What are you currently reading? Post here!

[quote name='MidnightRain']Thanks for sharing the link, FB! The ones I'm after will probably end way out of my reach, but it's worth a shot.[/QUOTE]

you would be surprised with evilBay lately on what prices books and magazines are going for. He put up a great copy of Heinlein's only appearance in Weird Tales and it sadly only went for $28 and change or a good copy of Manly Wade Wellman's Sojarr Of Titan that went for a pitiful $7.25. Hell, I picked up a few of the hard to find FAX pulp reprints for the starting bid of a buck and I got the first issue of Out Of This World (one of Joe Kubert's first professional sales and *and I think the only apperance* Gardner Fox's [co-creator of the Flash, Sandman, Hawkman, Starman, Doctor Fate and Justice Society of America] Conan ripoff story, Crom The Barbarian) for a measly $24 and it with the condition it's in, its worth about $80-100. Can't wait to get Kubert to autograph it, he'll probably be tickled pink for someone to bring that up to him.

The total value on the 60 auctions is about 30 grand and he's hoping to get 12 grand at the bare minimum
Now i am reading Othello written by William Shakespeare. The work revolves around four central characters: Othello, his wife Desdemona, his lieutenant Cassio, and his ensign Iago. Because of its varied themes — racism, love, jealousy and betrayal - the play remains relevant to the present day, and is still quite popular. I like this very much.
[quote name='bmachine']I'm in the home stretch on The Raw Shark Texts and it's amazing. I don't want it to end, so I'm trying to take my time and savor every moment. David Fincher needs to turn this into a movie.

Not sure what to read next...might take another stab at The Terror based on the praise above, or finally lay into Clive Barker's Mister B. Gone.

Damn...some nice first editions there. Thanks for posting that, FB.[/QUOTE]

If youre referring to my post, im not sure id say i would say praise is the right word. if youve read a 100 pages and its not your bag, i wouldnt bother.
though i have found going back to books when im in a more suitable mood for that specific book makes a difference.
good luck.
I'm actually reading a biography on Quentin Tarantino. It's really awesome, Recommended by me big time. The author is Jami Bernard.
Will in the World by Stephen Greenblatt. It's an examination of the life and work of Shakespeare. Really, really good. It's actually for one of my grad classes this fall, but I thought I'd get a head start.
The Madness Season by C.S. Friedman

Was reading a 7 book streak of Tom Clancy's main Jack Ryan arc, and just needed a break from it.

C.S. Friedman is an old scifi/fantasy favorite of mine, her Coldfire Trilogy is incredible.
I finished up Batman: The Long Halloween recently. I don't read graphic novels very often but I thought it was very good.

I started reading Watchmen yesterday in anticipation of the movie coming out this spring.
Finished A Game of Thrones. Didn't start liking it until like halfway through. Then it got ok. Decided to start on the second book in the series, A Clash of Kings. Its appearing to be the same way. Also, incestuous couple count: 4.
I just finished An Artist of the Floating World, by Kazuo Ishiguro. Great book.

I'll start The Crying of Lot 49, by Thomas Pynchon tomorrow.
Finished John Adams by David McCollough. Excellent book.

Reading The Audacity of Hope by Barak Obama now. Close to finished, has been a good read.
The series: Wheel of Time (for the 3rd time). Greatest series I have read!! Am hoping to go through it really slowly this time so I can actually keep up with the various storylines though. :)
His Excellency, George Washington by Joseph Ellis. Some love for the foundingest of the all the fathers!
Just Picked up The Road by Cormac.

havent read anything cept the back cover yet, gonna start reading it when school starts again on Monday.
Just finished Mass Effect Ascension by Drew Karpyshn and I'm going to start reading Starcraft GHOST NOVA by Keith R.A. ReCandido. After all the classical literature I've read over the summer the sci-fi genre is a nice break. :bouncy:
Clive Barker's Mister B. Gone.

Reminds me of how much I used to LOVE Clive Barker...and why I don't anymore.

I still want to see Midnight Meat Train, though.
Finished A Clash of Kings. Verdict: Meh. Class is starting back up so probably won't do much reading for fun. At least until Stephenson's Anathema comes out.
Just finished "The Trials of Lenny Bruce." It was a decent, if slanted, analysis of Lenny Bruce's legal problems during the 1960's. A bit heavy-handed at the end with the "what killed Lenny Bruce" nonsense (simple answer: a fuckin' morphine overdose. no need to dramatize it unnecessarily), but eloquently discussed his legacy and impact on free speech and comedic material of the last quarter century.
I'm still knee deep in The Road but I just wanted to give a heads up for the next book i'm gonna read - The Book of Lies by Brad Meltzer. There's a corresponding movie coming out as well. It's basically a story of how Cain from the Bible is connected to the creator of Superman. Looks good in a Da Vinci Code kinda way.

EDIT: oh yeah, the book doesn't come out until Sept. 2.
[quote name='jlseal']Finished A Clash of Kings. Verdict: Meh. Class is starting back up so probably won't do much reading for fun. At least until Stephenson's Anathema comes out.[/quote]

GRRM = love
[quote name='red flare graf']A Scanner Darkly.. One of those must reads, I guess. Loving it so far, almost done.[/quote]

That book is awesome. If you haven't already, make sure you also watch the movie once you are done reading the book.
The Book of Lies by Brad Meltzer came out 3 days ago so I'll be picking it up this weekend (as well as see if I can pricematch my recently bought 60g 360 at CC).
A friend just gave me an advance of The Price of Right: How the Conservative Agenda Has Failed America (and Always Will) by Alicia Morgan.

It looks like a great read.
Tomorrow I will be starting Everyone Poops by Taro Gomi. I'm pretty excited as it looks like I could learn a lot from this.
[quote name='ian1418']Just finished The Magic of Recluce and just started The Towers of the Sunset both by L. E. Modesitt, Jr.[/QUOTE]

This is hands down one of my favorite series.
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin. It just boggles my mind how shallow our political process has become.
I'll be finishing Next by Michael Crichton in the next day then I'll be starting Dragons of the Summer Flame by Margret Weis and Tracy Hickman.
[quote name='lilboo']Tomorrow I will be starting Everyone Poops by Taro Gomi. I'm pretty excited as it looks like I could learn a lot from this.[/quote]

I don't want to ruin the ending for you but it turns out that
everyone does, in fact, poop.
Picked up Anathem by Neal Stephenson. Hasn't had a moment that reached out and grabbed me like Cryptonomicon or Snow Crash did, but the world he's made is wonderfully intriguing.
Laura Ingraham: Power to the People
DeathNote manga (on volume 10, it's starting to get old)
Timothy Zahn: Night Train to Rigel
I'm working on Dark Tower, the last book in Stephen King's Dark Tower series, which as been thusfar phenomenal. I think next I'll be moing on to Ian Fleming's James Bond books for a change of pace. And a different perspective than the movies.
Just started World War Z, really enjoying it.
Haven't read a book in years, but not having high speed internet anymore has given me some free time.
I just read the first 3 books in the Forgotten Realms series of Drizzt Do'urden...I think that's his name...anyway...I finished each book in a day...they are pretty decent reads...good if you have time to kill.

They were recommended by a friend...and now I need to find the rest of the series somehow.
bread's done