Wall Street Protesters

lilboo is the perfect example of why being gay(or any other oppressed demographic) doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to be more empathetic to other oppressed demographics. It's both funny and sad at the same time. Being gay doesn't preclude you from being racist, classist, sexist, etc.

That's actually been a strong critique of the LGBT movement, but that topic is for another thread.
[quote name='speedracer']edit: I just can't help myself. The coup de grace:

Planned Parenthood and PBS.


Someone take Old Yeller out back and be done with it.[/QUOTE]

I feel the same way about the Republicans - but the way you put it was genius :applause:

People forget that Obama is a shrewd guy - he's alot smarter then they give him credit for. Sure we all know it's easy to portray him as an egghead but you don't get to the whitehouse without a pair of sharp elbows.
I'm not convinced that Obama will be less bipartisan than he is now. He's had 3 years and I haven't seen him tell the obstructionists(on both sides) to shove it. I remain hopeful, but it's not based on any iota of reality.
[quote name='MSI Magus']ending tax cuts for corporations like oil companies that neither need or deserve it[/QUOTE]

I'm on the fence about this one as it also leads to the (R) goons flailing at GE not having a corporate tax liability at the end of their return.

These so called "oil company loopholes" are not strictly for oil companies, the fact is that they used the system to their advantage on the front end which will eventually be to their detriment on the backend. Basically it's accelerated depreciation of assets that allowed the oil companies to write off A LOT of taxes for the last couple of years.
Here's the simple versino of how it works:
Company buys a car for $30k. They can't write off that $30k in one lump sum on taxes as it gets amortized over the course of its life. So you write off $3k one year, $4k the next year, etc... until you get to a final asset value which the car is worth upon resale. Let's just call that a final value of $8k for sake of this argument. So the oil company writes off $22k worth of purchasing that car over let's just say 8 years.
Accelerated depreciation (which is a boon to smaller companies and was the original point of the bill) means you can write off that $22k over 4 years if not outright in one year.

Why this will bite them in the ass and further serves the point that short sighted solutions just never work goes like this:
Chances are the oil company won't be replacing an entire fleet of $30k cars simply because they could write them off. Now the tax shelter they had of asset expansion will be gone and there will come a huge tax bill in the future on those $60B yearly profits. Well, until some fancy new legislation comes along to keep those profits "where they belong."
Now instead of $30k cars, imagine those being $40mil oil rigs and such... Makes even more sense to not use capital expenditures (investment in plant/property etc...) as a ploy to reduce tax liability.
[quote name='dohdough']I'm not convinced that Obama will be less bipartisan than he is now. He's had 3 years and I haven't seen him tell the obstructionists(on both sides) to shove it. I remain hopeful, but it's not based on any iota of reality.[/QUOTE]

Well not to mention it assumes that he is reelected. If he isnt reelected all those "brilliant plans" fall flat on their face. I doubt Romney will let the Bush tax cuts expire nor would he veto an attempt to reduce the amount we cut from the Military. This is the very definition of counting your chickens before they hatch.
[quote name='dohdough']lilboo is the perfect example of why being gay(or any other oppressed demographic) doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to be more empathetic to other oppressed demographics. It's both funny and sad at the same time. Being gay doesn't preclude you from being racist, classist, sexist, etc.

That's actually been a strong critique of the LGBT movement, but that topic is for another thread.[/QUOTE]
Or in other words, I got mine, fuck you.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Well not to mention it assumes that he is reelected. If he isnt reelected all those "brilliant plans" fall flat on their face. I doubt Romney will let the Bush tax cuts expire nor would he veto an attempt to reduce the amount we cut from the Military. This is the very definition of counting your chickens before they hatch.[/QUOTE]
I'm fairly confident that Obama will be re-elected. I can't think of anyone that really likes Romney anymore than anyone liked Dole. While I wouldn't call anything that came out of the first 3 years til now, brilliant, I can only say that it's better than what the right has been proposing.

That said, I was responding to speedracer talking about Obama being less malleble to republican manipulation.
We need to beg the government that beats us with batons, sprays us with pepper spray, kills brown people by the hundreds of thousands with bombs, tanks, and troops, supports dictators and terrorists around the world with arms, military backing, and money, allows pollution to poison water, land, and air, enslaves our fellow man for ingesting plants and a host of other victimless crimes, illegally and immorally searches through our fellow man's home and personal life without a warrant and imprisons him without representation for as long as it wishes, and can even hold him in prison after an acquittal if deemed an enemy combatant, assassinates people without charge, trial, or verdict, creates new positions in the FDA and USDA or use cabinet head appointments so that it can bring Monsanto and health execs in to write laws concerning food and agriculture and drug conglomerates, and provides wage controls to the powerful so that the vulnerable can be priced out of the system to steal more of our money and make us free.
[quote name='dohdough']I'm fairly confident that Obama will be re-elected. I can't think of anyone that really likes Romney anymore than anyone liked Dole. While I wouldn't call anything that came out of the first 3 years til now, brilliant, I can only say that it's better than what the right has been proposing.

That said, I was responding to speedracer talking about Obama being less malleble to republican manipulation.[/QUOTE]

Yes and I cant think of many people who like Obama very much right now. Liberals hate him, conservatives hate him and the average ignorant voter just hates anyone that is in power right now.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Yes and I cant think of many people who like Obama very much right now. Liberals hate him, conservatives hate him and the average ignorant voter just hates anyone that is in power right now.[/QUOTE]
Compared to Romney though? That's a tough sell for me, but I don't disagree with your assesment of Obamarama.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Yes and I cant think of many people who like Obama very much right now. Liberals hate him, conservatives hate him and the average ignorant voter just hates anyone that is in power right now.[/QUOTE]

I don't hate Obama. And I know alot of people who still like him.
[quote name='camoor']I don't hate Obama. And I know alot of people who still like him.[/QUOTE]

Most people I know either vote a long party lines or they like the guy but they still think he hasnt been a good President. Swing voters see the economy is bad and they have a feeling we are going backwards and they blame whoever is in power be it their Mayor or their President.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Most people I know either vote a long party lines or they like the guy but they still think he hasnt been a good President. Swing voters see the economy is bad and they have a feeling we are going backwards and they blame whoever is in power be it their Mayor or their President.[/QUOTE]

One can only hope those same swing voters see what complete clowns the Republicans have offered up and realize Obama isn't as bad as things could be if one of them got into office.
Obama doesn't do so hot against "generic Republican candidate".

But there is no such person as "generic Republican candidate" and all of the candidates have their baggage with the freakshow debates providing enough fodder to sink them.
[quote name='dohdough']I'm fairly confident that Obama will be re-elected. I can't think of anyone that really likes Romney anymore than anyone liked Dole. While I wouldn't call anything that came out of the first 3 years til now, brilliant, I can only say that it's better than what the right has been proposing.[/QUOTE]

Damning with faint praise with a side of unrealistic expectations.

Out of curiosity, has there been anything that has come out of Congress/White House in the last 30 years that would qualify as "brilliant"?

That being said, Obama has a significant list of accomplishments under his belt: Credit Card reform, "universal" health insurance, gays in the military, Osama, Kadafi, and even the CBO says that the so-called stimulus "worked".

Of course one is free to argue that these programs should have gone further, but how was that supposed to be accomplished? You have the mostly spineless Congressional Democrats as your 'friends' and the 'my goal is to make Obama a one term president' Congressional Republicans as an opposition. There wasnt much room to get more done. If the Democratic congress-critters were a little more dedicated to what they claim is their party's platform, more could have been done.

The only real beef I have with Obama is that after loading the so-called stimulus with non-stimulating tax cuts to court the right (a move consistent with his campaign promises) and not receiving a single vote of support from the right, I'd have said fuck it and fuck you too. If my attempts to compromise are going to be treated like this, I'll do it on my own. Now, of course, that means you have to herd the group of cats that is the Congressional Democrats, but I think the lefties would have had a little more support for him now if he'd have been a little more forceful when they had all three houses (filibuster aside).
The attitude of the liberals of the board is reminding me of the attitude they had for Gore Vs Bush and then Kerry vs Bush. No one believed that a clown like Bush with baggage like Bush could wing....then no one believed he could do it again.
[quote name='hostyl1']
Out of curiosity, has there been anything that has come out of Congress/White House in the last 30 years that would qualify as "brilliant"?

Yes. Material for comedians to work with.
[quote name='hostyl1']Out of curiosity, has there been anything that has come out of Congress/White House in the last 30 years that would qualify as "brilliant"?[/QUOTE]

That's probably because Americans don't want brilliant government.
[quote name='dohdough']lilboo is the perfect example of why being gay(or any other oppressed demographic) doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to be more empathetic to other oppressed demographics. It's both funny and sad at the same time. Being gay doesn't preclude you from being racist, classist, sexist, etc.

That's actually been a strong critique of the LGBT movement, but that topic is for another thread.[/QUOTE]

Did you happen to read my comment in the other thread I believe on why I'd support a company bigoted against the GLBT community if they were adamant about keeping jobs here as opposed to one farming jobs overseas? Granted the ideal is to a get a company that supports both but depending on the industry that might not be an option.
[quote name='camoor']That's probably because Americans don't want brilliant government.[/QUOTE]

That's not really true... Technically, the popular vote didn't go to Bush the first time.
[quote name='elessar123']That's not really true... Technically, the popular vote didn't go to Bush the first time.[/QUOTE]

I'm talking as an overall phenomenon.

If people wanted smart government we would be lauching projects such as light rail, free wifi in big cities, and renewable energy R&D. We'd have a world-class news service analog to the BBC, well-funded regulatory agencies that have access to the kinds of facilities we only dream about (CSI, Minority Report, etc), and a leaner armed forces.

Mention any of that and most Americans completely lose their shit.
[quote name='mykevermin']Minority Report?[/QUOTE]

:D I meant the cool operating system that TC uses in the begininning, not the futurecrime stuff.

I would have said Hawaii 5-0 but I was assuming that I'm the only one who managed to sit through a few episodes >_>
[quote name='Sarang01']Get an American on reliable mass transit and they'll shut up really quick, trust me camoor.[/QUOTE]

I believe it but I don't think most politicians are looking out for the long-term interests of the citizens, they just do what will get the most votes right now. Most policy talk is about culture wars or quick-fix bullshit, in government it's rare that you hear a truly great vision and even rarer when that vision is not struck down by lobbyist obfuscation and bipartisan bickering.
I don't disagree and look at what fucking tools they are at Rhetoric. Read Pericles Funeral Oration in Appian's "Civil War". Just absolutely beautiful.
If a politician could deliver a speech like that in something they actually support, without a teleprompter, they could really put pressure on the rest of them to do the right thing.
I miss people like Goldwater, who were polling whores. Yes some of what they believed people disagreed with but they didn't back down based upon how the winds were at the time.
lol, a friend of mine works at Armani Exchange.. She couldn't get into work today because the Occupy Philly people glued the door shut. Apparently, they did this to a few stores on black friday.

But that'll never make the news.
Nor will anyone ever believe it.

What a shame.
[quote name='lilboo']lol, a friend of mine works at Armani Exchange.. She couldn't get into work today because the Occupy Philly people glued the door shut. Apparently, they did this to a few stores on black friday.

But that'll never make the news.
Nor will anyone ever believe it.

What a shame.[/QUOTE]

cool story bro
Well what do you expect people to say? You have hammered this movement, you come in and tell a story that has received no coverage and expect people to have much to say? Do I believe that people within the OWS movement could/would do something like that? Yep! Same way I believed that a Tea Party person would spit on a black congressmen. But in both cases I aint believing something less I see proof or at the very LEAST reports from respectable sources.
For what it's worth, several "Occupy Black Friday" suggestions involved gluing bank/businesses doors shut. I can't confirm or deny if this actually happened anywhere though - but the idea was very much out there.
[quote name='lilboo']Yep. Pretty much what I expected.[/QUOTE]

Well what would you think appropriate? Would it be approrpiate to complete freak the fuck out because your purchase of Eurotrash pleather was delayed by a few hours?

Vandalism is wrong and I hope they catch the punks, now can we please get back on topic?
[quote name='dohdough']LOLZ...I'm proud to say that I don't know anyone that still wears A/X.[/QUOTE]

Philly sits right on the border of New Jersey - nuff said.
[quote name='camoor']Philly sits right on the border of New Jersey - nuff said.[/QUOTE]
I was trying not to go there...:lol:

Back on topic for a sec...I was just watching Boston's local Faux News and they were reporting on Occupy Boston going back to court to basically renew their permit to stay where they are. News on this channel obviously has a rightist stance, but I nearly fell out of my chair when the newscaster ended the report by saying that "...Occupy Boston is protesting against corporate greed" and the entire segment was pretty much just a short non-partisan blurb about what's going on. Shocked the hell outta me considering the rest of the craziness that's been infecting the channel; it used to be pretty good with news.

That said, we can now go back to talking about shitty fashion sense and the faux nouveau riche.
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Philly is not New Jersey, thankyouverymuch.

That's not to say the NJ scum don't spend $5 to cross the Ben Franklin every day, but I digress...
[quote name='mykevermin']Philly is not New Jersey, thankyouverymuch.

That's not to say the NJ scum don't spend $5 to cross the Ben Franklin every day, but I digress...[/QUOTE]
Sounds like someone used to do a little fist-pumping at the club...or maybe still does...
1. A/X is ridiculous and ugly. She hates it too, but she needs a job. Yeah, someone who is working even at a place she doesn't want to. /gasp
2. Philly-Jersey is not the "Jersey Shore" kinda people, as well as the other "reality shows". Thats north jersey. Thats the Jersey-NYC area. We always get lumped in with those turds :(
3. $5 to cross the bridge everyday is so awful :(
[quote name='lilboo']2. Philly-Jersey is not the "Jersey Shore" kinda people, as well as the other "reality shows". Thats north jersey. Thats the Jersey-NYC area. We always get lumped in with those turds :(
3. $5 to cross the bridge everyday is so awful :([/QUOTE]

For all their faults Philly and NYC are miles above NJ - which is to say they are liberal, worldly, occasionally progressive cities that have a little class.

Face it, you live in NJ. Your moronic conservative politics, selfishly myopic view of the world, and incessant whining give you away. No amount of pretending you're more NYC or Philly is going to change that.
I can get behind this:
The entrenched two-party system overlooks public interests by pursuing narrow political goals. This climate encourages candidates to polarize voters for individual power and personal gain.
Financial institutions gambled with our savings, homes, and economy. They collapsed the financial system and needed the public to bail them out of their failures yet deny any responsibility and continue to fight oversight.
The U.S. government engages in drawn-out, costly conflicts abroad. Numerous acts of conquest have been, and continue to be, pursued to control resources, overthrow foreign governments, and install subservient regimes. These wars destroy the lives of innocent civilians and American soldiers, many of whom suffer adverse effects throughout life. These operations are a blank check to divert money from domestic priorities.
Government authorities cultivate a culture of fear to invade our privacy, limit assembly, restrict speech, and deny due process. They have failed in their duty to protect our rights. Exacerbated by profiteering interests, the criminal justice system has unfairly targeted underprivileged communities and outspoken groups for prosecution rather than protection.
And this just made me lol :
Leaders are trading our access to basic needs in exchange for handouts to the ultra-wealthy. Our rights to healthcare, education, food, water, and housing are sacrificed to profit-driven market forces. They are attacking unemployment insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, creating an uncertain future for us all.*
[quote name='perdition(troy']I can get behind this:
And this just made me lol :[/QUOTE]

OK, I'll give you a little credit then (baby steps, baby steps)

Why did the last statement make you lol? Was it use of the word "rights" (which I'd agree was an unfortunate choice of words).
bread's done