[quote name='tcrash247']What I suggested is hardly "photoshopping in Pandaren" but rather taking the theme of a classic cinematic and improving on it with entirely new scenes. Instead we get battle at sea that had the makings of being extremely cool, then "Herp derp let's fight together and get owned by a panda." WoW cinematics were always epic, this is nowhere even close. The

ing expansion reveal was more epic.[/QUOTE]
You suggested they basically recreate the cinematic from TBC but with the new race/class combos (which was itself very similar to the vanilla cinematic but with a few seconds of Illidan at the end). I guess we can argue semantics if you want.
And like I said, I thought the cinematic was very effective at conveying the theme of the expansion. Trying to force a bunch of "epic" moments in there just for the sake of being epic may have entertained those only satisfied by mindless instant gratification but I don't think it would have made a better cinematic for this expansion.
And to say this cinematic reminded you of Jet Li rather than Kung Fu Panda is just silly to me. It's a panda doing kung fu, pretty much sounds like Kung Fu Panda to me.
Well, yeah. It was a panda doing martial arts. Beyond that it didn't seem to have a lot in common with Kung Fu Panda. Pandaren existed in the WoW universe long before Kung Fu Panda was even a thing.
Do you also think Eminem and Vanilla Ice have a lot in common because they're both white and have had successful hip hop careers? Or maybe you think Brad Pitt and Robert Pattinson have a lot in common because they're both actors who have been in movies about vampires. Doesn't sound right to me but to each his own I guess.
[quote name='Jodou']What's weird is every expansion trailer so far had a clear villain yet this was just Kung Fu Panda. At least it was a little humorous to compensate.[/QUOTE]
This cinematic didn't include a clear villain because unlike all previous expansions this one doesn't focus on a single Saturday morning cartoon type villain. The focus is on the Horde vs. Alliance conflict and how the introduction of the Pandaren affects it. That was pretty clearly on display.