.

I guess the problem is, the fighting seems heavily dependent on combos & countering attacks. Sort of like a third person story driven fighting game. The thing is, I suck at any sort of fighting game or a game that features that sort of combat style.
I've managed to complete 4 missions so far, and I've died 12 times. That seems a bit much given that I'm only just starting the game. I'm sure I could eventually get used to the controls, but in the meantime I'm not having much fun. Does this game control better with a 360 controller? Maybe I'm just having a hard time hitting the right buttons because I'm trying to do so on a keyboard.[/QUOTE]

At first I was thinking to myself "wow you suck" but then I saw KB/M. Try it with a controller if you have one. It plays like Batman AA/AC -lite. Dodging, blocking, countering is key. Combat gets better when you unlock more melee moves. Also make liberal use of bullet-time while leaping over objects for gunplay. Remember it's supposed to play like HK Cinema.

[quote name='The End']
Alright, thanks guys. I'll try a controller when I start playing again after dinner.

Do those meals/drinks last throughout the mission? I've avoided them because I assumed that they only lasted 30 seconds or so and I thought that they were probably a waste of money.[/QUOTE]

Money comes pretty easy even if it doesn't seem like it at first. Avail yourself of the vendor food/drink (iirc my faves are dragon kick, and tea, dmg boost/reduction respectively). Once you start rolling in the dough, you'll "be a real man" and get shady back-alley "massages". Make liberal use of Taxis once you need to travel farther, the're dirt cheap and a real time saver. Cop rep isn't too hard to come by, but triad rep is more limited.
[quote name='tebowdragon15']i message and coddemaster and said they talk to steam guys to tried to get back on so maybe it be while[/QUOTE]

I seriously doubt that. Possibly a miscommunication with Dirt 4 in mind.

Codemasters did announce that Dirt 4 will be a return to Rally racing after the Dirt title that shall not be named
Dirt Showdown
and Dirt 3's Gymkahana addition. Dirt 2 was less Rally focused than Dirt 1. (Likely due to losing/being free of the Colin McRae tie after his death-by-helicopter.)

Apart from that they are also busy keeping GRID 2 on track for an August release.
[quote name='asheskitty']Codemasters did announce that Dirt 4 will be a return to Rally racing after the Dirt title that shall not be named
Dirt Showdown
and Dirt 3's Gymkahana addition. Dirt 2 was less Rally focused than Dirt 1. (Likely due to losing/being free of the Colin McRae tie after his death-by-helicopter.)[/QUOTE]

I really hope they do get rid of the Dirt name by referring to rally (wich seems to be taken the Showdown path for sure (ugh game)), I like rally a lot, since McRae games on PS1, and although I did enjoy the Gymkahana stuff, I want to play an almost only rally game again, like the new WRC but made by Codemasters, who can really make a good racing game. As most sim as it can get please.
[quote name='louiedog']Maybe not right now. Time makes fools of us all. I made a Cyndi Lauper reference earlier. Hopefully no one got it.[/QUOTE]

Goonies soundtrack was awesome, sir. Never apologize for liking the 80's.
[quote name='Mooby']Goonies soundtrack was awesome, sir. Never apologize for liking the 80's.[/QUOTE]

The Goonies 'R' Good Enough
Before its inclusion on The Essential Cyndi Lauper in 2003, the song never appeared on any of Lauper's albums or the 1994 compilation Twelve Deadly Cyns...and Then Some. Lauper admitted in an interview with Matthew Rettenmund that she hated the song, which was why she had chosen not to include it on her first compilation.
The song was featured in several iterations of Konami's Goonies video games, most notably the popular NES game Goonies II.
The official title of the song is just "Good Enough", as is the way Cyndi had titled it when it was written and the way she announced it at concerts. She never said the 'new' title, "The Goonies 'R' Good Enough", at any concert. It was changed, only in name, because Warner Brothers Studio insisted that the marketing pointed towards the film and that is when "The Goonies 'R'" was tacked on to the title of the song.
Cyndi refused to play the song live after 1986.
She finally incorporated it back into her live show during several dates in Australia in 2004. Fans kept requesting the song and Cyndi eventually sang the first verse and chorus a cappella. She has since incorporated the song back into her live set, due to overwhelming fan recognition.
In 2012, she recorded a new version for the second season premiere episode of the Fox animated television series Bob's Burgers at her son's insistence as a fan of the series.
[quote name='Severose']Thank tried and say you[/QUOTE]

dude im saying u can believe me or not but that was on facebook so if u like to be trolling then keep on not believing. becuase codemaster and deep silver acutally answer on facebook.
[quote name='asheskitty']Call me Dottie, and you die.[/QUOTE]

I'll just call you later maybe.

[quote name='Mooby']Who would throw out Chair-ie?![/QUOTE]
Paul Rubens did, when he became host of You Don't Know Jack TV show. :p
[quote name='The End']So on the recommendation of several CAGs here I made my initial assault on my backlog by firing up Sleeping Dogs. I played a couple of hours last night, and I greatly enjoyed the atmosphere and what little I've seen of the story thus far. I have to ask though, is the combat that you encounter in the early part of the game similar to how it is throughout the game? Because I kept getting my ass kicked in the melee combat.

I guess the problem is, the fighting seems heavily dependent on combos & countering attacks. Sort of like a third person story driven fighting game. The thing is, I suck at any sort of fighting game or a game that features that sort of combat style.

I've managed to complete 4 missions so far, and I've died 12 times. That seems a bit much given that I'm only just starting the game. I'm sure I could eventually get used to the controls, but in the meantime I'm not having much fun. Does this game control better with a 360 controller? Maybe I'm just having a hard time hitting the right buttons because I'm trying to do so on a keyboard.[/QUOTE]

Probably by now you've gotten all the help you need from the other posters here, but just to chip in my two cents:

I haven't tried to get that deep into the combat system, which to me seems a bit unrefined compared to Batman. My strategies revolve around the following:

a) find the unarmed, non-grappler thugs first, grab them and knock them out using environment traps
b) save the grapplers for last, try to stay as far away from them as possible; unless you're completely surrounded, you can usually just run away if you get in a tight spot
c) take on the armed thugs second. when they drop weapons pick them up and use them to kill the other tough baddies: first grapplers, then other armed guys (since you can't grab them)
d) if there are still grapplers left at the end heavy attacks will do it, it's just hard to keep up while you're being swarmed with other thugs. don't grab them.
e) counter, counter, counter. if you avoid the grapplers and just keep countering it's pretty tough to lose, although it can be a bit tedious.

I'm still not thrilled with the fluidity of my combat sequences and will probably investigate at some point to see if I could be doing better. (I'm probably about 75% done with the game.) I still doubt it will come close to the balletic beauty of Arkham.
[quote name='annihilator']I'm still not thrilled with the fluidity of my combat sequences and will probably investigate at some point to see if I could be doing better. (I'm probably about 75% done with the game.) I still doubt it will come close to the balletic beauty of Arkham.[/QUOTE]

Na. I played that mission with the infinite baddies, and got like 1000 kills. There's no smooth way of doing it like Batman. But you can counter mid-combo. Once my skills unlocked, all I did was stun->face kick and counter. The face kick makes everyone nearby flinch, which gives you time to run to the next guy and stun.
[quote name='fignutz32']Don't know if it's been mentioned but DLC Quest Steam keys are up for Indi Royale.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the alert. For anyone else looking for the key, it was originally in the St. Patrick's Day Bundle.
[quote name='DPsycho']Thanks for the alert. For anyone else looking for the key, it was originally in the St. Patrick's Day Bundle.[/QUOTE]

They've also added Steam keys for the Chosen Bundle, as it was a repeat of said St. Patrick's Day one... just redeemed mine :)

Did anybody receive a key for La-Mulana, yet?
[quote name='asheskitty']Well there is the living out things I'm unlikely to do IRL, like race supercars or run around beating people up with a dildo-bat.[/QUOTE]

That's just because you don't have either one, if you did there'd be no stopping you! Videogames make you crazy!
[quote name='asheskitty']
In 2012, she recorded a new version for the second season premiere episode of the Fox animated television series Bob's Burgers at her son's insistence as a fan of the series.

I saw that episode; the Fox Sunday night lineup is a staple in my house.

[quote name='asheskitty']
Well there is the living out things I'm unlikely to do IRL, like race supercars or run around beating people up with a dildo-bat.[/QUOTE]

I drive my Corolla in considerably safer and less reckless ways than I do any of my fake cars.
[quote name='elessar123']Na. I played that mission with the infinite baddies, and got like 1000 kills. There's no smooth way of doing it like Batman. But you can counter mid-combo. Once my skills unlocked, all I did was stun->face kick and counter. The face kick makes everyone nearby flinch, which gives you time to run to the next guy and stun.[/QUOTE]

Good to know, thanks. I haven't played a lot of open-world games; never could really get into GTA much. I am loving this one for the story and production quality, and the fact that it's Hong Kong. But it makes me think, certain things are going to suffer when a studio creates an open-world game just because of the resources the genre demands, and I'm not sure it's worth the trade-off. At the point that I'm at in the game the story is still good, but the gameplay isn't keeping up anymore; the missions are getting kind of samey and the gameplay mechanics aren't all that deep. I feel like making a more tightly focused linear game like Arkham Asylum allows for a more polished gaming experience. I haven't gotten to City yet, which I know is open world, so I can't compare. It's in my backlog.
[quote name='annihilator']Good to know, thanks. I haven't played a lot of open-world games; never could really get into GTA much. I am loving this one for the story and production quality, and the fact that it's Hong Kong. But it makes me think, certain things are going to suffer when a studio creates an open-world game just because of the resources the genre demands, and I'm not sure it's worth the trade-off. At the point that I'm at in the game the story is still good, but the gameplay isn't keeping up anymore; the missions are getting kind of samey and the gameplay mechanics aren't all that deep. I feel like making a more tightly focused linear game like Arkham Asylum allows for a more polished gaming experience. I haven't gotten to City yet, which I know is open world, so I can't compare. It's in my backlog.[/QUOTE]

i tried playin gta4 after sleeping dogs. i cant play it for more than 15 minutes at a time. its so slow and boring. cars control in a very un-fun manner. i should just uninstall it.
[quote name='JakeNome']i tried playin gta4 after sleeping dogs. i cant play it for more than 15 minutes at a time. its so slow and boring. cars control in a very un-fun manner. i should just uninstall it.[/QUOTE]

gta lean towards realism than any other open world game, not everybody can enjoy that in a game. but no other games match the radio stations and crooked characters of gta either.

i played rdr after sleeping dogs, and still had fun.
[quote name='warreni']
I saw that episode; the Fox Sunday night lineup is a staple in my house.
I drive my Corolla in considerably safer and less reckless ways than I do any of my fake cars.[/QUOTE]

Well, it is a little more expensive to fix... still kind of a shame for an AE86. That said even if you have a newer one (FWD) you can still do donuts (in reverse) (and with skids under your rear wheels), kinda pointless though. I drive only a little safer IRL, which is why my friends won't be passengers on mountain roads.

[quote name='tfr']gta lean towards realism than any other open world game, not everybody can enjoy that in a game. but no other games match the radio stations and crooked characters of gta either.[/QUOTE]

I disagree. It's only GTA4 that got all serious and sucked a lot of fun out of it. While not reaching SR2/3 levels of zany, GTA: VC & SA were certainly more on the wild side... bonus points for wheelies/stoppies, ice cream vans, ... the fastest way to get around the map in SA was to hit the nearest airstrip jack a plane, fly it, then parachute out.
[quote name='elessar123']I tried to play GTAIV after SR3. I turned that shit off after 15 minutes.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I haven't played any of the Saints games but I like their attitude. Was thinking of maybe picking up 2 on the cheap sometime, and if I like it, trying out 3 later. 4 sounds like it'll be a hoot.

I was impressed with the little I saw of San Andreas back in the day, but I just kind of missed that boat. Didn't get a PS2 until the generation was basically over and missed a lot of stuff along the way.
GTA: SA PC version was released 6 months after the PS2 version. I remember because I waited to pick it up on PC during release week. (And thus is the hot coffee moddable version. In a game with as deep ingrained violence and crime as GTA, consensual sex between two adults causes public outrage. America's Puritanical roots run deep.)
[quote name='asheskitty']GTA: SA PC version was released 6 months after the PS2 version. I remember because I waited to pick it up on PC during release week. (And thus is the hot coffee moddable version. In a game with as deep ingrained violence and crime as GTA, consensual sex between two adults causes public outrage. America's Puritanical roots run deep.)[/QUOTE]

Man, was anybody actually offended by that, or was that just politicians and the media trying to stir up controversy? I don't know anyone who's ever expressed outrage over the sexual content of videogames more than their violence, but then I tend to live in blue states.
[quote name='asheskitty']GTA: SA PC version was released 6 months after the PS2 version. I remember because I waited to pick it up on PC during release week. (And thus is the hot coffee moddable version. In a game with as deep ingrained violence and crime as GTA, consensual sex between two adults causes public outrage. America's Puritanical roots run deep.)[/QUOTE]

We had to protect the children with presumably unsupervised internet access who were savvy enough to modify a console and burn a modified copy of the game and with the desire to see such things. I mean, anyone fitting that description was likely completely naive to adult situations like that.
[quote name='annihilator']Man, was anybody actually offended by that, or was that just politicians and the media trying to stir up controversy? [/QUOTE]


Sex in games riles up older people that aren't culturally in touch enough to recognize the varying audience demographic games have, so it's a nice controversy to pull out in news cycles when you want to detract from some other, more serious political scandal going down.

I guess that's a little annoying, as the video game industry basically gets used as cannon fodder in the larger game of political maneuvering and news cycles. But it's sort of comforting to know that very few people actually give a shit, right?
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