Walking Dead Season 6: Walkers be walking

IDK. It was ok. I'm not sure JDM has the charisma to play Negan. He was great as the comedian in Watchmen.

I would have rather seen Rollins hamming it up or Jon hamm hamming it up.

What was that?

Holy crap that episode was intense.
fast forward to the end.. they want us to wait till oct to find out who got killed...sorry but the show is starting to show its age maybe 1 or 2 more seasons and i say it be gone..

so how is this going to run

Fear the dead comes on april 10 to what may 22 when preacher hits

preacher will run may 22 to sometime in july maybe

fear the walking dead will return in late aug to oct

walking dead returns in oct to dec

something fills slot

walking dead returns feb 2017 to april 2017

Fear hits apr 2017 to may

Summer show

then repeat repeat repeat

IDK. It was ok. I'm not sure JDM has the charisma to play Negan. He was great as the comedian in Watchmen.

I would have rather seen Rollins hamming it up or Jon hamm hamming it up.
I agree. On paper, JDM was a great choice, but after seeing him portray Negan, he just doesn't fit. He looks more like Mike Ness from Social Distortion than Negan.

Rollins would have been a great choice, but he's getting up there in age. Rollins is mid-50s and showing his age, while Negan is supposed to be in his early/mid-40s.

fast forward to the end.. they want us to wait till oct to find out who got killed...sorry but the show is starting to show its age maybe 1 or 2 more seasons and i say it be gone..
Why is that a big deal? There are plenty of shows that have cliffhangers at the mid-season and season finale. Grey's Anatomy, my wife's favorite show, has cliffhangers at the end of every season and that show has been on for 10+ years.

Why is that a big deal? There are plenty of shows that have cliffhangers at the mid-season and season finale. Grey's Anatomy, my wife's favorite show, has cliffhangers at the end of every season and that show has been on for 10+ years.
It's the age of instant gratification, where kids will piss and moan if they have to wait. Three words: "Who Shot J.R.?"
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I've worked with the actor standing next to Steven Ogg in the 2nd photo (click spoiler button; sitting on the blue truck in the first). Glad to have seen him get on one of his favorite shows. I'm sure both his parents are proud as they look down from the clouds.



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Hell on Wheels the final season will be in one of those time slots slidecage. I believe they said it returns in June or July. Kinda pissed they cancelled it, but I guess it has run its course.

LOLZ...called it!
Yep. So after having a night to sleep on it, I still feel the same as I do last night although not as upset. I think Kirkman makes some fair points in their defense.

TV spoiler:
I get shows will have cliffhangers. Sometimes it makes a lot of sense to do them at season finales. It’s not like the series is over and the show jumped the shark like a Sopranos ending here. We’ll get our answers in 6 months. The episode was about badass Rick getting taught a hard lesson. I’m not going to boycott the show or even argue for Gimple to get fired like the twitter feed that a lot of fans are raging about right now. There are tons of fans that are upset about the ending. The fact that I’m still thinking about the show tells me that I’m still really hooked and invested so I’m not going to any delusions about the show being ruined for me.

My one counter point is that the arrival of Negan has been teased all season long and the hype around his entrance from the comic side has been talked up to be a devastating one. So devastating that who he killed only added to his grand entrance. So when they decided to cop out by not deciding who got Lucille’d, it felt like Negan’s entrance was diminished. Diminished in the sense that you build up for a big ending and you don’t know whether it was a minor character (like Aaron) who got killed or a major one (like Daryl). So for me, it felt like a cop out since the writers are writing season 7 now and can change the result out of convenience. Like if Daryl’s new show is not well received by the producers, they can keep him alive for the sake of his schedule being open to TWD again. The show has shown willingness to kill off characters in the past so to buck the trend here and not even know themselves through the season finale just felt like they weren’t holding up to their reputation. I guess the one bright side is that I was so convinced that Daryl was going to be gone that I’m happy to know he’s not dead officially.

I still liked the episode. The survivors were always strong and united and the final scene just was like a sucker punch to the gut and they have no idea what to do now. As for season 7, enough information was laid out that we’ll know how season 7 should play out. Somebody dies at the introduction, the survivors are released so that they give Negan the 50% he demands right away (hostages will be taken), and the group buys themselves some time to figure out how to overthrow the Saviors group.
At least the didn't introduce Negan like they introduced Michonne, then again, I think that it probably would've been better received.

I can't imagine how this type of audience would've taken cliffhangers from Dallas(ie Who Shot JR and Bobby Dying Was a Dream).

I kinda agree with Donut's spoiler though. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they gave Negan a backstory to fill most of the season premiere or show us the planning of the capture, only to find out who got what at the very end of it.

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Why is that a big deal? There are plenty of shows that have cliffhangers at the mid-season and season finale. Grey's Anatomy, my wife's favorite show, has cliffhangers at the end of every season and that show has been on for 10+ years.
it gets old fast and something that worked 20 years ago will not work now.. Also how it sounds more and more of the zombies are dead and now its just people vs people.. Hell i can see that any weekend on the streets of chicago :)

It's obvious everybody jumped into a dumpster when the perspective changed to first person!

That or they killed Aaron because he's gay
pretty sure they killed  eugene... had to be someone none really cared about.. if it was glenn or maggie or one of the others you would of heard someone scream out no or something

i could see  carol becoming leader of hilltop

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My Dad and I talked about it for about 4 minutes in the car. He says Eugene, since he already passed along everything to Rick and Abraham about the bullet making. Or Abraham since he is not scared of Negan.

Abraham seems like he's the one to get the Lucille love, since he's the biggest one there, was giving Negan the "fuck you" looks, he's thinking about moving into the next stage of his life with thoughts about kids.  That's all huge foreshadowing about getting your life together before the world kicks you in the teeth.

Eugene seems like another option for the above reasons from slowdive, handing off the items about bullet making.

Glenn is likely going to get spared since Gimple said he's "making a hard left" from the comics, otherwise GImple is full of crap.

My Dad and I talked about it for about 4 minutes in the car. He says Eugene, since he already passed along everything to Rick and Abraham about the bullet making. Or Abraham since he is not scared of Negan.
i thought negan hated cowards.. wouldnt he think eugene is a coward i mean he had to tell them were the group was after they attacked the RV that is why im thinking eugene got it and like said noone screaming out,, i doubt abraham hes too big to kill he could use him in his group. If he got out of hand he would kill someone he loved

I wonder if they even decided yet. They will probably wait for the buzz, then choose a random person just to mess with everyone.

Negan was talking when he did it though. I thought it was Carl based on what he was saying, but I would have to rewatch it. Something about taking a beating like a champ or being a good soldier or something that would apply to a few characters. When I heard that I figured it wasn't a female character. Based on the internet feigned outrage that we all have to deal with on a daily basis, it makes me doubt he would kill a female character. When I made my initial predictions I figured Maggie, but now that I think about it...I'm not sure they would have a man beat a woman to death. I could see it turning into some social issue about abuse, blah, blah. Probably the same for other "minority" (gay, non "white", women, etc) characters. Glenn might be safe, though Asian people rarely seem to complain about injustice to Asian characters. So in conclusion, I think it will be a straight white male that isn't Rick. - I think that leaves Eugene, Abraham, and Carl. Wait! I forgot Darryl, he is spared, otherwise there would be no births for nearly a year in the US while vaginas are in mourning.

I wonder if they even decided yet. They will probably wait for the buzz, then choose a random person just to mess with everyone.

Negan was talking when he did it though. I thought it was Carl based on what he was saying, but I would have to rewatch it. Something about taking a beating like a champ or being a good soldier or something that would apply to a few characters. When I heard that I figured it wasn't a female character. Based on the internet feigned outrage that we all have to deal with on a daily basis, it makes me doubt he would kill a female character. When I made my initial predictions I figured Maggie, but now that I think about it...I'm not sure they would have a man beat a woman to death. I could see it turning into some social issue about abuse, blah, blah. Probably the same for other "minority" (gay, non "white", women, etc) characters. Glenn might be safe, though Asian people rarely seem to complain about injustice to Asian characters. So in conclusion, I think it will be a straight white male that isn't Rick. - I think that leaves Eugene, Abraham, and Carl. Wait! I forgot Darryl, he is spared, otherwise there would be no births for nearly a year in the US while vaginas are in mourning.
what should of happen they turn the bat on maggie, killing her, then the Baby rips its way out of her gut flies though the air landing on Negan faces and then clawing his face off with these wicked nails the baby has.... Would have to admit noone would ever seen that coming :)

what should of happen they turn the bat on maggie, killing her, then the Baby rips its way out of her gut flies though the air landing on Negan faces and then clawing his face off with these wicked nails the baby has.... Would have to admit noone would ever seen that coming :)
I don't recall how far along Maggie is...I am not an expert, but I do believe babies have nails in the 3rd trimester. In theory nails continue to grow after you are dead, so it is feasible that the kid could have nails if she is far enough along. I don't have kids, but it is my understanding baby nails seem to grow faster than they do as we age. So it is feasible that a zombie baby can tear out of her belly if it is far enough along before it dies. I know I am trying to apply science to a show about zombies, but I do think it is possible a baby could tear it's way out if it were developed enough.

I wonder if they even decided yet. They will probably wait for the buzz, then choose a random person just to mess with everyone.

Negan was talking when he did it though. I thought it was Carl based on what he was saying, but I would have to rewatch it. Something about taking a beating like a champ or being a good soldier or something that would apply to a few characters. When I heard that I figured it wasn't a female character. Based on the internet feigned outrage that we all have to deal with on a daily basis, it makes me doubt he would kill a female character. When I made my initial predictions I figured Maggie, but now that I think about it...I'm not sure they would have a man beat a woman to death. I could see it turning into some social issue about abuse, blah, blah. Probably the same for other "minority" (gay, non "white", women, etc) characters. Glenn might be safe, though Asian people rarely seem to complain about injustice to Asian characters. So in conclusion, I think it will be a straight white male that isn't Rick. - I think that leaves Eugene, Abraham, and Carl. Wait! I forgot Darryl, he is spared, otherwise there would be no births for nearly a year in the US while vaginas are in mourning.










I'm going to say it is one of the four from the van because they were doing all that first person view from the van during the episode (when the four is kept in there) and then at the end it went back to the first person view.

I've read the comics forever, so I know who it is in that, but they may not necessarily stick to that. I think it will have to be one of the main ones though - so out of the van that would leave Michonne, Glenn and Daryl. I'd say take out Michonne to torture Rick some more  and since she is my least favorite out of the big main stars.

Doing Glenn just feels cheap at this point. He has almost died so many times. He was left in the prison surrounded by 100's of zombies that he pushes through, trapped in the tunnel with Tara, had the fake death on the dumpster, and finally saved at the lasts second by Sasha and Abraham's spray and pray when trapped outside Alexandria. I guess to finally do it would make up for all almost deaths.

Daryl might get it because of his new show - but it is only 6 episodes starting soon. If the ratings aren't hot he may need the job still.

I don't know if they will follow the comics since they have changed some big stuff over the years. Herschel's death, Tyresse's death, Dale's death, Rick's hand, Lori's death, Judith, Andrea, Carol, Morgan, etc. They've kept most of the big scenes but have swapped characters a number of times.

I also think it should be one of the main core so outside of Daryl, Glenn and Michone - that includes Rick, Carl, Maggie and Carol. I think those last four are safe. You haven't had one of the main characters die since Herschel and that was a while ago.

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I can't imagine Daryl/Reedus wanting to get off the show. Actors like him have been in the industry long enough to know when you hit a cush gig you stay till the end if you can. Plus it looks like he's having the time of his life. Who wouldn't be. If Daryl goes it's from the writers, but I hear Kirkman loves the character so.......

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I imagine that none of the women are getting killed and that Rick, Carl, and Daryl are safe so I'm leaning towards Glenn, Eugene, or Abraham. Of those three, I'm betting on Abraham since Abraham was giving Negan the pissed off face throughout the entire ordeal.

I'm sticking with my Maggie pick that I made a long time ago. After wavering between Maggie and Daryl early in the season, I became convinced she'd be the one to die after she arranged the deal with the leader of the Hilltop.
got to love..

walking dead   showing children zombies being killed no no

fear walking dead =  let see how many kids we can  stab in the head  :)

what sucks is  fear is nothing more then a rip off  walking.. they keep all  of the dead in the barn in season two thinking they are still alive now the lady keeps them all alive in the cell thinking they are alive

something makes me think we will see 

travis kill  his son     when he tries to either  kill   alicia or  madison   just like     rick killed shane

got to love..

walking dead showing children zombies being killed no no

fear walking dead = let see how many kids we can stab in the head :)

what sucks is fear is nothing more then a rip off walking.. they keep all of the dead in the barn in season two thinking they are still alive now the lady keeps them all alive in the cell thinking they are alive

something makes me think we will see

travis kill his son when he tries to either kill alicia or madison just like rick killed shane
Except Celia (?) is killing people to protect the walkers. She's 10000x more twisted than Hershel in this way.

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I think Fear is ok. It’s not quite fair to compare to TWD since the show has gone on for a lot longer so you naturally become more invested in the survivors group. I just watch it to hold me over until TWD comes back. It’s not bad but at least it explores some of the what if’s that people wondered about (i.e. boats, planes, military reaction, etc.) .

So Kirkman has been trying to defend the season 6 finale lately and the only thing I agree with him on is that despite the controversial season finale, we should wait to see how they open season 7. Short of an amazing opener, I still am skeptical it’ll please the general audience. I felt like they missed their “Red Wedding” moment with the finale. I’m not a big GOT fan but even I think that episode ranks up there all-time in an amazing build up and payoff. So in a way, it diminished Negan’s arrival by abruptly ending it like that. I think they got too cute with it but the whole ratings grab is a very plausible and logical explanation when you think of the show from a business perspective.
Although it's not for sure a spoiler, that might be construed as spoilerish? Something to consider.
from what im reading now its not maggie... dude clubs the person to death walks over to rick places the bat on his face and goes see what you made me do

if they hid who got killed for what 6 months i highly doubt the sneak preview woudl ruin it so i highly doubt its maggie

also why is rick just being dragged around lol

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My theory:

He's about to get his right hand chopped off. A clue when Negan says he took his "right hand man."
Doubt it, since Kirkman said in a interview that was a mistake and wished it didn't happen. Plus we had
Merle's hand cut off.

Doubt it, since Kirkman said in a interview that was a mistake and wished it didn't happen. Plus we had
Merle's hand cut off.
It's not what Kirkman wants at this point. What else does Negan have planned for Rick in that trailer? All that talk of "right hand man" might be a foreshadow. But then again they're probably just going to have a long dramatic talk.

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Right hand man = Daryl's death confirmed :lol:

Not to mention he's too busy touring the USA on his motorcycle.

This is looking way ahead, but... warning, comic spoiler ahead

I wonder if Rick is really going to just put Negan in "jail" like he does in the comic book.

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Right hand man = Daryl's death confirmed :lol:

Not to mention he's too busy touring the USA on his motorcycle.

This is looking way ahead, but... warning, comic spoiler ahead

I wonder if Rick is really going to just put Negan in "jail" like he does in the comic book.
i think its confirm daryl isnt dead been spotted

why didnt negan ever attack the wolves

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why didnt negan ever attack the wolves
Who says he didn't? They just seem like a rag tag bunch of savages with no real base and nothing to contribute to Negan's group. They were only introduced to display how badass Rick n' crew are before Negan wags his finger and takes em' down a peg.

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Who says he didn't? They just seem like a rag tag bunch of savages with no real base and nothing to contribute to Negan's group. They we're only introduced to display how badass Rick n' crew are before Negan wags his finger and takes em' down a peg.
you would think he would of then just killed them all so they would not be a threat in the future

and if he did have contact with the wolves why didnt he ever find the before rick found it :

and if noone has food how they hell is is that dude feeding the tiger :)

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you would think he would of then just killed them all so they would not be a threat in the future

and if he did have contact with the wolves why didnt he ever find the before rick found it :

and if noone has food how they hell is is that dude feeding the tiger :)
Like I said the wolves have no base. They're just roaming around so it's kinda hard to pin point them I would assume. And this is why you give Negan half your shit, he'll protect you from them.

Remember Negan's deal is he doesn't take all your food, just half. These communities have food, but it just sucks to do a bunch of work to just give it away so you don't get your ass kicked.

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bread's done