Valkyria Chronicles - Gen. Discussion & Info

Finished the game this weekend!!

The last boss was fairly easy, easier than what I expected, and the ending was superb.

It's a shame this game kind of got overshadowed by all the big-name releases at the same time. IMHO, it outranks each and every one of them.
played it again last nite for my first time in forever thanks to Tears of War and Street Fighter HD.

I beat the map in chapter 9 in 3 turns!!! my 2nd A Rank!!

Orders FTW! Armor Break + Aika + back of the bus = murdah!
Just have to say what a great game this is, i have completely quit my other game obsession, fallout 3, for this
[quote name='johnmirra']Just have to say what a great game this is, i have completely quit my other game obsession, fallout 3, for this[/quote]
Yeah, I've put in about 25 hours and it's still really fun. I haven't even opened the games I got from Black Friday yet, just been too preoccupied with this game.
[quote name='arnoldhead']Yeah, I've put in about 25 hours and it's still really fun. I haven't even opened the games I got from Black Friday yet, just been too preoccupied with this game.[/QUOTE]

I've been gorging myself with this game for the past few weeks, but had to pull myself away to prolong the pleasure.

Fantastic effort, Sega. Absolutely cannot wait to buy the DLC episodes.
whooo! I jus beat chapter 12 and discovered the greatness that is Shamrock.

u can seriously spend an entire round using jus that!!

tank armor + flamethrower destroys everything in its path, I love it!!

too bad... I'll be putting this game on hiatus for a long time... Persona 4 tomorrow @_@
[quote name='thelonepig']I'm proud to say that one of those 33k units is sitting on my shelf. Not proud that it's still sealed, however.[/QUOTE]

I'm in the same boat. I knew I had to support this title (and get that artbook), but I have way too many games.
Well, come to think of it, the majority of RPGs on PS2 last gen only sold around 40k - 50k in a month. Some RPGs which were more established franchises with a good fanbase or Square Enix could sell over 100k. I was really hoping the game would do around 75k-100k in its first month, but it looks not. I kind of figured it was going to have trouble having many game releases before it, along with launching the same week as Naruto, R2, and many others.

I bought the game and love it.
This game could be one of those "slow burners" that might pick up via word of mouth. Hopefully after the holidays are over and the dust settles more people might notice this game.
I definitely want this game but it just came in between too many other games. Depending on any deals around the new year, I might pick it up then.
This game is definitely worth the money. It's disappointing that it sold so poorly but like others have said, hopefully good word of mouth will keep the sales steady over time.
After playing the Demo, I was kinda put off. I just played the tutorial on the limited time I had. I'm going to try out the skirmish and hopefully I like that much better.
Dang, I'm so torn. I want to continue playing Valkyria Chronicles (on Chapter 14), but Persona 4 has me sucked in so much right now. Damn you, Persona, ah cain't quit you.

Sucks that VC didn't pull in more US sales than it did. It is definatly my PS3 GOTY, hands down. It's just gotten drown out in all the other high profile releases. I think this game is gonna become like Beyond Good & Evil, where most people don't really recognize it much until after its been out for awhile, and then it gets the attention it deserves.

I would love more VC games tho. The world is so rich with possible stories that this could become a great franchise. A DS sequel to play on the go would be full of win.
[quote name='pimpinc333']After playing the Demo, I was kinda put off. I just played the tutorial on the limited time I had. I'm going to try out the skirmish and hopefully I like that much better.[/QUOTE]

The demo only scratches the absolutely surface. I was also a bit put-off by the simplicity of the demo, but decided to take a chance and picked up the game. As others have voiced, it's definitely a top contender for my personal GOTY.

If you're really hesitant, I'd recommend you rent it first. Hopefully you'll enjoy it enough that it's purchase-worthy. And you'll be getting a lot of people :pray: that you pick it up and support Sega for producing a quality product.

[quote name='Krymner']Sucks that VC didn't pull in more US sales than it did. It is definatly my PS3 GOTY, hands down. It's just gotten drown out in all the other high profile releases. I think this game is gonna become like Beyond Good & Evil, where most people don't really recognize it much until after its been out for awhile, and then it gets the attention it deserves.[/QUOTE]

If ManaKnight's figures that most PS2 RPG's sold ~50K units during their lifetime, and VC already has 33K, then it may not be a complete loss. I expect the game to get a second wind in Japan with the VC-based anime coming out early next year. Hopefully, a quality fan-subbing group will take up this project so the rest of the world can at least get some exposure to VC, and thus boost sales.

It's been a long time since I've been rooting so hard for a game to succeed.
[quote name='Ecofreak']
It's been a long time since I've been rooting so hard for a game to succeed.[/QUOTE]

I'm a big fan of the game as well and hope/pray Sega sees a winner and makes a follow up or at least uses the engine for Shining Force 4 :)
[quote name='blackjaw']I'm a big fan of the game as well and hope/pray Sega sees a winner and makes a follow up or at least uses the engine for Shining Force 4 :)[/QUOTE]

Dude if they made a true Shining Force 4 I'd be very very happy. I heart Shining Force 1,2,and 3 USA.

I played the skirmish today of Valkyria. I liked it a lot more now. Once I learned what exactely was going on it became really fun. It was very very easy. Can anyone let me know about leveling up or getting new weapons? Any details on this game would be appreicated. I'm on the fence about going out and buying it.
The Valkyria Chronicles anime website has been updated. Alicia and Welkin look a lot more serious, and it seems like the canvass-style will not be utilized. The colors certainly look vibrant, however.

One interesting thing to note -- Sony Pictures is either developing this anime or helping produce it, as their logo can be found on the page. It's great to know that Sony is directly vested in the anime's, and by extension franchises', success.

[quote name='pimpinc333']I played the skirmish today of Valkyria. I liked it a lot more now. Once I learned what exactely was going on it became really fun. It was very very easy. Can anyone let me know about leveling up or getting new weapons? Any details on this game would be appreicated. I'm on the fence about going out and buying it.[/QUOTE]

For a quick run down of the info you requested...

Upon completion of a mission or skirmish maps, you are awarded experience and money depending on how fast you complete the mission, and the number of tanks you destroy and enemy captains you kill.

You then can return to the "Headquarters" which is a hub for researching new weapons and training your troops (along with organizing your squad, looking at news, etc)...

Training Your Troops - The beauty of VC's leveling system is that you invest the XP you earned into one of the four classes, rather than individual characters. So when you invest enough points for your scouts to level up, every one of your scouts level; thereby reducing the tedium of leveling individual classes like more traditional SRPGs. Each progressive level requires more XP to level up, but that's understandable.

Researching New Weapons - Your primary means of getting better weapons is through an upgrade similar to that used in training your troops. Each weapon (rifle, submachine gun, lancer, etc.) has its own tech tree and you buy upgraded versions with the money you earned from missions and skirmishes. As the game progresses, several weapons gain additional tech trees to further specialize their characteristics (eg. rifles can specialize in accuracy, power, or status ailments).

You can also gain new weapons by killing enemy Aces, or earning them from the princess by scoring an A ranking (highest ranking) on a mission after Mission 11.

Hope that helps push you over fence and you pick this up! :) Let us know if you have any more questions
The in-game character art looks about a million times better than the anime versions, canvas style or no. In the one image on there, they look extra bug-eyed and generic.

Hitoshi Sakimoto is still doing the music according to the staff page, so that's at least a plus.
[quote name='Ecofreak']The Valkyria Chronicles anime website has been updated. Alicia and Welkin look a lot more serious, and it seems like the canvass-style will not be utilized. The colors certainly look vibrant, however.

One interesting thing to note -- Sony Pictures is either developing this anime or helping produce it, as their logo can be found on the page. It's great to know that Sony is directly vested in the anime's, and by extension franchises', success.

For a quick run down of the info you requested...

Upon completion of a mission or skirmish maps, you are awarded experience and money depending on how fast you complete the mission, and the number of tanks you destroy and enemy captains you kill.

You then can return to the "Headquarters" which is a hub for researching new weapons and training your troops (along with organizing your squad, looking at news, etc)...

Training Your Troops - The beauty of VC's leveling system is that you invest the XP you earned into one of the four classes, rather than individual characters. So when you invest enough points for your scouts to level up, every one of your scouts level; thereby reducing the tedium of leveling individual classes like more traditional SRPGs. Each progressive level requires more XP to level up, but that's understandable.

Researching New Weapons - Your primary means of getting better weapons is through an upgrade similar to that used in training your troops. Each weapon (rifle, submachine gun, lancer, etc.) has its own tech tree and you buy upgraded versions with the money you earned from missions and skirmishes. As the game progresses, several weapons gain additional tech trees to further specialize their characteristics (eg. rifles can specialize in accuracy, power, or status ailments).

You can also gain new weapons by killing enemy Aces, or earning them from the princess by scoring an A ranking (highest ranking) on a mission after Mission 11.

Hope that helps push you over fence and you pick this up! :) Let us know if you have any more questions[/QUOTE]

Wow sounds really cool. I'm like starting to get really excited to play this now. I haven't played anything like this and it was pretty fun I must say. I'll most likely have to pick this up after the holiday season and hopefully someone might have it on sale, my wallet would thank them. :)
OMG this game is so good, I finally gave myself a little break after playing it for hours. I'm surprised it is not selling well in the States because I had to go to 6 different stores today to finally find a copy and it was the last one, these 6 other stores are not small games stores so that tells you how popular this game is becoming. ebgames also had one last copy but they were selling it for $69.99 while most stores are selling it for $59.99 I hate ebgames and I'm glad blockbuster had it.
I haven't played, but reports say that you just get extra experience and such, however there are Aces on the battlefield that you can find. If you find and kill one, he'll drop a special item.
[quote name='imascrub']Do you receive better weapons from the princess if you get rank A over rank B, etc? Or are they all the same?[/QUOTE]

I believe you are only awarded weapons from the princess if you get a rank A, starting from around Mission 11.

[quote name='Siggy Stardust HD']OMG this game is so good, I finally gave myself a little break after playing it for hours. I'm surprised it is not selling well in the States because I had to go to 6 different stores today to finally find a copy and it was the last one, these 6 other stores are not small games stores so that tells you how popular this game is becoming. ebgames also had one last copy but they were selling it for $69.99 while most stores are selling it for $59.99 I hate ebgames and I'm glad blockbuster had it.[/QUOTE]

The stores you went to probably ordered only a few copies, if any, due to the game's uncertain demand. Surprising that ebgames would sell it for $70.

Let's hope the game has strong legs and maintains its respectable sales pace. Who knows, it may actually break the Top 100 in December if enough people keep talking about it.
[quote name='Ecofreak']I believe you are only awarded weapons from the princess if you get a rank A, starting from around Mission 11.[/quote]

Ahh...hmm I haven't been paying attention. I just go awww yea everytime i get a summons to see the princess lol.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']If anyone spots this game up for trade here on CAG please let me know... I'm trying to find someone I can get this off of >_
anyone seen any sales on this game recently/coming up? I played the demo and i still can't really get a feel for what type of game this will be...but i definitely enjoyed it.
Yeah guys I think I ama bout to jump on this one... its hard to find though.

Sega has got some potential blockbusters coming out in the next 12 months. I am glad they are really paying attention and picking these games up for publishing.
[quote name='Snake2715']Sega has got some potential blockbusters coming out in the next 12 months. I am glad they are really paying attention and picking these games up for publishing.[/QUOTE]

It is exciting to see sega making a comeback at least though publishing others games. It's just a shame that the majority of sega's in-house games have not been that great. With certain exceptions of course...
Hmm my GS has some copies from what the Locator on there website says. My luck it most likely will be a gutted display copy.

Also Found a guy on Ebay selling them for 53.99 with free shipping. Pretty tempting as well.
This is a game that I definitely want to play eventually, even though I probably won't actually have a PS3 for another year or two.

Given the low initial sales, is it likely that this game will become rare and hard to find if I wait too long to pick it up? Or, should I expect rapid price drops akin to Atlus' various SRPG flops on 360? I guess it depends on the size of the initial print run.

I'll be keeping a close eye on it. I'd prefer to wait for price drops, but I don't want to wait too long and end up paying $75 or something.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']This is a game that I definitely want to play eventually, even though I probably won't actually have a PS3 for another year or two.

Given the low initial sales, is it likely that this game will become rare and hard to find if I wait too long to pick it up? Or, should I expect rapid price drops akin to Atlus' various SRPG flops on 360? I guess it depends on the size of the initial print run.

I'll be keeping a close eye on it. I'd prefer to wait for price drops, but I don't want to wait too long and end up paying $75 or something.[/QUOTE]I think it may eventually be hard to find. I know Wal-Mart has TONS of copies (my local Wal-Mart), so it's not like I can't find them. I see Sega maybe doing one price cut, but I don't see it being very cheap, unless Sega decides to release it as a budget game like they have some games eventually (where you can buy most anywhere).
GS still has it for sale on the site, and I know that Wal-Marts really do have a bunch of copies. I'm hoping to get a copy of this as a Christmas present from my parents. They actually asked for a list of games I'd like and this one was at the top.
It's funny that Walmart got millions of copies, my EB that I pre-ordered it at only got four and there hasn't been one sitting on the shelf since.
[quote name='blackjaw']It's funny that Walmart got millions of copies, my EB that I pre-ordered it at only got four and there hasn't been one sitting on the shelf since.[/QUOTE]

Well, that's really unfortunate. The game is so niche I wonder how many people would actually think to check out Walmart to see if they had a copy.
I found one used for $30 on craigslist, but holding out on a new one at the same price from Amazon on Thursday, hoping that they will list it.
bread's done