WrestleMania 21 Thread

Yeah, the sign out/back in is annoying. I'm glitching all over the place now.. I hope it's not this way online. I'll try later tonight or tomorrow.. if it does, i'll exchange it for something else, I guess, and rebuy it through Gamefly in a few weeks. The only four i'd have to decide between are Midnight Club 3, Jade Empire, Forza, and Area 51. I LOVED the first demo of Area 51, but heard the second one sucked.. and I have played and like both MC3 and JE.. might go with Forza.. who knows. We'll see.

Ooh, or Pariah..
getting hella pissed off at the people playing this online half of my matches quit rather than losing when you play in the championship mode.
[quote name='$hady']getting hella pissed off at the people playing this online half of my matches quit rather than losing when you play in the championship mode.[/QUOTE]

So, rather than you winning their created titles, they just quit? How could they have finished the game without acknowledging that?

Online play sounds fun, but poorly thought out an implemented.

[quote name='guyver2077']scorch how did you get so much money? it takes forever for me....[/QUOTE]

Action Replay! I cheated.
[quote name='Scorch']Action Replay! I cheated.[/QUOTE]

how dissapointing...thats not expected from someone who is looked at as a rolemodel on these boards..

and im still mad about no entrances in online mode...
how dissapointing...thats not expected from someone who is looked at as a rolemodel on these boards..

Why does it matter? All it did was give me money. I did it to unlock more stuff for the CAG belt that I was going to make, but i'm not a legend. I'm still playing through career mode.. just with new stuff unlocked. It's not like I'm going to cheat on XBox Live or anything.
[quote name='Sojeph']You own action replay and used it for this game. Thats enough right there....[/QUOTE]

It's two completely different subjects. There is a huge difference in cheating and cheating online to interrupt other people's games.
I can vouch for Scorch. I've only played him on this game, but he certainly did not cheat whatsoever and, contrary to what some of you may expect from reading his forum posts, he's a very cool and genuinely nice guy.
He's just using the AR to see what more he can unlock. It's not as though he's getting an unfair advantage online. I'm gonna give this game a week to see what other fixes are in. Sounds like fun though.
I actually did use the money to buy attribute points and beef up my CAW, but it literally had no effect on his performance.. and I don't use CAW's online.. sooo.. yeah, there's nothing wrong with cheating in single player modes to get the most out of your game.. but cheating and unlocking cars for games like Midnight Club 3 or NFSU2.. that's not cool.
[quote name='mykevermin']So, rather than you winning their created titles, they just quit? How could they have finished the game without acknowledging that?

Online play sounds fun, but poorly thought out an implemented.


That is really weird -- especially considering another THQ game with online, Juiced, is going to queue cars in virtual space when you do online races for pink slips.

I feel bad for all you guys who keep trying to dig the game, but its glitches and bugs are killing the experience. You shouldn't have to tolerate so much just to have fun.
I have experienced very few rare glitches and bugs. I don't need tolerate anything to play WrestleMania. I honestly enjoy the game, and so do quite a few people I know who have been playing wrestling agmes just as long as I have, if not longer.

It seems to be one of those games people either love or hate.
So Scorch your turning in your copy for credit? and the glitchs/bad gameplay is still there, and wins/losses aren't on live scoreboards, and people can quit out of matchs so they don't lose their titles? This game has been a flop for me. I think I'll play it once in awhile and build up my caw for LIVE, but I doubt I'm gonna play this much anymore now, especially after experiencing the awesomeness that is Pandora Tomorrow on Live last night, and with new Halo 2 maps out and what now... not to mention SF:AC and all my other racing games still kick ass.
Just got this e-mail today from THQ:

After further investigation into the WrestleMania 21 manufacturing error at the disc replicator, we discovered that the WrestleMania 21 game disc released to consumers may also cause certain off-line problems that can not be addressed by the Autoupdate that was made available to gamers via Xbox Live Friday evening.

We are currently working on a solution to address the off-line issues. We will advise you of our progress by a further post to this website as soon as we have additional information.

Again, we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused and thank you for your patience.


THQ Customer Service

[quote name='The Dord']Just got this e-mail today from THQ:

After further investigation into the WrestleMania 21 manufacturing error at the disc replicator, we discovered that the WrestleMania 21 game disc released to consumers may also cause certain off-line problems that can not be addressed by the Autoupdate that was made available to gamers via Xbox Live Friday evening.

We are currently working on a solution to address the off-line issues. We will advise you of our progress by a further post to this website as soon as we have additional information.

Again, we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused and thank you for your patience.


THQ Customer Service


Any further verification of this, peeps?

Keep us posted on that news. Hopefully they get it squared away within the next few days. WrestleMania 21 plus 3 month Live Starter Kit at BB sounds good.
Weren't you going to reacquire it from gameFly anyway?

And Steve, has your Live account expired or something? Just wondering since you mentioned the 3 month Starter Kit.
Well, update for you guys straight from Studio Gigante. They are filing for bankruptcy and as a result my friend got laid off the other day. Here is what went down with THQ:

Studio Gigante made contact with THQ regarding an incorrect pressing (yes, believe it or not you are NOT playing the final version of this game,my freind thinks THQ did it on purpose o_O). Studio Gigante requested that THQ give them 3 days for a full-fledged patch, THQ said "1 day for an online patch and that is all".

So, to THQ: fuck YOU.
[quote name='slimpip']Well, update for you guys straight from Studio Gigante. They are filing for bankruptcy and as a result my friend got laid off the other day. Here is what went down with THQ:

Studio Gigante made contact with THQ regarding an incorrect pressing (yes, believe it or not you are NOT playing the final version of this game,my freind thinks THQ did it on purpose o_O). Studio Gigante requested that THQ give them 3 days for a full-fledged patch, THQ said "1 day for an online patch and that is all".

So, to THQ: fuck YOU.[/QUOTE]

Putting out a non-final version means that (1) based on poor word of mouth, WM21 will sell fewer copies than if it was good, and (2) THQ dumped money into SG to develop the final portions of a game they would not put out. Why in the world do you think THQ would sabotage their own bottom line?

Or SG's, for that matter? Perhaps they will go with another developer next time around, but that doesn't necessitate destroying the previous one. How in the world did SG go bankrupt, anyway? I figured that, as a developer, the publisher bankrolls the whole thing. Someone tell me what I'm missing.

[quote name='mykevermin']Putting out a non-final version means that (1) based on poor word of mouth, WM21 will sell fewer copies than if it was good, and (2) THQ dumped money into SG to develop the final portions of a game they would not put out. Why in the world do you think THQ would sabotage their own bottom line?

Or SG's, for that matter? Perhaps they will go with another developer next time around, but that doesn't necessitate destroying the previous one. How in the world did SG go bankrupt, anyway? I figured that, as a developer, the publisher bankrolls the whole thing. Someone tell me what I'm missing.


I'm not saying THQ, did it on purpose, I think it was a flat out boneheaded mistake by whoever pressed the discs. I think my buddy is just a little bit pissed that they did all this work and now not only his job has been taken away, but all the hard work he and hiss teammates put into the game goes unnoticed.

As for THQ, rather than repressing and doing a recall (more $), or just quietly releasing an "updated" WM21, they're going to do what is smart for them and try to keep it under wraps. If they were to do anything related to a re-release or recall, THQ would lose LOTS of money and their reputation would take a huge hit and they'd be in a VERY bad position (how many people want to do business with a compnay who can't even get the right game out to people?).

As for SG going bankrupt, I have no idea. Maybe WM21 was going to be their last hurrah or hope as Final Fantasy 1 was for Squaresoft, only instead of having a huge success as FF did, WM21 fell short of what was expected around the industry. Because of that, SG can't be expecting much support from publishers, because all publishers will say is "why would we support a game made by Studio Gigante (or contract SG to develop a game)? Those guys made that piece of shit WM21. If they can't make a decent wrestling game that will actually sell well, how can we (as a publishing company) make any money from a different genre game that doesn't appeal to half of the audience wrestling does?". And all THQ does is sit back and say "we made no mitake, this is all on Studio Gigante". And who are you gonna believe if you're a publishing company, fellow publisher THQ or small developing company SG?
SG was asking for it in the first place making all of those different betas for the reviewers before the game comes out. Now they mixed up the final with a beta. LOL! I know someone got reamed for that one.
[quote name='slimpip']I'm not saying THQ, did it on purpose, I think it was a flat out boneheaded mistake by whoever pressed the discs. I think my buddy is just a little bit pissed that they did all this work and now not only his job has been taken away, but all the hard work he and hiss teammates put into the game goes unnoticed.

As for THQ, rather than repressing and doing a recall (more $), or just quietly releasing an "updated" WM21, they're going to do what is smart for them and try to keep it under wraps. If they were to do anything related to a re-release or recall, THQ would lose LOTS of money and their reputation would take a huge hit and they'd be in a VERY bad position (how many people want to do business with a compnay who can't even get the right game out to people?).

As for SG going bankrupt, I have no idea. Maybe WM21 was going to be their last hurrah or hope as Final Fantasy 1 was for Squaresoft, only instead of having a huge success as FF did, WM21 fell short of what was expected around the industry. Because of that, SG can't be expecting much support from publishers, because all publishers will say is "why would we support a game made by Studio Gigante (or contract SG to develop a game)? Those guys made that piece of shit WM21. If they can't make a decent wrestling game that will actually sell well, how can we (as a publishing company) make any money from a different genre game that doesn't appeal to half of the audience wrestling does?". And all THQ does is sit back and say "we made no mitake, this is all on Studio Gigante". And who are you gonna believe if you're a publishing company, fellow publisher THQ or small developing company SG?[/QUOTE]

Interesting. The proof, they say, is in the pudding (a saying that I despise, but I digress). Wouldn't someone on SG's staff have access to the "final" copy, as well as access to the gaming press, to show that THQ is the company at fault?

Sure, SG may shoot themselves in the foot if they do that (what publisher would hire a developer that would sell them out for their mistakes?). However, as much as I shouldn't be, I'm surprised that THQ would do this, and not replace it somehow.

I'd be even more surprised that, if what you say is true (and given the quality of the game, I have no reason to doubt you), that someone, somewhere will find out about it and go public with this fact.

I still haven't read any further verification that THQ has acknowleged further problems beyond XBL; can anyone corroborate the e-mail a few posts above?

[quote name='Sojeph']SG was asking for it in the first place making all of those different betas for the reviewers before the game comes out. Now they mixed up the final with a beta. LOL! I know someone got reamed for that one.[/QUOTE]

..and you're suggesting that other, more popular games don't have multiple betas?
[quote name='Matt Young']And Steve, has your Live account expired or something? Just wondering since you mentioned the 3 month Starter Kit.[/QUOTE]

Nope. I was considering cancelling since I really only play the league games on ESPN consistently and maybe a few games here and there if I have time. I'm also looking to travel all summer so I wasn't sure it was worth it to continue. After a lengthy talk with the girl working the phones, I switched to a monthly plan.

Might work out great should I make some changes. Been wanting to start up with a new GT anyway. Probably the same as my CAG one if it's not already taken.

As for the WM21, I certainly hope there's no sense of foul play from THQ. If there is and SG is just getting the short end of the stick, as bad as the game may seem, I would go ahead and pick it up.
Dont know if you can trust this or not

but there are a lot of topics over at gamefaqs saying the same thing. EB, BB, and Gamestop are not taking the game back as trade in or selling the game either. They're saying that THQ and Microsoft have sent an email saying to stop selling the current copies because they're not the final version.
[quote name='TheRock88']Dont know if you can trust this or not

but there are a lot of topics over at gamefaqs saying the same thing. EB, BB, and Gamestop are not taking the game back as trade in or selling the game either. They're saying that THQ and Microsoft have sent an email saying to stop selling the current copies because they're not the final version.[/QUOTE]

hopefully that is the case, b/c we deserve a better game than what we were given. especially after all of the wait. so far i don't like the post patch game, just got it from gamefly the other day; but maybe with time it will grow on me....idk

If I have an unfinished copy and they release a new one, this thing'll become a collector's item.. i'm so torn on whether or not to trade it in.

(For the record, GameCrazy still takes it)
[quote name='Scorch']Ooh!

If I have an unfinished copy and they release a new one, this thing'll become a collector's item.. i'm so torn on whether or not to trade it in.

(For the record, GameCrazy still takes it)[/QUOTE]

I can see the eBay title now:


...you do have a point, however.
For the record, I'm still skeptical. Any online confirmations of stores not taking/selling it? It was available on EB this morning.

I'm trying to get ahold of my brother but he won't answer his phone. He's either at work or asleep.. he'll probably just act like i'm stupid and say trade-in works fine on it..

Yeah, a botched/recalled copy would be great for collectors..
If they recall this game and release the correct version, I might have to pick it up. I'll have to see what gamestop says about it first though ;)
If it wasn't confirmed before, it is now.. EB is no longer taking Wrestlemania.. my brother mentioned something about a disk replacement, but he didn't know what's going on.. so yeah, so much for trading it in. I don't think they're selling it anymore, either.
[quote name='Scorch']If it wasn't confirmed before, it is now.. EB is no longer taking Wrestlemania.. my brother mentioned something about a disk replacement, but he didn't know what's going on.. so yeah, so much for trading it in. I don't think they're selling it anymore, either.[/QUOTE]

Same here except it was at Gamestop. They had tons of copies behind the glass last time I went (Friday). Came by this morning to pick up RE O2 and they were all gone. Asked the guy and he said that he couldnt sell them anymore.
Well, I, for one, apologize for any fanboyish prickdom that resulted in discussing the pros and cons of what has become a pre-release version of the game.

...good thing I'm not a Marxist, or I'd be far more analytical of this scenario than necessary.
I just checked out GameFaqs board.

Scorch, I'm glad you're willing to traverse there, and we all respect your skills in translating what is posted over there into legible english that we can understand.

...there's a really bad joke somewhere about a "WrestleMania Recall," is there not?
[quote name='mykevermin']I can see the eBay title now:


...you do have a point, however.[/QUOTE]

Hey, I still have my "rare" PS2 Viewtiful Joe 2 demo that will destroy save data......
Here's a nice quote from gamefaqs...

[quote name='Cloud1092'] Don't wait for the recall, write WWE and tell Jim MacMahon you want someone other than THQ making their game. [/QUOTE]

bread's done