XBLA - Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix - 1200pts

Akuma can be a little pain in the ass if you try to play him with an orthodox strategy. I never heard of the T.Hawk method that Jimbo mentioned, but I'm sure it works like a charm. If you're having trouble beating him remember he's a computer and will fall into a rhythm if you as a player perform certian moves. So essetially you can control his actions a little. I used Sagat's standing HK method that got me a perfect on him. I've also heard a way with Cammy.
Using Zangief to Spinning Lariat/green hand through Akuma's fireballs and causing return damage, also works well. Lariat'n through the fireballs, and responding with a spinning pile driver is very fun.
[quote name='Jek Porkins']A really crappy bug has come up for ranked matches wherein your rank simply disappears and goes to 0.

I went from around 350ish to about 45000th in a matter of moments. No idea what's causing it, but I sure hope they can resolve it quickly.[/QUOTE]

Do you lose your wins and losses to? Was finally gonna have the time to sit down and do the 100 wins achievement...
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']Do you lose your wins and losses to? Was finally gonna have the time to sit down and do the 100 wins achievement...[/QUOTE]

No, the win/loss record is still right, just the ranking system seems messed up, which gives me hope that the actual rankings can be straightened out later. It really only affects me because I care about my ranked standings somewhat. I'll get over it, I guess. :)

i dont get that either. im 20/24 and and im last in my leaderboard because of the 0 rating. :/

side note just got the 20win ranks, slowly getting to that 100 win achievement.
[quote name='masked lemon']I don't understand the Sagat strategy, I could never hit him with the HK.[/quote]

I wish I could find a video of it cause once I figured out Akuma's little game it was cake. At first I spammed the hell out of HK with no avail, but then I realized I had to time it better. Once he feel into a groove he didn't leave it and he became easy to predict.

Not sure why I'm explaining it since you beat him anyways. ;)
[quote name='Rodimus']I wish I could find a video of it cause once I figured out Akuma's little game it was cake. At first I spammed the hell out of HK with no avail, but then I realized I had to time it better. Once he feel into a groove he didn't leave it and he became easy to predict.

Not sure why I'm explaining it since you beat him anyways. ;)[/quote]

Is this to what you refer?

[quote name='necrojustice']I'm sick and tired of all the online opponents using nothing but super cheap tactics. I fully regret my purchase.[/QUOTE]you suspect the use of a lag switch or sumthin?
Not that I know of. It's not that the match quality is bad, it's the way the players act.
I fought an akuma that did nothing but air fireball into a sweep all the while switching sides. I couldn't block any of it nor get out.

Shit like that happens every single game. It just isn't fun.
tbh i try to make people not jump in matchs w/ bison. cheap and effective...Just inair Strong, rejump strong strong. game is really all about spacing and tick throws. after i accepted that I am having a blast w/ the game. I am only medicore w/ 2 characters & the rest im definitely lost with....but its still a lot of fun to play.
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[quote name='necrojustice']Not that I know of. It's not that the match quality is bad, it's the way the players act.
I fought an akuma that did nothing but air fireball into a sweep all the while switching sides. I couldn't block any of it nor get out.

Shit like that happens every single game. It just isn't fun.[/QUOTE]

You can block / get out of that. You just have to learn the game better.

Don't make assumptions about how competitive gameplay works.
[quote name='necrojustice']Not that I know of. It's not that the match quality is bad, it's the way the players act.
I fought an akuma that did nothing but air fireball into a sweep all the while switching sides. I couldn't block any of it nor get out.

Shit like that happens every single game. It just isn't fun.[/QUOTE]who are you using?

there's ways out of a lot of traps, but some characters can just overwhelm others also

try doing a crouching short once u get out of blockstun from the fireball to out-prioritize akuma's sweep... it often works against Guile's jab sonic boom sword n shield so it may work against Akuma also
I hate when people call legitimate tactics "cheap", if you can't get out of my trap, you need to work on your skills more.

I'm horrible, yet I'm able to trap these d00ds and I get messages bitching about how "I'm a fucking cheap fucker". :lol:
Yeah, even the creator of the game says that. If you can't stop them when they do the same shit over and over, you need practice.

Don't get me wrong- it's frustrating as hell. I'm usually on the losing end and I can get destroyed by people repeating the same tactics. But I'm pretty inexperienced with fighting games.
I run into quite a few people that do that, but just like a computer they tend to have a certain pattern. I usually find it out in the first round. I may not win the match, but at least I don't let them keep doing the same thing over and over again.

With more practice I know I will be able to render their cheap tactics useless. Just cause their tactics still doesn't make them any less cheap than they are.
A Ryu/Ken/Akuma that stay on the opposite corner and all they do is Hadoken. Don't try anything else. I mean of course those are the easiest guys to take care of...but it just gets annoying hearing Hadoken over and over and over again.

Another one that annoys me is the Guile who stays on the opposite corner just Sonic Boom have to go to him to get flash kicked. At least it's better than the Hadokens as he has some plan...it still annoys me. I forgot who I was using. Since there was no mic usage one thing I did was just jump over the Sonic Boom for most of all the round just to see if he would do anything else...and nope he didn't. I think it was E. Honda I used cause I'm not sure, but think I stopped him by using Honda's butt slam.

I guess I consider them cheap tactics when they just annoy me to no end because it is all they do and never change their plan of attack. I mean to let a whole round go cause you will just stay in a corner throwing Sonic Booms cause that is all you know how to do? I mean I've had some awesome Guiles beat the hell out of me, and none had to resort to just his special moves.
I'm not a Guile player (GuilewasNK can clarify this) but I'm pretty sure the flash kick/sonic boom tactic is pretty vital to Guile players. Anyway, you could of used Honda's head torpedo (using jab) to nullify the sonic boom.

I'm not very good at Street Fighter, but I do know that spacing and restricting the movement of the opponent is a big part of the game. I use Ken and I will use hadoken pretty often, there are ways to nullify it with various characters, but for those who don't they will often jump in and then I can use a shoryuken to knock them out of the air.

I get called cheap for doing that, even though it's like one of the most fundamental tactics in Street Fighter. I'm trying to restrict your horizontal and vertical movement, I don't even do it for the whole match even though I have every right to.
The only thing I ever consider truly cheap anymore is someone that will cheese or super cheese you. If you are frustrated with how someone is playing, thats up to you to change your tactics. All's fair in love and war. I've learned to loosen up and not live by the high and mighty code of ethics because at the end of the day, you either lose and get mad, or you win/lose and have fun. Up to you. :)

I'm probably more offensive with Guile than most Guile players, that might bite me in the ass, but I can turtle with the best of them too.
The Akuma match was annoying because the guy kept doing an air fireball very low off the ground and then going into a hard sweep. The way he was doing it he would end up on the other side of me when doing the sweep. It was literally as soon as my character turned around that I was getting sweeped. I saw what was happening but there was just no blocking it.
Cheap? This SF is balanced... you can't be cheap here. If someone is using the same tactic over and over again just mop the floor with them and move on to the next guy. In the Akuma situation you're talking about.. don't let him get that close, use anti-airs.
[quote name='yukine']I'm not a Guile player (GuilewasNK can clarify this) but I'm pretty sure the flash kick/sonic boom tactic is pretty vital to Guile players. Anyway, you could of used Honda's head torpedo (using jab) to nullify the sonic boom.

I'm not very good at Street Fighter, but I do know that spacing and restricting the movement of the opponent is a big part of the game. I use Ken and I will use hadoken pretty often, there are ways to nullify it with various characters, but for those who don't they will often jump in and then I can use a shoryuken to knock them out of the air.

I get called cheap for doing that, even though it's like one of the most fundamental tactics in Street Fighter. I'm trying to restrict your horizontal and vertical movement, I don't even do it for the whole match even though I have every right to.[/QUOTE]

That's why I said, at least the Guile was better than the Hadokens over and over again. Though you're gonna tell me that just spamming Sonic Booms when you see I'm not getting hit with any of them is completely fine? I understand the whole Hadoken and Shoryuken there. If you even do that to me I wouldn't call anyone a cheap fucker. Hell I don't call anyone names cause I really hate people in the game getting pissed about a fighting game. I get beat, I get beat.

The Ryu/Ken I run into, all they do is Hadoken-Hadoken-Hadoken-Hadoken. They attempt to do nothing else. Not to mention I didn't say I lost to these guys, I just find it annoying. Especially since just about every match I run into is a Ken or Ryu. I did lose to that Guile but the deciding round was close.

I get annoyed and move on. I just wrote about it since someone was talking about what they considered cheap tactics. In all honesty the writing sounds a whole lot worse than it is. Cause I have a blast playing this game and do not regret it one bit. I have no character as I just use random and really enjoy playing with them all. Sure I get beat real bad at times, but to me the awesomeness about this game is that you can keep playing.

It brings me back to my childhood at the arcade playing against people. Except now if you do lose you have an endless supply of tokens.
Man a few days of non-playing and I'm getting my ass whupped heh.

On another note, so is it being common of people using a lag switch then? I tend to avoid players if they have terrible lag. I just played against a Ryu using T. Hawk and there were times where I would have him in a hold but all of a sudden he was on the other side of the screen fine. I also saw stars over him for a second and there was no recover...he was just fine and dandy.
Yeah I don't know if I consider things cheap but rather I consider them more annoying.

I play Zangief a lot so people love to try to cheese me. The other night I was playing Guile and all the guy would do is Sonic Boom.

I had a damage lead on the guy but all he would do is sit in the corner and Sonic Boom waiting for me to get close and eat a flashkick.

So I just stood there on the opposite side lariatting all the Sonic Booms and won by time out :l
uh... if someone is in the corner throwing fireballs or sonic booms, just time your jumps... and whoop his arse... simple enough no?
[quote name='evophile']Yeah I don't know if I consider things cheap but rather I consider them more annoying.

I play Zangief a lot so people love to try to cheese me. The other night I was playing Guile and all the guy would do is Sonic Boom.

I had a damage lead on the guy but all he would do is sit in the corner and Sonic Boom waiting for me to get close and eat a flashkick.

So I just stood there on the opposite side lariatting all the Sonic Booms and won by time out :l[/QUOTE]lol!

IMO, nothing is truly "cheap" except for stuff that is totally outside the parameters of the game. Like someone intentionally lagging (which I suspect happens much less than people think it does), or like throwing your coat at the screen during local multiplayer or something. There are "lame" players however; and while I couldn't justifiably accuse them of being cheap, I could definitely call them lame and mean it!

A "lame" player, in my opinion, is someone who will repeatedly beat you with the same character, using the same tactics every time, despite the fact that you keep picking someone different! It's not "cheap" but it's just boring. It's different when you've got a full lobby and you can get a fun "winning streak" angle going, with everyone gunning to take the guy down - that's actually kinda fun. But when it's just one-on-one and the guy never changes anything up? LAME.

Constant counter-picking one's character in unranked games is also lame (not a problem in HD Remix though!). It's more obnoxious in a game that suffers from a few balance issues. I hate when, in UMK3, I random select onto Sheeva... and then the guy just goes right for Smoke. LAME.
is this where all the hd remix players went? to the xbox forums?

i also hate fireball spammers and people who just sit in the corner and sonic boom.

it gets really boring beating them over and over. i like a challenge.
Ok now I need some help,
I bought this game and really wanted to enjoy it but...
I can't do most of the special moves in the game.
On moves where it's a quarter-circle or even a half-circle I can do them just fine but on moves where it's left-right+P I can't do them no matter how many times I try (Torpedo, Psycho Crusher, Etc.).
Like I said I love everything else in the game but I just can't seem to be able to any of these moves.
I'm playing on a controller BTW.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I don't know what it means by "charge" but then again moves like the lariats and green hand I can do succesfully every single time.
[quote name='kenkaze']Ok now I need some help,
I bought this game and really wanted to enjoy it but...
I can't do most of the special moves in the game.
On moves where it's a quarter-circle or even a half-circle I can do them just fine but on moves where it's left-right+P I can't do them no matter how many times I try (Torpedo, Psycho Crusher, Etc.).
Like I said I love everything else in the game but I just can't seem to be able to any of these moves.
I'm playing on a controller BTW.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I don't know what it means by "charge" but then again moves like the lariats and green hand I can do succesfully every single time.[/quote]

Hold back 2 secs then push forward and punch. Not that hard really. I'm diggin my joystick more and more for this, even if it is just a Hori.
I kill untrained shotos with Zanny everytime. Sitting back and throwing fireballs is the worst thing you could do. I don't mind taking a hit in order for me to get close enough. Zangief's jumping HP reaches halfway accross the screen.
[quote name='mike.m']Hold back 2 secs then push forward and punch. Not that hard really. I'm diggin my joystick more and more for this, even if it is just a Hori.[/quote]

i use the controller a lot. kenkaze uhh best to charge w/ Down+back OR Back depending on how u wanna block....then u can just flick to foward + punch as mike.m said. you can charge while blocking.
most scrub Shoto loves to j.HK, c.HK and they are pushed back. So you can charge back..block high, block low, forward + p and headbutt or Psycho crush them, if u get the timing right after the block... u will receive a "reversal attack" Its not a guaranteed hit. they can still srk you because of the invis frames but it will help you understand how to charge/block at the same time.

If you wanna get more advance with charging u can do a combo for Dictator like... j.HK > c.MK > Psycho Crush. it takes a bit of practice(im still learning it) but it has a chance to daze. Also for bison again... j.HK > s.LK > c.MK > SK...does stupid damage & guarantee daze. I am having a hard time starting the charge right after the jump so i can get the PC off or SK when needed. practice practice practice. :F
I finally clawed my way back over a .500 record, I'm now like 52 and 48 or something. I got the 0 rating bug too but I don't care much about that. Just playing for my 100 wins. :)
Yesterday, I was in a room and the top player had 90 wins. He must have been in that room for a loooooooooong time.
Is it just me or does this happen to a lot of other people?

I get in a ranked match and

  1. my opponent just sits in the corner and waits for me to attack and is not offensive what-so-ever
  2. every single time I'm about to win my 3rd round the other player disconnects. "EVERY SINGLE TIME" and I've played maybe 20 or so ranked matches. So, this means I've not won a single ranked match!

Maybe I'm not playing at the right times (late night) but this has absolutely turned me off to playing ranked matches and I have never been able to find any available player matches or get anyone to join any player matches I create.
I thought that you would get the win regardless if the person disconnects, but you would not get the win towards the Master of All Things Achievement. I may be wrong. I've never encountered anyone who does those things though. Then again the latest I've played it has been at about 11 p.m.
[quote name='D4rkewolfe']I thought that you would get the win regardless if the person disconnects, but you would not get the win towards the Master of All Things Achievement. I may be wrong. I've never encountered anyone who does those things though. Then again the latest I've played it has been at about 11 p.m.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='necrojustice']I have the game on PSN. Does anyone have a hard time connecting sometimes and it never keeps track of wins/losses?[/quote]

It's always hard to connect to a game in fighting games cause there's only 2 player lobbies and most of the time someone will beat you there. And if you're looking at your wins/losses in pre-game lobby I don't think they're supposed to appear. It's to keep people from disconnecting before a match even starts just because they're afraid of their opponents stats. You can view your record in the leaderboards.
the #1 Remix Overall on 360 is Some guy from Japan with 800+ Wins and 27 Loses
I couldn't imagine someone playing that much already

All i need is the 100 ranked games achievement, after that i'll wait for SFIV
Good use of $15 while it lasted
[quote name='garrett_in_the_hat']Has anybody else been having problems with people disconnecting? Also is there a penalty for disconnecting?[/quote]

[quote name='woodcan']Is it just me or does this happen to a lot of other people?

I get in a ranked match and

  1. my opponent just sits in the corner and waits for me to attack and is not offensive what-so-ever
  2. every single time I'm about to win my 3rd round the other player disconnects. "EVERY SINGLE TIME" and I've played maybe 20 or so ranked matches. So, this means I've not won a single ranked match!
Maybe I'm not playing at the right times (late night) but this has absolutely turned me off to playing ranked matches and I have never been able to find any available player matches or get anyone to join any player matches I create.[/quote]

I didn't run into this until last night. I had a guy diconnect on me when I beat his Akuma with Bison. He disconnected at the winning pose.

It can't be that hard for the person disconnecting to get an automatic loss and the other person the win. NBA 2K9 does this already. Quite frankly, it is the only thing that ruins an otherwise great game.
Did I miss something? What happended to the ranking? All of a sudden I dropped from 1,000 to 43,000. I don't really care about ranking but I'm gonna stop playing ranked matches now. Since I got all the acheivments.
bread's done