Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception coming 2011

[quote name='Jodou']And here I am wondering if I should even start it before Skyrim since I'm still madly in love with BF3.[/QUOTE]
Come on man. You have 10 days to beat the campaign and fill your love of BF before Skyrim comes. The real debate will be how to split time between Skyrim and Battlefield;)
the contextual touch-point stuff is amazing. From touching the doorways to bracing himself when i run him into walls, it's crazy. Also- the way it factors into the hand-to-hand is cool.
[quote name='dgwillia006']Oh my goodness, Chapter 2 and 3 are so awesome @_@. Making me love Drake and Sully even more

And the AI seems REALLY realistic this time around, 2-3 pistol body shots drops them. Also the fist fighting is amazing, so many ways to interact/fight people.[/QUOTE]
Up to where I am (Start of Chapter 6) the enemy AI seems pretty dumb. They can miss you almost point blank. Sometimes, they run into each other. Note I am playing on Normal so maybe it changes at Hard. Your ally AI on the other hand play a little better and actually can kill something unlike some games.

So far I am liking the story. Pretty good. Chapter 1-3 was a real nice introduction. Though I had to restart alot
where you had to evade in the flashback due to not knowing which direction I should run or missing the block thus being caught
[quote name='DOMINATOR912']I have the game next to me on my desk at work, and I won't be able to touch it for another 6 hours. I think it's mocking me.[/QUOTE]

Hehe you think that's mocking you. My ps3 had to ylod last friday...so today I have a new 320gb ps3 w/UC 1-3 and I still have to update everything and depending on traffic I don't know when I'll be home.
[quote name='lordopus99']Up to where I am (Start of Chapter 6) the enemy AI seems pretty dumb. They can miss you almost point blank. Sometimes, they run into each other. Note I am playing on Normal so maybe it changes at Hard. Your ally AI on the other hand play a little better and actually can kill something unlike some games.

So far I am liking the story. Pretty good. Chapter 1-3 was a real nice introduction. Though I had to restart alot
where you had to evade in the flashback due to not knowing which direction I should run or missing the block thus being caught

The AI seem to be bullet sponges too.
[quote name='JMEPO']My PS3 is being fixed right now and the guy said it should be done today; for now I have to just sit and stare at the glorious cover art until my phone rings. This is horrible.[/QUOTE]

Ok so I finally got the call from mr PS3 fixer guy! He left me a message an it was all like: Yo dawg I got your PS3 up and running it turns on fine, no yellow light :D But..... :whistle2:s your graphics card is broken :cry: It's not gonna be done for about 2 hours.

He also lives 45 mins away from me and it's getting late, so guess who's not going to be playing uncharted 3 tonight? Me.

fucking shit. I literally have this bitch on my shelf but it might as well be a thousand miles away.
Are there no cheats in this one once you finish the campaign? I did my hard playthrough and I wanted to mess around with them but nothing appeared.
[quote name='nbballard']Are there no cheats in this one once you finish the campaign? I did my hard playthrough and I wanted to mess around with them but nothing appeared.[/QUOTE]

There are no cheats when you finish the game, unfortunately. :(
Quick notes so far, melee combat is much better than last years. It's very smooth.

Chapter 1-3, and part of 4 is just introduction. I mean, I try not to compare UC 2 w/UC 3, but UC 2 through 5 chapters blows UC 3 out of the water in terms of story and action. But Drake's Deception is still pretty good.We'll see. I'm calling it a night, already put a couple of hours into it so I'm done. But I like it so far.

Only negative is that it seems like the AI can take 20 bullets and still be able to fire shots off.
Oh for fuck's sake. Naughty Dog has jumped on the bullshit motherfuckin' online pass train too? I'm really starting to hate this gaming gen. Between the 'passes' for shit already on the disc(Catwoman from AC) to the online passes from EVERY damned company anymore to the day one DLC for 1/4 to 1/2 the cost of the main game to the eternal patching of games that were obviously NOT ready for release but shoved down gamers' throats.

Don't get me wrong. I bought this game NEW because I do like this series and I wanna support ND, but this pass bullshit has gotta stop. Of course, it'll never stop since everybody seems to breathe a big collective meh when someone brings it up and passes it off as 'something to be expected'.:roll:
[quote name='freakyzeeky']There are no cheats when you finish the game, unfortunately. :([/QUOTE]
Dang.. i always like to collect my remaining treasures as Donut Drake.

After having a few hours to soak it in, I think that it's a solid game with a solid story- but the jaw dropping "interactive movie" moments don't really hold up to UC2. The second games rooftop heli fight / collapsing building was crazy- and the train sequence was fantastic too.

I don't think anything in this game surpassed those moments for me.
I bought the LE because I absolutely love this series. It hasn't disappointed thus far. It reminds me of Raiders of the Lost Ark. I can't wait to experience the whole story!
Just finished the game, (first time I've finished any campaign on day 1). I'm going to let it sink in and give my thoughts tomorrow. Good night everyone!
[quote name='Josh5890']Just finished the game, (first time I've finished any campaign on day 1). I'm going to let it sink in and give my thoughts tomorrow. Good night everyone![/QUOTE]

Was it around 8 hours like the ign review said?

My game is coming tomorrow from newegg. I can't wait to play the campaign.
[quote name='Lost_In_Shadows']Was it around 8 hours like the ign review said?

My game is coming tomorrow from newegg. I can't wait to play the campaign.[/QUOTE]

8-9 is about right. Keep in mind I don't go very far at all out of my way searching for treasures (found 32).
[quote name='Tsel']Just got back from the pitiful midnight launch at my Gamestop. A whopping 20 people showed up, while 250+ will show up for Modern Warfare 3.

If sleep doesn't catch up to me, I plan on blasting through this campaign all through the night.[/QUOTE]

250 phew, try 500-700 at mine in the suburbs of St. Louis. :( It had 500 for BLOPS last year. The vast majority of Gamestops in St. Louis didn't even do midnight launches for this, only the managers that were the biggest Uncharted fans. My local store had about 40 preorders of it and is in the neighborhood of 400-600 for MW3.

Also on the season pass 3 of the promised 7 MP packs are the 3 skin packs that are currently available for $2.50 per pack, and those are just the MP skins from Uncharted 2 (that were pay or free w/GotY voucher.) So you have to look at it as paying $25 for 4 MP competitive/co-op packs that seperately would cost around $37.50 and getting the U2 MP skins and a theme for free.
[quote name='nbballard']the contextual touch-point stuff is amazing. From touching the doorways to bracing himself when i run him into walls, it's crazy. Also- the way it factors into the hand-to-hand is cool.[/QUOTE]

Honestly, I thought it was a step backwards compared to UC2... I saw many errors in this. Hands not touching objects, Drake going through open doorways like he's got to barrel through them, etc. and really... I thought the game wasn't nearly as polished as UC2 was. Almost jarringly so.

My lack of polish extend to the controls, which just felt so freaking chunky, to the graphics....

Controls; I maxed out the turn radius but still felt like it turned too slowly (my Subway experience radius was about 75% maxed.) and allot of other times Drake just didn't respond right. (Ducking into cover, picking up right ammo, etc.)

Graphics; Not really the graphics per say... Just the lack of brightness in the game and no sure way to be sure it was set properly. (aka; this idol should be invisible, this one barely visible, and this one as visible as plain as day.) I had to adjust both game and my TV to get it to a level that I liked.

Anyhow, I just finished it on Hard... First playthrough. I found like 90 treasures so I took my time.. Maybe why I saw so many lack of polish errors.

Story; everything seen in trailers, E3, and/or commercials happens later in the game... So why the game does pick up (for those who like me thought the story wasn't that epic) just be prepared for how much of it you've already seen before.

I haven't done anything with the final MP other than to look and realize just how much of it is now locked again... Which is annoying since I had spent a fortune unlocking all the custom hero/villain clothing options but now they are all locked again, minus the last thing I was wearing. (Oh and the Subway clothing options are now gone too.)

Anyhow, I'll leave my MP thoughts out of this post. I know everyone is more interested in the SP.

Now, I'm not saying its a bad game... Not by a long shot but its just not as good in my opinion as UC2. It is better than UC1. (That said I just don't see UC3 being my GotY.)
[quote name='nbballard']Dang.. i always like to collect my remaining treasures as Donut Drake.

After having a few hours to soak it in, I think that it's a solid game with a solid story- but the jaw dropping "interactive movie" moments don't really hold up to UC2. The second games rooftop heli fight / collapsing building was crazy- and the train sequence was fantastic too.

I don't think anything in this game surpassed those moments for me.[/QUOTE]

Not even escaping the chateau in France?
[quote name='MSUHitman']250 phew, try 500-700 at mine in the suburbs of St. Louis. :( It had 500 for BLOPS last year. The vast majority of Gamestops in St. Louis didn't even do midnight launches for this, only the managers that were the biggest Uncharted fans. My local store had about 40 preorders of it and is in the neighborhood of 400-600 for MW3.[/QUOTE]

This is why I only went to one midnight release (Halo 3) and will never go to another again. I'm not up for standing in line for 3 hours listening to hundreds of people talk crap just so I can get home, play the game for an hour, then go to sleep because of working early. Now I just pop in to GS during my lunch break. In and out in less than 5 minutes since all the kiddies are at school.

As for my thoughts on UC3, so far there really haven't been any OSHIT moments like there were in UC2. The flaming chateau was pretty good, but it doesn't hold a candle to the train fight or collapsing building. As far as the MP, I'm probably in the minority but I like it alot more than the UC2 MP.
I think the problem is that the Chateau was shown at every gaming event and award show I've seen since the game was announced. It was cool, the very end of that sequence on the roof didn't control very well and felt really unpolished.

The cargo ship section could have been really cool too- but you didn't spend a lot of time running around in there once the ship started sinking so you couldn't really appreciate the complexity of the change.

I really did enjoy it- the character interactions, story, and action were a lot of fun. I just think that Uncharted 2 stands out as the stronger title, but I'm not sure how much of that is because it was fresh and new.
Damn, if people are thinking U2 was the better game then there really is no hope of topping the first one, even with Sully back.
[quote name='nbballard']I think the problem is that the Chateau was shown at every gaming event and award show I've seen since the game was announced. It was cool, the very end of that sequence on the roof didn't control very well and felt really unpolished.

The cargo ship section could have been really cool too- but you didn't spend a lot of time running around in there once the ship started sinking so you couldn't really appreciate the complexity of the change.

I really did enjoy it- the character interactions, story, and action were a lot of fun. I just think that Uncharted 2 stands out as the stronger title, but I'm not sure how much of that is because it was fresh and new.[/QUOTE]

Maybe I liked that part so much because I hadnt really paid much attention to the previews or early coverage.
[quote name='Jodou']Damn, if people are thinking U2 was the better game then there really is no hope of topping the first one, even with Sully back.[/QUOTE]

I honestly think U2 is way better than the first one. So far I think the combat and story in U3 is way better than 2
I thought that they said that the box the CE came in was supposed to be a representation of something that was in the game. Didn't see it anywhere.
[quote name='DOMINATOR912']This is why I only went to one midnight release (Halo 3) and will never go to another again. I'm not up for standing in line for 3 hours listening to hundreds of people talk crap just so I can get home, play the game for an hour, then go to sleep because of working early. Now I just pop in to GS during my lunch break. In and out in less than 5 minutes since all the kiddies are at school.[/QUOTE]Wal-Mart. Had two people in line, 5 or so looking at copies of Car 2.

Gears of War 3 had... Maybe 7? Honestly, as long as they don't screw the pooch and not have the game in stock its hard to go wrong with them... (Taxes blow of course.)
[quote name='n4styn4t3']Holy shit chapter 7 was awesome.[/QUOTE]

I thought it was way too forced. It took way too long, had way too many forced
almost falling into the fire for the 5,000th time scenes. I also thought it was incredibly ridiculous that all of these hired goons would agree to stay in a burning building and sacrifice their lives just to perhaps come across and shoot Drake/Sully. Yet, they didn't leave anyone behind outside of the building in case they did escape it.

I know that UC is built around unbelievable events, but I just felt like this one was not handled as well, nor nearly as fun.
[quote name='Yanksfan']Spoiler Stuff[/QUOTE]I couldn't agree more... and will expand upon this.

I feel the EBG, Evil Bad Group, was mot flushed out enough and just came off far too generic... A long winded speech explaining this would be cliche but would have been far better than what we got. All we know is that they wanted power, well, don't they all? and that they liked to rule via fear. (again not too original)

What else motivated them? How did they inspire such loyalty in their crew? Etc.
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I can't believe how nobody is mentioning the fucking aiming in the SP on here (CAG). The aiming in this game is atrocious! Completely broken. I'm stopping at Chapter 7 until ND (hopefully) patches this shit. Even with aim sensitivity cranked up to max, it still isn't resolved.

The ND forums are blowing up over the aiming, as are a couple others (NeoGAF/GameFAQs though I don't venture over to either of those).
What's stranger is that I don't think any one review even mentioned it. Baffling. Noticed it the *instant* they handed me a gun. :(

MP plays like a champ, and I will be sticking to it strictly for a while until ND gives us a patch (if they can).
[quote name='Rig']I can't believe how nobody is mentioning the fucking aiming in the SP on here (CAG). The aiming in this game is atrocious! Completely broken. I'm stopping at Chapter 7 until ND (hopefully) patches this shit. Even with aim sensitivity cranked up to max, it still isn't resolved.

The ND forums are blowing up over the aiming, as are a couple others (NeoGAF/GameFAQs though I don't venture over to either of those).
What's stranger is that I don't think any one review even mentioned it. Baffling. Noticed it the *instant* they handed me a gun. :(

MP plays like a champ, and I will be sticking to it strictly for a while until ND gives us a patch (if they can).[/QUOTE]
Does it control much differently in MP? I noticed it was a little stiff. I sped up my camera and didn't look back. I only had serious problems with it when someone strafed within about 10-15 feet of drake. Then i couldn't keep up with them.

I have much bigger complaints about how the run & gun aiming always shoots the center of the camera. There were a lot of times when I tried to just shoot brutes instead of fighting them and it ALWAYS resulted in my getting turned around and getting my ass kicked.

[quote name='gsr1379']for who beat the game. How many Chapters is there?[/QUOTE]
I believe it was 22.
[quote name='nbballard']Does it control much differently in MP? I noticed it was a little stiff. I sped up my camera and didn't look back. I only had serious problems with it when someone strafed within about 10-15 feet of drake. Then i couldn't keep up with them.

I have much bigger complaints about how the run & gun aiming always shoots the center of the camera. There were a lot of times when I tried to just shoot brutes instead of fighting them and it ALWAYS resulted in my getting turned around and getting my ass kicked.

I believe it was 22.[/QUOTE]

The MP in the full game plays like it has in the Subway beta. Aiming isn't a chore, and, actually works.

I haven't used run and gun much (and won't be now that I'm waiting on the SP).
^in uncharted's defense, R&G has always worked that way, it just annoys me because UC3 seems to be a lot more focused on brawling.
So here's a question. How does Sony's online pass work exactly? Is it like Mortal Kombat's where I have 48 hours, or do I get no online time at all?
So here's a question. How does Sony's online pass work exactly? Is it like Mortal Kombat's where I have 48 hours, or do I get no online time at all?
I don't think there was a free trial for 48 hours when it prompted me to enter my code.
About the multiplayer in the game all the stuff you unlocked in the subway beta is unlocked based on your level, or is locked period. Also how is the process of carrying your level over.
[quote name='KingBroly']So here's a question. How does Sony's online pass work exactly? Is it like Mortal Kombat's where I have 48 hours, or do I get no online time at all?[/QUOTE]

I tried to get into the MP before I remembered to enter my code, and all I got was a screen asking me to either enter my code or quit back to the main menu.
[quote name='Rig']I can't believe how nobody is mentioning the fucking aiming in the SP on here (CAG). The aiming in this game is atrocious! Completely broken. I'm stopping at Chapter 7 until ND (hopefully) patches this shit. Even with aim sensitivity cranked up to max, it still isn't resolved.

The ND forums are blowing up over the aiming, as are a couple others (NeoGAF/GameFAQs though I don't venture over to either of those).
What's stranger is that I don't think any one review even mentioned it. Baffling. Noticed it the *instant* they handed me a gun. :(

MP plays like a champ, and I will be sticking to it strictly for a while until ND gives us a patch (if they can).[/QUOTE]

Completely agree.
Just got this from Redbox, took a couple of minutes to fix my sound because it was set to Default and the EarForce DSS didn't like it.
Wow, I entered this thread wanting to post impressions and expected to see everyone raving about it, but not complaining.

I'm playing on hard and progressing just fine--while I noticed the aiming was a little tough I think it's more because the enemies are harder to hit, personally I think it's more realistic and enjoy the challenge.

Great game so far, only on chapter 7 and hoped for more early excitement and not the usual environments we expect and have already seen Nate in. Glad I got it early, Naughty Dog deserves my dollars
I'm at chapter 7 now and some of my love has worn off for this game. Cutter is a nice addition but it seems like Chloe is there. Sully is wonderful. Movement at times is really shaky, like I want Nate to go one way and he ends up going another.

[quote name='Rig']I can't believe how nobody is mentioning the fucking aiming in the SP on here (CAG). The aiming in this game is atrocious! Completely broken. I'm stopping at Chapter 7 until ND (hopefully) patches this shit. Even with aim sensitivity cranked up to max, it still isn't resolved.

The ND forums are blowing up over the aiming, as are a couple others (NeoGAF/GameFAQs though I don't venture over to either of those).
What's stranger is that I don't think any one review even mentioned it. Baffling. Noticed it the *instant* they handed me a gun. :(

MP plays like a champ, and I will be sticking to it strictly for a while until ND gives us a patch (if they can).[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Tsel']It is fucking hard. I'm having an extremely difficult time trying to get headshots.[/QUOTE]

I don't have an issue with aiming but it definitely doesn't register legit headshots. I've hit many enemies in the head at close range (can even see the blood where it hit), only to have them shake it off and keep firing at me.

But what I really don't like in this game is the melee... it seems like a complete clusterfuck. I don't get what I do wrong with counters against brutes but it seems like even though I always hit triangle at the right time, I end up getting hit anyway.
[quote name='Rig']I can't believe how nobody is mentioning the fucking aiming in the SP on here (CAG). The aiming in this game is atrocious! Completely broken. I'm stopping at Chapter 7 until ND (hopefully) patches this shit. Even with aim sensitivity cranked up to max, it still isn't resolved.

The ND forums are blowing up over the aiming, as are a couple others (NeoGAF/GameFAQs though I don't venture over to either of those).
What's stranger is that I don't think any one review even mentioned it. Baffling. Noticed it the *instant* they handed me a gun. :(

MP plays like a champ, and I will be sticking to it strictly for a while until ND gives us a patch (if they can).[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Vinny']I don't get what I do wrong with counters against brutes but it seems like even though I always hit triangle at the right time, I end up getting hit anyway.[/QUOTE]

The key is to play on Crushing, which removes the melee prompts. I found watching the enemy's animation way easier than being distracted by the button prompts.
[quote name='WebScud']The key is to play on Crushing, which removes the melee prompts. I found watching the enemy's animation way easier than being distracted by the button prompts.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I feel like they should have gone the Batman route with less intrusive counter indicators. Nothing ruins the cinematic nature of the combat more than a big ass playstation button popping up in the middle of the screen.
[quote name='WebScud']http://www.naughtydog.com/site/post/singleplayer_multiplayer_gun_mechanics/[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I saw that. fuck them.

Sensitivity is maxed...my scoped in reticule should be able to keep pace with an enemy!

No matter how they spin it, there's too much of a dead-zone on the controls.

Now, I am able to play it. Hell, look at my trophies; one of my first ones was the 20 headshot one. I could adapt...but it's seriously detracting from the fun. A great game with iffy controls doesn't deserve all the praise it's getting...

*goes back to multiplayer*
[quote name='n4styn4t3']Yea, I feel like they should have gone the Batman route with less intrusive counter indicators. Nothing ruins the cinematic nature of the combat more than a big ass playstation button popping up in the middle of the screen.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, having the indicator right in the middle of the screen would be much more cinematic.:lol: Seriously, I have to agree that there shouldn't be an indicator. I just followed WebScud's advice and ignored the indicator and it's definitely way easier.

[quote name='Rig']Yeah, I saw that. fuck them.

Sensitivity is maxed...my scoped in reticule should be able to keep pace with an enemy!

No matter how they spin it, there's too much of a dead-zone on the controls.

Now, I am able to play it. Hell, look at my trophies; one of my first ones was the 20 headshot one. I could adapt...but it's seriously detracting from the fun. A great game with iffy controls doesn't deserve all the praise it's getting...

*goes back to multiplayer*[/QUOTE]

I really don't understand their response... it's identical to Unc2 and bullets now fire straight so should it be easier to kill enemies? I'm farther into the game and headshots are basically useless.
bread's done