What Is The All-Time Worst Game You Have Ever Paid Full Price For?

I've been thinking about this for an hour while working...and I can't come up with anything other than Gex: Enter the Gecko, which wasn't terrible, but wasn't great either.
SaGa Frontier for me, easily. At the time of its release, it seemed like Square could do no wrong.

Frontier remains my least favorite Square game ever, though I did enjoy the sequel.
[quote name='MarkMan']I paid $4500 + tax for a Tekken 5 arcade board.


I seriously hope you were an operator.
Turok Evolution on Gamecube. I was enthralled by the N64 turok games, and that one raped any and all goodness I had left in me.
Blaze and Blade. I tried so hard to like that game. So hard... I brought friends over for the multiplayer. Still have the manual but I think I threw the game away.
I bought The Movies PC game for my girlfriend at the time for like $50 because she asked for it. Turns out her PC couldn't run the game, and I don't think she ever even opened it :roll:

As for actual bad games, my father bought me Tom Sawyer on the NES for full price, and I bought myself Enter The Matrix. Blargh.
Tranformers Tatakai (PS2) - It's a TF game with the G1 characters so I figured how bad could it be. I ignored reviews and shelled out $60 to import this. Terrible AI, awful controls and all around un-fun game. You're a giant robot and your primary forms of attack are jabs and little shin kicks. You have a gun but it's impossible to actually hit something with it. You go into battle with 2 AI controlled teammates who do anything but help. The controls are clunky and turning around to fight enimies from behind is the worst since turning is soooo slow. You can transform but it's never seems to be to your advantage. The only redeeming factor is the intro.

I forced myself to play this but even my love for Transformers wasn't that strong. I got to the 3rd level and gave up. I still own it in hopes that one day I'll pass the misery onto another unsuspecting TF fan.
superman 64: based on that cartoon i was a fan of so i preordered it went and picked it up , went home played it for 30 minutes, cut the system off , packed the game up , got a bus back to the mall and returned it the same day.

The other was a lesbian adventure game that was on the ps1. damn thing was like 3 or 4 disks long and horrible.
[quote name='Chadt74']Twisted Metal 3, man that was so off the path from TM 1 & 2...[/QUOTE]
Yup...I remember when Sony fucked off the Devs. They went and made the lovely Rogue Trip: Vacation 2012, which was quite good.
[quote name='sonicsamurai']DBZ Ultimate battle 22
I didn't have a PS2 yet and really wanted to play a dbz fighting game.[/QUOTE]

I agree, it was so bad that I couldn't even play it. Luckily I only spent a few bucks on it at blockbuster. My worst full price was The Hobbit for $40 on Gamecube.
BMX: XXX, what a waste of coin. But what made me feel even worse was the Limited Edition of Robotech: Battlecry for $80. Then to see it for $10 on clearance at EB Games a year later. Ugh. At least the shirt was kick ass.

[quote name='Chadt74']Twisted Metal 3, man that was so off the path from TM 1 & 2...[/QUOTE]
As bad as TM3 was(bought it, sold it, bought it again, still have it to this day), it actually inspired my first REAL(as in NOT WWF: The Music cds) album purchase. Rob Zombie's "Hellbilly Deluxe" album. So.....Shaq-Fuing....GOOD!!!:drool::drool::drool:
[quote name='lokizz']

The other was a lesbian adventure game that was on the ps1. damn thing was like 3 or 4 disks long and horrible.[/QUOTE]
Fear Effect?
[quote name='bardockkun']Fear Effect?[/QUOTE]

yep thats the one. see it was so bad i blocked the name of it from my memory lol. i hate that game so much each disk had maybe 20 to 30 minutes of actual gameplay in it and the whole lesbo storyline was stupid.

whoever mentioned that dbz 22 ps1 game i bought that one too and returned it. i beat it with everyone doing the same damn punch moves over and over. very damn lame.
[quote name='hohez']Turok Evolution on Gamecube. I was enthralled by the N64 turok games, and that one raped any and all goodness I had left in me.[/QUOTE]

If you paid retail price for this, you deserve a hug.
[quote name='lokizz']yep thats the one. see it was so bad i blocked the name of it from my memory lol. i hate that game so much each disk had maybe 20 to 30 minutes of actual gameplay in it and the whole lesbo storyline was stupid.[/QUOTE]How can anything involving lesbians in video games be bad!?:lol::lol::lol:

whoever mentioned that dbz 22 ps1 game i bought that one too and returned it. i beat it with everyone doing the same damn punch moves over and over. very damn lame.
God, I picked that one up, too. I was on a big anime kick thanks to Adult Swim and picked up DBZ:UB22 along with InuYasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale. One of those games was good and the other was UB22.:lol::lol::lol:

[quote name='davo1224']If you paid retail price for this, you deserve a hug.[/QUOTE]
Agreed. I paid $5 for it and felt ripped off(seriously). :grouphug:
My list

Atari - Superman
Nintendo - Milon's Secret Castel
Super Nintendo - Bart's Nightmare
64 - Glover or War Gods (both were b-day gifts from my cheap brother, he got em at Walmart for 15)
PS - Deathtrap Dungeon
XBox - Drake of the 99 Dragons (only paid 4.99, but it was still a waste)
Cube - Chibi Robot
Dreamcast - Blue Stinger

that's all that comes to mind atm
First 'Cube game I bought after trading in a bunch of my PS2 games to buy the system: Kobe Bryant's Courtside.
Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles

Wow, it Star Wars so it can't be bad.

Yes, yes it can. Didn't even bother to complete the first level. Turned it into Software Etc.
Hmmm, lots of nightmarish stories on here. Mine's not so bad, but I think it deserves to be on the list.

Halo was the first FPS that I ever played and enjoyed, so when they kept hyping Brute Force as the game to tide us over until Halo 2 I was sold.

Bought that sucker on the first day and tried playing it for about an hour until I gave up and regretted the purchase.

The good news is that I can't think of another game that I was ever fully disappointed in. I must have good gaming taste or just be really lucky!
So far? I guess I'd have to go with Killzone 2. (Precisely why I don't pay retail period.)

Oh wait... Test Drive 5 although I don't remember the game AT ALL and I don't remember the price either.
Fear Effect 1 and 2 are actually amazing and you should replay whichever it is you own.

I'd have to go with Devil May Cry 2. Not a terrible game, but a really bad sequel to a great game. And I was so excited for it, too :
[quote name='lilytrabbit']
64 - Glover or War Gods (both were b-day gifts from my cheap brother, he got em at Walmart for 15)
XBox - Drake of the 99 Dragons (only paid 4.99, but it was still a waste)[/QUOTE]

Gifts and $4.99 games aren't "paying full price".

For me.. The Bouncer on PS2.
Man, I wish Sony would put Fear Effect 1 & 2 on PSN.

For me, I got Saga Frontier and traded it in the next day. Spent graduation money on it and got hosed on the trade-in. Never bought a game without reading reviews first after that.
[quote name='Chadt74']Twisted Metal 3, man that was so off the path from TM 1 & 2...[/QUOTE]
I don't know if this counts because I didn't think they were so bad at the time, but yes, my answer has to be Twisted Metal 3 and Twisted Metal 4.

Disastrous and insulting. This was the first instance of me reserving any sort of loathing for a game publisher.
Since I don't really buy games on full retail prices unless their gifts for others.

Killzone 2: Bought it for the multiplayer, but the sluggish controls really turned me off. Tried selling it to my friends, but I still see myself stuck with the game.

Another purchase that I somewhat regretted doing was the Neverwinter Nights 1 Diamond Collection. Bought it for the 11 year living with us, since his one of his uncle could stop talking about the game. He really didn't know what the game was about, aside from "killing dragons", and BEGGED me to buy it for him. Long story short, he played about 1-2hrs of it, got overwhelmed with the complexity, and shelved it. I could've used the money on something else...
N64 - WWF Attitude. I enjoyed Warzone (though not as much as the AKI titles, or course), but this really sucked. I think one button grappled and the other did an arm-bar, so you had to press at least two buttons to do a basic punch.
I have to go with Drakenguard for the ps2, it was an alright dynasty warriors clone, but the ads made it look sooo much better.

that or the ps2 gundam rpg, (the one that came out in America) I payed $50 for the last one at Gamestop (so I got the "New-Opened" Special) I got home looked at it, and was like "Oh shit, the gundams are all super deformed?" wnet to play it a week later, got bored during the opening, and now it sits on a shelve, untouched for 2 years.
Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
Left 4 Dead
Ninja Gaiden II

That's it because I either wait to get a game 40 and under or just do other deeds that are frowned upon in the gaming community.
[quote name='DirtyRed']Batman Forever for the snes.[/QUOTE]
I Rented that and I felt gypped. The controls were ass (Mortal Kombat controls and special one time attacks were near impossible to do) and cheap ass AI and deaths and repetitive as all hell...
Basically any movie based game besides booty bay. i think the most recent movie based game that i bought at full price, stupidly thinking it could be good, was the transformers game. i thought it was an awesome movie that could be made into a pretty kick@ss action game... i was wrong.
Probably Banjo-Kazooie and Resident Evil 5 (I know I'll get flamed for those two). I paid full price for both and thought both with fairly average games.

It's not that they were terrible, just average, but I wish I had waited for them to go down in price or some deal.

Aside from those two, I really haven't had any purchases that I truly regret.

And I'm probably going to regret saying that... -_-
The worst games I have bought full price are Army of Two and Resident Evil 5. While they were both good, they left something to be desired. Returned to the store in weeks.
Driv3r (Driver 3) for Xbox.
Sloppy controls, horrible collision detection, pop-up environments at the wrong time, and the overwhelming desire to never play again after 30 initial minutes of game play.
bread's done