Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception coming 2011

[quote name='lokizz']uncharted 3 creepy crawler kickback video.[/QUOTE]

One of my online buddies got a code to use it in the beta... Its pretty damn cool looking but awful unwieldy to use. (Which is fine, I try not to use Game Stop at all.)

Sadly, I think its the only bonus that isn't just early access so all of them are going to be pretty pointless if you do the Subway thing and really invest your time into the MP for that one month.
[quote name='INMATEofARKHAM']One of my online buddies got a code to use it in the beta... Its pretty damn cool looking but awful unwieldy to use. (Which is fine, I try not to use Game Stop at all.)

Sadly, I think its the only bonus that isn't just early access so all of them are going to be pretty pointless if you do the Subway thing and really invest your time into the MP for that one month.[/QUOTE]

lol thats what i was thinking too after watching this video i did a search on the preorder items and most seem like things you can get over the course of playing. there is one that allows you to throw 3 grenades at once but the cluster bomb is way better.

on top of that that creepy crawly thing seems too powerful and it looks like it lasts too long. i could see alot of people using it.
[quote name='lokizz']on top of that that creepy crawly thing seems too powerful and it looks like it lasts too long. i could see alot of people using it.[/QUOTE]
I don't think it lasted that long... Its one of the things that caught my eye in that video. I do remember it being expensive as hell. (like the rest of us would have to stop killing so he could get medals to use it and he wasn't a bad player at all.)

I also know it will kill friendlies...

Anyhow, though the G-Mal did little for me, and like you said, the cluster bomb is just as good as the carpet bomb (maybe better) I got it preordered at amazon... but I might change it to Best Buy for that 1000 credit. (and the early access to the regen booster, both co-op and competitive, might be invaluable at saving one's life.
[quote name='INMATEofARKHAM']Sadly, I think its the only bonus that isn't just early access[/QUOTE]

crawlers can be used by anyone eventually. its just early access.
[quote name='8bitArtist']crawlers can be used by anyone eventually. its just early access.[/QUOTE]

That would be my preference (and it would be like how revenge was in UC2) but truth be told I'm still not sure I would use it. I used cluster most of the time and its hell of nice to lock down part of a map in competitive games. (RPG might be the best in general. According to ND stats I killed allot of teammates.)
[quote name='Mr. 420']The competetive online play in this game is going to be a joke. Call me when its 25 bucks or less.[/QUOTE]

How so? The beta made UC2, and all its horse shit, nearly unplayable...
[quote name='INMATEofARKHAM']How so? The beta made UC2, and all its horse shit, nearly unplayable...[/QUOTE]

the main issue i could think of would be those game changer dealys and how they lasted too long and gave the losing team way too much help in winning. especially when double damage came on it kinda felt like they want the game to be too noob friendly.

i understand them wanting to make it so newer players can get in but ive been in plenty of games in the u3 mp where we lost because of those things depending on which ones came up.

the airplane bit needs alot of work died alot of times just trying to jump from truck to truck.

i think some of the weapon mods will make the game easier for new players as well like the one that basically works like situational awareness for a whole team even though it only takes one person to do it.
[quote name='8bitArtist']dont mind him. he bitches about everything.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I find his complaints to be rather legitimate... I don't agree with them all but they are all good points.

[quote name='lokizz']the main issue i could think of would be those game changer dealys and how they lasted too long and gave the losing team way too much help in winning. especially when double damage came on it kinda felt like they want the game to be too noob friendly. [/quote]

Yeah, I was not a fan of the power plays either... or well the later ones. VIP was pretty awesome. It could easily be expanded into a game mode in itself.

But I was mostly left wondering why the did it... Its not like UC3 doesn't repopulate with new players... Its a solution to a problem that UC2 had not UC3.

[quote name='lokizz']the airplane bit needs alot of work died alot of times just trying to jump from truck to truck. [/quote]
I spent 2 of the three weeks as always spawning as the villains... So I got way too much practice on the airplane bit.

The physics are wonky on it... as in not real world like. And its a damn pointless exercise. It has no barring on the map layout and you don't even have to control the plane to get the drakes on the plane medal. (Its based upon total kills nothing more.)

So all in all. I rarely voted for that map on straight team deathmatch.

[quote name='lokizz']i think some of the weapon mods will make the game easier for new players as well like the one that basically works like situational awareness for a whole team even though it only takes one person to do it.[/QUOTE]

All the attachments made the game easier for all users... If it didn't the attachment would be pointless to have in the game yet alone use.

Anyhow, I think the one your talking about was the red laser dot... If I remember right it wasn't a low level attachment. (I think it was unlocked at lvl 19 for the AK.) And using it put yourself at a disadvantage for the benefit of your team... Which, in all honesty, is counter intuitive to what SA did/does. (SA is all about giving yourself an advantage over others.)

That said... if the whole team is running it I can see it being a total pain in the ass... but not likely broken.

Personally, I'm mostly worried about the Power Plays pissing off the core player for the hope of getting a few not so dedicated players who will only play occasionally in... and if UC3 is to be a true MP platform/contender it cannot have 50K players at its peak times and certainly not only at release.

Seriously, UC2 just hemorrhage its MP player base shortly after release... Most of them North American players and ND/Sony just cannot afford to do that again.
Whatever happened to just enjoying a game for its single-player experience? No doubt that you guys most likely will be buying this for the single-player, but I really don't think every single game needs a multi-player mode.

Anyway, do you guys think they'll eventually release an Uncharted PS3 collection? I've been holding off on buying Uncharted 1 and 2 because of this. I just really started getting back into my PS3 over the last month, so that's why I don't own those games.
[quote name='Droenixjpn']Whatever happened to just enjoying a game for its single-player experience? No doubt that you guys most likely will be buying this for the single-player, but I really don't think every single game needs a multi-player mode. [/quote]

I agree, not every game needs it and if your not going to do it right then don't do it... but at its core Uncharted is a third person shooter and in all honesty it lends it self well to MP. Its not one of those tacked on MP. (Even UC2, Naughty Dog just got in over their head with it being their first MP component in years.)

As for my buying it... Its a day one purchase for me due to MP not its SP. I was quite happy to buy the original (which was way too short for a 60 dollar game IMHO) long after it had a number of price drops. I believe I scored it for 32.99 on newegg a long time ago.

Also... While the single player looks great its not at the top of my most play SP experiences this fall... Its not even in the top 3...

1) Warhammer 40K: Space Marine (Based upon the demo I've played, both PC and 360, its the game I've wanted for 15 years.)
2) Gears of War 3 (Laugh if you will, but I've read four novels involving these people and I feel more drawn to them than Nathan Drake in company.)
3) Batman: Arkham City
4) Uncharted: Drake's Deception

Not sure why... I guess I just feel like nothing major will happen in Uncharted (aka character death) and its not exactly a new experience anymore.

[quote name='Droenixjpn']Anyway, do you guys think they'll eventually release an Uncharted PS3 collection? I've been holding off on buying Uncharted 1 and 2 because of this. I just really started getting back into my PS3 over the last month, so that's why I don't own those games.[/QUOTE]

Anyhow, sorry I got so long winded there... If they do, it won't be anytime soon. They still can get 20 bucks out of Uncharted, 30 bucks out of Uncharted 2, and 60 out of Uncharted 3... So why bundle?

Now you might see an Uncharted 1/Uncharted 2 bundle... but as I understand it Uncharted 2 takes up a whole Blu-Ray so its still going to be two discs... (Its GotY version comes with a voucher for the DLC, aka its not on the disc) so I think Sony will wait till no one is buying the GH versions before you see it...

So, if/when you do. Its still likely to be years away.
if you dont like the power plays, then just play hardcore. problem solved.

the only power play i thought needed to be nerfed was double damage. if they dont nerf it, then ill just hide somewhere for a minute and not fight, plain and simple. they already changed it to where once it hits 40 kills, no more power plays can occur. so you shouldnt be losing a game because of them. if you do, well, your team blows.
[quote name='8bitArtist']if you dont like the power plays, then just play hardcore. problem solved.[/QUOTE]Almost, no boosters and whatnot....

If the fan base is big enough to support it I wouldn't mind seeing the current hardcore become bare bones and a new hardcore (basically minus power players) be made.
[quote name='Droenixjpn']Whatever happened to just enjoying a game for its single-player experience? No doubt that you guys most likely will be buying this for the single-player, but I really don't think every single game needs a multi-player mode.

Anyway, do you guys think they'll eventually release an Uncharted PS3 collection? I've been holding off on buying Uncharted 1 and 2 because of this. I just really started getting back into my PS3 over the last month, so that's why I don't own those games.[/QUOTE]

i personally only got into uncharted because of the mp. i was in on both betas and was hooked from their. it wasnt until i played u2 that i ended up trying u1 so for the the uncharted series is more about mp sp is just a temporary bonus.

never say never i could see them doing it eventually down the road in a few years or maybe doing on when the next system comes out. if you want to play the games get them now they can be found pretty cheap and if you get the goty edition for u2 you get the game with all the dlc sold up to this point in it.
[quote name='lokizz']if you want to play the games get them now they can be found pretty cheap and if you get the goty edition for u2 you get the game with all the dlc sold up to this point in it.[/QUOTE]Ah, you can just leave it at all the DLC for the game. No more is coming. (UC2 is dead to ND... Though I was quite surprised they updated the stats on their webpage for the first time in months the other day.)
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[quote name='wrencrest']Pretty funny video of Nolan North unboxing the collector's edition. I really want the steelbook, but couldnt care less about the rest of the stuff.[/QUOTE]It didn't really strike me as THAT funny... a couple of moments, yes, but all in all, I felt he tried to hard.

Then again I found myself more distracted by his 'voice' in general... When the camera was on him I had a hard time picking out Drake. When he was off camera I thought Drake was talking.
It's mid September and I have found 0 details on the Subway promotion that is supposed to start in October. Am I just missing something? I would think this would be a big promotion for Subway and Naughty Dog and yet....(crickets chirping)
Are there any decent preorder offers yet (decent meaning better than the boosters/kickbacks)? I preordered at Amazon banking on some kind of gaming credit, but with no announcement of that yet I might switch over to GS for the Penny Arcade poster.
Will buy the collector's solely because I love steelcases!

EDIT: Also, I work at Subway so I will be getting tons of codes I think. So I can help you all out hopefully.
[quote name='jaredstorm']Will buy the collector's solely because I love steelcases!

EDIT: Also, I work at Subway so I will be getting tons of codes I think. So I can help you all out hopefully.[/QUOTE]

Sign me up if you do get some codes.
[quote name='jaredstorm']Will buy the collector's solely because I love steelcases!

EDIT: Also, I work at Subway so I will be getting tons of codes I think. So I can help you all out hopefully.[/QUOTE]

dude if you could do that id owe you bigtime. i mainly want the beta but itd be nice to get all the other extras too.
I have no problem actually going to Subway to get codes as I think their food is good and there's one right across the street... but my concern is how the codes are handed out. I hear there's 5 different codes? I know if you order a drink you get the MP, but then getting food gives you one of the other 4. Is how those given completely random?
[quote name='Buuhan1']I have no problem actually going to Subway to get codes as I think their food is good and there's one right across the street... but my concern is how the codes are handed out. I hear there's 5 different codes? I know if you order a drink you get the MP, but then getting food gives you one of the other 4. Is how those given completely random?[/QUOTE]

i thought mp came with sandwhiches and the codes for the other stuff came from drink codes.i hope they post something up before the day so clear it all up.
thanks for the new video cant wait to see all the games weapons. hopefully all the sp weapons end up in mp unlike in u2.
[quote name='jaredstorm']Will buy the collector's solely because I love steelcases!

EDIT: Also, I work at Subway so I will be getting tons of codes I think. So I can help you all out hopefully.[/QUOTE]

Hook me up too if you can!
If anyone has a spare code for the mp this coming 29th, i would greatly appreciate it.

Huge HUGE Uncharted fan. It's actually my game of this generation...

There are surprisingly NO subways near my university campus, which is freaking shocking.

So hopefully someone can spare a code... :)

I can gift like a full share of unlocked codes of Super street fighter 4 hd, or mvc 2 for psn...

i have a couple unused codes lying around for those.

Whats kind of shocking about UC3, is that there is no hype for it like previous years. It seems like a lot of it its building up...I also think its because of all of the other blockbuster hits coming out this holiday season, which is kind of clouding its release... With that said, november will be uncharted and zelda time!!!
[quote name='gomikeoh']If anyone has a spare code for the mp this coming 29th, i would greatly appreciate it.

Huge HUGE Uncharted fan. It's actually my game of this generation...

There are surprisingly NO subways near my university campus, which is freaking shocking.

So hopefully someone can spare a code... :)

I can gift like a full share of unlocked codes of Super street fighter 4 hd, or mvc 2 for psn...

i have a couple unused codes lying around for those.

Whats kind of shocking about UC3, is that there is no hype for it like previous years. It seems like a lot of it its building up...I also think its because of all of the other blockbuster hits coming out this holiday season, which is kind of clouding its release... With that said, november will be uncharted and zelda time!!![/QUOTE]

the series has a huge fanbase they know its going to sell like crazy and those of us who played u2 know alot about u3 and were basically just waiting to buy it. they ont need to advertise much for it.

fucking hell these next few motnsh are going to be crazy a new zelda game, u3, arkham city, ico/sotc hd.
[quote name='lokizz']
fucking hell these next few motnsh are going to be crazy a new zelda game, u3, arkham city, ico/sotc hd.[/QUOTE]

I know. I had to make an executive decision and hold off on arkham city and skyrim. I'll pick it up at a low price.
Never played the first two games. A friend let me borrow the second one but should I play the first one first or should I just jump straight to the third one?
[quote name='eliter1']Never played the first two games. A friend let me borrow the second one but should I play the first one first or should I just jump straight to the third one?[/QUOTE]

i played the first one after i played the second but you definetly want to play the second before the 3rd since theres characters from the second showi ng up in the 3rd game.
[quote name='jaredstorm']Will buy the collector's solely because I love steelcases!

EDIT: Also, I work at Subway so I will be getting tons of codes I think. So I can help you all out hopefully.[/QUOTE]

Any update on getting some codes? I have a feeling it's going to be a frustrating day tomorrow trying to find a cup.
think the content accessed with the subway promo will screw up the trophies later? I mean, the DLC isn't going to have disc trophies- but your play record will recognize that you've played a match online, etc.
[quote name='nbballard']think the content accessed with the subway promo will screw up the trophies later? I mean, the DLC isn't going to have disc trophies- but your play record will recognize that you've played a match online, etc.[/QUOTE]

its supposed to be the final full mp build so im going to assume trophies will be included or maybe when you get the retail games itll add them based on the saved data on your ps3.
[quote name='jaredstorm']Will buy the collector's solely because I love steelcases!

EDIT: Also, I work at Subway so I will be getting tons of codes I think. So I can help you all out hopefully.[/QUOTE]

I would be interested in codes as well. Why is that theres two good betas at the same time - bf3 and u3?
[quote name='nbballard']think the content accessed with the subway promo will screw up the trophies later? I mean, the DLC isn't going to have disc trophies- but your play record will recognize that you've played a match online, etc.[/QUOTE]

Saw a list on Gamefaqs that looked legit and the only MP trophies are the same as UC2. Play one competitive and one cooperative game.
[quote name='nbballard']think the content accessed with the subway promo will screw up the trophies later? I mean, the DLC isn't going to have disc trophies- but your play record will recognize that you've played a match online, etc.[/QUOTE]

theres only 2 trophies and they are the same as from u2. they will probably just pop up once the game comes out. not like there is a reach level X trophy or anything.
bread's done