Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - (use spoiler tags please)

[quote name='Magus8472']http://www.amazon.com/RealTriggers-...26?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1244514380&sr=8-1

Pay $5 for $0.03 worth of plastic. A fine gamer tradition.[/QUOTE]

I can attest to the value of the real triggers. I've been using them for months now and just recently picked up my 2nd controller without them and had a very hard time playing because my finger just slide over the default convex shape. They snap on very snugly and I haven't had any problem with them falling off.
[quote name='woodcan']I can attest to the value of the real triggers. I've been using them for months now and just recently picked up my 2nd controller without them and had a very hard time playing because my finger just slide over the default convex shape. They snap on very snugly and I haven't had any problem with them falling off.[/QUOTE]

Same here. Great addition to the PS3 controller. Sony should make these standard on the controller.
Pre-ordered a copy of InFamous and got a Uncharted 2 Beta Code. I would rather just wait for the release of the game.

I will give my code to a CAG moderator or veteran. Send me a PM if you want it. I'll PM it when I get back to my house. If I don't reply it means someone PM'ed me before you.

No, I don't want any gifts or compensation for the code. Just don't want to see it go to waste.
I have 4 codes if you need tham.. first 4 to PM me get one. You just have to promise if I give you a code you USE it. And if you get another code you give it out here on CAG for free like I am doing now.
Been playing the Demo for a while now. I heard a lot of people (in game) comparing this to KZ2... which is a bunch of shenanigans on my end since the beta is a bit better than KZ2, imho.

Controls are pretty tight, and the action has a nice pace to it. Thank Jeebus that they fixed the Quit Game problem, and as time goes on, I see more and more people in the game. This is definitely making me want to buy this game the day-off.
I was already getting the game for the single player story. Co-op is just a huge bonus for me, and deathmatch is also nice since the combat mechanics in uncharted, I think, are much better than Gears which is draws from.
Fancy yourself an Uncharted fan? Well
more mp games should have this kind of stuff in it.playing this shows you how much alot of diff mp games are lacking you really have to be on your toes with this one because people can come from anywhere and be hiding in all sorts of places. id like to see a re game with some of this stuff in it more than that i hope they have multiplayer in dead rising 2.
It's the platforming elements in the multiplayer that really make the maps stand out for me. The ability to jump from one roof to another or be hanging off a ledge and shooting the enemy without having to climb over to the other side. I hope to see many larger maps with closely spaced buildings that have many floors to better incorporate stealth aspects. I can't wait for the full game to come out :bomb:
[quote name='Vanigan']I was already getting the game for the single player story. Co-op is just a huge bonus for me, and deathmatch is also nice since the combat mechanics in uncharted, I think, are much better than Gears which is draws from.[/QUOTE]

I was getting the game anyway when it is released,but after playing the multi I will keep it, and never trade it away.
So many damn Uncharted 2 codes spamming the internets it is insane.

Anyways, I've almost received my platinum trophy in Uncharted 1. What a great game, forgot how good it was. I'm so ready for Uncharted 2.
[quote name='JMEPO']It's the platforming elements in the multiplayer that really make the maps stand out for me. The ability to jump from one roof to another or be hanging off a ledge and shooting the enemy without having to climb over to the other side. I hope to see many larger maps with closely spaced buildings that have many floors to better incorporate stealth aspects. I can't wait for the full game to come out :bomb:[/QUOTE]

I agree. I wonder why this isn't discussed more, as it's one of the biggest differences between U2 and most other multi-player games. I can see the online game having a long list of DLC down the road that takes the environmental elements in all sorts of different ways.

I need to jump online and pick up the patch tonight--the reset PS3 bug is annoying. :p
I have a code if somebody wants it. I thought I would have time to play it but it turns out Infamous is taking over my PS3.

PM me if anybody wants it.
do they turn the servers off at night or something i finally tried to play and maybe it was because it was 4am but i got nothing
i dunno depending on where you live timezone wise at diff times you can get on games faster and other times you have to wait. so how good are any of you getting as youve been playing this thing?
I read somewhere that the server goes down at 5PM on the last day of the beta. Not sure which timezone though.

I think I hit a bug last night. I was playing the Hero team in Plaza deathmatch and intended to jump onto the platform where the building was on (one end of the Plaza) and go inside the building to grab a grenade. Somehow when I jumped up, the character tripped/fell INSIDE the platform and held onto the edge INSIDE. Finally I let go and the character fell down to the bottomless abyss. I thought it was funny that the character actually fell down to the center of the earth, as if NaughtyDog intentionally programmed it that way.
[quote name='gunm']Looks like the release date for the game is October 1st.[/QUOTE]

Ugh. Same day as the PSP Go. That's going to be an expensive week!
[quote name='bmachine']Ugh. Same day as the PSP Go. That's going to be an expensive week![/QUOTE]

yeah that psp go does look nice but i dunno i still dont get why they wont add another analog stick.
[quote name='lokizz']yeah that psp go does look nice but i dunno i still dont get why they wont add another analog stick.[/QUOTE]

Because it's really just a repackaged PSP.

None of the hundreds (thousands?) of PSP games that currently exist are setup to operate with a second analog stick, either.
theres only 2 reasons id want one
1. to be able to play psn ps1 games on a handheld and 2...........well i think thats it i remember hearing how you could do thing connectily with the ps3 but i dunno how much thats worth.
comp - i really like the plunder in the nonvillage because it asks if you're willing to give up your cash/personal reward so that your team can win. Are there win bonus multipliers in cash calculation rewards?

coop - its really good and really bad. when you got a good team, its great. i hate team killers.

in one game, i had the 3 for a coop. one guy dies (who happens to have a mic). the rest of us try to clear the level but just can't seem to kill the last guy. its right before you the rpg to blast the wall. eventually, the dead guy asks if we can "see" the bad guy. and we can't!

it degenerated into "he's by the burning car."



"nonburning car"

no matter what we did, we couldnt touch the bad guy. it made for good laughs.
I guess there are some clipping/world geometry issues. I've hit a few of those in infamous, though (where I fell "through" the world into some kind of temporary abyss), and that was the retail release. :p
[quote name='bmachine']Because it's really just a repackaged PSP.

None of the hundreds (thousands?) of PSP games that currently exist are setup to operate with a second analog stick, either.[/QUOTE]exactly. am I the only one who never thought for a second they would add it. It would fork the PSP. Nintendo tried to fork the GBA into GBA + DS and it failed and they'll try to fork the DSi and I'm praying for failure there.
There was a live chat on the PS Blog today and here are the interesting results of the chat:

Will Uncharted 2 have multiplayer trophies?

Evan Wells: We're still finalizing our final list of Trophies and it looks like we might include a couple of MP trophies, but we don't want to have any that require any amount of grinding to rack up a ton of kills or wins.

Is there going to be a open beta or demo before the full release?

Evan Wells: Yes, we're going to have another multiplayer demo before the game hits shelves. The exact timing isn't finalized yet, but it should be available to an even wider group this time, so if you missed the last one I don't think you'll have any problem getting in this one.

Will there be split-screen?

Evan Wells: We are only supporting online multiplayer. We didn't want to comprimise the visuals going from single player to multiplayer and to include a split screen option at this time would have meant making that sacrifice.

How many multilayer modes? What are they?

Evan Wells: We haven't announced all of the multiplayer modes yet, but I can tell you that you have several more competitive modes than we tested in the beta and at least 2 more cooperative modes (that are actually some of my favorite). We also have variations on all the competitivemodes that focus on specific kinds of weapons. And of course our Cinema mode allows you to play back any of your matches and view it from ANY angle. You'll also be able to upload those recordings so others can download them and view them on their PS3's. You'll also be able to upload screenshots from that mode as well.

First I wanna say I loved the Beta but I didnt play the first one. So my question is how friendly is Uncharted 2 for new players, story wise?

Evan Wells: We were very conscious to make sure that Uncharted 2 was a stand alone experience. There is no expectation that you played the first game to enjoy the second. There are a couple of returning characters that fans of the first will enjoy seeing, but both the gameplay and story will be easy to follow for first time Uncharted players.

Will there be more or less puzzles this time around? You guys rock!!

AmyH: I'd say there's a similar amount of puzzles in Uncharted 2 as in Uncharted 1, but overall there's also more problem-solving in the levels -- meaning: figuring out how to navigate the environments, and what's the best approach to different combat set-ups. Also, we still have a journal in this game (this time it's Nate's journal, not Francis Drake's diary) to assist in puzzle-solving -- but this time the player will have to thumb through the pages themselves to suss out the solutions to the problems.

What crazy technical terms can you throw at us, that the ND Engine 2.0 boasts?

Evan Wells: Screen Space Ambient Occlusion, deferred rendering, cloud computing, paralax mapping, high dynamic range tonemapping, per object motion blur, cascade shadows, sub surface scattering simulation...

Are you going to use the motion capabilities of the sixaxis in this game?

AmyH: Re: the sixaxis, we've refined our grenade-throwing mechanics in Uncharted 2, so that now we have a dedicated button for grenades. The sixaxis controls are optional, but they really enhance the grenade mechanics now that we've got a dedicated button for it.
Hm, I dunno if I like the idea of "thumbing through" the journal to help solve puzzles. I guess as long as it's an improved interface compared to U1. I dunno, I thought having to swap back and forth between the journal and the game messed up the pacing of the game a little bit for me.

Also, I didn't realize the Uncharted movie was in dev so long. I wonder if that means that it's really going to happen and that it's closer to coming out than we think?


Uncharted 2: Among Thieves will be out on October 13 and there are four pre-order bonuses being offered at four retailers.

Best Buy gets some golden Barettas and AK-47s for multiplayer.

Amazon gets some treasure map video that you can download.

GameCrazy will have some code to give you more currency to start off with in multiplayer.

GameStop will have a Revenge booster that you can unlock along with first access to the public multiplayer demo from 9/9-9/29 while everyone else gets it for the last two weeks before release.

Seems like GS is the only place that's worth it to pre-order if you want first dibs on the public MP demo.
yeah im gonna get it from gamestop. i could care about golden weapons and im sure someone will post that video on youtube and i can earn the currency the right way all i want is that mp demo. october cant come fast enough.
Are the MP guns unlockable? I assume the Revenge booster is not an "exclusive" either. Either way, I really don't want to pre-order @ GS. :(
I think you've mis-paraphrased Amazon and GC's bonuses. I haven't seen anywhere that Amazon's is a video, and GC's multiplies your money, instead of just giving it to you to start with.
bread's done