You needn't play at war for General Gaming -- Thread 7

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getting back into fire emblem, so I'm playing the gba ones again since I have really nothing to play for now until disgaea psp and phoenix wright 3 hit at the end of october.
[quote name='SL4IN']so I just watched a video of
the halo 3 ending
and I have to say, I'm glad it ended like it did.[/QUOTE]
Gotta give props to Bungie for killing off Master Chief. I didn't think they'd actually do it, but I'm impressed that they did it. Great way to end the trilogy IMO.
[quote name='whoknows']No one is forcing you to buy the Ratchet games the day of release though, if you think a year apart is too soon it's not that hard to wait to buy the next one.

Besides, theres the yearly update for a lot of games (namely sports games) and they sell well meaning people want them.

I'd rather play a new Ratchet game every year than the new Madden, but that's just me.

In any case, Sly 2 says I'm 48% of the way done. If that's the case it's a pretty long game. I wondering if I should go buy Sly 3 when I finish or go to something else :whistle2:k[/QUOTE]

That is true, and thus why I haven't had the urge to play either R&C3, nor the PSP rendition. I'll more than likely pick up R&C 4 on release, or at the very least, rent it from Gamefly, but that has more to do with the PS3's lacking Library than anything.

I pretty sure the only reason we get yearly updates to the series I've mentioned is because they sell by the boat full.

And I'd rather play anything than the new Madden, but that's me :razz:

As for Sly 3 . . . personally I like to switch it up, but then again I'm a jack-of-all-games gamer. You should just hold out until you're done with Sly2 and then just ask yourself "do I want to play more?"
[quote name='whoknows']Agreed
Gotta give props to Bungie for killing off Master Chief. I didn't think they'd actually do it, but I'm impressed that they did it. Great way to end the trilogy IMO.

yeah, IMO, it makes the ending seem epic.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']That is true, and thus why I haven't had the urge to play either R&C3, nor the PSP rendition. I'll more than likely pick up R&C 4 on release, or at the very least, rent it from Gamefly, but that has more to do with the PS3's lacking Library than anything.

I pretty sure the only reason we get yearly updates to the series I've mentioned is because they sell by the boat full.

And I'd rather play anything than the new Madden, but that's me :razz:

As for Sly 3 . . . personally I like to switch it up, but then again I'm a jack-of-all-games gamer. You should just hold out until you're done with Sly2 and then just ask yourself "do I want to play more?"[/QUOTE]
Heh, same thing here about Madden :p

And apparently there are a ton of playable characters in Sly 3 so...ouch.

I liked how in Sly 1 you mainly played as Sly with Bentley/Murray only being in minigames. In Sly 2 I'm ok as all 3 of them, but more than that? Ehhh...not a good choice IMO. I'll give it a shot eventually though.

[quote name='botticus']Is that a legit spoiler?[/QUOTE]

The ending video is posted in the Halo 3 thread. Quality is terrible, but you can make it out enough
[quote name='Chacrana']It was interesting actually. I was stubborn for a while. I was like, okay, maybe this'll get better after I get used to how the game controls. But... it didn't. I spent $5 on the game and I still feel like I got ripped off.[/QUOTE]

it's all memorization and moving forward so that shit doesn't respawn. it's difficult because most of the gameplay revolves around stuff that appears to be very glitchy.
[quote name='whoknows']

The ending video is posted in the Halo 3 thread. Quality is terrible, but you can make it out enough[/quote]Interesting. Guess it's a good thing I don't plan on playing it. :D
[quote name='botticus']Interesting. Guess it's a good thing I don't plan on playing it. :D[/quote]

I don't really care for halo much, so I thought "hey, why not? it's not like i'm actually going to give a shit about the story let alone the game in general and I have nothing to do and i'm sure it's posted somewhere"
[quote name='whoknows']


The ending video is posted in the Halo 3 thread. Quality is terrible, but you can make it out enough[/QUOTE]

haha, wow. I thought you were just joking.
[quote name='Apossum']haha, wow. I thought you were just joking.[/QUOTE]
I was kinda hoping it didn't happen so I could tell people it did and then anger them.

Ah well. :lol:
[quote name='whoknows']
I was kinda hoping it didn't happen so I could tell people it did and then anger them.

Ah well. :lol:

no worries on that. the world will be in an uproar about it.
Aeris Dies 2007 confirmed!!
[quote name='Apossum']
no worries on that. the world will be in an uproar about it.
Aeris Dies 2007 confirmed!!

finished heavenly sword, gettin my x360 back on thursday.will then start playin SKATE and bioshock, until h3 comes out and i'll probably be playin that for a good week straight with some breaks for school, food, and drinking.
[quote name='whoknows']Agreed
Gotta give props to Bungie for killing off Master Chief. I didn't think they'd actually do it, but I'm impressed that they did it. Great way to end the trilogy IMO.

GAH! I read that without even knowing what you were replying to. Last time I randomly click on the spoiler tag :bomb:
[quote name='whoknows']The Jak story is kinda over, but they made Jak X (which I have yet to get) which was story driven.

I don't see the point of releasing R&C 1 and 2 years apart since they were very well made games and I didn't really see any places in 2 that needed more polish. Sure they made Ratchet games frequently, but they were quality games.[/QUOTE]I absolutely love Jak X. I beta tested the game and met many of the Naughty Dog creators online (really cool people and got to know them).

I agree. I love Ratchet & Clank and never get sick of it. Sega released a new Genesis Sonic game yearly and no one had a problem with it, so I don't see a big issue releasing a new Ratchet often.
[quote name='whoknows']
I was kinda hoping it didn't happen so I could tell people it did and then anger them.

Ah well. :lol:

no halo ending talk, damn you!

I got the darkness today. $30 used at a local shop. Couldn't say no to that. Best part is when i finish it, if it hasn't dropped at retail, i'll get $30 trade credit and only have to pay a $3 "trade fee" when I want to get rid of it. I love that place.. they just never have much stock.
[quote name='Silent Assassin120']I plan on getting Halo 3 but for some reason knowing he dies doesn't bother me either. Ah well onto the multi player baby![/quote]

don't know if thats true of not since i haven't seen the ending but you should probably put a spoiler on that
well supposedly
chief ain't dead, but I'm glad he bites the dust if it's true... though knowing how American movies and shows end with cliffhangers he's probably just in a closet sucking a lollipop while reading loli
[quote name='ighosty']don't know if thats true of not since i haven't seen the ending but you should probably put a spoiler on that[/QUOTE]

yeah, and you should probably edit the quote too. :lol:
[quote name='whoknows']Makes it funnier that he hasn't yet :p[/QUOTE]

it's tempting to go post
as a topic at gamefaqs right now. That would pretty much be suicide and really, really, juvenile...but it's sooo tempting :lol:
[quote name='Apossum']it's tempting to go post
as a topic at gamefaqs right now. That would pretty much be suicide and really, really, juvenile...but it's sooo tempting :lol:[/QUOTE]
I'm not one to condone behavior such as that (well actually I am), so do it.

Seriously do it.

We can time how long it takes for someone to kill the topic :D

In the FAQ at Gamefaqs it says "Intentional spoiler violations will be punished even more severely, so that would be a very bad idea."

Fight the Power!! :rofl:
Be sure to post a link to the topic as soon as you do it if you do it. Gotta watch and possibly post in the topic before it goes away. :D
I have no problems with ruining things for gamefaqs kids, but keep the spoilers out of here. If you hate halo, fine, whatever, good, great, but don't be childish and try to ruin it for those who are interested in the story, thanks.
Played nothing but Forza2 this evening. Like two and a half hours worth. That was fun.

Guess I'll have to DL the NBA 2K8 demo overnight...
[quote name='jer7583']I have no problems with ruining things for gamefaqs kids, but keep the spoilers out of here. If you hate halo, fine, whatever, good, great, but don't be childish and try to ruin it for those who are interested in the story, thanks.[/QUOTE]I think Halo is one of the most overrated series in video gaming and I don't see anything special about it. Yes, I bought the original at release and it was all right when I played through it, but it isn't the best thing in the world. I think most will be disappointed, but that's just me (I have 1000X more interest in Blue Dragon). I'm going to be pissed if stores are busy when I pick up DDR SuperNOVA, because I picked up the last three DDRs on release.

Anyway, played some Gitaroo Man Lives on PSP last night, and it reminded me how much I love the game. :)

I just saw that video.
[quote name='ighosty']don't know if thats true of not since i haven't seen the ending but you should probably put a spoiler on that[/QUOTE]
Quoting the spoiler - smart.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I think Halo is one of the most overrated series in video gaming and I don't see anything special about it. Yes, I bought the original at release and it was all right when I played through it, but it isn't the best thing in the world. I think most will be disappointed, but that's just me (I have 1000X more interest in Blue Dragon). I'm going to be pissed if stores are busy when I pick up DDR SuperNOVA, because I picked up the last three DDRs on release.

Anyway, played some Gitaroo Man Lives on PSP last night, and it reminded me how much I love the game. :)

I just saw that video.[/QUOTE]

Regardless of what you think of the series, it does not make it okay for anyone to attempt to ruin things for those who do enjoy the series. I think that Dynasty Warriors is THE absolute most overrated and unnecessary series (yeah, I'd put it over madden, pet simulators, brain games) ever, but I don't go trolling for comments and posting story bits (if anybody gives a crap about the story) to ruin it for those damn dirty unwashed morons who enjoy it. If you truly do not like something, than why do you care? Why do you waste your time on things you do not like?

I finished Halo 2 single player last night. I think that I enjoy that game more every time I play it. It absolutely has a lot of rough edges and it shows that Bungie had problems in development with overshooting the system's abilities and lack of time, but I really enjoyed the arbiter's story.

I started the darkness after that and holy crap, was I impressed. Really good voice acting, awesome attention to detail, and it's much grittier than I expected. I pretty much ignored this one at release, but I don't know why. I'm a big fan of mafia/crime stories. I couldn't believe I was watching the entirety of "To Kill A Mockingbird" in game on a TV set. The whole "cuddle with your girlfriend" thing was pretty goofy.
[quote name='jer7583']I have no problems with ruining things for gamefaqs kids, but keep the spoilers out of here. If you hate halo, fine, whatever, good, great, but don't be childish and try to ruin it for those who are interested in the story, thanks.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, in all honesty, people, don't be a dick and try to spoil it for people in the 360 forum. I at least have enough respect for the people here that I wouldn't do it. Gamefaqs... different story.
damn, I missed it. oh well.

sooo, Team Fortress 2 begs the question: what's Halo 3? and why are people saying it has good mp? :lol:
playing some more fire emblem: sarcred stones. hopefully I'll finish it this weekend, but I have some studying that says I won't.

also, my capcom vs snk 2 EO comes in the mail today. I'm so excited :)
Oooh CVS 2 is good shit. I fuggin' love that game. If I weren't too lazy to get the converter I need to use my arcade stick on the Dreamcast, I'd play it more often.
[quote name='Chacrana']Oooh CVS 2 is good shit. I fuggin' love that game. If I weren't too lazy to get the converter I need to use my arcade stick on the Dreamcast, I'd play it more often.[/quote]

yeah. I bought the gamecube version. I got it for only $15 mint complete!
[quote name='SL4IN']playing some more fire emblem: sarcred stones. hopefully I'll finish it this weekend, but I have some studying that says I won't.
[/QUOTE]I just started this game this week. I've been avoiding playing it until finishing the first Fire Emblem (finish, as in complete
Hector's campaign
), but I got majorly demotivated after I accidentally missed getting one of the characters, plus I'm on a boring level. I stuck the Sacred Stones cart in my DS since my fiance stole Fire Emblem so he could play. I was supposed to be playing Pokemon Pearl to help me fall asleep, but I decided to watch the Sacred Stones intro... which turned into playing the first 5 missions (which didn't help me sleep). *sigh*

I was playing Lego Star Wars II for GC when my friend came over this weekend. I'm hooked, but I don't want to continue the game without him, so I've been trying to complete the first Lego Star Wars (get all the kits, studs, etc).
[quote name='jer7583']Regardless of what you think of the series, it does not make it okay for anyone to attempt to ruin things for those who do enjoy the series. I think that Dynasty Warriors is THE absolute most overrated and unnecessary series (yeah, I'd put it over madden, pet simulators, brain games) ever, but I don't go trolling for comments and posting story bits (if anybody gives a crap about the story) to ruin it for those damn dirty unwashed morons who enjoy it. If you truly do not like something, than why do you care? Why do you waste your time on things you do not like?.[/QUOTE]I think the series is far from overrated, because it isn't exactly the most popular series in the U.S. (although it is in Japan). I just find the games addicting. I'm passing on Warriors Orochi though, since I'm just going to go straight for DW6.

Anyway, I just played more DW Gundam today and played the Sega Rally Revo demo on 360. Sega Rally Revo is pretty cool, but I still prefer DiRT right now (need to play it more though).

Btw, if anyone here wants to see, I started a picture thread in the off topic forum, and I finally revealed my pic to CAG. See if your prediction about me was right. ;)
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