You needn't play at war for General Gaming -- Thread 7

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Just finished Metroid Prime 3. 90% complete in a little over 13 hours. And it was a fuckin' phenomenal game -- easily my GOTY so far.
[quote name='Chacrana']Just finished Metroid Prime 3. 90% complete in a little over 13 hours. And it was a fuckin' phenomenal game -- easily my GOTY so far.[/QUOTE]
My GOTY is still
The Darkness
. I don't know why, but I just really really liked that game.

Also related to that game, Team Ninja and Ninja Theory should look at that game if they want to know how to do hair the right way in video games.
And my "meh..." feeling with finishing BioShock concludes with a sale on Amazon. I'll probably pick it up again when I can get it for
[quote name='whoknows']
Might be the best Ratchet game.[/quote]
Can't wait to pick this up on the (23rd is it?) of October. I'm in love with the Ratchet Franchise, probably my top franchise (in top 3 for sure).
[quote name='Silent Assassin120']Awesome man just awesome I can't wait to get it! The R&C games have always been my favorite platforming games. It's great to know that this one (so far) hasn't disappointed. :)[/QUOTE]I could say the same myself. I bought all Ratchet games near release and love them all.

Anyway, I played lots of Warhawk today and nothing else. Haven't played 360, PS3, and PS2 in a few days, but if my project goes good, I'll reward myself and play them.
[quote name='daroga']I just realized that as far as retail 360 games go, the only keeper I've found is GH2. It's got a lot of great games, but everything I've played is really a one-time-only thing. Maybe Halo 3 will be different.

Apossum, enjoy Tomb Raider Legend. I played the 360 version earlier this year. I hadn't touched a TR game since I messed around with one on a friend's Saturn in high school. I really, really enjoyed the game. Not one I'm likely to replay (see above ;) ), but it was a good game and a lot of fun.[/QUOTE]

agreed about keepers on the 360. the games I owned the longest were DoA4, Dead Rising, and Senko No Ronde. oblivion obviously lasts the longest, but the 360 is just not the way to go with that game at all...

Speaking of which, I hear TRL is like 6 hours long. Have you tried Anniversary yet? Just wondering if I should keep an eye out for that as well.

To counter the awesome platforming in TR, I played some HL2...Valve really needs to take lessons from Retro on first person platforming. :)
[quote name='Apossum']agreed about keepers on the 360. the games I owned the longest were DoA4, Dead Rising, and Senko No Ronde. oblivion obviously lasts the longest, but the 360 is just not the way to go with that game at all...

Speaking of which, I hear TRL is like 6 hours long. Have you tried Anniversary yet? Just wondering if I should keep an eye out for that as well.

To counter the awesome platforming in TR, I played some HL2...Valve really needs to take lessons from Retro on first person platforming. :)[/QUOTE]

TRL is short, definitely. 6 hours seems like a good estimate. Anniversary is great too... and it's a longer game. It's far more focused on the puzzles and adventure aspects though.
[quote name='Chacrana']TRL is short, definitely. 6 hours seems like a good estimate. Anniversary is great too... and it's a longer game. It's far more focused on the puzzles and adventure aspects though.[/QUOTE]
I was kinda disappointed with how light on story Anniversary was, still a very good game though.

I quit playing it for some reason...can't remember why.


TRL !=

[quote name='Chacrana']TRL is short, definitely. 6 hours seems like a good estimate. Anniversary is great too... and it's a longer game. It's far more focused on the puzzles and adventure aspects though.[/QUOTE]

cool. Hopefully TRA will pop up at half price books sometime soon (along with another shipment of $6 copies of Psychonauts!)

Rolento-- just when I thought Total Request Live was erased from existence...NOT COOL MANG.
Ha ha ha, Drawn to Life is quite amusing.

At least, the very first parts of it are. Creating a decent-looking 2D avatar is hard, but the results are interesting to say the least. The actual game is well, I dunno, I haven't played so much of it because I was too busy trying to draw the damn avatar and then go post an impression here. Basically, it's your average 2D side-scrolling platform game with some top-down lite adventure elements in-between. While it's a bit limiting to have to stay within the template, it's necessary for the fuzzy-logic animation algorithm to kick in. At least there's a code to bring up an "animal" template to add a little more variety.

Ultimately, it's satisfying to see your creations come to "life" (groan), as it were.

Some pics in this post (spoiler-ish):

I'd really like to see what other CAGs can do. I know some of you out there are fantastic artists/photoshopper-types and can do light years better than the crap I whipped up.
Playing Sly 2.

I was disappointed that Sucker Punch is doing Infamous instead of a next gen Sly and then I realized I never beat 2 and never even played 3.

Sony has some awesome IP's with Sly, Ratchet, and Jak. We have a next gen Ratchet, now where's Sly and Jak? :bomb:
[quote name='whoknows']Playing Sly 2.

I was disappointed that Sucker Punch is doing Infamous instead of a next gen Sly and then I realized I never beat 2 and never even played 3.

Sony has some awesome IP's with Sly, Ratchet, and Jak. We have a next gen Ratchet, now where's Sly and Jak? :bomb:[/QUOTE]Well, we'll see, but to an extent, I know why SCE's devs do this. They kind of like to keep it open to their devs as to what they want to create, and SCE usually prefers creating platform specific franchises. Spyro and Crash were designed with the PS1 in mind to hide its limitations. Jak and Ratchet were designed with PS2 in mind to hide its limitations. As much as I love Ratchet and think it looks good, there wasn't a whole lot Insomniac could do to improve the look of Ratchet himself (since he was designed around what the PS2 could do), and the game will probably get slammed by reviewers for not being too different from other Ratchet games. That's part of the reason Naughty Dog went with Uncharted, since the PS3 power finally allowed them to make a realistic looking person. I like Sly too, but what can Sucker Punch really do with the PS3 power??? Yeah, I'd love a new Jak and so on, but not too sure if/when it will happen.
Uncharted is one of my most wanted games, but I would have taken the next Jak game over it anyday. Still, I'm excited to play it.

As for the graphics in Sly, they could probably do something to make it look a bit better. I think it looks great as is, but people are more picky than I am when it comes to graphics.

And probably true for Ratchet, but I still see it getting high review scores regardless.
[quote name='jer7583']Disturbing!

But hilarious![/QUOTE]


Pleasant surprise today, as I got Warhawk (the actual BRD) for my B-Day.

Booted it up and played a few games. I can safely day this is easily the best PS3 game yet, or at the very least, the best multi-player PS3 game. Seriously, I haven't had this much fun with online multi since Counter-Strike on the original Xbox. Finally happy about my PS3 purchase :D

Still I had one major gripe: assholes who just can't stop talking about the "console wars". It's like almost everyone with a mic was Whoknows or Mana Knight. One person wouldn't STFU about all the bad reviews Lair got, gave us a 15 minute, in depth review, then proceeded to rant about about how all Nintendo games suck (at which point I just took my tiny ass headset off and chucked it to the side). Before that, it was another guy that went on, and on, and on, and on ( and on, and on) about how awesome PSN is and how paying live was "mad gay" as he put it.

Other than that, all the games I had were simply awesome, especially the ones I had while my mic was charging.

[quote name='The Mana Knight']Well, we'll see, but to an extent, I know why SCE's devs do this. They kind of like to keep it open to their devs as to what they want to create, and SCE usually prefers creating platform specific franchises. Spyro and Crash were designed with the PS1 in mind to hide its limitations. Jak and Ratchet were designed with PS2 in mind to hide its limitations. As much as I love Ratchet and think it looks good, there wasn't a whole lot Insomniac could do to improve the look of Ratchet himself (since he was designed around what the PS2 could do), and the game will probably get slammed by reviewers for not being too different from other Ratchet games. That's part of the reason Naughty Dog went with Uncharted, since the PS3 power finally allowed them to make a realistic looking person. I like Sly too, but what can Sucker Punch really do with the PS3 power??? Yeah, I'd love a new Jak and so on, but not too sure if/when it will happen.[/QUOTE]

I doubt they intentially wanted to start over with IPs. Crash and Spyro were yanked away from Naughty Dog & Insomniac, and made multi-platform because universal saw more money in it.

Isn't the Jak series finished? Never beat 2 or even played 3, but I remember hereing that Jak 3 was the end of the storyline. Either way, it's refreshing to see a company do something different, and this will be the first time ND gives us something that isn't "Crash-esque".

As for R&C getting slammed, I can see that happening to an extent, but you have to factor in the reasoning. We got THREE R&C games in three years, followed by an off-shoot game the next year and a portable adaptation the year after. Instead of pumping out a R&C yearly, they should have taken the Nintendo route an released R&C 1 & 2 two to three years apart, followed by R&C on PS3. This way the first two would have gotten some extra polish, while R&C 3 would have easily been the PS3's killer app, rather than just another good game.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I'm not a big Halo fan, but that has nothing to do with it being popular (well, a little, but like 5%). The main reason has to do with my interests in FPS being low.[/QUOTE]
Erm, didn't you have a Killzone 2 avatar?
[quote name='pete5883']Erm, didn't you have a Killzone 2 avatar?[/QUOTE]Yes, because Killzone is one of the few FPS I liked.

Anyway, Never4ever, Naughty Dog even said themselves they wanted to make a new franchise for PS2 in the first place, that completely took advantage of the PS2. The design of Crash Bandicoot (although popular), just wouldn't translate too well on PS2 or any newer console (that's part of the reason Crash isn't too good anymore). A few series from Japan (such as Hot Shots Golf, Wild Arms, Ape Escape, and GT) will appear on most every platform, but this appears to be what SCEA likes to do (the only franchise off the top of my head to appear on three platforms by them was Syphon Filter, but even that didn't translate too well to PS2 (like SCEE Liverpool's Wipeout, which also didn't translate well).
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Yes, because Killzone is one of the few FPS Sony Made.[/QUOTE]

Fixed. You're welcome.

To Eternal Sonata, or not Eternal Sonata??
[quote name='jer7583']Fixed. You're welcome.


Sony didn't make Killzone, Guerrilla Games did, who at the time signed a deal with sony to release killzone only for the ps2, that's why it was a first party sony game. Even after guerrilla made killzone, it was up for anyone to grab to be an exclusive company to their console, whether it be microsoft, nintendo or sony. It wasn't until december of 2005 that sony bought guerrilla so they would only make games for sony's systems.

just helping you get the facts straight :)
[quote name='SL4IN']wow. I really didn't expect sega rally revo to be this good.[/QUOTE]I plan to download the demo. I've been a little slow because when I originally checked, it wasn't there. :(

[quote name='jer7583']Fixed. You're welcome.

To Eternal Sonata, or not Eternal Sonata??[/QUOTE]I like PDZ. I'm not into Socom and Sony publishes it. Btw, did you see the Nerdy/Geeky stuff thread in off topic?
[quote name='InuFaye']Team Fortress 2. Sooooooooo good.[/QUOTE]

I'm going to try out a match now, then play for reals tonight. I haven't played the old one, but the way people talk about it has me pretty hyped.
[quote name='Chacrana']Revo actually turned out? I was hoping it would, and the videos I saw of it did look intriguing...[/quote]

yeah it came out like a day or so ago. it's soooo good. my only complaint (if any) is that there isn't any damage models, so your car never gets beat up or anything, but I will say the particle effects and just the overall of how dirty your car can get/wear on the track shows much better here than on DiRT. both are great games btw. also, I finally cracked and downloaded the skate demo and I'm enjoying it, but right now it's only warranting a rent from me.
[quote name='SL4IN']yeah it came out like a day or so ago. it's soooo good. my only complaint (if any) is that there isn't any damage models, so your car never gets beat up or anything, but I will say the particle effects and just the overall of how dirty your car can get/wear on the track shows much better here than on DiRT. both are great games btw. also, I finally cracked and downloaded the skate demo and I'm enjoying it, but right now it's only warranting a rent from me.[/QUOTE]

I'm a huge fan of Outrun, so I'm used to Sega's bizarre, hella-Japanese racing games, so I'm definitely pretty hyped for Sega Rally. Guess I'll try the demo today then.
I like DiRT better, but Revo is ok. The only thing I could see that was different/better than DiRT was the track deformation. Not a day one for me--I can definitely wait until a good price drop for that one as I have Forza2, DiRT, and the upcoming PGR4 to keep me happily racing along. yay downloadable demos!
[quote name='InuFaye']Team Fortress 2. Sooooooooo good.[/QUOTE]

after the 1 match I tried, I can fully agree with this :D

If any Gaming OTTers are down for a match tonight, post up. I'm going to hop on around 9 central-- I also suck completely.
I just finished Fable after 10 hours even. I'm gonna go back at a later time and do all the sidequests and max out my stats.

Now I'm gonna finally plow through KOTOR in China (a.k.a Jade Empire).
Going back and trying to finish Oblivion or at least get some more points in it before Halo 3 comes out. Only thing that sucks is my copy is kinda scratched but since I got it for free I cant complain.
[quote name='SL4IN']you play counter strike right apossum?[/QUOTE]

nope. I was considering Source, but not with TF2 on the way.

So how do I play Team Fortress? Do I need to commit to something like a preorder? I'm not doing that.

to play right now, you have to pre-order the Orange Box on Steam. and I think it's $20 or $30 without the box.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']

Isn't the Jak series finished? Never beat 2 or even played 3, but I remember hereing that Jak 3 was the end of the storyline. Either way, it's refreshing to see a company do something different, and this will be the first time ND gives us something that isn't "Crash-esque".

As for R&C getting slammed, I can see that happening to an extent, but you have to factor in the reasoning. We got THREE R&C games in three years, followed by an off-shoot game the next year and a portable adaptation the year after. Instead of pumping out a R&C yearly, they should have taken the Nintendo route an released R&C 1 & 2 two to three years apart, followed by R&C on PS3. This way the first two would have gotten some extra polish, while R&C 3 would have easily been the PS3's killer app, rather than just another good game.[/QUOTE]
The Jak story is kinda over, but they made Jak X (which I have yet to get) which was story driven.

I don't see the point of releasing R&C 1 and 2 years apart since they were very well made games and I didn't really see any places in 2 that needed more polish. Sure they made Ratchet games frequently, but they were quality games.
[quote name='whoknows']Playing Sly 2.

I was disappointed that Sucker Punch is doing Infamous instead of a next gen Sly and then I realized I never beat 2 and never even played 3.

Sony has some awesome IP's with Sly, Ratchet, and Jak. We have a next gen Ratchet, now where's Sly and Jak? :bomb:[/QUOTE]
Shit... I haven't played played Sly 2 or 3, and I own them both. Completed the first. But now is not the time for backlogging...
[quote name='CokeCola']Shit... I haven't played played Sly 2 or 3, and I own them both. Completed the first. But now is not the time for backlogging...[/QUOTE]
I played it all night for some reason.

I don't know why, but I just kept going.

Good fun.
after getting some true in depth time with skate, I'm starting to enjoy it more and more. the tricks and skating flow together extremely fluid. I have to say i'm incredibly impressed.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Yes, because Killzone is one of the few FPS I liked.

Anyway, Never4ever, Naughty Dog even said themselves they wanted to make a new franchise for PS2 in the first place, that completely took advantage of the PS2. The design of Crash Bandicoot (although popular), just wouldn't translate too well on PS2 or any newer console (that's part of the reason Crash isn't too good anymore). A few series from Japan (such as Hot Shots Golf, Wild Arms, Ape Escape, and GT) will appear on most every platform, but this appears to be what SCEA likes to do (the only franchise off the top of my head to appear on three platforms by them was Syphon Filter, but even that didn't translate too well to PS2 (like SCEE Liverpool's Wipeout, which also didn't translate well).[/QUOTE]

I thought you blocked me? ;)

It's true that ND wanted to do new things (I looked this up), and said in an interview with PSM or some other mag that Crash Bandicoot racing would be their last Crash game (this was before the split with Universal). However, to say that Crash "wouldn't translate too well on PS2" is a bit bizzare, as the series did advance, only Crash became Jak ;)

And it's not a matter of games not "translating well" but devs just "sucking".

Again, I don't believe that Sony intetionally wanted to start over with IPs, just that circumstances changed things. Not saying it was bad, as we got newer and better games like the Jak / R&C / Sly series. Personally, I'm glad both ND & Sucker Punch are moving on to new things, because I'm way more stokked for Uncharted & Infamous than I would be for Sly 4 & Jak 4. Lets wait 3-10 years before revisiting those series.

[quote name='whoknows']The Jak story is kinda over, but they made Jak X (which I have yet to get) which was story driven.

I don't see the point of releasing R&C 1 and 2 years apart since they were very well made games and I didn't really see any places in 2 that needed more polish. Sure they made Ratchet games frequently, but they were quality games.[/QUOTE]

But getting it year after year after year ceartainly diminishes the effect of the product. Let's say you think Pizza is the best food you've ever had, and then let's say you have Pizza once a day, for the rest of your life. Obviously, you'll grow board with it, no matter how good it tastes. Now I know that example is a little extreme, but the same principles apply.

I beat R&C in the course of a week, played half-way through R&C2 before quiting, played 15 minutes of R&C3 and never really had the urge to play R&C PSP. The same goes for both the SLY and Jak series.

Anywho, I best get back to beating S3&K for the 5,928,983,902,818,045 time.

[quote name='SL4IN']after getting some true in depth time with skate, I'm starting to enjoy it more and more. the tricks and skating flow together extremely fluid. I have to say i'm incredibly impressed.[/QUOTE]

Funny, the reverse happened to me; I was very impressed with Skate when I played the demo, but sorely disappointed with the final game. I'll probably give it another try down the line, but not anytime soon.
Picked up Outrun Coast 2 Coast, Medievil Resurrection, Monster Hunter Freedom and Capcom Classics Remixed.

For some reason, I was never allowed to buy the original Medievil. Then I just lost interest and forgot about it.
[quote name='Chacrana']You know what sucks? Ninja Gaiden.[/QUOTE]

, you're never given a fighting chance. Getting knocked into pits repeatedly, being stuck on walls as you get attacked relentlessly by randomly appearing enemies -- this wasn't fun in 1989 and it's downright insulting now.

n00b got pwned! Ninja Gaiden isn't about's about being completely stubborn until you win.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']

But getting it year after year after year ceartainly diminishes the effect of the product. Let's say you think Pizza is the best food you've ever had, and then let's say you have Pizza once a day, for the rest of your life. Obviously, you'll grow board with it, no matter how good it tastes. Now I know that example is a little extreme, but the same principles apply.

I beat R&C in the course of a week, played half-way through R&C2 before quiting, played 15 minutes of R&C3 and never really had the urge to play R&C PSP. The same goes for both the SLY and Jak series. [/QUOTE]
No one is forcing you to buy the Ratchet games the day of release though, if you think a year apart is too soon it's not that hard to wait to buy the next one.

Besides, theres the yearly update for a lot of games (namely sports games) and they sell well meaning people want them.

I'd rather play a new Ratchet game every year than the new Madden, but that's just me.

In any case, Sly 2 says I'm 48% of the way done. If that's the case it's a pretty long game. I wondering if I should go buy Sly 3 when I finish or go to something else :whistle2:k
[quote name='botticus']I think Chacranajxy sucks, whoever the hell that is.[/QUOTE]

People have last names ya know!!!! JERK



[quote name='Apossum']n00b got pwned! Ninja Gaiden isn't about's about being completely stubborn until you win.[/QUOTE]

It was interesting actually. I was stubborn for a while. I was like, okay, maybe this'll get better after I get used to how the game controls. But... it didn't. I spent $5 on the game and I still feel like I got ripped off.
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