Wall Street Protesters

Don't ruin my enthusiasm. I can screw around there for a while before that bitch shows up and kicks us all out for having fun.
[quote name='nasum']You mean the open air drug market, public nudity/masturbation/sex, poopy and peepee everywhere, people fighting cops, people taking naps, the poor hygeine and the overall sentiment of anti-american/pro-communist behaviours?

/fuck it all sarcasm[/QUOTE]

You forgot the murders.
Now watching live on the news. Protestors have gone directly to Wells Fargo. Wells Fargo have locked the doors and Occupy people are chanting. And banging on the windows/doors. Earlier about 25 people were arrested for marching across the steel bridge instead of using lower pedestrian tier.
(The police have repeatedly said, you can protest and march, just don't block traffic or march in the street. Occupy chants "Whose Street! Our Street")

Actually going after the banks is far more productive than just camping in the park. But what do you want the bank to do? Did Wells Fargo get bailout/TARP money?
Do you want them to refinance your mortgage? Free checking account? Give you money?
End corporate Greed?

I just wish they'd be specific.
And stop hiding their face with bandannas and not giving out your name when being interviewed. If you're not doing anything wrong, you should have nothing to hide.

Here's the livestream.
[quote name='eldergamer']I just wish they'd be specific.[/quote]

I doubt that would change your mind.

And stop hiding their face with bandannas and not giving out your name when being interviewed. If you're not doing anything wrong, you should have nothing to hide.

This is the same argument used by people who are pro-spying on you with no warrants.
I doubt it would change his mind either. But as John Stewart and numerous others have shown this is a movement without direction. This every day seems to get less and less support from the American people and has less momentum. The movement does not need a leader, but it does need leadership. They need someone to say "here are several core principles of the movement and how we move forward to accomplish them" "and speaking of movement, people here are three locations to move your bowels, go to the bathroom there and nowhere else".

Its amazing that this had so much potential and its all just literally being pissed away.
I don't view it as random people's jobs to come up with solutions. We have economists and other academics (and yes politicians) who do basically have that as their job description.

Also, something I have pointed out before. There are people out there who can give you a neat list of solutions that would work (not guaranteed of course but more than likely).

These people get ignored by the powers that be (at this point I feel it is intentional).

And then on top of all that any kind of solution whatsoever will be blocked by the pyscho con death cult that only cares about:

A) Tax cuts for rich people (they do not actually give a shit about the deficit)

B) Keeping things as bad as possible to try and unseat Obama
[quote name='MSI Magus']I doubt it would change his mind either. But as John Stewart and numerous others have shown this is a movement without direction. This every day seems to get less and less support from the American people and has less momentum. The movement does not need a leader, but it does need leadership. They need someone to say "here are several core principles of the movement and how we move forward to accomplish them" "and speaking of movement, people here are three locations to move your bowels, go to the bathroom there and nowhere else".

Its amazing that this had so much potential and its all just literally being pissed away.[/QUOTE]

It'd help. I wouldnt be out there supporting them, but I wouldnt be mocking them either.

What did they want Wells Fargo to do today? Why did they walk past Chase bank?

Many people in this forum have it painted as "You're either with Occupy, or you're against them."

Eh, time for work.
They want to end the government's preferential treatment of corporate America. Their anger is focused on Wall St. because that's where all the money/power is concentrated. The movement is worldwide and growing, it's not losing steam yet.
[quote name='UncleBob']What happens when the government no longer follows the rules of the government:

See, the problem is.. these people get "hit" and it's the WAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!! faces. PLEASE. I've seen better acting in 1970s porn than these people. I'd want to punch that lady in the face just for MAKING that face at the end.

These low lives just start stuff, then cry when police try and keep order.

I work around the corner from the Philly one. I go there a few times a week on my lunch break. It's getting worse and worse.
I disagree. These people had every right to be in the park. Including a court order allowing them access to the park.

The police weren't just trying to keep order. They were actively ignoring a court order and oppressing citizens by denying them their right to assemble on public property.

They had every right to make WAAAAH Faces before they were assaulted.
[quote name='UncleBob']I disagree. These people had every right to be in the park. Including a court order allowing them access to the park.

The police weren't just trying to keep order. They were actively ignoring a court order and oppressing citizens by denying them their right to assemble on public property.

They had every right to make WAAAAH Faces before they were assaulted.[/QUOTE]
I hate agreeing with you.
It's awesome to see Ron Paul supporting OWS and Rand Paul disparaging them. Then again, Rand was the dude who is for profiling and in favor of 'going after' people who listen to violent speeches that advocate overthrowing our government.
[quote name='UncleBob']Sorry... uhh... rabble rabble welfare queens rabble rabble.

Much better. Thanks!

Although, I could've just jumped in any number of threads and the world would be right again...:rofl:
And the police wonder why people are distrustful of them. Why would you trust someone who would blindly follow orders and ignore any and all reason, never mind the law. The sad thing is that something like that could happen anywhere in the country, and it would be chalked up to following orders or some other BS.
[quote name='lilboo']See, the problem is.. these people get "hit" and it's the WAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!! faces. PLEASE. I've seen better acting in 1970s porn than these people. I'd want to punch that lady in the face just for MAKING that face at the end.

These low lives just start stuff, then cry when police try and keep order.

I work around the corner from the Philly one. I go there a few times a week on my lunch break. It's getting worse and worse.[/QUOTE]

As a gay man just recall your own words if you ever protest for your own rights and the police decide "eh fuck it ill just punch him in his queer face".
He doesn't really care about anyone but himself. Which if you're right, one day he find himself without many friends.
Now this is actually usefull and to the point from the Occupy pepole.


A march designed to bring attention to the need for health care. Direct and to the point, and it doesnt invovle trashing city parks. Great.

you're a little late to the conversation, though. Pretty sure health care legislation has already passed, and the legality of it is being taken up by the Supreme Court soon.

I also liked this weekend's Dog-upy March. It's Occupy, with Dogs!

[quote name='lilboo']See, the problem is.. these people get "hit" and it's the WAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!! faces. PLEASE. I've seen better acting in 1970s porn than these people. I'd want to punch that lady in the face just for MAKING that face at the end.

These low lives just start stuff, then cry when police try and keep order.

I work around the corner from the Philly one. I go there a few times a week on my lunch break. It's getting worse and worse.[/QUOTE]

You are a sick person. Go take it in the ass from your pig buddies while they stimulate you Abner Louima style. Then come back and talk.
[quote name='camoor']I give the Daily Show some credit for finding some humor in all of this but they hardly nailed it. Last I saw the intentions of OWS are still purer then 99.999% of our politicians.[/QUOTE]
Agreed. There's a certain level of catharsis to be had when watching TDS make fun of people you like/dislike, but just because they brush the fringes of truth, doesn't mean that they're on point.

When people say that TDS is their primary news source, I can't help but cringe a little.
[quote name='camoor']Meh.

I give the Daily Show some credit for finding some humor in all of this but they hardly nailed it. Last I saw the intentions of OWS are still purer then 99.999% of our politicians.[/QUOTE]

The intentions of the Robot Devil are purer than 99.999% of politicians.
[quote name='eldergamer']Now this is actually usefull and to the point from the Occupy pepole.


A march designed to bring attention to the need for health care. Direct and to the point, and it doesnt invovle trashing city parks. Great.

you're a little late to the conversation, though. Pretty sure health care legislation has already passed, and the legality of it is being taken up by the Supreme Court soon.

I also liked this weekend's Dog-upy March. It's Occupy, with Dogs!


You mean the Insurance Bailout Bill, where scum like the CEO of United Healthcare get even more money, no longer content on just pillaging the money pool for himself and the big shareholders since people will be mandated to pay them?
If you really think United and others are going to foot the bill when someone needs a few operations or other costly procedures you're deluded. They'll make the government pay and pocket the money the person had been paying for themselves.
We've seen that Health Insurance here is fubar when the United CEO is paid an obscene amount. That alone shows the service is not working properly, especially when coupled with the pre-existing conditions bs on the retro scale they try to pull. You manage a fucking pool of money and pass it out when needed. The only point I see for insurance not covering someone is if it's clearly for cosmetic surgery, like a boob job, or it's a case of insurance fraud. I can respect having teams cover that because it is a good way to keep that pool around for people who need it and we've seen that there is a definite aspect of Medicare fraud but how often do we hear of the things above happening with pay insurance? Anyway, there are a few surgeries some would consider optional and unnecessary but I do not. One is SRS(Sex Reassignment Surgery) and Cleft Palate. The former are born in the wrong gender and are just correcting it.

edit: As for Ron Paul of course he's for the protestors. He recognizes they're just excersizing their constitutional rights. I don't know why his son is acting like an idiot. Doesn't he believe fully in the Constitution like his dad.
Ron is at the end of his career and can afford to say/do whatever he wants. Rand is younger and trying to actually make it in politics, so he's shilling for the party.
No surprise most gamers here are on the side of the new aged hippies and try hards.

I love seeing footage of these smug, self-entitled children get sense beaten into them, something their coddling parents obviously never did for them. They'll look back at this time in their lives with great shame I bet.

:applause: to the police keeping these animals in line.
[quote name='SgtMurder']to the police keeping these animals in line.[/QUOTE]

Excellent, an American who loves to broadcast his loud disapproval of a country he lives in, but is too chickenshit to do anything about it.
[quote name='Strell']Excellent, an American who loves to broadcast his loud disapproval of a country he lives in, but is too chickenshit to do anything about it.[/QUOTE]

You are a troll kid and a bad one at that, the fact you grasp so hard and reach to such a conclusion with only so little words shows that.

I don't have time for games.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Professor Murder>Sgt Murder[/QUOTE]

Watching Paint Dry > RedvsBlue

Again, trolling because someone has a different opinion. Oh noes!
I truly hope you're a joke account Murder. I mean I hope you're really not that blind as to the point of the Occupy Wall Street protests.
This is a movement borne out of jobs being lost, shipped overseas as well as bank bailouts that should never have happened. Also some of these people want real nationwide Healthcare.
Look at some of the camp the protestors set up in the park. They created a library for it. Do you know what the assholes in the police camp did with the books? They threw them in the garbage. Five thousand books in the trash. Why not just burn them as well? I'm sure that would make the Nazi's proud.
I mean seriously, did they even THINK about that? I mean using their brains instead of being in lockstep with what Bloomberg ordered them to do.
[quote name='SgtMurder']No surprise most gamers here are on the side of the new aged hippies and try hards.

I love seeing footage of these smug, self-entitled children get sense beaten into them, something their coddling parents obviously never did for them. They'll look back at this time in their lives with great shame I bet.

:applause: to the police keeping these animals in line.[/QUOTE]

As opposed to most adults who have lived off their parents and grandparents investments till they ran out and then began running up the debt for those "self entitled children".

I always love when old farts complain about entitlement whenever their generation has done nothing and continues to do nothing but take.
Yeah, that's why I laugh whenever I here anyone complain about the "entitlement generation", when they usually belong to the original.
[quote name='speedracer']I'm always struck by the weirdness of law and order types cheering on excessive police force.[/QUOTE]

Its called the Republican party.

Cut goverment spending! - Wait no we didnt mean the military!
Cut mooching off the system - Wait dont cut MY entitlements! And no I didnt just spend 30 years living off someone elsese investments!
We must be pro life - No! I meant you cant abort babies not that I wanted already born children to receive health care!

Its become a party for the mentally insane and liars. I may not have agreed with the Republican party of old....but I could at least respect where there was a time where they had principles and didnt respond like a psychopath on every issue.
That's another funny one, if Goldwater were alive today I doubt he'd be labeled a republican. The modern republican party is to the right of their past heroes. I mean fuck, Reagan was just the beginning.

I think the funniest though is when they point out that Lincoln was a republican, as if the republican party hasn't changed since the 1800s.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Its called the Republican party.

Cut goverment spending! - Wait no we didnt mean the military!
Cut mooching off the system - Wait dont cut MY entitlements! And no I didnt just spend 30 years living off someone elsese investments!
We must be pro life - No! I meant you cant abort babies not that I wanted already born children to receive health care!

Its become a party for the mentally insane and liars. I may not have agreed with the Republican party of old....but I could at least respect where there was a time where they had principles and didnt respond like a psychopath on every issue.[/QUOTE]

Yet, on the other party, it's all about spending money we don't have. But wait "no it isn't". The more people get so hype to be anti-republican (simply because it's trendy), the more you don't realize how much you sound just like them on the other side of the spectrum. Oh wait "no you don't".
[quote name='lilboo']Yet, on the other party, it's all about spending money we don't have. But wait "no it isn't". The more people get so hype to be anti-republican (simply because it's trendy), the more you don't realize how much you sound just like them on the other side of the spectrum. Oh wait "no you don't".[/QUOTE]

The Democratic party has issues but spending money we dont have is rarely one. First off when you look at things its Bush that ran up the vast majority of the defecit. Second off most of what Obama has spent has been trying to fix Bushes mess and continuing the stupid wars(which most Dems are against). Third interest rates are at an all time low, low interterest rates and a bad economy = common sense to be spending. Fourth Democrats have offered spending cuts to things like medicare and also want to increase tax revenue both through closing tax loop holes, ending tax cuts for corporations like oil companies that neither need or deserve it and of course raising taxes on the top earners.

Stop spouting silly rhetoric that sounds pretty and research the truth. If you look at my posts here you will see I am hardly a trumpet piece for the left nor do I go out of my way to be "anti republican". I think the left lets too many people make silly excuses for their problems, is too afraid of reform, does not fight hard enough for their causes and is just as guilty of letting lobbyists control our system as the right. And I used to think the right was right about a handfull of issues too(that I dont doesnt mean I am anti republican, just anti current crazy republican). Sorry I simply dont believe in trying to pretend the left has caused/is causing the majoirty of our fiscal problems just so I can tout I am some kind of centrist the way you seem to be doing.
[quote name='lilboo']Yet, on the other party, it's all about spending money we don't have. But wait "no it isn't". The more people get so hype to be anti-republican (simply because it's trendy), the more you don't realize how much you sound just like them on the other side of the spectrum. Oh wait "no you don't".[/QUOTE]
I don't think that's fair. A business case cannot be made for defense spending or a massively regressive tax system. A business case can be made for education and single payer health care. Topically, sure, all advocates sound about the same. But I don't think it's hard to see the argument comes down to a Keynesian vs. Hayekian world view and at this point, Hayekians are basically promising that if we just give all the rich people all the money and call it "austerity" then they'll shit magic rainbows made of jobs and a middle class.

I'd love to see data that changed my mind. It's the only thing interesting about politics. I genuinely try. I don't see it.

During the super committee that just ended, Democrats offered cuts to Social Security, Medicare, a partial extension of the Bush tax cuts, and payroll tax cuts. That's a platform to the right of Republicans just two years ago (srsly, look at Baucus's super committtee offer vs. Boehner's opening position with Obama on the debt debate). What did the Republicans offer?


That's why I'm radicalizing against Republicans. I used to think they had ideas worth mashing together with Dems. I used to think the best form of American government was a Dem president and Repub Congress. I don't think that anymore. They need to be locked in a padded room.

So now "we're" going to mop the fucking floor with the Republicans' faces. Obama has already said he will veto anything that tries to undo the debt deal. That means massive cuts to defense and a total revocation of the Bush tax cuts (which expire by themselves).

Think about how we got here. Democrats have been negotiating against their own interests this entire time. All they had to do was nothing. And still they offered enough to piss people like me off. And still the Republicans said no. That is the definition of idiocy.

Or, in other words:
Last summer during the debt ceiling hostage crisis, Obama appeared to be the loser, but yesterday Republicans woke up to the reality that they lost Big Time--that we were going to get $1.2 trillion in deficit reductions, with 50% of the cuts coming from the military and none of the cuts from Social Security and Medicare. The Congressional water carriers for the Military Industrial Complex are in a panic.
Republican lawmakers moved quickly Monday to protect the Pentagon from automatic budget cuts that will be triggered by the supercommittee's failure, with the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee saying he'll soon introduce legislation to repeal them.

President Obama immediately threatened to veto any attempt to undo the spending cuts. That means that Republicans would have to get a 2/3 rds majority to undo the first meaningful cutback in the Military budget in 60 years. In addition, if Obama also threatens to veto any attempt to restore the Bush Tax cuts in 2012 (they expire automatically on January 1, 2013), progressives will have totally changed the inequality dynamic, without having to pass a single piece of legislation.

That more than 60% of our discretionary budget flows to the Military Industrial Complex is just the most egregious example of Crony Capitalism. If you had suggested to me last spring that a Republican House would pass a bill cutting $600 billion from the Pentagon budget over ten years, I would have called you crazy. But that is just what happened.

So there is only one election that matters a year from now. And that is that President Obama will be reelected and able to keep his veto threat. There is no possible 2012 electoral realignment of the Senate and House that would give the Republicans a 2/3 rds majority.

This is an amazing victory and all we have to do to hold on to it is reelect the President.
Surprise assholes! We just grew a spine. Welcome to the America where Dems, after being beaten to death with bullshit for 4 years, are telling Repubs to go fuck themselves.

And at such a lynchpin moment when they need a candidate that can fully elucidate their position, the best they can do is Romney, Cain, Newt, and Perry. Hope you like higher taxes, dumbfucks.

This will go down as one of the craziest fails in US political history. Hope those incumbent Republicans have jobs at Chick-Fil-A lined up.

I'm pretty sure a re-elected Obama isn't going to be very interested in bipartisanship. :D

edit: I just can't help myself. The coup de grace:
The supercommittee’s failure does mean that $1.2 trillion in spending cuts are automatically set to go into effect. But when asked whether they’d support keeping the triggered defense cuts in place, some of the same conservatives quickly changed their tune, echoing Republican protestations and vows to reverse the defense spending reductions.

“It was a disastrous and unbelievably stupid idea to go along with a provision that would cripple military during time of war,” said Bozell. “Something has to be done and done quickly. We cannot penalize military during time of war.”

“It was stupid to put military cuts of the amount that they were in the sequester idea. We cannot hollow out military,” said Meese, formerly Reagan’s Attorney General. “The cuts in military spending demanded in order to try to raise taxes is unpatriotic and contrary to the needs of the country as anything I’ve seen.”

Instead, both argued there was plenty of room for spending cuts elsewhere. Bozell suggested that there were certain Democratic sacred cows that could be given up instead. “Cut the abortion mills of Planned Parenthood...X out the absolutely unnecessary spending of PBS,” he said.
Planned Parenthood and PBS.


Someone take Old Yeller out back and be done with it.
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