Walking Dead Season 6: Walkers be walking

I think I need to rewatch last nights episode. I was so sleepy I'm trying hard to remember it.
The whole episode was a mess, especially
the part with Jesus' people that got rescued. I mean, what kind of group is going into a dark building full of walkers and split up and just randomly hide behind furniture? It was like a crappy B-horror movie scenario.

And then all of the resident badasses going to the hilltop (half expecting it to be an ambush), only to leave Carl in charge? They are already aware of Negan at this point, and are fully aware he's trouble, so why leave the town to be protected by one sharpshooter (Sasha), a one-eyed kid and a guy with a stick (Morgan)?

The whole episode was a mess, especially
the part with Jesus' people that got rescued. I mean, what kind of group is going into a dark building full of walkers and split up and just randomly hide behind furniture? It was like a crappy B-horror movie scenario.

And then all of the resident badasses going to the hilltop (half expecting it to be an ambush), only to leave Carl in charge? They are already aware of Negan at this point, and are fully aware he's trouble, so why leave the town to be protected by one sharpshooter (Sasha), a one-eyed kid and a guy with a stick (Morgan)?
TV show and comic
Carol was still there and she is rambo. But I agree. The reason they did it is so we wonder who is getting smashed up by Lucille.

Oh and Jesus's facial hair is terrible. He is a little too clean IMO.

I know I had more to say but I watched it after the oscars online, so I am a little tired.

After reading the spoilers in this thread, I'm glad I'm giving the rest of this season a rest unless they follow the comic deaths, in which case I'm done for good. I have to admit, I kinda like Carol though.

Guess no one around here has been watching the last two weeks' worth of episodes?
I have. The season has been fine so far but last night seemed like filler. So the show took a hit in momentum.

So I guess Carol is breaking away from her "just survive" attitude and actually start caring. Earlier in the season she made the little boy almost shit himself and became damaged goods. Does she feel responsible for his death hence giving him a cookie on his grave?

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I have. The season has been fine so far but last night seemed like filler. So the show took a hit in momentum.

So I guess Carol is breaking away from her "just survive" attitude and actually start caring. Earlier in the season she made the little boy almost shit himself and became damaged goods. Does she feel responsible for his death hence giving him a cookie on his grave?
I think Sam was already damaged before Carol showed up.

And for the first half of last night's episode, I was expecting things to go bad.

Comic Spoiler:

When they pulled their shirts over their heads and they kept showing walkers in close proximity, I was expecting the prisoner swap from the comics, when Holly was "returned" by Negan to Alexandria but as a trojan horse walker.

I did enjoy Carol putting on her Catholic Suzy Homemaker gameface one last time, only to be all "surprise mother fucker!"

I have. The season has been fine so far but last night seemed like filler. So the show took a hit in momentum.

So I guess Carol is breaking away from her "just survive" attitude and actually start caring. Earlier in the season she made the little boy almost shit himself and became damaged goods. Does she feel responsible for his death hence giving him a cookie on his grave?
i think she changed after killing the wolf when he saw him trying to help the doctor

i dont think she fees responsible for sam death at all

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Last week’s episode:

I thought Carol may have some regret about what happened to Sam.  They had set it up so that it was Carol who foreshadowed his death and scared the bejeezus out of him.  Even though she wasn’t there, I’m sure Rick and the rest of the group explained to everybody else that it all went sideways when Sam was the first to panic.  Her visiting his grave probably acknowledges that feeling of regret but it’s not totally clear.  The show does a good job of relying on “less is more” when it comes to storytelling.  They like to keep things blurry so that not everything is going to be spoon fed to the audience.  As for the rest of the episode I thought it was great to setup the arrival of Negan.  It felt a bit early to approach the Saviors but since they are teasing the finale, it adds to the momentum by incorporating the raid episode.  The scene with Glenn and the photos of the dead bodies was a really errie moment.   When Daryl’s bike showed up at the end, it made me wonder whether the two people that jacked it from him were captured by the saviors or even less likely part of that group?

Past week’s TV spoiler:
I had no reason other than a hunch that 5 minutes into it this episode wasn’t going to be about the group coming to save Maggie and Carol but the two saving themselves.  Most of the survivors are adept at surviving on their own at this point.  Initially I thought it was going to lead to the finale but I figured it was going to be too drawn out.  We finally see a more human side of Carol which makes her ability to switch things off like light switch more impressive.  I thought it was great for character development.  It wasn’t really about Maggie so much as it was about Carol.  My lasting images from that episode are the looks on the faces of Carol and Rick when they shot their respective Savior victims.   Those are some stone cold killers.
I really enjoyed last week. I like the fact they did a "girl power" episode without it being forced. This is the only good example of a show doing this that I can recall. Joss Whedon could learn something from it.

Part of me thinks maggie will be the one to meet lucile, especially after the girl power episode. The easier way out would be to kill abraham to show that if negan can do that to him, then he could easily take them all out. 

wonder if the  bat death will happen this season or next..maybe the last thing we see is someone getting wacked 

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Comic and show spoilers. Beware

Did not expect Dennis getting the arrow in the head. That was ment for Abraham in the comics. I think Abe takes Glenn's role in getting the Lucille death with Sasha looking on. I just don't see them killing off Glenn at this point.

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Getting a little annoyed with this show, its always been like this but

I hate the way they have a moment where a character builds up confidence, does something or says something, or proves themselves finally to just be killed or someone close to them soon after

Is next week the finale?

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2 episodes left.

possible spoilers for comic and show
Glad they brought back dwight with the burned face. He also had a CB in the comic, so having Daryl's makes sense (I think I predicted that last year, but I am too lazy to look back). I think the whole scene was unrealistic because he could have just shot the mullet guy since he never dropped his gun when he was bit.

I wonder if they would have avoided Dwight if they took the road back instead of the tracks...

wonder if the bat death will happen this season or next..maybe the last thing we see is someone getting wacked
Slidecage I think that’s kind of spoilerish so I would tag something like that.

TV spoiler:
I’m a little confused about Dwight. I thought the guy was running away from the Saviors when Daryl first saved him and the girl. And what happened to his face? All I remember from that episode was Dwight hijacked his bike and his crossbow. Based on yesterday even though it wasn’t officially confirmed in the episode, I interpreted Dwight was part of the saviors since Daryl’s bike showed up earlier and Dwight is still alive.

Eugene’s ammunition plant has got to be big so that will come back at some point. I never saw Carol’s exit – could she leave at a more dangerous time? I thought after the previous week’s episode, they would at least figure out that Negan is still alive but made no mention.
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Slidecage I think that’s kind of spoilerish so I would tag something like that.

TV spoiler:
I’m a little confused about Dwight. I thought the guy was running away from the Saviors when Daryl first saved him and the girl. And what happened to his face? All I remember from that episode was Dwight hijacked his bike and his crossbow. Based on yesterday even though it wasn’t officially confirmed in the episode, I interpreted Dwight was part of the saviors since Daryl’s bike showed up earlier and Dwight is still alive.

Eugene’s ammunition plant has got to be big so that will come back at some point. I never saw Carol’s exit – could she leave at a more dangerous time? I thought after the previous week’s episode, they would at least figure out that Negan is still alive but made no mention.
Your question will be answered on the show probably by the end of the season. It is from the comics, so I will not spoil it for you.

The finale was extended to 90 minutes. Regarding the expected major happening in the finale...
ever since Maggie brokered the deal to attack the Saviors, I figured she would end up on the business end of Negan's bat. But it could easily be Carol if she gets herself caught while riding solo.
Slidecage I think that’s kind of spoilerish so I would tag something like that.

TV spoiler:
I’m a little confused about Dwight. I thought the guy was running away from the Saviors when Daryl first saved him and the girl. And what happened to his face? All I remember from that episode was Dwight hijacked his bike and his crossbow. Based on yesterday even though it wasn’t officially confirmed in the episode, I interpreted Dwight was part of the saviors since Daryl’s bike showed up earlier and Dwight is still alive.

Eugene’s ammunition plant has got to be big so that will come back at some point. I never saw Carol’s exit – could she leave at a more dangerous time? I thought after the previous week’s episode, they would at least figure out that Negan is still alive but made no mention.
Without spoiling too much:

While Negan is an egomaniac he can be forgiving and show mercy. I'm convinced either Carol or Abe is getting the business end of Lucille.by the end of this season.

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Slidecage I think that’s kind of spoilerish so I would tag something like that.

TV spoiler:
I’m a little confused about Dwight. I thought the guy was running away from the Saviors when Daryl first saved him and the girl. And what happened to his face? All I remember from that episode was Dwight hijacked his bike and his crossbow. Based on yesterday even though it wasn’t officially confirmed in the episode, I interpreted Dwight was part of the saviors since Daryl’s bike showed up earlier and Dwight is still alive.

Eugene’s ammunition plant has got to be big so that will come back at some point. I never saw Carol’s exit – could she leave at a more dangerous time? I thought after the previous week’s episode, they would at least figure out that Negan is still alive but made no mention.
thought everyone knew about the bat..... guessing negan did that to dwight for trying to run away and killed the girl

i say carol is the one who brings negan to were rick and the rest are.. she goes to the most powerful and know none with screw with him

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thought everyone knew about the bat..... guessing negan did that to dwight for trying to run away and killed the girl

i say carol is the one who brings negan to were rick and the rest are.. she goes to the most powerful and know none with screw with him
I'm trying really hard to contain comic spoilers. The show and the comic are not the same yet they replace characters or even swaping them out. Often it's easy to predict because a character from the TV show replaces one in the comic making it obvious who they're filling in for.

He has a bat with barbed wire, that's not the spoiler. It's what he does with it and to whom. But the general audience doesn't know much about Negan yet or that he likes to kill with a bat.

And Dwight doesn't get his scars from the bat. How would a bat scar your face like that? It's obvious he was burned. As for your theory about Carol I don't think she would ever betray Rick n' crew. But her time is up soon. Pretty sure she's dyin' soon.

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I'm trying really hard to contain comic spoilers. The show and the comic are not the same yet they replace characters or even swaping them out. Often it's easy to predict because a character from the TV show replaces one in the comic making it obvious who they're filling in for.

He has a bat with barbed wire, that's not the spoiler. It's what he does with it and to whom. But the general audience doesn't know much about Negan yet or that he likes to kill with a bat.

And Dwight doesn't get his scars from the bat. How would a bat scar your face like that? It's obvious he was burned. As for your theory about Carol I don't think she would ever betray Rick n' crew. But her time is up soon. Pretty sure she's dyin' soon.
about dwight i was thinking maybe they torture him for running away .

I'm trying really hard to contain comic spoilers. The show and the comic are not the same yet they replace characters or even swaping them out. Often it's easy to predict because a character from the TV show replaces one in the comic making it obvious who they're filling in for.

He has a bat with barbed wire, that's not the spoiler. It's what he does with it and to whom. But the general audience doesn't know much about Negan yet or that he likes to kill with a bat.

And Dwight doesn't get his scars from the bat. How would a bat scar your face like that? It's obvious he was burned. As for your theory about Carol I don't think she would ever betray Rick n' crew. But her time is up soon. Pretty sure she's dyin' soon.
Major Comic Spoiler:

I think Carol is going to replace Holly from the books. Negan is going to capture her and use her as a bargaining chip, and return her as a trojan horse walker. This is the point where Denise gets killed off too, so it'll be interesting to see how they do it. It's such a Negan thing to do, so I doubt they're not going to use it in the show

But that's wouldn't happen until next season.

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I keep thinking about the intro to Negan

I'm spoilering this in case anyone doesn't know what happens in the comic when he is introduced.

Don't read it if you didn't read the comics.

I've thought about this too much and here are my theories in order of what I think will most likely happen:

Negan has morals/rules IIRC.

1) He will threaten to kill Maggie and they will say something about her being pregnant and he will kill Glenn instead.

2) He will just kill Maggie and the pregnancy thing will be revealed later

3) He Will kill Abraham

4) They will end the season on a cliffhanger.

5) Carol gets killed

I keep thinking about the intro to Negan

I'm spoilering this in case anyone doesn't know what happens in the comic when he is introduced.

Don't read it if you didn't read the comics.

I've thought about this too much and here are my theories in order of what I think will most likely happen:

Negan has morals/rules IIRC.

1) He will threaten to kill Maggie and they will say something about her being pregnant and he will kill Glenn instead.

2) He will just kill Maggie and the pregnancy thing will be revealed later

3) He Will kill Abraham

4) They will end the season on a cliffhanger.

5) Carol gets killed
I don't think they will kill Glenn or Maggie. I think they're around for the long haul. I could be wrong. But I do agree Carol & Abraham's days are up.

I've added a 6 and 7 after tonight's show

6) They Kill heath (could be pretty likely, might move this to number 4 and shift everything else down)

7) they kill tara

$5 says that they don't show who gets what until the next season premiere.

Gotta keep the people interested, amirite?

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They usually kill off characters who are getting a lot of screen time. So I think Carol & Abe are the ones to get it. Rosita is also a candidate but I think she stays around to tease Eugene and the male audience with that Latina butt.

They usually kill off characters who are getting a lot of screen time. So I think Carol & Abe are the ones to get it. Rosita is also a candidate but I think she stays around to tease Eugene and the male audience with that Latina butt.
I've noticed this too as when it comes to major character deaths, there's been a lead up of story/screen time. Because of this, I would throw in Daryl's name into the mix. As much as he's become a fan favorite, it would certainly fit with the much hyped about "heartbreaking" entrance of Negan that the internet keeps teasing about.

To be fair, the question did come up in the past about what would happen to a miscarried baby.

We may very well find out next season!

Comic Spoiler:

It would be something different and not from the book if they took this route. Whether or not they go there and show the result is another question, just like how they avoided the original psyche-scarring Lori/baby death scene in the book.  I almost stopped reading TWD after that issue.

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but beating someone who is alive to death with a bat isnt
I never said it wasn't.

Glenn's death in the comic disturbed me a lot. Seriously I got sick to my stomach

A miscarriage zombie baby wouldn't have teeth or nails yet. So it would probably just go ape shit in the mother. But now that I think about it they did focus on Maggie's bruises in the shower scene, which are around her abdomen. Maybe it is hinting at a miscarriage.

I've noticed this too as when it comes to major character deaths, there's been a lead up of story/screen time. Because of this, I would throw in Daryl's name into the mix. As much as he's become a fan favorite, it would certainly fit with the much hyped about "heartbreaking" entrance of Negan that the internet keeps teasing about.
He is the one that blew up the first group of Survivors with the rocket launcher. I'd imagine he would be on the top of Negan's list. But he's the most popular character in the show, more so than Rick. If they kill him off I'd be really surprised. Plus they would lose a lot of female viewers. All the girls I know that watch the show love the guy.

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I never said it wasn't.

Glenn's death in the comic disturbed me a lot. Seriously I got sick to my stomach

A miscarriage zombie baby wouldn't have teeth or nails yet. So it would probably just go ape shit in the mother. But now that I think about it they did focus on Maggie's bruises in the shower scene, which are around her abdomen. Maybe it is hinting at a miscarriage.
explode and pop out of her chest like an alien :) ... I guess it wouldnt eat its way out cause it would of on the Dawn of the dead movie. i forgot that baby was dead when it was born and just popped out like a normal baby would

explode and pop out of her chest like an alien :) ... I guess it wouldnt eat its way out cause it would of on the Dawn of the dead movie. i forgot that baby was dead when it was born and just popped out like a normal baby would
I think someone needs to back to high school biology classes.

He is the one that blew up the first group of Survivors with the rocket launcher. I'd imagine he would be on the top of Negan's list. But he's the most popular character in the show, more so than Rick. If they kill him off I'd be really surprised. Plus they would lose a lot of female viewers. All the girls I know that watch the show love the guy.
I agree with you in some respects there – Daryl is widely popular and he’s got a huge following from a show ratings perspective. It is certainly a risk because people would be upset enough to perhaps even stop following the show. But I do think any potential damage to the show would be from the extreme fanatical fans which may be offset by the buzz of the show having the guts to kill off arguably their most popular character. That would show major cajones by Scott Gimple and Co. For example, my wife is a huge fan of Daryl and she keeps saying that she hopes they don’t kill off his character. To her, he’s her one untouchable on the show. She’s such a huge fan I know it’d make her cry to see that happen but I know she’s so hooked into the show she wouldn’t give up on it if that were to happen. She would be royally pissed though to say the least. I feel the same way and hope he stays for the long haul but I think the emphasis on Daryl during season 6b has been incidental foreshadowing in trying to do a proper build up.

If not for him, my guess would be Carol too. They’re almost changing her outlook from a long haul character to a significant character that has an expiration date at the same time.
Can't believe this is out already...


April fools... I had to take it down because the actor I put in my fake told me it get him in trouble, since he is in the finale... not even kidding about this last part.

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I already posted it on Twitter, but I'm putting it here that I am calling Carl as dead man walking.

Nobody likes him, he's annoying, and the execs have already said the finale will take a hard left from the comics tonight.

I would say Rick, but I don't think they're ready to make that big of a commitment to change.
I already posted it on Twitter, but I'm putting it here that I am calling Carl as dead man walking.

Nobody likes him, he's annoying, and the execs have already said the finale will take a hard left from the comics tonight.

I would say Rick, but I don't think they're ready to make that big of a commitment to change.
so in the comic did they have the rest of them tied up or something when they beat them with the bat... how the preview on tv looked like they are meeting in the middle of the road with someone on their knees. I mean if they killed someone with a bat and the two groups are just standing in the road people would just start shooting.

i say Rick gets killed and then carl goes for revenge like in the jaws movie carl the revenge :)

might just fast forward the show to see who gets wacked after mania

is the group that has glen and the rest part of Saviours i though he ran away from them

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I agree with you in some respects there – Daryl is widely popular and he’s got a huge following from a show ratings perspective. It is certainly a risk because people would be upset enough to perhaps even stop following the show. But I do think any potential damage to the show would be from the extreme fanatical fans which may be offset by the buzz of the show having the guts to kill off arguably their most popular character. That would show major cajones by Scott Gimple and Co. For example, my wife is a huge fan of Daryl and she keeps saying that she hopes they don’t kill off his character. To her, he’s her one untouchable on the show. She’s such a huge fan I know it’d make her cry to see that happen but I know she’s so hooked into the show she wouldn’t give up on it if that were to happen. She would be royally pissed though to say the least. I feel the same way and hope he stays for the long haul but I think the emphasis on Daryl during season 6b has been incidental foreshadowing in trying to do a proper build up.

If not for him, my guess would be Carol too. They’re almost changing her outlook from a long haul character to a significant character that has an expiration date at the same time.
This might give some weight to the "kill Daryl" theory:


If he has a new show, it seems to indicate that his current job might not be his job any more.

This might give some weight to the "kill Daryl" theory:


If he has a new show, it seems to indicate that his current job might not be his job any more.
But it's only a 6-episode run on the same network. I don't think that would warrant killing off their most popular character. Killing off Daryl would cause ill-will towards AMC and fewer fans would even tune in for the new show. Of course, I could be wrong... wouldn't be the first time.

But it's only a 6-episode run on the same network. I don't think that would warrant killing off their most popular character. Killing off Daryl would cause ill-will towards AMC and fewer fans would even tune in for the new show. Of course, I could be wrong... wouldn't be the first time.
Numerous shows started on AMC with a 6-episode run, including TWD and FTWD.

I'm half hour behind live. Awesome cameo that gamers are gonna go apeshit over at the beginning.
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bread's done