Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - (use spoiler tags please)

So Naughty Dog defends glitch abusers?

The cheater I encountered shows no other games played on his account but has lots of hours and levels logged in on Uncharted, so I'm guessing this is his secondary account so that he loses nothing when he gets caught.
So Naughty Dog defends glitch abusers?

The cheater I encountered shows no other games played on his account but has lots of hours and levels logged in on Uncharted, so I'm guessing this is his secondary account strictly for cheating purposes so that he loses nothing when he gets caught. Plus what really happens if your profile gets docked or suspended? You can just create another one because PSN is free!
[quote name='Indiana Jones']So Naughty Dog defends glitch abusers?

The cheater I encountered shows no other games played on his account but has lots of hours and levels logged in on Uncharted, so I'm guessing this is his secondary account strictly for cheating purposes so that he loses nothing when he gets caught. Plus what really happens if your profile gets docked or suspended? You can just create another one because PSN is free![/QUOTE]

as far as i can tell they dont do anything. all they do is try and find the glitches and fix them thats it.trust me its alot better now than it was befre the last update especially because of that air walk exploit and then on top of that the horrible respawn system. from what ive seen things are alot better now than they were but theres always going to be cheap assholes who do everything they can except for practice so they can win. and theres the 3 booster trick people are still using.

i personally wish they would ban people who glitch but theyre not as far as what ive learned looking into it.
What air walk exploit? The one in the Fort? I never figured out how the glitcher did that. They pretended to throw a grenade and then climbed up to the top there.
[quote name='Indiana Jones']How do you go about copying the game video to expose the cheater?[/QUOTE]

They won't ban the cheater. They'll just try to fix the glitch. Said by Arne (if you look at the ND forums there are a few discussions on how they can't ban the glitchers). BTW the above vid is dead. Airwalk is gone.
I just got around to beating the first Uncharted. Only took me about 15-20 hours, how much longer is Uncharted 2?

I'm wondering if I should buy it or rent it...
I wouldn't call it 'short' but at the same time I don't remember how long it was. It is, however, really really really good. One of my favorite games of all time, top five easy.
Uncharted 2 is longer than Ucharted. Actual number of hours depends on how you play it and if you do sightseeing. Your 15-20 hours are unusually long for Uncharted. I would say UC2 would take you even longer.

One little gem in UC2 is the MP. Tons of people are playing it daily. The 2 DLCs ($12 total) are adding new maps/skins/siege mode to MP. So there is definitely replay value there. I would say...buy it.
[quote name='eau']Uncharted 2 is longer than Ucharted. Actual number of hours depends on how you play it and if you do sightseeing. Your 15-20 hours are unusually long for Uncharted. I would say UC2 would take you even longer.

One little gem in UC2 is the MP. Tons of people are playing it daily. The 2 DLCs ($12 total) are adding new maps/skins/siege mode to MP. So there is definitely replay value there. I would say...buy it.[/QUOTE]

I did do a lot of 'sightseeing'... I say 15-20 tho because I never bothered to check how long. I just know it was def less then 24 hours.

I think I'm going to pick it up. Thanks!
[quote name='iHack']I did do a lot of 'sightseeing'... I say 15-20 tho because I never bothered to check how long. I just know it was def less then 24 hours.

I think I'm going to pick it up. Thanks![/QUOTE]

You can check your save data and see how long you played. And yes, Uncharted 2 is longer.
So I just finished this game a few days ago, and while I think it's a great game, going into it having heard near universal praise put my expectations SUPER high...

And I'm not sure it met those expectations. But it was still fun.
The way I see it never have high expectations for anything, you'll almost always be disappointed.

[quote name='TedwardRoberts']So I just finished this game a few days ago, and while I think it's a great game, going into it having heard near universal praise put my expectations SUPER high...

And I'm not sure it met those expectations. But it was still fun.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Interstella 5555']The way I see it never have high expectations for anything, you'll almost always be disappointed.[/QUOTE]

That's really true... but, it's not like I could avoid seeing the praise for this one :p
theres going to be a double cash weekend this week and theyre doing some kind of "lab" dealy where they have tweaked match types some of their examples where 2 vs 2 deathmatch, sniple rifle elimination and shotguns only. if you want to know more go over to the naughty dog blog.
Uncharted 2 is just as long, if not longer than the first one. Shouldn't take you longer than 20 hours though. The MP is where it's at. I still play that 3-4 times a week. It's addicting. Forgot what level I'm at though, I think level 41. I'm not sure what the highest level is though.
[quote name='Rafael122']Uncharted 2 is just as long, if not longer than the first one. Shouldn't take you longer than 20 hours though. The MP is where it's at. I still play that 3-4 times a week. It's addicting. Forgot what level I'm at though, I think level 41. I'm not sure what the highest level is though.[/QUOTE]

60 is the highest level its a black box with a white x in the middle. or its a white box with a black x.
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Just finished it. Ending was kinda anti-climatic as I thought there would be bigger battle or something . But I guess the journey there was already epic enough.

Now I gotta try the MP. Do people use voice chat? I play late at night Pacific time and cant really talk to loud.
[quote name='DrNo888']Just finished it. Ending was kinda anti-climatic as I thought there would be bigger battle or something . But I guess the journey there was already epic enough.

Now I gotta try the MP. Do people use voice chat? I play late at night Pacific time and cant really talk to loud.[/QUOTE]

yeah some people do use mics in the game.
Just got it a few days ago. Beat the single player on normal and then realized I needed to beat it on hard to unlock crushing. Been doing the multiplayer since and its a ton of fun.

If anyone is looking for more people to play with online friend request Thorgouge. I'm dying to get some games with a small group of people that are willing to work together and unfortunately I don't know a single person with a ps3 that uses it for more than just a bluray player.
[quote name='iHack']I just got around to beating the first Uncharted. Only took me about 15-20 hours, how much longer is Uncharted 2?

I'm wondering if I should buy it or rent it...[/QUOTE]

Buy uncharted 2 for the multiplayer. I seriously love playing plunder and co-op online. It's totally worth full price. Lots of people play everyday (myself included). I will say like most PS3 games less people are playing it online then something like a gears of war or a halo but I've only had a few instances were I couldn't play with a lot of people (a week night at 3 or 4 am).

[quote name='Thorgouge']Quick question: Can I still unlock the Hard and/or Crushing trophies by completing the game on that difficulty while using tweaks?[/QUOTE]
I'm pretty sure you can't play with a tweak unless you have already beat that difficulty. After beating hard or normal for instance then you can replay with a tweak on. So you'd pretty much unlock that level of difficulty after your first play through with the tweak off.
God I'm so bored of this game. ND continually screwed up the MP and still they've not learned their lesson. I've been there since the first beta and I am so disappointed at the decisions they took. If you're wondering, I've put in 10 days into multiplayer so I know what I'm talking about.
For those looking for this game and not finding it under $30, GoHastings.com has copies of it available for $28.49 currently. There is a limit of two per order though or I'd be able to check the true number they have in stock.

The guide for it also just came into stock at $10 something(due probably to the Gamestop penny guide drop and someone trading it in there)and almost as quickly went right back out of stock.
[quote name='lokizz']dunno if anyone else cares or not but nd upped the level cap for mp from 60 up to 80. when you hit 70 and 80 you get a new mp skin for each level heres a link that has pics of the skins as well as what the medals will look like. they say each level past 60 will take 15,000,000 to level up. cash level cap will also be raised to 75,000.



I bet those lvl 60 restarts are kicking themselves in the ass now. lol
[quote name='dbmottle']Is it possible to actually beat either of the Uncharted games on crushing? I had enough trouble beating the first one on easy.[/QUOTE]

yeah ive beat both games on crushing and gotten platinums on each. u1 is very hard on crushing harder than u2 imo.
[quote name='dbmottle']Is it possible to actually beat either of the Uncharted games on crushing? I had enough trouble beating the first one on easy.[/QUOTE]

Yeah it's possible. I'm playing it on Hard right now with relative ease. The more you play the game online and at different levels of difficulty the easier it gets. A few sessions of the online co-op on Normal and Hard difficulty will make you a much better player of the game. Co-op is a lot more difficult than the actual game IMO.
Is it taking forever for anyone else to get online? The game will say connecting than every few seconds it will say "syncing live data..." than back to connecting. It finally connected after a while but that's pretty annoying. I hope it doesn't happen again.
[quote name='JMEPO']Is it taking forever for anyone else to get online? The game will say connecting than every few seconds it will say "syncing live data..." than back to connecting. It finally connected after a while but that's pretty annoying. I hope it doesn't happen again.[/QUOTE]

It won't happen again. It was just updating the game with World Cup skins for both Drake and Flynn (both get the teams that made the top 16 round).
I havent played UC2 since after I beat single player, but I am honestly amazed that ND continues to pack in content for MP.

Not even IW does this for COD series...only map packs and such, yknow?

ND is pretty amazing.
[quote name='gomikeoh']I havent played UC2 since after I beat single player, but I am honestly amazed that ND continues to pack in content for MP.

Not even IW does this for COD series...only map packs and such, yknow?

ND is pretty amazing.[/QUOTE]

The free content is really nice but as the game got older, they started patching it and IMO it turned out much worse that it was (1.05 increased weapon damage a lot = much lower health). If you check out their forums, almost everyone hates 1.05 and all the things they have "added" to the game (most recently, bumping max level to 80). A lot of the hardcore MP players like me hate what they have done to the game. For some reason, ND caters to the minority and no offense if you are one, noobs.

So in a way, IW is better since they don't completely change how we play the game (less health).
[quote name='pram12']The free content is really nice but as the game got older, they started patching it and IMO it turned out much worse that it was (1.05 increased weapon damage a lot = much lower health). If you check out their forums, almost everyone hates 1.05 and all the things they have "added" to the game (most recently, bumping max level to 80). A lot of the hardcore MP players like me hate what they have done to the game. For some reason, ND caters to the minority and no offense if you are one, noobs.

So in a way, IW is better since they don't completely change how we play the game (less health).[/QUOTE]

yeah i still play it but theres no incentive to try and get up to 80. if i get there over time whatever but its not worth actively trying to acheive. them tweaking the way the game played sucked and though its better than where it was 1.04 was the best. still hoping to see more weapons and levels.
Iw doesn't really exist anymore and mw2 sucks so the uncharted single player campaign alone is better than anything and everything mw2 offers.
If anyone wants to play uncharted online pm me cause i think i am going to start playing again. My kd is like 1.63 but thats because i usually kill people with the 9mm and i have been raped by shitty hit detection on melee attacks and shotguns.
ND should have never put a cap on the money in the first place. just a way for you to play more. but to the people who said they fucked this MP up a lot, im totally agreeing. this game was awesome in the beta.

i got tired of not getting all the money i actually earned by playing with negative boosters and tired of all the glitchers shooting me through walls. every time they "patch" stuff for the glichers, a week later someone is doing something else new.
Well that's just great i can't get past the synching live data screen when i try to go to multiplayer. I noticed before that after every update i would have to turn the system off for the data to synch but i tried about 10 times and it just keeps synching live data over and over without ever doing it 100%. I find it funny that naughty dog had so many loyal followers and they lost at least a quarter of them by being douchebags and constantly changing the game everyone loved more than any other game. I still have fun with the game but it definately didn't need more than just a couple of tweaks and it ended up being a neverending tweakfest.
[quote name='Supplice']Cash limit: 150K.
Starts: 10am PST July 2nd.
Ends: 10am PST July 7th.


Nice 5 days is a lot of double cash :D. Though I wish the cap was 200 or 250K because I use 2 neg boosters (glass jaw and half loaded).
[quote name='pram12']Nice 5 days is a lot of double cash :D. Though I wish the cap was 200 or 250K because I use 2 neg boosters (glass jaw and half loaded).[/QUOTE]

yeah since they raised the basic level up i was hoping dpw would go up as well.
[quote name='Supplice']Cash limit: 150K.
Starts: 10am PST July 2nd.
Ends: 10am PST July 7th.


Now I'm tempted to start up Uncharted 2 again. I was playing Gears 2 for the 8xp this weekend. Also Transformers is having double xp. Choices choices...
Man i have been dominating except for the fact that i keep getting 1 hit melee killed t and i don't have glass jaw lol. Happened to me about 4 times per match last night.
I swear to God 95% of my deaths are from melee, getting caught up on a wall, or being shot in the back. It gets pretty annoying but in I channel my rage i can get 20 kills a match. Anyone want to join me in a game for double xp? I have a mic if that matters.
[quote name='Mr. 420']Man i have been dominating except for the fact that i keep getting 1 hit melee killed t and i don't have glass jaw lol. Happened to me about 4 times per match last night.
I swear to God 95% of my deaths are from melee, getting caught up on a wall, or being shot in the back. It gets pretty annoying but in I channel my rage i can get 20 kills a match. Anyone want to join me in a game for double xp? I have a mic if that matters.[/QUOTE]
That depends. Can we play on that mountaintop village level so I can keep suiciding off the side right as people try to run up and knife me.;):lol:

I remember doing that ALOT when I last played the competitive online multiplayer on this game.
bread's done