I really wanted that kindle in fact it kept me away from Dead Space 2 for a bit oh well, I'll just wait for another one.

Maybe they could implement other e-readers as well?
The general idea is that there is a certain amount of money per 1000 clicks.
I am guessing it is not that high, maybe a couple dollars. But the genius of the website is that we click to try and win and click to get back to the win page. So couple 1000 uses clicking a couple hundred times a day is a couple 100 dollars a day.
In theory at least ^^

But as you have noticed their number of prizes has been growing so maybe much more people are signing up and clicking away.
[quote name='MiXmAsTaRoB']wow how can you guys click for hours.. i mean i like free stuff but i wouldn't ever click that for hours..[/QUOTE]

I mainly do it while I'm at work, where at 2 in the morning not many customers are calling in, so to get some free stuff with nothing better to do is a win for me.
[quote name='KingNothing09']I mainly do it while I'm at work, where at 2 in the morning not many customers are calling in, so to get some free stuff with nothing better to do is a win for me.[/QUOTE]

oh i see yeah sounds like something when the office is slow and aint nothing to do lol..
I'm tired of all the xbox point/gold membership cards. We need more PSN cards. Man im so glad that chad agreed to exhange God of War III for Dead Space 2. I'm so excited!
"wow how can you guys click for hours.. i mean i like free stuff but i wouldn't ever click that for hours.."

That's pretty misinformed. Most of us go and do our own thing and then come back - click for about 20 minutes or less - leave again - come back. etc.

Plus, a lot of us have already won stuff.
loltonytony - I asked chad why I hadn't gotten a confirmation email yet - and he told me that they havent yet implemented that feature - but that it would be there soon. So for now - we basically just wait for the items to arrive. It shouldn't take long at all. This guy has amazing customer service.
[quote name='loltonytony']Okay, panic for a bit there lol. Thanks for the info, by the way how did you contack him? (was it with [email protected] ?)[/QUOTE]

To check on the status of your win, just click on [your name]'s profile at the top right of the site and it will show you the tracking info when it ships. My apple TV gets here tomorrow :D
Yep the site is new but it is pretty awesome. Haha I understand that its cool waiting for some of the better gifts.
Although Chad is pretty awesome and is willing to change the gifts if possible i think ^^
Almost 12 hours for that stupid Glee DVD to be given away last night. But $50 in XBL points gone in 4 hours. What the hell.
[quote name='CONMAN999']So a question directed to those who have won, how many hours have you put into clicking?[/QUOTE]

According to my firefox history I clicked 1,745 times before winning. I had the computer on my lap when I was watching TV. Probably about an hour total off an on - I just so happened to be clicking at the right time when the prize was given away.
[quote name='CONMAN999']So a question directed to those who have won, how many hours have you put into clicking?[/QUOTE]

I dont know, I was clicking on my phone while I was watching Doctor Who when i won.
That site is cool but some of the time frames are ridiculous. I know its random when the times are picked but if the time happens to be almost at the end, its just not worth it. Right now they have a TV but the time frame is more than 9 hours. I don't know about clicking for 9 hours straight.

I tried clicking for 2 hours straight yesterday but I didn't win.
Well, the best way to handle it is to not be so invested in it that you're spending every second of your free time clicking a button. Got a free moment with nothing better to do? Got a portable device you can click while watching the game? Go for it. Just remember that your time is worth more than spending 9 hours clicking a button for a chance at a DVD.
Just fond this thread and been clicking for an hour now lmao...damn you guys for winning and encouraging me....already called 3 people and told them to get clicking!!!!
Crap, missed the TV. I did check my profile and noticed there is now an updated tracking number, so my game should be on its way. I will post a pic when it gets here.

Also, I generally push the button when I'm at work when I've got downtime or watching TV at home. It's not my primary action, I just do it while doing something else in the background.
[quote name='Redeema']Crap, missed the TV. I did check my profile and noticed there is now an updated tracking number, so my game should be on its way. I will post a pic when it gets here.

Also, I generally push the button when I'm at work when I've got downtime or watching TV at home. It's not my primary action, I just do it while doing something else in the background.[/QUOTE]

Man, I went to lunch and clocked back in thinking there was still plenty of time, but nope, all gone...
[quote name='KingNothing09']I wish this Glee and Avatar DVD would hurry up and end so we can get to the 22" TV[/QUOTE]

I won the Glee box set. ._. I wanted it out of the way, so I clicked...and won. :cry:

I missed the TV by a few minutes. I started clicking at 3:30, then stopped at around 3:56 to help my girlfriend with her game design coursework. I came back at 4:11 and it was gone. :cry:
[quote name='Jack-Hunter']Why is Glee even on there? Who the hell would want that? Honestly. Heck, Blade won it and he didn't even want it. LOL[/QUOTE]

Gotta appeal to the women clickers too, ya know?
[quote name='Blade']I won the Glee box set. ._. I wanted it out of the way, so I clicked...and won. :cry:

I missed the TV by a few minutes. I started clicking at 3:30, then stopped at around 3:56 to help my girlfriend with her game design coursework. I came back at 4:11 and it was gone. :cry:[/QUOTE]


Maybe you can contact Chad and ask him to change the box set to another one that you like. People have contacted him about changing their video game wins before and he accepted. He's a nice guy so you should really ask.

Anyways, I also received my tracking number today so I'll probably get the PS3 move bundle in a few days.
I'm generally very, very wary of these sorts of things, but I was curious and gave it a try today. I opened a tab and clicked while waiting for pages to load. I don't know how many times, but I'm guessing it was less than 200. I did errands around the house, clicked again when I stopped to check email and whatnot. Went out to shovel snow for an hour and a half, came inside, clicked once, and won the TV.

This is nice, because I don't currently own a tv, and haven't since my old crt died.

I guess I'll see shortly if it's legit. Hopefully I'm not being setup for spam and junkmail!

Anyway, thanks for posting this CAGers, I wouldn't have heard about it otherwise.
[quote name='spanktastic']Gotta appeal to the women clickers too, ya know?[/QUOTE]

Even my girlfriend said that only a (no offense to any gay people out there - nothing against you at all) $$$$$$ would get that. Lol!

You know guys, i'm actually glad that I won when I did. My girlfriend and I had been arguing for a while - and then I just randomly won her a $200 watch, told her about the site later, and then she won me God of War III (which I asked chad to exchange for Dead Space 2 - which he agreed to do) so it's like we both got each other presents. Lol. It really eased up the tension between us.


Seems like CAG edited me I said the F word for gay people.
Got my halo game today;
This site is awesome! If they throw an ipad up there, I will go through hell and high water to win that thing!
This thread is getting dangerous. Seeing all these ppl win makes me want to click more.
FYI when I won black ops it was right after I signed up and clicked for less than 5 min.

But!!! been clicking on and off for bout a week now and no luck with the second win.

At least Chad was nice enough to share how the system works. And I would say it is mostly luck. You will never know when the time is up.
What surprises me is that they're going to have an ad for the superbowl. Doesn't 1 short commercial, alone, cost like 1 million dollars? Wow...
im afraid ill never have a chance of winning once that commercial goes up lol. it will be soo hard to win then if a lot of people start clicking away
Tell me about it dude. That's why i'm glad that I won when I did.

That website will go from having only us CAG people to having as many people as Facebook does. LOL
I am guessing it is a commercial for the local station. They have local slots and national slots for ads.

But Chad over at seems to have some good ideas ^^
Haha yeah. That's why im hoping I get a win in before sunday!! I'll be soo freaking proud of myself if I do lol. And Chad does seem like an awesome guy.
[quote name='Woodlands']I'm generally very, very wary of these sorts of things, but I was curious and gave it a try today. I opened a tab and clicked while waiting for pages to load. I don't know how many times, but I'm guessing it was less than 200. I did errands around the house, clicked again when I stopped to check email and whatnot. Went out to shovel snow for an hour and a half, came inside, clicked once, and won the TV.

This is nice, because I don't currently own a tv, and haven't since my old crt died.

I guess I'll see shortly if it's legit. Hopefully I'm not being setup for spam and junkmail!

Anyway, thanks for posting this CAGers, I wouldn't have heard about it otherwise.[/QUOTE]

Congrats, I was clicking for it when it was won. Was pissed as hell, but glad to see a fellow CAG get it.
bread's done