Wii $250 - Nov 19th - The Nintendo 2-Day Press Event Thread!

Yeah Strell is right, Wii Sports is not worth $50. How about I give them that back and they give me $50 to buy a real fucknig game with. This is a huge disapointment. I won't buy one now for some time.
$250 is a little too steep for a souped up Gamecube, and November 19th is sooooo freaking far, I was expecting Nov. 11th at the latest. I was hoping for a $179.99 - $239.99 price, and a late October/early November release date.
Im waiting till the confrence first. I'd be surprised if they launched AFTER Sony. Unless they are going to try to sell Wiis to those who can't find a PS3....

Since there is no info on how many controllers etc. I will try and reserve judgement for now. $250 is fine for me. Thats $150 less then the 360, and $350 less then the PS3.
What's bigger the Wii launch or the fact that we know when Zelda's finally out? I wonder if the delay has been to finish TP instead of the hardware.
For 250 I'd better get 2 wiimote sets, classic controller, 1-2 downloadable games, free net service, a beefier online experience, AND Wii sports.

I mean c'mon.
....or you could all wait for a few months till Overstock has one of those wonderful coupon/discount deals and get it for $200ish or less.

I'm more worried about what the periphreals will cost, namely a 2nd wiimote/nunchuck.
a few tidbits from the article:

--Wii Sports -- including tennis, golf, baseball and bowling -- fuck yes! Bowling! that'll be fun.

--"Nintendo plans to announce today that about 30 classic games will be available for download when the Wii is released, including ones from the "Zelda," "Mario" and "Donkey Kong" franchises. Downloadable games will cost about $5 to $10 each."

alright, hopefully that's not true. can't pay $5 for a nes game. Can't pay $10 for an N64 game either
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Well NoA is based in Washington correct? Perhaps this is a reporter that's close to Reggie?[/quote]

Except this part (in bold):

Nintendo gets Wii ready for holidays
Company plans to put console on market Nov. 19
Got to say the article disappoints me some, $249.99 is a Wii bit expensive, especially with the tech demo of a game they are packing in. I hope the launch titles are impressive. Heres hoping for some upcoming news to sway me. Not to mention letting Sony launch first, They should have launched a few days before so they could sell as many as they could with out looking like 2nd choice under PS3.
Yeah the point was to get their games to the massives, how would charging more do that? The reason the GC sold as much as it did, yeah it would have sold even less, is because I saw countless people take the bus to Walmart and buy one for $100 or $150 dollars because that they could afford. This is just crazy, it better be fucking wrong.
I'm down with this, for sure. :) I had that glimmer of hope that we'd get some crazy low price like $200, but $250 with a game bundle is what most of us hoped for initially during the E3 coverage and that's what we got, so it's all good.

I wish the release date were sooner, but this gives me more time to do saving. That added time allows me to officially bump my projected Wiibudget to $600 before taxes, so that's good.
I think we all just got too excited about the idea that Nintendo really cared about us and was going to make the Wii pretty cheap to make us happy. They're a big corporation that wants to maximize their profits, that's it and that's all.
How much DID the gamecube sell for at launch in the USA? I wanna compare but i dont even know. And 5-10 bucks american for a VC game is stupid. thats probably like 15-20 canadian and heck no I'd sooner spend 10 bucks and get a newer game for 30 bucks. I'll just stick to emulators :lol:
[quote name='h2dk']Except this part (in bold):

Nintendo gets Wii ready for holidays
Company plans to put console on market Nov. 19

Yeah, I missed the byline.

Anyway, I gotta say this has definetly killed the interest I had in the Wii. I was going back and forth but now I'm think that if I get a Wii it'll be a while from now. After the 3rd party support fell apart for the 'Cube, I was left with a glorified paper weight, I don't want that to happen again.
$250? November 19th? Not what I was hoping to hear. I was planning to buy one at launch if it came out at $200, but I'm going to have to wait on one now.

And I couldn't care less about Wii Sports. How about a real pack-in to go with that price tag?

And who the hell needs a weather channel and web-surfing on this damn thing? I just want to play games. If I wanted to check out the weather, I'd go online with my computer. Imagine that.

Nintendo had better wow me at their news conference or else I'll be passing on getting a Wii until some time next year.
[quote name='Strell']I'm kinda confused.

Why would Reggie reveal it in a telephone interview to someone from a local newspaper?

I'll even admit 250 is a bit higher than I'd like it to be.[/quote]

It's going to be announced very early tomarrow morning in the press conference but Nintendo would probably like it in Thursdays paper not Friday so letting new companies know tonight would be a good idea.

I was hoping for a bit less than $249.99, but it really depends on what the launch games look like.
The only other fishy thing about this is that it makes no mention of any further secrets regarding the controller, which were reported to still be under wraps. You'd think that would be something they'd tout pretty heavily if it were a big deal, which it would have to be if still a secret.

This is all assuming Nintendo's reps weren't full of shit, which they damn well could be.

I dunno. I'm still staying up for the conference to see what's up.

If it's true then oh well. I can't change that. I can call Nintendo stupid for it but I can't change it.
$250 does feel kinda high, I was thinking $230 tops.

I'll still be getting one (assuming this is real) at launch because I'll only be paying for half (thank god for siblings)

I'm holding out for word from the conference, hopefully the official announcement will reveal it to be cheaper.
Man then thats 50 more american and like 100 more Canadian. Heck no am I paying 400 bucks for a console. I'm waiting 2 years or more, till I can get it for 200 with wii sports AND some other game.
if it's going to be packed in with Wii sports, it should definately have an extra wii controller packed in. Otherwise, it's a great dissappointment.

I think nintendo was thinking right on the launch date tho. There will be people wanting a ps3. But when it sells out, they can use those 600+ dollars that they have towards the wii.
[quote name='LiquidNight']$250 does feel kinda high, I was thinking $230 tops.

I'll still be getting one (assuming this is real) at launch because I'll only be paying for half (thank god for siblings)

I'm holding out for word from the conference, hopefully the official announcement will reveal it to be cheaper.[/quote]

Thank God for gamer girlfriends too. $65 for a DS Lite? Awesomeness-ness.
I think its too early to complain until we hear if anything else will be packaged with the Wii. If its just Wii Sports, then yeah, go ahead and complain.

Wii will still be my second console come next gen with PS3 being the first. Doubt I'll be getting a 360 unless I find one dirt cheap.
I'm just going to sit back and watch the conference and hope the article is incorrect. Was really hoping for the $200 price on the console, and I don't want Wii Sports packed in for $50 more.

Also, didn't the Gamecube launch 2 days after the Xbox? And isn't the PS3 scheduled for a November 17th launch... I'd assume they would want to launch before then, but what do I know.
Thats kinda true when you think about it. If the Wii ends up sucking, and they release before the PS3, people will know it sucks and won't buy it. However if its released AFTER the ps3, then everyone who couldnt get a PS3 wont have the ability to wait for the next batch to come, so they'll give in to picking up a Wii. Then they only find out it sucks later, but Nintendo still gets its money!!
I might have believed this so-called "news" if it weren't for one glaring falsity that deals massive damage to seatlepi.com's credibility: "the machine will cost $250 in the United States." How many times have we been promised that Wii would retail for less than $250? If they had said it will cost $249.99, like we all know it will, I could have accepted this. Nice try, SETH SCHIESEL. Besides, we all know The New York Times makes up stories.
[quote name='BIG5']I might have believed this so-called "news" if it weren't for one glaring falsity that deals massive damage to seatlepi.com's credibility: "the machine will cost $250 in the United States." How many times have we been promised that Wii would retail for less than $250? If they had said it will cost $249.99, like we all know it will, I could have accepted this. Nice try, SETH SCHIESEL. Besides, we all know The New York Times makes up stories.[/quote]

I'm hoping the same damn thing.
WIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :D Finally we know when its coming out ^_^ and how much its going to cost !!!! :applause: Lucky for me i'm getting one for free thanks to Michaellvortega and his contest :cool: gosh I can't wait to play Zelda finally ZELDA on NOV 19 !!!!! :bouncy:
[quote name='evachrono']WIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :D Finally we know when its coming out ^_^ and how much its going to cost !!!! :applause: Lucky for me i'm getting one for free thanks to Michaellvortega and his contest :cool: gosh I can't wait to play Zelda finally ZELDA on NOV 19 !!!!! :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

Well, I hate to say I told you so, but, uh... I told ya so. Cool we get Wii Sports, though.

EDIT: I just read through the thread, and man, you guys sound like someone just shit in your cereal. It's only 50 bucks more!
IF this is true, this is indeed a sad few weeks for gamers. We get further confirmation from Sony that they're losing ground and focusing more on hardware than experience, and Nintendo is choosing to release hardware that is slightly more powerful than the Gamecube at $50 more than the GC cost five years ago. I thought Nintendo wanted to focus on mass market with a low price tag? What is the logic of arguing a low price tag if the damn thing is more expensive than their previous generation system (with the only major upgrade being on the controller front?

I won't lose all faith, however. I REALLY hope this isn't real.
[quote name='musicnoteless']how do you do that?[/QUOTE]

add yourself to your friends list, click on your name(highlight), and click the chat button. Erase the default "chat 9010340942390409" and put "cag, then hit invite and it should put you in
[quote name='dmes65']For a few more dollars you can get a 360. It's a lot to pay for a glorified gamecube.[/QUOTE]

You can get the crippled version for $50 more. It's a lot to pay for a dumbed down version of the system.

Anyway, I'm definitely willing to pay $250. Can't wait for this to come out. And I can't fucking wait for TGS because we'll get to see this stuff in action some more.
bread's done