Wii $250 - Nov 19th - The Nintendo 2-Day Press Event Thread!

The only people who think this price is too high are those who expected way too much.

Break down what you are getting and you will see it's still an excellent deal for a new console.

The GameCube comes with 1 wired controller for $99. And that's at the end of it's lifecycle. If you consider the controller is worth $20, then the console is only $80.

The Wii has been said to be at least twice as powerful, has much more capability (internet, built-in photo editing, VC capability), and is just overall much newer hardware. It comes with a $60 controller and a $50 game.
[highlight][size=+1]This makes the cost of the Wii console only $140 !!![/size][/highlight]
Isn't $60 extra compared to a gamecube worth it for a NEW, more powerful, more feature-rich system???

What? You think the wii-mote+ nunchaku costs too much???
The xbox360 wireless controller costs $50 and has much less functionality and innovation than the wii remote($40)+nunchaku($20).
How are the wii controllers overpriced again? Be happy you can use 2 GGC on them.

I can understand that maybe they shouldn't have forced wii sports on everyone, but we have only seen some pre-final demos of tennis (and baseball?). The game will include Tennis, Golf, Baseball, Bowling, and Boxing. Don't knock it until you play it. It might be the bargain of the year at $50.

So get over your "too expensive" whining, you deadbeats!! Fun isn't free. :)
One thing to note here is that everyone seems set on the thought that Wii Sports is "adding" $50 to the actual price of the package. That may not necessarily be the case.
[quote name='Lieutenant Dan']Is it available in green?[/QUOTE]

No, but you can take the cash you saved on a PS3 and glue it on there.
I said earlier I was excited about Mii... I thought you'd be able to create your own little cartoon face of yourself or something like that. It turns out it looks like you create a character to use in games (probably Wii sports).


I'm a little disappointed with how shitty it looks. I guess I'll get used to it, but my first impression turns me off a little on the concept.

Oh shit... I just thought about this... what if they offer different things for download to upgrade your character, for Wii points of course. That would blow.
I don't know if I care about no DVD playback or not.

I do remember reading from the japanese reports that the Picture Channel will also play movies.

If that means it'll play vanilla MPGs or AVIs cool. If it's one step further and acutally using a reasonable codec...

Then it'll be cool for downloading and watching video.
[quote name='Blaine']I don't know if I care about no DVD playback or not.

I do remember reading from the japanese reports that the Picture Channel will also play movies.

If that means it'll play vanilla MPGs or AVIs cool. If it's one step further and acutally using a reasonable codec...

Then it'll be cool for downloading and watching video.[/quote]

I read something today about being able to play homebrew movies.
[quote name='BlaqRenaissance']I read something today about being able to play homebrew movies.[/QUOTE]

Sextapes on the Wii?

Being able to watch downloadable video content makes sense, but the gaming console/DVD player concept has always been lost on me (and that goes for the BluRay player in the PS3 as well). I don't see it as a bonus, as they always work like shit and cannot output a picture anywhere near as good as even a $80 stand alone DVD player.
[quote name='Strell']Sextapes on the Wii?


I won't lie...

First movie I'd wanna watch is Midget Madness on my Wii.

I bought it for a bachelor party as a joke. Now... Now it just stares at me from the bookshelf, creeping me out. Like a fucking monkey's paw only instead of granting wishes, it has dwarfs dressed up like Power Rangers.

I figure it'd be the best thing to defile the Wii wholesomeness.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']I really don't mind not having another DVD player, I have six as it is, but for $250 they could have put one in there.[/QUOTE]

And cut into Nintendo's profit margin for a function only a liberal 25% of users will take advantage of? I think not!
[quote name='Ecofreak']And cut into Nintendo's profit margin for a function only a liberal 25% of users will take advantage of? I think not![/QUOTE]

What profit margin? You must mean "add to loss per console".
[quote name='botticus']It could be cancelled, but my guess is they push it back to give the Wii version some exclusivity. Get more people to buy the Wii for Zelda.[/QUOTE]
That's the biggest piece of bullshit I've heard all day. I'll never buy a Wii if the GC version of Zelda is delayed past the Wii version.

If Zelda on GC is cancelled, I'll never buy another Nintendo product again. I fucking preordered that game over a year ago.
[quote name='zewone']That's the biggest piece of bullshit I've heard all day. I'll never buy a Wii if the GC version of Zelda is delayed past the Wii version.

If Zelda on GC is cancelled, I'll never buy another Nintendo product again. I fucking preordered that game over a year ago.[/quote]
I guess zewone is not buying a Wii.
[quote name='Strell']I know they said recently the Wii would have a slight loss. I could beleive that at 200, but 250? I'm suspicious.[/QUOTE]

Indeed, I wont fault Nintendo or Apple or anyone for having a profit margin on hardware, but how much did they spend in R&D? Save for the RAM the chips should cost barely more than they do for the GCN.

To the victor go the spoils I suppose. $250 isnt a terrible price since I spent that much on a GCN to get Luigis Mansion on the launch day. While it was fun, I never even once replayed the game. At least Wii Sports will be something I can put in for friends to try out.
[quote name='Tybee']Being able to watch downloadable video content makes sense, but the gaming console/DVD player concept has always been lost on me (and that goes for the BluRay player in the PS3 as well). I don't see it as a bonus, as they always work like shit and cannot output a picture anywhere near as good as even a $80 stand alone DVD player.[/quote]

Could be that some people think movies aren't all about graphics and more about storyline and entertainment? :)

Actually, I'm pretty happy with the quality of DVD player that the 360 gives me and I like not having to have another component taking up space. Plus it gives me the option of seeing when friends come online while I'm watching a movie. I usually turn that option off, but it's still a nice option.
[quote name='botticus']I guess zewone is not buying a Wii.[/QUOTE]
It's confirmed that it's pushed back past the Wii version?

I haven't had a chance to read the whole thread.

fuck Nintendo.
[quote name='iufoltzie']Save for the RAM the chips should cost barely more than they do for the GCN.[/QUOTE]

Didn't IBM and ATI design a new processor and graphics chip that are supposed to be at least 2-3 times more powerful than the GCN? Why should they only cost "barely more?"
[quote name='zewone']It's confirmed that it's pushed back past the Wii version?

I haven't had a chance to read the whole thread.

fuck Nintendo.[/QUOTE]


Two whole weeks.

Get over yourself.
[quote name='zewone']It's confirmed that it's pushed back past the Wii version?

I haven't had a chance to read the whole thread.

fuck Nintendo.[/quote]I just went to EB and cashed out my preorder. They gave me $50 for it. Oh yea, bring the reciept.
[quote name='Strell']Wow.

Two whole weeks.

Get over yourself.[/QUOTE]
Like I said, I haven't the thread. Still fuck Nintendo.

At least, I'll finally get my game that I should have been playing a while ago, that had to be delayed so people with Wiis can fish.

Two week delay? What the fuck is that about?
[quote name='Strell']You know exactly what it's about.

It's a marketing ploy.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, but what's two weeks really buy you?

I'm assuming people who are buying Zelda know whether they are buying the Wii or GC version. Two week delay isn't enough to push someone into buying a Wii for Zelda.

If it was like 6 months or something, I can see that making more sense (although, a way bigger dick move then they are already pulling).
C'mon now.

You know someone at Nintendo was saying "Holy shit, do you realize we could squeeze the nuts of the jerks holding out for the GC version by flashing the Wii version a few weeks early?"

They're trying to crack a few heads.

I'm not saying I agree with it (I don't, cuz I want to get both versions), I'm just saying that is what it is.

There's also probably someone at Ninty saying that there are a number of people who don't know which version they want OR are too dumb to realize they are the same game, and thus might buy both.
[quote name='Strell']C'mon now.

You know someone at Nintendo was saying "Holy shit, do you realize we could squeeze the nuts of the jerks holding out for the GC version by flashing the Wii version a few weeks early?"

They're trying to crack a few heads.

I'm not saying I agree with it (I don't, cuz I want to get both versions), I'm just saying that is what it is.

There's also probably someone at Ninty saying that there are a number of people who don't know which version they want OR are too dumb to realize they are the same game, and thus might buy both.[/quote]

Equally as likely, people that don't realize that there will be a GameCube version and thus think that the only way they can play it is to buy a Wii.
[quote name='gunm']Huh, the Wii will be the cheapest next-gen system on the market when it comes out, $50 or not.

Your comment about hardware is interesting speculation, but isn't rooted in sense: for one, game companies always take a loss in hardware. Economy of scale through the product life cycle is what ultimately drives hardware profits (if any) in the long run. Also, inflation would suggest that $250 is probably right in line with previous console releases--not to mention we have no idea how much Nintendo spent on R&D, let alone on producing this stuff, so who are we to judge how much this thing is supposed to be selling for?

Finally, remember too that marketing is just a tool of business. The bottom line is the bottom line and if that means the console needs to be sold at retail for $250, then so be it. Marketing's job is to make people believe that this price is appropriate and to make them want to buy it for that amount. It's when the marketers try to run the show that business gets messed up.[/quote]

Right on...and didn't someone earlier in this thread remind us that the SNES when it came out in 1985 had a launch price of $200. So 21 years later, Nintendo's latest console is coming out at only $50 more? Certainly doesn't seem too bad at all price wise. And has any console in the last decade incuded more than one controller in its basic launch package? I can't think of one.

For those of you calling it a souped up Gamecube...why would you even want to spend your precious $200 on it then? That's double the price of a regular GC so why wouldn't you just stick with that? Just buy the GC version of Zelda when it comes out and save your $ on the system. Problem solved.
[quote name='lawdood']Right on...and didn't someone earlier in this thread remind us that the SNES when it came out in 1985 had a launch price of $200. So 21 years later, Nintendo's latest console is coming out at only $50 more? Certainly doesn't seem too bad at all price wise. And has any console in the last decade incuded more than one controller in its basic launch package? I can't think of one.

For those of you calling it a souped up Gamecube...why would you even want to spend your precious $200 on it then? That's double the price of a regular GC so why wouldn't you just stick with that? Just buy the GC version of Zelda when it comes out and save your $ on the system. Problem solved.[/QUOTE]

I agree with you, but I'm pretty sure you meant to say the NES came out in 1985, not the SNES.
[quote name='gofishn']I agree with you, but I'm pretty sure you meant to say the NES came out in 1985, not the SNES.[/quote]

yeah sorry...muh bad.
[quote name='lawdood']Right on...and didn't someone earlier in this thread remind us that the SNES when it came out in 1985 had a launch price of $200. So 21 years later, Nintendo's latest console is coming out at only $50 more? Certainly doesn't seem too bad at all price wise. And has any console in the last decade incuded more than one controller in its basic launch package? I can't think of one.

For those of you calling it a souped up Gamecube...why would you even want to spend your precious $200 on it then? That's double the price of a regular GC so why wouldn't you just stick with that? Just buy the GC version of Zelda when it comes out and save your $ on the system. Problem solved.[/QUOTE]

someone already made that argument, one of my biggest problems is this is supposed to be about people playing together, but they dont have a second controller with the system. Right out of the box I should be able to play a Wii sports game with someone. Also I have no idea why they did not make Wii sports an online game, it would seem to be the simplest with its simplistic graphics and gameplay. If I want to play doubles tennis with 3 other friends, I will need to spend 120 if I just want the Wiimote, but it seem idiotic to just get the remote without the nunchuk, so it would be 180 bucks to play doubles tennis.

It seems like they made it so difficult to play with other people, 1 controller, 2 seperate parts when buying it, and no online play for people around the world to Wii sports together. Just annoys me greatly.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']someone already made that argument, one of my biggest problems is this is supposed to be about people playing together, but they dont have a second controller with the system. Right out of the box I should be able to play a Wii sports game with someone. Also I have no idea why they did not make Wii sports an online game, it would seem to be the simplest with its simplistic graphics and gameplay. If I want to play doubles tennis with 3 other friends, I will need to spend 120 if I just want the Wiimote, but it seem idiotic to just get the remote without the nunchuk, so it would be 180 bucks to play doubles tennis.

It seems like they made it so difficult to play with other people, 1 controller, 2 seperate parts when buying it, and no online play for people around the world to Wii sports together. Just annoys me greatly.[/QUOTE]

It does seem counterintuitive, I'll give you that.
Does anyone know if there's any way you'll be able to system link the Wii and the 'Cube? I know there was only a handful of games that supported it but that would definetly bump it back up a notch if I could pick up another copy of Mario Kart and play system link with a ton of people.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Does anyone know if there's any way you'll be able to system link the Wii and the 'Cube? I know there was only a handful of games that supported it but that would definetly bump it back up a notch if I could pick up another copy of Mario Kart and play system link with a ton of people.[/QUOTE]

well they did mention about pluggin it in to the internet, so I guess its possible if it does have an ethernet port
[quote name='pop311']$100!!! I thought it was $59.99???[/QUOTE]

No I was asking what was the price for them? $59.99!? That's just as crazy, especially since they don't kick out a HD pic.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']No I was asking what was the price for them? $59.99!? That's just as crazy, especially since they don't kick out a HD pic.[/quote]

It does 480p, it doesn't do 720p - It doesn't do really good HD.

As for why it's so expensive, the DAC chip used for digital out is actually inside of the cable.


Saves on the price of the console for people who won't use progressive scan.
[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']I hope more people pass on it at launch 'cause of the price - it'll make my line waiting experience more pleasant! :)[/QUOTE]

if they have as many as they say they will have, there really isn't much of a reason to wait in line
I don't mind the price of the Wii, especially since we're getting Wii Sports with the system. I wish we would get an extra Wiimote (not even necessarily an extra nunchuck) for that price. Of course, my opinion on that could change since we don't know the Wii's specs yet.
I wish the Wiimotes and nunchucks were a little less, but I'll just pick up one set at launch and wait till I can find deals on 2 more sets.
I don't really care that DVD playback is out since I use my 360, but it would have been cool if we could use the motion sensing abilities of the Wiimote to navagate menus.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']no one knows the cable prices[/quote]

There are 3rd party peripherals for pre-order, odds are they're similar prices to the official one.

Theres a whole thread on it somewhere... I was a little taken aback by 3rd party cables because it's a proprietary chip inside.

But apparantly... Mad Catz is making them.

Any word on if its Region-free for GC games too though?

If I find out it is, goodbye Gamecube/Panasonic Q!
[quote name='botticus']According to a CNet article that Foolman quoted in the poll thread, Nintendo told them a combo composite/component/s-video cable is included.

And from http://wii.nintendo.com:

So if that's true, cost of component cable is $0.[/QUOTE]

From the quote you provided, sounds like you can use any cable, not that it comes with all of them.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']From the quote you provided, sounds like you can use any cable, not that it comes with all of them.[/quote] I'm just too lazy to find the cnet article, that says it comes with them.

To put this to rest until we hear otherwise:


When we asked Nintendo about the A/V hookup, they said the system would include an all-in-one composite-component cable much like the one included with the premium Xbox 360. We did not get to see those cables, so take that one with a grain of salt.
bread's done