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The DVR recorded game of thrones last night but my next night off isn't until tuesday.

The choice comes down to either watching it (and giving up an hour of precious, precious game time) or playing games and reading about it online.
Man, destructoid has been shitting on SOCOM hard (as with a few other sites). I'm still going to pick it up tomorrow though...
Game of Thrones was pretty tight. I'm not familiar with the books so I went in completely blind, only knowing that it takes place in medieval times and I found myself highly enjoying it.
The gamestop closest to my house is doing a midnight release of socom. I'm need to get some supplies.

And I found out today my car insurance is going to be cut in half when I get my degree.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']I need to get the fuck away from Tmobile ASAP. What good plans do you guys have that you could recommend?[/QUOTE]

If you want a smartphone and you're not on a family plan I'm pretty sure the most economical choice is Sprint. $100 unlimited. Once the AT&T thing does through I'll be switching to Sprint so I don't have to be with AT&T. Evo 3D probably.
I mean, if you text and use the phone often and want data it's the best deal for a smart phone. You won't get near unlimited for $100 from AT&T or Verizon (capping data soon I think).
[quote name='Temporaryscars']I need to get the fuck away from Tmobile ASAP. What good plans do you guys have that you could recommend?[/QUOTE]

My dad's wife has been pretty happy with her LG Optimus phone($150 or less) on Virgin Mobile w/ the $25/month plan(300 minutes, unlimited web/text)
[quote name='manthing']My dad's wife has been pretty happy with her LG Optimus phone($150 or less) on Virgin Mobile w/ the $25/month plan(300 minutes, unlimited web/text)[/QUOTE]

I've been looking at the virgin mobile phones myself. For the web browsing, how fast would you say is it? Also, does it only work in hot spots or can it work pretty much anywhere?
[quote name='manthing']My dad's wife has been pretty happy with her LG Optimus phone($150 or less) on Virgin Mobile w/ the $25/month plan(300 minutes, unlimited web/text)[/QUOTE]

I thought they were axing those all-you-can-eat buffets.
I would rather be shot in the gut than having to train my god damn replacement until Thursday. I done being a fucking secretary and just want to go back to focusing on getting a real fucking job.
[quote name='JStryke']I've been looking at the virgin mobile phones myself. For the web browsing, how fast would you say is it? Also, does it only work in hot spots or can it work pretty much anywhere?[/QUOTE]

It's fast enough, between .5-1Mb/s. And the VM smartphones work wherever Sprint works.

[quote name='Temporaryscars']I thought they were axing those all-you-can-eat buffets.[/QUOTE]

I haven't heard anything about VM killing unlimited data.
So no layoffs in our dept. Our budget defecit went from 800k to 37k. Apparently our city manager wanted our division to pick the majority of the 1.4M tab. City council persuaded him to evenly distribute the debt amongst all dept. Looks like my friends will keep their jobs for now.
I hate weeks like this. Long days so it feels like I have very little if any time to game. Just beat Bulletstorm, but don't see myself even bothering to start a new one until next week thanks to my shitty schedule. And to top it all off, it's going to rain all day on my work days. Why can't it rain on my off days instead? :(
[quote name='Maklershed']Kind of in a gaming lull right now but I'm sooo excited for LA Noire. GotY 2011?[/QUOTE]

Gears 3 beta is pretty damn fun. As for LA Noire, I know I'm going to buy it, but I haven't decided on where. I currently have $30 RZ Certs from Best Buy, so that's looking like my best bet.
[quote name='becuzimbrown']Hey sean, wanna eat brownies with me tomorrow?

Made them especially for you[/QUOTE]

Proposing my thesis tomorrow to my committee. Gotta bring a snack for them. You know what to do.
[quote name='seanr1221']Proposing my thesis tomorrow to my committee. Gotta bring a snack for them. You know what to do.[/QUOTE]

I'll hook it up for 5 bucks each. Just make sure they eat them 1 hour before you propose your thesis and you're golden.
Hate having to go to Costco for one set of groceries and then a seperate trip to the grocery store for what's missing.
[quote name='eldergamer']Hate having to go to Costco for one set of groceries and then a separate trip to the grocery store for what's missing.[/QUOTE]
We do Costco, Kroger, and then finally Publix for produce, meat and dairy (that are not bought at Costco)- I also go to Target every Monday and grab some grocery items there as well.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Portal 2 just now got here after being out for delivery since 8 AM. UPS sucks.[/QUOTE]

I'm dead last on my dude's route so when shit goes out for delivery I get a good 13 hours of waiting left.
[quote name='Eviltude']I'm dead last on my dude's route so when shit goes out for delivery I get a good 13 hours of waiting left.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, the FedEx guy around here is much better, as he'll stop by early on and if nobody's around, he'll stop by a few hours later just in case.
Debating if I want to attempt going to Best Buy tomorrow before work or on my off day Thursday to pick up Portal 2. The former probably giving me a quicker chance to play it since I don't have to worry about getting dressed Thursday if I don't want to.
Dude, I am sooooo gonna buy this.

[quote name='Eviltude']Birds circulate air through their parabronchi on both the inspiration and expiration.[/QUOTE]

don't care. it's still painfully cute.
Christina Hendricks apparently guest appeared on Body of Proof on ABC just now. People in the western time zones should check it out. She's not as hot as she is in Mad Men, but she's still pretty sexy. Not to mention she is probably a better actress than most of the regulars on the show.
Saw Scream 4. I actually rather enjoyed it. I mean, it's ridiculous, sure, but isn't that the point?

Although I was disappointed that this old spoiler image from slashfilm wasn't actually present in the final cut:
Hate having to go to Costco for one set of groceries and then a seperate trip to the grocery store for what's missing.
My mom used to go to 3 different stores.

When i move, I will be doing about 75-80% of my shopping at Aldis, and the rest will either be at Cub or Target for fruit and produce. Aldis is way cheaper, and I can be a proud German! You've gotta put up with some inconvenience like bringing a quarter for a cart and some bags, but that's the European way!
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