Wii $250 - Nov 19th - The Nintendo 2-Day Press Event Thread!

An even bigger crab!!!


On my desk I have a ARC Starfight, a Train Station (the train is on the floor), a boat, the lunar lander, some mech thing, a few parts to different biuldings and some Harry Potter figures. :)
I'd rather have wii info than crabs, but all this lego talk brings back the memories. I still have my old legos in m closet. Mostly the space stufff. Those series were real neat.
I'll give you $5 for them. :D

I also have some pink pieces, two model planes, the space shuttle, a huge Hummer and a small Harry Potter car on the table next to me.

I'm a Townie myself.

I'll go make a Wii out of Legos. :)
[quote name='Foolman']Yeah, Nintendo paid them to report on the wrong conference. :roll:[/QUOTE]

man you know that ment as a joke...but they have been fucking with us till now.... letting us get super excited...i hope it releases b4 ps3 an doesnt fall behind
Space, Town, and Castle sets were all good and fun, but could anything beat just grabbing a huge bucket of legos and going crazy making weird stuff? :)

Nothing was better than building destructable arenas for action figures to fight in! ;)

Just to stay on topic.. Uh, I want a Worms game for Wii, where hand motions are used to toss grenades and stuff..
I'll stay completely on topic.

There is a Lego Batman game coming out sometime, it will most likely be for the Wii.
Just thought i would post. I was at Gamecrazy today and the Nintendo rep was in there. What i heard was that the release date is Nov. 18th and it will be announced tomorrow (Sept. 14th).

No idea of the reliability but it was a Nintendo Rep.

[quote name='wubb']
Probably already covered in the thread, but thought I'd add a few additional details to the OP:

Nintendo's Wii console will come packaged with one Wii remote, one nunchuck attachment, an AC adapter, an audio/video cable, a sensor bar, sensor bard stand, a Wii console stand and two batteries. The US package will also come bundled with a copy of Wii Sports, a compilation sports game that best shows off the mechanics of the system's unique controller. Wii Sports features tennis, baseball, golf and previously unannounced bowling and boxing games.

from: http://wii.ign.com/articles/732/732669p1.html
Nice, and it comes with Wii sports. I'm glad at least one company is staying to the price we've seen for years...I can't imagine paying twice what I've been paying since I started gamin. However I was hopign for a cheaper price tag, and I most likely wont be getting it at launch. If it would have been 150 I would have though =P
Jebus I hope not, that's a total rip-off, since I'm pretty sure Nintendo has already admitted it only costs them about $170 to make them.

You better not do that to us Nintendo or else I likely won't buy one
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']Jebus I hope not, that's a total rip-off, since I'm pretty sure Nintendo has already admitted it only costs them about $170 to make them.

You better not do that to us Nintendo or else I likely won't buy one[/QUOTE]

How DARE they make money from us! They should raise game prices to $60 like the 360!
Yeah $200 is the price we are used to.

It's $250 because they added a lame $50 game to it. fucking Nintendo, I'm not buying one now.
lol even if it was exactly the same I'd still buy it over a 360. Why? Well the games appeal to me a lot more...I buy the systems for the games, absolutely NOTHING for the 360 appeals to me at all right now.

Oh wait gamecube was 200? Im from Canada so I think the GC was 300 for me...if its more than 300 i am definitely not getting it for awhile. I think I'll wait till it drops to like 99-150 like the GC in Canada. Too bad they could have gotten my money had they made it 100 dollars cheaper
I'm kinda confused.

Why would Reggie reveal it in a telephone interview to someone from a local newspaper?

I'll even admit 250 is a bit higher than I'd like it to be.

j.k. that's a fine price which can easily be brought down with trade ins, flipping and all the other tools of the trade. I'm getting one, probably not at launch though.
[quote name='Strell']I'm kinda confused.

Why would Reggie reveal it in a telephone interview to someone from a local newspaper?

I'll even admit 250 is a bit higher than I'd like it to be.[/QUOTE]

Well NoA is based in Washington correct? Perhaps this is a reporter that's close to Reggie?
[quote name='Scorch']250 isnt bad, especially with wii sports packed in.[/QUOTE]


Unless it comes with the supposed 30 games it has, doesn't seem like it's worth 50. It is, after all, essentially a tech demo.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I'm absolutely SHOCKED that they're launching after Sony.[/QUOTE]Same here. The price doesn't surprise me at all; $199.99 would have been nice... but lots of stuff would have been nice. But launching AFTER the PS3?
I'm getting a PS2 =D...actually I was never super excited about the Wii...but I'm really excited that I'll be getting a PS2 now :)

...Microsoft played the market really good here lol...I think they'll get the most from all of this.
bread's done