Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - (use spoiler tags please)

OK...i said fuck this and chose infamous from the XMB and instead of it quitting out of the beta and going into the game, it turned my PS3 off then on again....WTF?
Yeah quitting the beta made my ps3 do the "bad shutoff" where it beeped three times then popped right back on. THey need to fix that.
[quote name='Malik112099']OK...i said fuck this and chose infamous from the XMB and instead of it quitting out of the beta and going into the game, it turned my PS3 off then on again....WTF?[/QUOTE]

I did the exact same thing. Weird, but it does say Beta.
Played a couple of matches, I enjoyed it and will be playing more.

The treasure needs a respawn timer in plunder mode though.
[quote name='woodcan']MSU, I'm downloading from the gameshare right now. We'll see if it's like Burnout/SOCOM/GT5P and locks out others for 24hrs.[/QUOTE]

Pardon my ignorance but what is this lockout? Will others not be able to play it at all or does it just lock you out for a 24-hour period after the initial download?

Basically need to know if I have to redownload a new code on my actual main PSN account or not. Sorry I've only done this with the little PSN games, not the ones that are retail/PSN releases.
[quote name='paddlefoot']Agreed, I like the fact that Drake's Fortune was such a strong single player experience. I just hope the addition of multiplayer doesn't distract Naughty Dog's efforts on the single player.[/QUOTE]

Based off of the trailers we have seen so far it looks top notch!
Couldn't get in to any matches early in the morning (I guess it was like 3am PST). I'll try again later today.

Even though it's a beta, I do wish quitting the game via PS button didn't reboot the whole system. :p
[quote name='MSUHitman']Pardon my ignorance but what is this lockout? Will others not be able to play it at all or does it just lock you out for a 24-hour period after the initial download?

Basically need to know if I have to redownload a new code on my actual main PSN account or not. Sorry I've only done this with the little PSN games, not the ones that are retail/PSN releases.[/QUOTE]

The way I have read that it works for some games (i.e. SOCOM, Warhawk, etc) is that once one of the authenticated PS3's plays the game it locks out all of the other authenticated PS3's from playing the game for 24 hours. Would be dumb if they did that with this beta but the easy way to find this out would be for us to just try it out.

If you're worried about it you can log into the beta and I'll try after you are connected and see what happens. If worse comes to worse I'll just pull out my code and take the hit to re-download the game.
I enjoy this COOP more than RE5. More freedom of movement, and hectic action without the sometimes tedious inventory management.

Great experience, and looking forward to the full game!
[quote name='mykee98']if a cag needs a code for this beta, let me know since i got two. just pm me.[/QUOTE]

im on the beta right now and like no ones on ... if anyone else is on add toxicinzanity and lets play the co-op plzz plzz plzzz cuz i wanna play lolz
Thankfully, we can be sure this beta code is far from release day code, but already it's pretty good.

They need to work on the firing from the hip mechanics, and little gameplay tweaks as described above like the respawn timer on the plunder, thus allowing the teams to reposition themselves after a capture.

Also, if someone drops out before a game starts, the game still starts even though the teams are uneven.

Co-op is all sorts of awesome though, it just feels right and has cutscenes, platforming, and everything. I want to play it on harder and harder difficulties.
Yeah I played a game of co-op and it was great. Don't see why it is only 3 players though.

I think the maps could use some more detail and moer areas to go, multilevels etc.

Also, there should be paths to take the treasure back to your base in plunder mode that require teamwork. Gaps where the treasure must be thrown and someone else gets it on the other side etc. These should be like shortcuts to the chest, but there should also be longer routes for someone who is alone.
yeah it takes forever to get someone to play coop and there do seem to be odd time where it takes forever for a game to load and then other times it starts up pretty quick. ive played one game so far where after it took forever to load and start the game suddenly ended with nobody winning. i hope they change the way you start games up you should just be able to go again with the same people instead of having to leave the room and go into another.

i like the hand to hand fighting too i wasnt sure how theyd be able to do this but its awesome especially doing quick kills on people. funny you get a medallion for hitting someone with a gun but not for quick kills.
Played some co-op and it was much better than the MP. Seemed like I was the third wheel for moving bookcases with Sully as the other two did most of the work and I somehow got out of a single-player bookcase move and watched the bookcase eerily slide around and out of the window to the ground below. I did like that there was a Terminator-style mini-boss that popped up that could take a ton more damage than anyone else.

It's also a good way to get XP quickly, as I moved from level 2.5 to 3.5 in one co-op session that lasted about 15 minutes or so. I hope they unlock the other two options in the menus for custom games and the cinema, for recorded games, during the rest of the month that the beta lasts.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']GP2B-J2B6-6EFE

Post if you use it. And stay thirsty, my friends.[/QUOTE]
Didn't use it myself, but it's inactive now. Damn lurker.
Been playing a couple rounds of Competitive. I like what I'm seeing so far, but I'm still trying to get used to the game (been playing way to much CoD4, and this really isn't remotely close to CoD). In my first match, I managed to TK me and another teammate when I launched a grenade in the spawn point 2 seconds into the match.

Never played the first Uncharted (the demo didn't really lure me in), but I may very well spend the money for the upcoming sequel.
[quote name='freakyzeeky']How do you get into the co-op? I was trying to look for it earlier today, but I guess I didn't see it. >_>[/QUOTE]
Change the mode to competitive to co-operative before clicking on Find Match.
I'm not trying to beg or anything (I hate when people do that on this site), but my copy of InFAMOUS was gimped out of the code even though I pre-ordered it, and if anyone has an extra beta code and they are feeling generous, I'd really appreciate it.

If you send it to me you can be sure it wasn't a random lurker that used it up! :cool:
I think the TDM needs to be longer to get a real gauge of how its going to be, co-op is fun as long as you have people that know what they are doing...
[quote name='ohboy10451']I have a code by the way. PM me with your offers[/QUOTE]

How about you offer to be a good guy and give it to a fellow CAG who really wants to try this beta?
Played a bit of each mode yesterday/today.

Wow...the SP portion of the game can be the same thing as Uncharted1 in different locations and I'll still drop $60 on it Day 1.

All 3 modes are great, though not without flaws.

Not enough people play Horde co-op though. :whistle2:(
I just did co-op with my brother. I really wish you could just play with two people, and not be forced to have 3 (all of the puzzles seemed to only need 2 people anyway). We literally had to wait about 10 minutes just to find a third player, and then he was some very annoying kid that wouldn't stop talking, yelling, and screaming. The funniest line is when I shot him by accident, and he got downed, and he kept screaming "HEEEEEEELP MEEEEE! HEEEEEEEEEEELP ME!!!!!!".

Co-op was fun, besides being forced to play with random people that generally suck at the game... just wish you could have the option of playing with 2 or 3, and not be forced to only play with 3 people.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']I just did co-op with my brother. I really wish you could just play with two people, and not be forced to have 3 (all of the puzzles seemed to only need 2 people anyway). We literally had to wait about 10 minutes just to find a third player, and then he was some very annoying kid that wouldn't stop talking, yelling, and screaming. The funniest line is when I shot him by accident, and he got downed, and he kept screaming "HEEEEEEELP MEEEEE! HEEEEEEEEEEELP ME!!!!!!".

Co-op was fun, besides being forced to play with random people that generally suck at the game... just wish you could have the option of playing with 2 or 3, and not be forced to only play with 3 people.[/QUOTE]

I played a co-op match with just two people last night (me and a random).

I didn't know what I was doing, so I hope I didn't piss the other guy off too much.

It's pretty darn fun! Kind of like Army of Two and Gears of War mixed up. I'm enjoying it so far. I didn't really see any particular issue with the gameplay so far. I need to play some more. Hopefully I can get together with my buddy and do more testing tonight.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']I just did co-op with my brother. I really wish you could just play with two people, and not be forced to have 3 [/QUOTE]

Wierd. I had a co-op with only myself and one other person.

Maybe the 3rd left before the level/right was we started?

But I swear that there were only 2 names before we hit the loading screen.
Me and Smiggity played for about an hour or so(after GTA 4 CAG night). We had a good time playing all of the modes and I can't wait to play more! I also can't wait until the feedback site opens up.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']I just did co-op with my brother. I really wish you could just play with two people, and not be forced to have 3 (all of the puzzles seemed to only need 2 people anyway). We literally had to wait about 10 minutes just to find a third player, and then he was some very annoying kid that wouldn't stop talking, yelling, and screaming. The funniest line is when I shot him by accident, and he got downed, and he kept screaming "HEEEEEEELP MEEEEE! HEEEEEEEEEEELP ME!!!!!!".

Co-op was fun, besides being forced to play with random people that generally suck at the game... just wish you could have the option of playing with 2 or 3, and not be forced to only play with 3 people.[/QUOTE]

i think ive ran into that kid. he was always yammering about how his brother taught him how to trash talk wouldnt shut the fuck up during a deathmatch very annoying but at least you can mute people in this game but it doesnt stop assholes on your team from throwing grenades when a match starts.
bread's done