Walking Dead Season 6: Walkers be walking

That would do it, too.  It was a bit nutty to have that be the end of that situation, though I expected there to be one or two less main characters before it was wrapped up.  It pretty much insures that we'll see Negan by end of the season.

I thought the episode was decent, not one of my favorites but good.

Biggest gripe I had was when they all went Rambo on the zombies. Rick was out there taking them all out. He was even wrestling a few and I'm pretty sure Judo flipped one. Then all the random Alexandria scrubs went out there and were taking out dozens each without get nicked at all.

Compare that do when Tyrese was made to go outside of the cabin and there were like 5 zombies and it was super impressive he killed them all.

I can understand Rick, Michonne, Daryl, or Shane (God bless the Punisher) holding their own but random fat Alexandria woman and Father Gabriel should not be taking out part of the zombie horde without a problem. One second the zombies are scary again, the next second they are just fodder. Rick, Michonne, Carl, and Jessie should've just Rambo'd there way out of the house through the town if that is a valid option.

I did think it was funny how the townspeople were all impressed by Rick taking a stand where it was really just more of him having one of his patented rage-outs.

Sam dying didn't register to me as a big deal at first. After I read reviews later it donned on me that he was the first on-screen child slaughter.

Yeah the one questionable issue I had with the episode was how nobody from the survivor group got taken down while fighting off the horde. I found it hard to believe Eugene and Gabriel made it out alive.

That one complaint aside, i thought the episode was good.
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Even the dude in a fucking foot cast made it out.

Still, didn't bother me. It was exciting and it got it's message across. It's the most invested I've been in an episode in a long time, so I'm happy to suspend my disbelief here.

Yeah, I just kinda saw that as Rick's "William Wallace" moment. He led by example and finally got through to them to rise above their fear. "Unrealistic" (in a zombie show) or not, it was good TV.

As for my "maybe this show isn't for you" comment, I just mean, if what most people are calling one of the best episodes ever doesn't do it for you, I don't know what would.

I mean, sure, people have different tastes. But to call the episode boring, or infer that it was poorly put together, seems a little silly.
Kotaku published an article about why they (well, at least the one writer) thought it was one of the worst ever. But I liked the episode a lot. I wouldn't put it in my all-time top 5 for the series, but definitely top 10. That was a huge step up from the super dull midseason finale.
Rick wasn't even leading anything when he went outside. It seemed more like he was just blinded by rage and grief. He just kind of got all crazy eyed again (like when he ripped the other guys throat out with his teeth) and stormed out of the house and start hacking away. I was hoping Michonne was going to out there and wack him in the head and drag him back in, or at least get him under control. Then before everything goes to hell even worse Daryl saves the day.

Maybe next week they will touch on how they lost a few dozen people trying to fight the zombies. If that happens it would make sense to me. Rick's group are supposed to be the outlier of what happens in the zombie world. We've come across other small groups after the prison where people are pinned down by like 3 or 4 zombies. There was even one on the way to Terminus where the guy was trying to use a baseball bat (I think it was) to hold back like 3 zombies as his group was massacred by them. Then there was another where some people were trying to shoot like 1 or 2 of them and just kept missing until they were saved.

Rick's group is the only group of "good" survivors we've met (along with Abraham's three people). Everyone else who has made it out there on the road have been bad, The kid they captured with Shane - he talked about how his group had girls they kidnapped or something to entice Shane, Governor and his generals, the people Daryl hung out with, the weird slave/owner dynamic with the cops, the Wolves and obviously the Terminus cannibals. Now we have Negan's group. Anyone who isn't from the previous groups or Rick's pretty much are slaughters instantly. Every single person from Woodbury is dead. There literally isn't a single survivor from Woodbury.

Alexandria is an even more protected Woodbury without the Governor and his generals to have kept them safe. The show already established they only survived by luck because the zombies all fell into a canyon and couldn't get out. But now because they believe in themselves they can accomplish anything.

I really like Walking Dead. Probably my favorite show, but this episode ending just seemed silly to me. Something that probably sounded much better when talking it out than in actual action. I have a bunch of favorite scenes that I remember from the series, and this won't ever be one of them. Nothing wrong with that.

Didn't Tyrese and Sasha just show up and immediately know the place was bad and get out after like 2 episodes. The guy who was with them was like don't mess this up for us but him and his kid were killed anyways. Its been a while since I watched those episodes.

Edit: On and sporkles from above too. I forgot they were in the prison first and were like hey guys we can work together and Rick was freaking out.

Ghost Lori is the old bad thing from the Walking Dead. Even though I criticized this last episodes, the whole Ghost Lori and Rick chasing her shadow around outside the prison is the only part of the Walking Dead that I thought was bad.

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Rick wasn't even leading anything when he went outside. It seemed more like he was just blinded by rage and grief. He just kind of got all crazy eyed again (like when he ripped the other guys throat out with his teeth) and stormed out of the house and start hacking away. I was hoping Michonne was going to out there and wack him in the head and drag him back in, or at least get him under control. Then before everything goes to hell even worse Daryl saves the day.
Well, I didn't mean it in a literal sense like Rick was consciously trying to lead them. Obviously, it was rage induced and reckless. But that doesn't change the end result.

After all the failed plans they had and things that didn't work out, to me it felt like an "enough is enough" moment. Sure, maybe that's stupid, but considering the lack of other options, I think some people saw Rick fighting for their town and just wanted to stand with him.

As for their lack of experience in killing zombies, it has been documented that they're easier to kill now...being further along in the decomposition process and whatnot. To me, swinging a bat at somebody's head isn't challenging. But having the courage to do it without hesitation or remorse is.

I don't know. That's just my take on it anyway. I had a lot of complaints about unrealistic crap earlier in the season (ie. Glenn's escape after Nicholas died). This didn't bother me nearly as much.
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I think in a show where dead people are walking around and chewing on living people, I think it's easy to believe that people (sheltered or not) can step up and make a difference when they need to.

Last night was both frustrating and entertaining. Jesus' antics were pretty great, but hot damn did Rick and Daryl feel dumber than ever.
the whole Benny Hill chase through the field was annoyingly silly. And when the truck rolled into the lake, I couldn't help but facepalm.

However, the ending was interesting.

Who knew Rick was down with the swirl?

Was that ending ever done in the comics? There seemed like some hints to that awhile back.
No, but...

Comic spoiler:

In the books, Andrea is still alive and Rick and Andrea are a thing, and she's basically become Carl's mom. They've pretty much rewritten Andrea's content from the books and divided it up among Carol, Sasha and now Michonne

Last night was both frustrating and entertaining. Jesus' antics were pretty great, but hot damn did Rick and Daryl feel dumber than ever.
On Talking Dead, they mentioned how Andrew Lincoln and Norman Reedus studied "Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid" for that episode, though when they actually did the episode, they said it was more like "Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure".

If you don't normally watch Talking Dead, I strongly suggest watching the one for last night, some really good stuff.

On Talking Dead, they mentioned how Andrew Lincoln and Norman Reedus studied "Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid" for that episode, though when they actually did the episode, they said it was more like "Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure".

If you don't normally watch Talking Dead, I strongly suggest watching the one for last night, some really good stuff.
I highly agree. Such as, I was very curious about the obvious time skip, and they answered that question. Plus Talking Dead is generally entertaining. Especially when Yvette Nicole Brown is near :p

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On Talking Dead, they mentioned how Andrew Lincoln and Norman Reedus studied "Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid" for that episode, though when they actually did the episode, they said it was more like "Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure".

If you don't normally watch Talking Dead, I strongly suggest watching the one for last night, some really good stuff.
I ended up making a similar comparison during the episode. I really do need to check out Talking Dead. Will make it a point to catch last night's.

I ended up making a similar comparison during the episode. I really do need to check out Talking Dead. Will make it a point to catch last night's.
It's another hour of TV, though the back-end stuff that you get to see on it, as well as a teaser for the following week's episode is well worth it IMO. The guest stars also make it a good watch. One of last weeks' guest stars was Carrie Underwood. Who knew she was a fan?

I think she should have been on this week's Talking Dead, just so someone could have made the obvious "Jesus take the wheel" joke with her present when Jesus stole the truck lol

Comic and show spoilers:

It seems a couple characters are filling the gap for those gone in the comics yet alive in the show. Michone, Sasha and Carol seem to have shared Andrea's role while Enid is obviously a replacement for Carol's daughter, Sophia.

Last nights episode was good. I thought the rest of this season would be stale after the crazy episode we had last week but I was proven wrong. Awesome to see Rick & Daryl tag team a supply run.

I don't know how many of you heard it, but the guy that plays Heath has been cast in the 24 revival as the new Jack Bauer. I don't know what that means for Heath, but we'll see.

I don't know how many of you heard it, but the guy that plays Heath has been cast in the 24 revival as the new Jack Bauer. I don't know what that means for Heath, but we'll see.
It would depend on how much more he does upcoming next season, as it may cause issues with shooting schedules.

Apparently I wasn't the only one who compared the truck scene to Benny Hill, because now there's this:



The guy who plays Spencer mentioned on Talking Dead that that's what it reminded him of, and Chris Hardwick said he knew someone would make it. I love that someone actually did lol

The guy who plays Spencer mentioned on Talking Dead that that's what it reminded him of, and Chris Hardwick said he knew someone would make it. I love that someone actually did lol
I haven't had the chance to watch Talking yet. DVR'ed it, but fuck ing Rocket League is like a drug that I can't quit.

Pretty good episode, but I'm not a big fan of Jesus (in the comics). I hope he kind of runs his course and then fades to the back.

I remember thinking he was over-powered in the comics when he first showed up. Same thing he with him ninja beating Daryl and Rick at the same time and then escaping knots, jail cell and climbing on top of the truck, etc.

I think he is a little too ninja on the show, the comics were somewhat believable (as far as I read which was the end of the negan storyline). I've decided to watch these as they come out. I normally wait and marathon all the big shows, but TWD spoils everything on FB 3 hours after it airs.

i know they never said why the dead came back to live but  did they ever  say why they feel they have to go around biting people....

also how did  that one women end up in the middle of the woods wouldnt all the zombies in the house ate her (or can the dead smell the infection and leave the people alone) 

Do you watch vampire shows/films and wonder why the vampires feel compelled to drink the blood of the living?
The reason that they take the blood is because they crave blood to obtain sustenance for their own body

while the dead just go around biting people lol

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i know they never said why the dead came back to live but did they ever say why they feel they have to go around biting people....

also how did that one women end up in the middle of the woods wouldnt all the zombies in the house ate her (or can the dead smell the infection and leave the people alone)
Zombie lore just being what it is I guess.

Her being out in the woods made no sense. Was the mayor a deviant zombie who was like fuck it, I'm going walkabout while you guys handle this. Chalk it up as Spencer character development and one last paycheck for miss mayor.

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Deanna being in the woods didn't make sense to me either. The way episode 8 ended, she should have been walker dinner. I saw no new visible wounds/bite marks on her reanimated corpse so I'm not sure what the hell happened in that house. But somehow she managed to die unmarked, and then go down the stairs in the house, shamble around and somehow not get massacred by Rick and crew, and then ended up in the woods.

I'm with Rodimus here. It doesn't make sense how she got out there, but it was probably just a way to develop Spencer's character and integrate him into the core group rather than just being a random Alexandria citizen, while also giving viewers the closure of knowing what ended up happening to her. We knew she was gonna die, but we never saw it. I think we all knew we'd see walker Deanna at some point.

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Deanna being in the woods didn't make sense to me either. The way episode 8 ended, she should have been walker dinner. I saw no new visible wounds/bite marks on her reanimated corpse so I'm not sure what the hell happened in that house. But somehow she managed to die unmarked, and then go down the stairs in the house, shamble around and somehow not get massacred by Rick and crew, and then ended up in the woods.

I'm with Rodimus here. It doesn't make sense how she got out there, but it was probably just a way to develop Spencer's character and integrate him into the core group rather than just being a random Alexandria citizen, while also giving viewers the closure of knowing what ended up happening to her. We knew she was gonna die, but we never saw it. I think we all knew we'd see walker Deanna at some point.
unless once you been bit you release a smell what the walkers think that your one of them

I don't know why people keep trying to rationalize a zombie show. I like to point out lazy writing but I'll never care about zombie science. Zombies are zombies. Period.

The show doesn't need to explain the outbreak and the science behind it. And if it did I would hate it.

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The point of the show isn't about WHY there are dead people walking around, it's surviving the world that has been created as a result of the dead people walking around. 

I think if they reveal what caused it to happen, it might ruin it.

I think if they reveal what caused it to happen, it might ruin it.
Boom, there it is.

Did you guys know the original pitch to Image Comics was the zombie outbreak was caused by aliens to weaken the human race, but that was a front from Kirkman (the writer). Image let him stay the course without including aliens thinking it would ruin the comic.

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I don't necessarily think it would ruin it for me, because I love the show/comics so much. But I'm betting a ton of people would complain. 

But I feel like if they knew what caused it, rather than just surviving and living, people would be trying to find out how to "cure" it and it'd be all about that instead.

I could be totally wrong though.

I call last night's episode 50 Shades of Rick.  We see everything from Tender Loving Rick to blood-soaked No-fucks-Given Rick.

bread's done