Xbox One on the way. DRM removed, more details to come.

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While it wasn't a great press conference, I can at least be happy that this crap is out of the way for E3. Now, if they rehash the "how a TV works" demonstration during E3, then you can get your pitchforks. it's a new console. They have to explain how it's different and some things that are useful and exciting to some people might not be useful and exciting to others. They claimed that they'll be showing many of the "15 console exclusives" at E3. Give them the benefit of the doubt, and show a little patience. Some people just like to complain.
Pretty boring, but I'm glad a few things were settled mostly like the always online, used games, and no BC.

E3 will be fun.
This was pretty painful.

1) It's already confusing enough when people say "Xbox" but they mean "360" when talking about games/consoles. "Xbox One" just sounds like the original system, sort of how the original Playstation wasn't numbered when it came out but everyone calls it the PS1 now.

2) I want a game console to play games primarily. Additional functionality is a bonus, not an incentive. They spent 30 minutes talking about cable TV integration before they even mentioned videogames. I don't own a TV or have cable, couldn't care less.

3) 90% of the games they talked about were sports. I don't think there are two things I care less about than sports or cable TV.

I realize plenty of people do care about those things, but I don't like the direction they're steering the gaming industry at all. At least Sony jumped right into games and really talked up how they designed the system to be developer friendly. Nothing about the Xbox reveal today makes me remotely interested in it.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']well would you rather have more games today and less tv stuff or have mostly games at e3 an less tv stuff[/QUOTE]

I could care less about E3 to be honest, this is way more important imo. But still, even if they showed 5 games today and 10 at E3 I would be pleased.
people saying oh not alot of gameplay and more tv. the question i have is do you want to get the tv and other things out of the way or have it at e3. With that stuff out of the way you can pretty much know that the hour long e3 conf will be showing off the 15 games and most launch titles.
[quote name='Donut2922']Wow. This is the biggest news of the day.[/QUOTE]

To build on that, from that article, we now know:

No backwards compatibility
You HAVE TO install games before you play
Used games have to pay a fee before they work
If you get banned/hacked, all your discs are now worthless piles of junk

The one plus:
You don't need a disc to play since it all installs on the hard drive.

Whoopee? Also, how is it going to authenticate the discs? You HAVE TO BE ONLINE the first time you play a game. That's the only logical way this works.
[quote name='willardhaven']I think it looks pretty cool. I don't know why some of you are fighting over it. It's a video game system...[/QUOTE]

Yeah, and they didn't show any video games.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']they just said on spike tv system don't always have to be always online when playing games[/QUOTE]

Not always, just that moment of registering it.
So I've learned everything outside of what those 13 other titles are, the price and if It's backwards?
It is backwards?
at least we know this gen each system will be the same power in the system. The thing that will be dif in this gen is exlusvies and 15 xboxone only games is a GIANT list. sony announced what five to six ps4 only games.
[quote name='M3wThr33']To build on that, from that article, we now know:

No backwards compatibility
You HAVE TO install games before you play
Used games have to pay a fee before they work
If you get banned/hacked, all your discs are now worthless piles of junk

The one plus:
You don't need a disc to play since it all installs on the hard drive.

Whoopee? Also, how is it going to authenticate the discs? You HAVE TO BE ONLINE the first time you play a game. That's the only logical way this works.[/QUOTE]

till all that comes out of microsoft mouth i will not think it's true they already said you don't need to be online all the time to play games
To be fair that article isn't 100% confirming it. But sounds very suspicious, why would you want to pay a fee to install a game unless it HAD to be installed...
[quote name='M3wThr33']Yup. Right here:

Goodbye used games.[/QUOTE]

Wow, so it seemed obvious retail games weren't going to be backward compatible but for Arcade and DL games to not be backward compatible for either system is a real slap in the face. "Yeah, you spent all this money already but..." I mean how are they credibly going to sell any digital content over the next 6 months?
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']at least we know this gen each system will be the same power in the system. The thing that will be dif in this gen is exlusvies and 15 xboxone only games is a GIANT list. sony announced what five to six ps4 only games.[/QUOTE]
How do you know if majority of those 15 exclusive games won't be kinect games instead of hardcore games?
[quote name='willardhaven']I think it looks pretty cool. I don't know why some of you are fighting over it. It's a video game system...[/QUOTE]
Why do fights break out over football overseas? Actually, nevermind they're batshit crazy over there about footie lol. But seriously, gaming is a passion to some and we want it to succeed.
[quote name='4thHorseman']Not always, just that moment of registering it.[/QUOTE]

um did you watch it? he was asked if xbox one is always online system he said it works just like 360 if you want to play online games or steaming then you have to have a internet connection. video games don't need online access. he never once said anything about registering the game
[quote name='Jodou'] I was very disappointed that in the 12 or so years they've learned nothing about gamers except what sells well.[/QUOTE]

Can you read that sentence back to yourself a couple times? What sells well is all that Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo should be concerned with.

I think Sony and Microsoft are going to have just as hard a time as Nintendo this generation. I think gaming is going to see a crash of sorts this generation. I could be absolutely wrong, and for me to be wrong Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo have to concern themselves with sales, not internet fanboys and girls.

The controller looks good, it's going to play CoD and EA games. There's going to be Forza, Halo and Gears of War. In 3 weeks maybe you'll see some Japanese game that you want to play at E3. What's the complaining about?
How old is this guy? He's typing and structuring sentences like a ten year old. I for one was open minded to the X-Box One but after this, I couldn't care even less. I want a console for games and I don't even have cable in my room. Always online doesn't matter to me as I have Internet, but damn, fees for used games? fuck that!
15 exclusives, 8 new franchises. Halo and Forza will be in that group. How many of these "new games" will be kinect titles or some other worthless nonsense. I have a 360 and PS3 but honestly I'm liking Sony more these days, I feel as if they are more focused on games these days. I'll hold more judgement until after e3.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']at least we know this gen each system will be the same power in the system. The thing that will be dif in this gen is exlusvies and 15 xboxone only games is a GIANT list. sony announced what five to six ps4 only games.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but at least Sony announced names and showed something on those exclusives. If only 15 are being worked on, but they aren't confident enough to announce titles/studios yet, how many of those are actually going to make it out?
[quote name='M3wThr33']To build on that, from that article, we now know:

No backwards compatibility
You HAVE TO install games before you play
Used games have to pay a fee before they work
If you get banned/hacked, all your discs are now worthless piles of junk

The one plus:
You don't need a disc to play since it all installs on the hard drive.

Whoopee? Also, how is it going to authenticate the discs? You HAVE TO BE ONLINE the first time you play a game. That's the only logical way this works.[/QUOTE]

I'm concerned about the PS4. They only acknowledged that used games would still work. But this used game fee would still make that claim true.

I'm surprised nobody else is picking up on that in this thread. Everybody is just concerned about the TV features....
[quote name='Chris in Cali']This made me feel really good about my Wii U.[/QUOTE]

Hahahhahah this is probably the most apropos way to describe that press conference.
[quote name='bardockkun']Guys, we'll never understand this stuff despite our arguing because this is some rocket science stuff right here.[/QUOTE]


nice callback
As somebody who buys every console (but buys my multiplatform stuff on 360), I was mostly bored with the whole thing.

I don't care about EA Sports, Forza or CoD. The name is crummy and the damn thing looks like an un-sexy PC at this point (or a DVR system or something). I also don't like hearing this is running on Windows kernel.

That being said, the whole thing actually went exactly as I expected. I really didn't bank of getting to see games. I hope they deliver at E3.
if i remember ps4 press conf thye also spent pretty decent amount on other things then games. People need to realize this day and age sony and microsoft are trying to get non gamers to buy their systems for things like entertaiment and sports.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']um did you watch it? he was asked if xbox one is always online system he said it works just like 360 if you want to play online games or steaming then you have to have a internet connection. video games don't need online access. he never once said anything about registering the game[/QUOTE]

But unlike the 360, as pointed out in the article from Wired, you will need to purchase a pass if you buy it used to play it regardless if it's multiplayer or single player.

If red flags don't come up when they don't answer what happens if you don't buy that pass (which sounds awfully similar to a current online pass), then you aren't paying attention.
[quote name='4thHorseman']Not shocked. And this would help explain why EA dropped online passes.[/QUOTE]

You need to pay to install on a 2nd/3rd account but you can still play it with the disc in the drive is the word on the street.
The security measures are a deal breaker for me honestly. I shouldn't have to pay a fee to borrow or lend a game amongst friends.

I'm hoping for more clarification at E3. The disc-only used game setup doesn't sound bad at all.

E3 and this holiday season will be very interesting.
So it really IS no used games then? (okay, so it requires a fee to be passed on = same deal IMO) Wow. This is the end of the line for me if the PS4 doesn't require the same.
Just read the Wired article. It's pretty fucking nuts.

I'm thinking the tied to GT is actually more of a tied to console thing. It would make no sense to have One Game tied to One account on a console that supports multiple account. I doubt MS would do this, but then again it's MS so they may very well be.

You game but also have 2 kids with 2 separate GTs? Buy the game 3x or one game and pay 2x fee. Fee is probably going to be as close to retail as they can make it. Goodbye gaming if they crap is true.
[quote name='willardhaven']Can you read that sentence back to yourself a couple times? What sells well is all that Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo should be concerned with.[/QUOTE]
And look what it's done for Nintendo. Driven off 3rd party support and once diehard Nintendo fans like myself. Sony has proven time and again they're willing to take risks on new IPs, taking the good with the bad. Not every game has been an Uncharted but at least they're trying. Maybe M$ can get back on track in a year or two with these new IPs, but for now I'll be keeping my eye (and money) on Sony.
[quote name='bardockkun']Guys, we'll never understand this stuff despite our arguing because this is some rocket science stuff right here.[/QUOTE]
I couldn't believe that lol. I literally said aloud "When Xbox can take us to the moon, then it's rocket science."
I'm pretty much an Xbox fanboy and that presentation was lame. Sports, TV, sports, TV, more sports and TV, Halo... THE TV SERIES, not the game. Even Call of Duty looked dumb.

The most positive thing I saw was that they do not appear to have screwed up the controller.

Please God show us some actual games at E3!
[quote name='willardhaven']The controller looks good, it's going to play CoD and EA games. There's going to be Forza, Halo and Gears of War. In 3 weeks maybe you'll see some Japanese game that you want to play at E3. What's the complaining about?[/QUOTE]

It would have been nice to see something other than EA sports garbage, Forza and a stupid CoD trailer. Sony had gameplay footage and focused a lot on games, this had none of that.
e3 will be the true telling on which launch exlusive games will be better. On the other hand on other stuff not about games what i seen from xbox in that area today impressed me. thankfully e3 is only two and half weeks away.
Used Games behind a Pay-wall
You have to register the game with Xbox Live before you can play/install it
Terrible name

Seriously, I didn't think they could fuck it up, but by gawd they did!
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I'm pretty much an Xbox fanboy and that presentation was lame. Sports, TV, sports, TV, more sports and TV, Halo... THE TV SERIES, not the game. Even Call of Duty looked dumb.

The most positive thing I saw was that they do not appear to have screwed up the controller.

Please God show us some actual games at E3![/QUOTE]

I love how everyone made fun of the PS3 for being media centric (lolz, no gamez!) and now the One is media centric.

All jokes aside, I think it's good that they got the non-gaming out of the way now... I'm guessing E3 will be all about the games for all next gen systems (hopefully).

Additionally, based on what this looks like and the teaser image of the PS4, it looks like both consoles will look like DVRs. Can't say I mind though, as long as you can stack them.
[quote name='Jodou']And look what it's done for Nintendo. Driven off 3rd party support and once diehard Nintendo fans like myself. Sony has proven time and again they're willing to take risks on new IPs, taking the good with the bad. Not every game has been an Uncharted but at least they're trying. Maybe M$ can get back on track in a year or two with these new IPs, but for now I'll be keeping my eye (and money) on Sony.[/QUOTE]

They said most of their 15 games in development that will come out in the first year and most of them are new ip.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I'm pretty much an Xbox fanboy and that presentation was lame. Sports, TV, sports, TV, more sports and TV, Halo... THE TV SERIES, not the game. Even Call of Duty looked dumb.

The most positive thing I saw was that they do not appear to have screwed up the controller.

Please God show us some actual games at E3![/QUOTE]

at least they got the tv stuff out of the way. they have 15 games to show off at e3 will take most of the e3 conf to do that.
[quote name='screwkick']If this used game nonsense is true...R.I.P Gamestop and GameFly.[/QUOTE]

im hearing that it's not a must to install games on hd you can still play game on disc for free
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