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Gamestop's and Smash Burger's logos are exactly the same right down to the color, so from now I'm calling Smash Burger GameBurger and Gamestop SmashStop. I wonder if this is by accident?


[quote name='Maklershed']Are they nihilists?[/QUOTE]
IDK- could be- one of them did have a nice rug in the back of his car the last times I was there. It was probably stolen.


[quote name='2DMention']They must be because they like to pay less money.[/QUOTE]
Not really, its more austere and emotionless shopping event for them, there is no like or dislike to it; Just stoic cost savings for offbrand/ rebranded/ imported goods.

Actually, it's mostly Guatemalans and Brazilians at my Aldi.
ICO/SotC collection and The Last Guardian being delayed is probably the worst news I've heard since I found out Santa Claus is dead.
[quote name='h3llbring3r']

Actually, it's mostly Guatemalans and Brazilians at my Aldi.

It's whiteville to the ones I go to, but I would imagine the Minnetonka or St. Louis park one I'd go to would be one of the whitest in the U.S.
Dead tired from a day trip yesterday to NYC, via the MegaBus. Damned MegaBus was over an hour late going home, so we had to stand around in the rain waiting for it. We did have umbrellas, but still. The main thing is that it is not possible to start playing Portal 2 while asleep. At least I don't think so.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Well shit, work is closed Sunday. There goes my streak.[/QUOTE]

What was the final tally? 40 something?
I would work 52, but the office is completely closed Sunday. No possible way to actually work. 51 (Saturday) will have to be my limit. And trust me, I really want to reveal what I'm on.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']I would work 52, but the office is completely closed Sunday. No possible way to actually work. 51 (Saturday) will have to be my limit. And trust me, I really want to reveal what I'm on.[/QUOTE]

Well, if you're staying late, it's like you're working an extra day, man.
When you put in a 20 hour day, that's like 2.5 days on the count. :cool:
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Well, if you're staying late, it's like you're working an extra day, man.
When you put in a 20 hour day, that's like 2.5 days on the count. :cool:[/QUOTE]

If you keep working 18-20 hour days, you're not going to be the only one losing their god damn mind.
Trashman and I beat the Portal 2 co-op campaign.

(It was tight.)
Morning, OTT.

To see what all the hulabaloo was about, I decided to fire up Portal(1). I don't get it. The voiceover work is awsome, though.

Number84 loves it however...Diff'rent Strokes...Diff'rent Folks.
Portal 2 is great so far, and the little robot ball guy is awesome. I'm only in chapter 2. I'm playing on the 360 and have put on my hat.
Got a call from my realitor yesterday that said the bank wants to push the closing out a month. I couldn't be more re-leaved because it won't fall on or close to my vacation.
We should have had a TV in our bedroom a long time ago. Loved playing Portal 2 while sitting comfortably on the bed. Of course now I have to consider getting a 2nd Xbox - dragging the one from the living room upstairs and back down was a bummer. Will check Amazon Warehouse deals for a good price. Also need to get an antenna for TV, though we don't watch TV much.
[quote name='crunchewy']We should have had a TV in our bedroom a long time ago. Loved playing Portal 2 while sitting comfortably on the bed. Of course now I have to consider getting a 2nd Xbox - dragging the one from the living room upstairs and back down was a bummer. Will check Amazon Warehouse deals for a good price. Also need to get an antenna for TV, though we don't watch TV much.[/QUOTE]

Depending on how the reception is at my new place, I might have to get basic cable. I usually have good luck with 30 year old TVs or RV antennas.

I think it's a conspiracy of the satellite and cable companies that no stores sell good antennas or none at all.
Rabbit Ears work perfectly fine the others are mostly rip-offs.


Last day at work. They brought in a metric shit ton of dougnuts from a local bakery.
My only day off until next Wednesday (not counting Easter where I'll be out out of state) and work tries to call me in.

Instead, I'm watching George Carlin on netflix and then playing Portal 2 (maybe).
Heading to the land of stone, rocko, and Whipsmartbanky in two days. :whee: :beer:

Unrelated: I was just in Windows 7 training for work and now I want it for at home. F vista mang.
[quote name='Maklershed']Heading to the land of stone, rocko, and Whipsmartbanky in two days. :whee: :beer:

Unrelated: I was just in Windows 7 training for work and now I want it for at home. F vista mang.[/QUOTE]

Lucky you. We're still sporting XP, & Office 2003 at my work...and we're the leading payroll company :/

We just got approved to upgrade from IE6 to IE8 a couple months ago. They keep telling us that Windows 7 is just around the corner but its all talk until it actually happens.
[quote name='Maklershed']Heading to the land of stone, rocko, and Whipsmartbanky in two days. :whee: :beer:

Unrelated: I was just in Windows 7 training for work and now I want it for at home. F vista mang.[/QUOTE]
Fort Myers? How long will you be in town? We should meet up if you're in town when I get home.

Also I think Stoneface dropped off the face of the earth. I might text him. It's so sad that I've been here all year and never met up with him ;___;
Hey guys. Just dropped in to say I'd play Portal 2 with you guys if I had Portal 2 but I don't so ill be going. Later.
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