[quote name='JasonTerminator']I remember back in the day, a group of mine ran to BFD and we ran into an night elf 10 levels higher than us, and that was a challenge, and fun. But a bunch of dudes just ganking somebody with no shot of winning seems like you're just being a bunch of dicks.[/QUOTE]
Oh don't misunderstand, we're not like my professor (he reveled in ganking lowbies). Rather, we assert dominance over those who by all means should be equal opponents. Sure, I may take a pot shot at a lowbie here and there, but for the most part if they give me a /scared, /beg, /salute, whatever, then I'll let them go on their merry way. It's when someone ganks US that we let our rage-filled sadistic tendencies to the surface. We make them regret their hubris, and indeed I think most of us have had an alliance log over at some point or another to either bitch us out, compliment our thorough ravaging of their city (true story, he thought there was at least twice as many of us as there really were), or apologize and beg us to leave them be.
I cannot wait to go leveling, it never fails that most people silly enough to jump me don't bother to level with a PvP trinket on, and never expect me to be wearing one.
Oh don't misunderstand, we're not like my professor (he reveled in ganking lowbies). Rather, we assert dominance over those who by all means should be equal opponents. Sure, I may take a pot shot at a lowbie here and there, but for the most part if they give me a /scared, /beg, /salute, whatever, then I'll let them go on their merry way. It's when someone ganks US that we let our rage-filled sadistic tendencies to the surface. We make them regret their hubris, and indeed I think most of us have had an alliance log over at some point or another to either bitch us out, compliment our thorough ravaging of their city (true story, he thought there was at least twice as many of us as there really were), or apologize and beg us to leave them be.
I cannot wait to go leveling, it never fails that most people silly enough to jump me don't bother to level with a PvP trinket on, and never expect me to be wearing one.