[quote name='Dogpatch']If anyone is on the fence about coming back to WoW, now is probably a good time. The revamp of all the old zones definitely help out the leveling from 1-60. Some areas are still blah, but the majority of it is alot better. Leveling a dwarf shaman and enjoying it. Though I did not need another alt
As for Hiccupleftovers question, from what I hear for lvl 85 on beta, mages are going fire spec. Though some enjoying frost. Seems the divide for raid specs is narrowing down abit. Arcane was pretty much the raid spec for the last expansion. You can pretty much go with the spec you enjoy now. There will always be people theorycrafting on what is best spec, but its alot closer now it seems. I enjoyed frost on my mage, but raid in arcane. Never really tried fire. Might play with it a bit since the toon is dual specced.
The talent revisions of the last patch really screwed up the scaling for everyone. Blizz set it up to scale for 85 correctly. Kinda messed with the levels beneath that. Though they just corrected the 1-79 scaling I think.[/QUOTE]
To the first part of your post, I know you can just sit and wait for a dungeon group and then spam that extremely quickly to get multiple levels practically instantly. I did that on one of my alts starting at lvl 60 and managed to get him to level 62 after doing just two dungeon raids. It was so

ing sick because I remember how long it took me to grind on my other characters once I hit 60.
Yeah, I ended up reading around, and like you said, a lot of people were mentioning Fire spec as the one to go for, especially for quick and easy leveling, so that's what I ended up going with for the time being. I can always dual spec/add another spec, but I've always been a fan of the Fire mage.
Also, I thought I would just throw this in at the bottom of my post. I love how whoever did this managed to get this to be the number video result on google for "cataclysm flying mount" :lol:
Not exactly sure how he did it, but it definitely doesn't seem like a private server. Perhaps a glitch or something?