Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - OUT NOW - Trophy Patch Released!

[quote name='ViolentLee']I sure do: You get those who have differing opinions than you acting like asses because there's no possible way someone can dislike something they enjoy. But by all means feel free to blame someone who doesn't like the game for not thinking how you assume they would.

I'm glad you and others enjoyed it. Personally, I've done enough shooting -- better shooting to boot -- elsewhere. My copy of Uncharted came free from Sony, so it's not like I'm out money on the thing. I just figured people may want to hear an opinion that was other than glow-tastic. You obviously didn't want to hear it, but I am confident there are more open-minded, less totalitarian individuals on CAG.[/quote]
Thanks for the nice compliments. :whistle2:(

The thing is that you came in here saying you didn't like the game because you wanted Tomb Raider (though you didn't get what you wanted from Tomb Raider either) over what you got. I can see why you'd get that first impression from the small amount of info you got, but to not follow up with a little bit of research (like the demo on the PS Store) on a game you wanted to play is strange to me. Plus, your past came off like you were doing the game a favor by posting names of other games you passed over so you could play this game. That and acting like you're posting the truth over here. I'm all up for hearing differing opinions, just without the 'tude.

Maybe I don't play every shooter in the world like you do, but the shooting's just fine with me, maybe even great to me. I love being challenged by enemies and being surprised by how good they are. I'm sorry that you didn't see that, maybe because you have only played about two hours of the game that's mostly been platforming. Playing games like Stranglehold and Kane & Lynch just makes me appreciate the shooting in Uncharted a lot more, though Stranglehold's got the over-the-top atmosphere that makes it a good game.
You probably played on normal didn't you? lol
When I played the demo I hated that part of the jungle even on easy because I wasn't used to having to run and fend for myself as opposed to just hiding behind one wall and picking the enemies off one by one. When I got the game and got further and more into it though somehow you start to feel more satisfaction from clearing an area of enemies. Especially with the sniper rifle. Sniper rifles are always fun.

I myself can only take getting my ass whooped on a few times before I'm fed up with a game, but if you find yourself dying multiple times because of those "hidden" enemies though, setting it to easy helps a bit, though at times it can still kick your ass. Just not as much. At least I was able to beat the game. lol

Also, if you wanted to you could run up and melee every badguy there. It'd take a lot more planning ahead but you probably could do that. lol

Funny most of the ads and pictures I've seen of Uncharted show at least Drake or some other bad guy holding a gun or rifle. Sorry you thought it would be straight exploration from that promo material, but to Sony/Naughty Dog's credit, there are lots of (very) lush jungles and animated characters in the game. Dunno about you, but if anybody else thought the jungles were amazing, just wait till you get further on in the game. I said this before but this is probably the prettiest game I've ever laid eyes on.
[quote name='gunm']Man, the
jet ski
levels are sooo fun.[/quote]
They are. The second
upstream jet ski section
is great since
the rapids make it hard to go upstream while explosive barrels are flowing downstream at you. It's also cool to see the dead bodies of your eneies float downstream, as creepy as that may sound.
Really enjoying the later levels with the
zombies crawling all over the place.
Really intense moments and I loved every minute of it.

I'm already at Chapter 19 after only 2 good days of play and I really wish the game didn't end :cry:
On 3speech they had an interview with someone from Naughty Dog saying that there used to be ragdoll physics for dying enemies, and you used to be able to shoot birds, but both were taken out for fear it would bump it up to an M rating. Dumb.
[quote name='pete5883']On 3speech they had an interview with someone from Naughty Dog saying that there used to be ragdoll physics for dying enemies, and you used to be able to shoot birds, but both were taken out for fear it would bump it up to an M rating. Dumb.[/quote]

The times we live in haha. I tried to shoot the bird on the log in the demo and it just flys away.
[quote name='cartman58']This may sound like a strange question, but is this game very quick(camera-wise). I ask because I am getting my PS3 sunday and am considering getting this game sometime in the near future because it looks pretty decent.

I have simulation sickness and because of it have my choices of games greatly reduced. FPS are out of the picture. This game and Assassin's Creed are making me nervous because I am not sure how it will react with these. Usually it's just sports games and racing games(and some racing games are no-nos).

So would this game be a bad choice?[/quote]

It is definitely not as quick as a FPS as, in general, the camera doesn't move at a frenetic pace. There are times when I think this could be a problem for you, but by no means is it the majority of the time.

I will say the demo on the PSN is VERY indicative of what the entire game is like camera-wise.
[quote name='gunm']Man, the
jet ski
levels are sooo fun.[/quote]

STRONGLY disagree about the
jet ski
levels, but when I
helped her off the jet ski and she said 'thanks', that creeped me out. A little too real.
. But the
level was the most fun i've had in a long time.

After I beat the game, please, please, PLEASE tell me there's a level select. Because I want to do that level over and over and over again.
Started playing this tonight. Very impressed so far. Game reeks of quality. Can't wait to see what's in store as the game progresses.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']They are. The second
upstream jet ski section
is great since
the rapids make it hard to go upstream while explosive barrels are flowing downstream at you. It's also cool to see the dead bodies of your eneies float downstream, as creepy as that may sound.

the Upstream one is more challenging, but I missed the M79--it's just hilarious seeing the plume of smoke and the guy being tossed into the air like a live stunt show at Universal Studios when you hit 'em with it
Damn. My game froze again.
I was on chapter 18 when a zombie jumped on me and the game completely froze. Sucks :bomb:

Edit: Just beat the game. Overall I thought the game was amazing. I loved the story. The characters were great. The gameplay sucks you in so when your playing, time just goes by so quick. The levels just looked really dead on and beautiful. I beat it at around 10 hours, 48/60 treasures, and 390 medals. I think I did good considering I didn't use an FAQ. I'm going to go back and play it on hard now.

I thought the last boss wasn't too bad. At first I kept trying to run at him and punch him, but that got aggrivating really fast. So then I figured out his little strategy and it was easy from there. I don't think it took away from the game. In fact I thought it was a great way to end it. When I came on the boat I was like, shit, this is going to be an annoying shootout. But it was nice not to have to go through that.

I also liked the concept of the zombie like creatures. They were bringing it along the whole game so it was a nice payoff. Maybe if I hadn't read this thread I would have enjoyed it even more, lol. They weren't too bad though. I actually got the 50 kill medal on these guys. It was also cool that you didn't have to cover to kill them. You could just go right in the open and nail them. I also liked the aspect of the curse.

If you play through again, does it count the treasures you already collected or do you have to find them all again?
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Thanks for the nice compliments. :whistle2:(

The thing is that you came in here saying you didn't like the game because you wanted Tomb Raider (though you didn't get what you wanted from Tomb Raider either) over what you got. I can see why you'd get that first impression from the small amount of info you got, but to not follow up with a little bit of research (like the demo on the PS Store) on a game you wanted to play is strange to me. Plus, your past came off like you were doing the game a favor by posting names of other games you passed over so you could play this game. That and acting like you're posting the truth over here. I'm all up for hearing differing opinions, just without the 'tude.

Maybe I don't play every shooter in the world like you do, but the shooting's just fine with me, maybe even great to me. I love being challenged by enemies and being surprised by how good they are. I'm sorry that you didn't see that, maybe because you have only played about two hours of the game that's mostly been platforming. Playing games like Stranglehold and Kane & Lynch just makes me appreciate the shooting in Uncharted a lot more, though Stranglehold's got the over-the-top atmosphere that makes it a good game.[/QUOTE]
I think it was as much you feeling defensive about me dissing something you like as it was me "acting like I'm posting the truth." I don't see anything in my original post that had much 'tude, but I'm of course biased to my own posts.

I'd definitely put Uncharted above the other two games you mentioned -- though Kane/Lynch's story kept me playing longer than I played Uncharted. Part of my quick dismissal had to do with the fact that I played with my wife, and watching me doing seemingly-endless firefights isn't the most exciting thing for her -- compared to games she's loved watching me play, like Half-Life 2, Metroid Prime 3, and Zelda. Each of those 3 has an adventure element besides combat, and I was hoping Uncharted would deliver on the same level. Maybe that was unfair of me, but the ratings supported that.
[quote name='ViolentLee']I think it was as much you feeling defensive about me dissing something you like as it was me "acting like I'm posting the truth." I don't see anything in my original post that had much 'tude, but I'm of course biased to my own posts.

I'd definitely put Uncharted above the other two games you mentioned -- though Kane/Lynch's story kept me playing longer than I played Uncharted. Part of my quick dismissal had to do with the fact that I played with my wife, and watching me doing seemingly-endless firefights isn't the most exciting thing for her -- compared to games she's loved watching me play, like Half-Life 2, Metroid Prime 3, and Zelda. Each of those 3 has an adventure element besides combat, and I was hoping Uncharted would deliver on the same level. Maybe that was unfair of me, but the ratings supported that.[/quote]
I don't think it's about me being defensive at all, but you having crappy logic. "I want Tomb Raider, so I assume Uncharted is Tomb Raider." and then acting like the game is crap because it wasn't what you assumed it was supposed to be. Maybe I should assume that Unreal Tournament 3 is Gears of War when I get to play that soon enough? ;) I'm not sure if it's being defensive about your opinion when you didn't even know what you were about to play.

More name-dropping! I could've used more than what you listed in your first post. :D I'm not sure why you brought up your wife, unless you're trying to make it seem like there's more people like you. Does she not let you like games that she doesn't like? ;) Where are these ratings that you're talking about that support your opinion?

Anyway, are you done here? You've got so many other games to play, and since Uncharted's on the shelf now, shouldn't you be busy making assumptions about those games now? ;)
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I don't think it's about me being defensive at all, but you having crappy logic. "I want Tomb Raider, so I assume Uncharted is Tomb Raider." and then acting like the game is crap because it wasn't what you assumed it was supposed to be. Maybe I should assume that Unreal Tournament 3 is Gears of War when I get to play that soon enough? ;) I'm not sure if it's being defensive about your opinion when you didn't even know what you were about to play.

More name-dropping! I could've used more than what you listed in your first post. :D I'm not sure why you brought up your wife, unless you're trying to make it seem like there's more people like you. Does she not let you like games that she doesn't like? ;) Where are these ratings that you're talking about that support your opinion?

Anyway, are you done here? You've got so many other games to play, and since Uncharted's on the shelf now, shouldn't you be busy making assumptions about those games now? ;)[/QUOTE]
See, you weren't a douche for a second and then you were again. Shame on me for letting my guard down. You wound me deeply with your message board barbs. Oh wait...no you don't. You're just some fanboy who can't take dissenting opinions. Ignore filter are go!
[quote name='ViolentLee']See, you weren't a douche for a second and then you were again. Shame on me for letting my guard down. You wound me deeply with your message board barbs. Oh wait...no you don't. You're just some fanboy who can't take dissenting opinions. Ignore filter are go![/quote]
:lol: I guess you're too serious for the internet to handle. I guess I won't see the next time you try to play Tomb Raider and run into Alan Wake.
I'm not really sure why, but I really want to hold off on playing more of the game until I go home for break and play it more leisurely than I would here. I guess that that would be because my only HDTV is my monitor and it feels more like work to play on that.
I'm on chapter 17/22. I real close to saying that Uncharted is my personal game of the year. I absolutely love it.

If you own a PS3 and you don't own Uncharted (or Ratchet for that matter) please trade your PS3 in, because you are not worthy of owning it.
[quote name='SNAKE EYES EX']I'm on chapter 17/22. I real close to saying that Uncharted is my personal game of the year. I absolutely love it.

If you own a PS3 and you don't own Uncharted (or Ratchet for that matter) please trade your PS3 in, because you are not worthy of owning it.[/quote]

guess i should throw my ps3 in the trash :(
UT3 is keeping me busy though :D
i will get uncharted sooner or later
My copy was meant to come today it the post but it never showed up so I completed Ratchet and Clank. Hopefully it will come 2mo and I can spend some time playing it
[quote name='SNAKE EYES EX']I'm on chapter 17/22. I real close to saying that Uncharted is my personal game of the year. I absolutely love it.

If you own a PS3 and you don't own Uncharted (or Ratchet for that matter) please trade your PS3 in, because you are not worthy of owning it.[/QUOTE]
For sure, Uncharted is easily my GOTY. Straight forward, awesome action with great characters and a pretty good story. There wasn't a single time when I got bored or felt like it was a chore to play like with so many other big games this year (Item collecting in Bioshock comes to mind...)
Tried the demo this morning and didn't particularly care for it. Plays too much like gears of war + jumping, only without the superb cover/shooting/melee mechanics that made gears so much fun. Looks good though. I may give it another shot when the price drops.

This has not been a good gaming week for me, every demo I've tried has been disappointing. Uncharted at least held my interest for ~30 minutes, Eternal Sonata and Burnout Paradise couldn't even muster 10.
I beat Uncharted last night. Great story. Great ending. Great game play. Great game mechanics. Best graphics of any console game ever. Amazing game.

It might be my game of the year.
[quote name='geko29']Tried the demo this morning and didn't particularly care for it. Plays too much like gears of war + jumping, only without the superb cover/shooting/melee mechanics that made gears so much fun. Looks good though. I may give it another shot when the price drops.

This has not been a good gaming week for me, every demo I've tried has been disappointing. Uncharted at least held my interest for ~30 minutes, Eternal Sonata and Burnout Paradise couldn't even muster 10.[/QUOTE]
Wait...what? The melee in Uncharted is way way better than in Gears if you can even compare the melee in Gears to the melee in Uncharted. And what makes the cover system better in Gears? Please let me know.
[quote name='whoknows']For sure, Uncharted is easily my GOTY. Straight forward, awesome action with great characters and a pretty good story. There wasn't a single time when I got bored or felt like it was a chore to play like with so many other big games this year (Item collecting in Bioshock comes to mind...)[/quote]

I agree, but I'm on a tie on which to make my GOTY. I love both Uncharted and Bioshock. Uncharted immersed me a little bit more, with little details like Elaine saying "Thanks" to Drake after he helps her up a cliff or off the jetski.
[quote name='Scorch']I agree, but I'm on a tie on which to make my GOTY. I love both Uncharted and Bioshock. Uncharted immersed me a little bit more, with little details like Elaine saying "Thanks" to Drake after he helps her up a cliff or off the jetski.[/QUOTE]
They both are amazing games for sure. The setting in Bioshock is fantastic and more original than Uncharted (and just about any other game you can think of) easily. Story was just more exciting in Uncharted for me and the characters really helped shape the game. I also enjoyed the gameplay a bit more. I might just be burnt out on FPS games though :p
[quote name='whoknows']what makes the cover system better in Gears? Please let me know.[/quote] Circle seems to sometimes put me into cover, and sometimes not. Often it puts me into cover on the wrong side of a barrier, which results in serious injury/death trying to get back OUT of cover, around the corner to the proper side and back into cover. This happens occasionally in gears as well, but probably happened more times total in 30 minutes of Uncharted than it has in 30+ hours of Gears.

Further, cover sometimes stops hits coming from the opposite side of it, and sometimes not.

Again, this is based solely on playing the demo for ~30 minutes.
It's funny that everyone is comparing Uncharted to Gears. Last year Gears was my GOTY and this year it has to be Uncharted. This was great thrill ride of a game, made me feel like I was Indiana Jones. I cannot wait for a sequel. I agree though that RC has to be my 2 game of the year. I have to say I love where studios are going with making games feel more like movies. Great stories and beautiful graphics that just pull you into the games. Let's hope they can give us more titles like this next year.
[quote name='geko29']Circle seems to sometimes put me into cover, and sometimes not. Often it puts me into cover on the wrong side of a barrier, which results in serious injury/death trying to get back OUT of cover, around the corner to the proper side and back into cover. This happens occasionally in gears as well, but probably happened more times total in 30 minutes of Uncharted than it has in 30+ hours of Gears.

Further, cover sometimes stops hits coming from the opposite side of it, and sometimes not.

Again, this is based solely on playing the demo for ~30 minutes.[/quote]
I can't comment on the first problem since this happened to me quite rarely (about as much as it did in Gears), I can talk about the cover not completely blocking you. Some items that are used for cover aren't ideal and therefore don't cover you completely. You can be sticking out a bit on the side or on top. In the demo level, there are also men coming from multiple sides so the cover will not always protect you.

I find it to be a more realistic cover system than Gears, but it can be a bit tough at times (esp. the level they give you in the demo. not the best way to introduce the game to people).
Got my copy about 2 days ago and it is awesome. Can hardly put my controller down. I like how you unlock things 50 headshots, 50 kills with a weapon those sort of things
I'm on chapter 11, and this just might be GOTY for me. My expectations for this game weren't so high, but I've been blown away thus far. It's just so much fun to play! I really enjoyed the jeep chase and jet ski parts...Drake and Elena never fail to crack me up. Of all the next gen games I've tried thus far (including 360 ones), this is the first game that made me say "this is truly next gen". From the cinematic presentation to the breathtaking environments.
I really liked this game, it was just waaaay to short. Fun game great graphics nice story just to damn short for $60. Glad I got it for $40 from amazon and sold it back to GS for 39 after the 30% bonus last week.
this game is so fun. I played 4 hours straight last night (1 am - 5 am ) non-stop. How many chapters are there? I'm on chapter 9. Also, do you get a penalty for dieing a lot? I died like over 20 times (falling of cliffs, shot at, etc).

p.s. i wasn't supposed to open by x-mas gift.
[quote name='postaboy']this game is so fun. I played 4 hours straight last night (1 am - 5 am ) non-stop. How many chapters are there? I'm on chapter 9. Also, do you get a penalty for dieing a lot? I died like over 20 times (falling of cliffs, shot at, etc).

p.s. i wasn't supposed to open by x-mas gift.[/quote]dont quote me on this but I beleive there are 19 chapters. And nope there are no penalties
[quote name='whoknows']I think it's more like 22 chapters give or take 1.[/quote]

There are 22. I looked on GameFaqs. I am playing through it right now. It is pretty bad ass. I like it a lot more than I did during the demo.
I really want this game so badly. Trying to get through my backlog of games first so I can purchase this and a DS3 controller.
bread's done