VA Tech tragedy. 33 dead. *Shooter sent photos and video to NBC*

But VT is in the western part right?

And don't wreck my lame joke, now I will have to make fun of all of Virgina. :p
[quote name='David85']But VT is in the western part right?

And don't wreck my lame joke, now I will have to make fun of all of Virgina. :p[/QUOTE]

your right... it was a lame joke.
Wow... they showed the video of the wacko.

"It's your fault the blood will spill... yadda yadda".

He looks like a Chinese radical and supposedly started on these tapes at least 6 days before hand.
If this is old, don't kill me.

I saw on CNN (tuesday - 10:35am central), a FBI agent (cant remember his name) blaming videogames for causing violence in this country and how he was sure that videogames probably had to do something with the behavior of the killer.

Is it only me, or are you also tired of people blaming videogames for people's violent behavior? :roll: ... Videogames (and Marilyn Manson) were also blamed for the violent behavior of the kids who shot Columbine high school...:roll:
[quote name='David85']Wow... they showed the video of the wacko.

"It's your fault the blood will spill... yadda yadda".

He looks like a Chinese radical and supposedly started on these tapes at least 6 days before hand.[/quote]

[quote name='Scorch']

All of this shit makes me paranoid to go to school. Glad I'm taking a semester off this fall.[/QUOTE]

What? Sounds like a bad excuse to take a semester off to me :lol:

I just had a class with all Korean people except me and 2 other guys! Even the professor was Korean...good thing I wore my bulletproof vest :roll:

(just joking around, you probably aren't taking it off just because of this)
It is just unreal that people were all like, "We'll never know what the gunman was thinking." Then he sends photos and pic to a news outlet and gives you a clear view into whatever replaced his soul. This is just so bizarre.
[quote name='David85']Wow... they showed the video of the wacko.

"It's your fault the blood will spill... yadda yadda".

He looks like a Chinese radical and supposedly started on these tapes at least 6 days before hand.[/QUOTE]

I just saw that as well. He was looking into the camera trying to be badass. Talking in a deep voice.

This whole event is tragic. But if that kid, or his parents said Cho you look depressed were going to the doc, or shrink. Then this might have never happened.

[quote name='GuilewasNK']CNN?[/QUOTE]

yea I saw it on CBS, the lady said we are now allowed to show you that video.

He said

"I have to."
"I've given you a million chances to not bring it to this. You backed me into a corner. Then you choose to spill my blood...
[quote name='oasisboy']If this is old, don't kill me.

I saw on CNN (tuesday - 10:35am central), a FBI agent (cant remember his name) blaming videogames for causing violence in this country and how he was sure that videogames probably had to do something with the behavior of the killer.

Is it only me, or are you also tired of people blaming videogames for people's violent behavior? :roll: ... Videogames (and Marilyn Manson) were also blamed for the violent behavior of the kids who shot Columbine high school...:roll:[/QUOTE]

Nope this has never been mentioned before

[quote name='Graystone']I just saw that as well. He was looking into the camera trying to be badass. Talking in a deep voice.

This whole event is tragic. But if that kid, or his parents said Cho you look depressed were going to the doc, or shrink. Then this might have never happened.


I think I saw a headline that he was in a psych hospital and it was determined by some judge that he was mentally unfit. Unfortunately, with someone as far gone as him, there isn't much that can be done if he hasn't broken the law in some major way and doesn't want to help himself.
“I didn’t have to do this. I could have left. I could have fled. But no, I will no longer run. It’s not for me. For my children, for my brothers and sisters that you [molest] — I did it for them,” Cho says on one of the videos."

Could this be political to some extent?

makes you think
[quote name='Arakias']

makes you think[/QUOTE]


However, this hits closer to home which is why it is getting so much media attention.
[quote name='Graystone']“I didn’t have to do this. I could have left. I could have fled. But no, I will no longer run. It’s not for me. For my children, for my brothers and sisters that you [molest] — I did it for them,” Cho says on one of the videos."

Could this be political to some extent?[/quote]

In that twisted mind it could be anything.

Here is the victim list with photos.

A lot of people died, and its sad, but the saddest IMO was the older man who survived the holocaust. This survived the holocaust only to to die at VT because of some idiot.

[quote name='GuilewasNK']In that twisted mind it could be anything.[/QUOTE]

I would like to read the whole manifest. We know he was mentally unstable but was it because of years and years of rage? Could he have been one of those type of people that don't forget the littlest thing, and just adds that to his notes of things to get even on. Was he trying to make a political stand?

Or was it just plain insanity. We will never know, but the long manifest might give us some idea. btw in these type of things why don't you ever see the killers parents?
[quote name='Arakias']

makes you think[/quote]

There was something like that today on the SF Chronicle, but instead of Iraq it was a whole bunch of skulls labeled Darfur.
The mailing of the package kind of brings his motivation into focus, and the line where he refers to the Columbine killers as martyrs seals the deal.

He wanted attention. Plain and simple as that. He wanted fame (infamy) and notoriety. Now every single person in America knows his name, face, and now we're all watching him spread his ideas on TV.

Cho Seung-Hui has effectively become a household name, and he's officially secured his place in the history books. Everybody will know his thoughts and opinions thanks to this "multimedia manifesto", and everybody will have read his writings.

If you look at it that way, he's won. I don't really know if there's a solution, because you have to report the news. I wouldn't say that they shouldn't be showing the videos or publishing his manifesto, but it's kind of sad that he's getting exactly what he was going for in all of this.
OMG :bomb: someone needs to fucking shoot Chris Matthews RIGHT NOW.

This asshole has an interview with one of Cho's roommates up on MSNBC, and the motherfucker repeatedly asks leading questions about Cho and video games, Counter Strike in particular. The roommate would be talking about something unrelated, and Jackass McGee goes and starts leading into the whole do you think video games played a part in this bullshit. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with this douchebag? Matthews, obviously Jack Thompson, and any other ignorant motherfucker that is using this tragedy to push their anti-video game propaganda on people should be strung up by the testicles and used as a public urinal in the same way Mussolini's body was after WWII.
[quote name='Graystone']“I didn’t have to do this. I could have left. I could have fled. But no, I will no longer run. It’s not for me. For my children, for my brothers and sisters that you [molest] — I did it for them,” Cho says on one of the videos."

Could this be political to some extent?[/QUOTE]

it could be political to a huge extent if he is pissed off about the Korean war and U.S. occupation. Although they've taken to capitalism and all that, they have more of an historical reason to hate us than, say, Iraq and all the countries in the middle east. and every right to, imho (though no right to act out like this, of course) The "brothers and sisters" line could indicate that. Many families were torn apart and force to fight against each during the Korean war.

I don't think many south koreans feel that way, especially young guys like him, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he did.
[quote name='Graystone']

Here is the victim list with photos.

A lot of people died, and its sad, but the saddest IMO was the older man who survived the holocaust. This survived the holocaust only to to die at VT because of some idiot.[/quote]


I think they said the day he was murdered was a day of remebrance for the Holocaust too.

Whoever did that political cartoon needs to realize that ANY place on earth will report local or national news in a more detailed light regardlless of the scope of international events, war or otherwise. No one reported on the atrocities in Liberia on the front page and that was going on LONG before Iraq. That's all I am going to say about that because Iraq has no place in the Tech masscre and vice versa. This topic needs to stay ON topic.
yes this is strange how family members and friends are on talk shows the day AFTER the incident. What does the media pay like $20k for a 5 minute interview?!?!?
This would the Liviu Librescu that you speak of, what a brave individual. Despite his age of 76, he was able to fling himself in front of the door and absorb all the bullets to save his students.

There was another professor that shoved all of the furniture in the classroom in front of the door after hearing gun shots. This stopped Cho from entering, kind of makes me wonder why other classes didn't do the same.
[quote name='moiety']
I put full blame on the shooter himself. He was obviously troubled due to whatever factors (bad home, picked on in school, whatever), but he ultimately made the choice to do something so horrendous. I blame no one but him.

So...I'm not sure I'm understanding what you're saying. Is the blame on him (and he was most likely not in a typical mental state), or the probable troubled environment surrounding him?
[quote name='Cracka']Nope this has never been mentioned before


I am not going to read 23 pages of posts... :roll:
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']OMG :bomb: someone needs to fucking shoot Chris Matthews RIGHT NOW.

This asshole has an interview with one of Cho's roommates up on MSNBC, and the motherfucker repeatedly asks leading questions about Cho and video games, Counter Strike in particular. The roommate would be talking about something unrelated, and Jackass McGee goes and starts leading into the whole do you think video games played a part in this bullshit. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with this douchebag? Matthews, obviously Jack Thompson, and any other ignorant motherfucker that is using this tragedy to push their anti-video game propaganda on people should be strung up by the testicles and used as a public urinal in the same way Mussolini's body was after WWII.[/quote]

Same thing with cnn, they keep blaming videogames :roll:
[quote name='seanr1221']So...I'm not sure I'm understanding what you're saying. Is the blame on him (and he was most likely not in a typical mental state), or the probable troubled environment surrounding him?[/quote]
Ultimately I blame him because he decided that was how he was going to deal with his problems. He made the decision to kill. He could've just killed himself, or took up drugs, or gotten help. That was the path he choose.

But of course it would be wrong to say he just did it out of nowhere. He obviously had problems through his life. His hatred towards everyone definitely points to him being "shunned" by his peers. Who knows what early traumas he had in the home, and even just his genetic predisposition. Yes, his environment (and possibly nature) was certainly a factor.

However, a LOT of people have negative past/present experiences (abuse, neglect, being picked on, chaos in the home). They make the choice how to deal with it. He, like the Columbine kids, went the extreme route.
I blame video games and shity gun laws! Those are the reasons why this happened! It's not the crazy fuckers faults it video games and those damn guns that are so easy to get!
[quote name='moiety']Ultimately I blame him because he decided that was how he was going to deal with his problems. He made the decision to kill. He could've just killed himself, or took up drugs, or gotten help. That was the path he choose.

But of course it would be wrong to say he just did it out of nowhere. He obviously had problems through his life. His hatred towards everyone definitely points to him being "shunned" by his peers. Who knows what early traumas he had in the home, and even just his genetic predisposition. Yes, his environment (and possibly nature) was certainly a factor.

However, a LOT of people have negative past/present experiences (abuse, neglect, being picked on, chaos in the home). They make the choice how to deal with it. He, like the Columbine kids, went the extreme route.[/QUOTE] we make choices or does our environment control us.
They touch on videogames in this brief article. Read some of the comments below. They illustrate the typical, anti-gaming view when tragedies strike. One of my favorites:
4 weeks learn to use the gun and handle himself so methodically during the shooting? How is that possible? ... In my personal opinion, the idea that he was a video gamer and possibly learned from First Person Shooter (FPS) games seems highly likely. I'm not personally a gamer and I know that many people are upset on the blogs that anyone would blame gaming, but how else would he have been so capable of using the gun and remained so calm during the shootings?
Made me think of mykevermin's great post yesterday.
[quote name='seanr1221'] we make choices or does our environment control us.[/quote]
And that is the Nature vs. Nurture debate. Some think it's just nature (genetics, personality), and some think it's all nurture (environment, how you were raised, etc). And some think it's both (myself included). It's impossible to say it is only one thing. You have to decide what makes sense to you.

When it comes to psychology, there's rarely ever one answer.
[quote name='Arakias']

makes you think[/quote]

To be honest, the Iraqis are going to hate America no matter what we do.

However as I mentioned before - it's a complete shame that people don't care this much about the 3300 American soldiers who have died in the war.
[quote name='Graystone']

Here is the victim list with photos.

A lot of people died, and its sad, but the saddest IMO was the older man who survived the holocaust. This survived the holocaust only to to die at VT because of some idiot.[/QUOTE]

yea that really pisses me off, he survived a living hell only to be killed by some lil bitch, at least he died a hero keeping the door from opening so students could escape.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']yea that really pisses me off, he survived a living hell only to be killed by some lil bitch, at least he died a hero keeping the door from opening so students could escape.[/QUOTE]

I feel bad too, but that is for sure an extremely noble way to die. RIP 33.
[quote name='ITDEFX']yes this is strange how family members and friends are on talk shows the day AFTER the incident. What does the media pay like $20k for a 5 minute interview?!?!?[/QUOTE]

You don't get paid to be on news. You only get paid if you do entertainment.

Any person you see on a news program (even the daily show with John Stewart) doesn't get paid. Now if your hired onto a show as an actor you get paid.

dig what I'm saying?
[quote name='Graystone']You don't get paid to be on news. You only get paid if you do entertainment.

Any person you see on a news program (even the daily show with John Stewart) doesn't get paid. Now if your hired onto a show as an actor you get paid.

dig what I'm saying?[/QUOTE]
Wait, now you're Graystone again? With a new avatar? WTF???
[quote name='Moxio']I feel bad too, but that is for sure an extremely noble way to die. RIP 33.[/QUOTE]

If you are going to try to look all caring get the number right.

32 were killed, who the fuck cares about the 33?!
ok, so this morning I got this email from my cousin at VA Tech after I ask for verification of what dorm he lived in.

"He did live in my dorm. Right down the hall. I live in suite 2060 and he
lived in suite 2120.

I was shocked to find out that he was the shooter.
I see him a lot in the hallways, I'd try to say "hi" but he'd always just
look away or at the ground. He'd always be watching wrestling shows in the
first floor lounge, and he often let me back into the building if I forgot
my keys. He ate at D2 a lot but he was always alone.

I didn't recognize him in the photo that the FBI showed me because it was a
younger picture and he had more hair. Previously, I had only seen him with
his hair buzzed.

Early this morning, reporters were swarming our building. When they got
kicked out, they continued to interview people by shouting up at windows."

From what I understand the only thing between my cousin's suite and the shooters suite were the elevators.
[quote name='David85']If you are going to try to look all caring get the number right.

32 were killed, who the fuck cares about the 33?![/QUOTE]

The title says 33...

Oh wait, shit, I just realized the 33rd is the killer himself, right?

Calm down, asshole. I made a mistake.
[quote name='Arakias']

makes you think[/quote]
Yeah, it's a shame.

[quote name='David85']If you are going to try to look all caring get the number right.

32 were killed, who the fuck cares about the 33?![/quote]
Someone needs to slap you like they would a hysterical woman. Calm the shaq-fu down.
bread's done