CAGcast #202: The E3 2010 Not So Limited Collector's Edition

Cheapy always bemoans his lack of human contact in Japan and lack of friends in general, but when you treat people this way, you can't be surprised when they stop giving a shit about you and move on to better friends. A lot of dick comments in general — and not just this episode, but over the last several months. But the part about not really knowing him is just cold, and it speaks more to Cheapy's complete social ineptitude than he and Wombat not being in each other's physical presence very often.

I don't think Shipwreck was so bad. He got caught in the middle because Cheapy made him a verbal meat shield, and he mostly pointed out behavior that probably merits pointing out (though probably not in a public forum).

Cheapy bashing the best friend he probably has and then exclaiming "what a downer" after Wombat didn't pop right back up — I guess other people's hurt feelings are an inconvenience to him — was just Grade A assholery. I've never mistaken you for a particularly likable guy, but I also didn't think you were THIS unlikable.

I hope Wombat sticks around, if only to keep his voice out there where lots of people will hear it. But if that isn't worth it to him, I'm sure he has a long, long list of people he'd be better off spending two hours a week with than Cheapy. With friends like you, who needs friends?
Let's just face facts people. SleazyD has always been and will always be the worst part of this sites podcast. He thinks his schitck is funny when it clearly isn't. There are a couple of things that he is though and that is rude, crude, arrogant, and ignorant. I am eating up these comments. He's horrible.

[quote name='billyok']

I hope Wombat sticks around, if only to keep his voice out there where lots of people will hear it. But if that isn't worth it to him, I'm sure he has a long, long list of people he'd be better off spending two hours a week with than Cheapy. With friends like you, who needs friends?[/QUOTE]

If I were him I would get out now. This podcast isn't going to get him anywhere and that is too bad because he is a likable and entertaining host. He needs a good run out on a real podcast for a major website instead of CAG, he is too good for this and I am quite sure is the only reason anyone even listens. could you imagine a podcast with just Sleazy and Shitwreck? Sleazy is horrible and while Shit is ok he is very monotone. Without Wombat it's nothing.
wombat i feel for you and i'm impressed you didn't just say fuck-it and log off.

there's teasing and then there's just rudeness. i would completely understand if wombat never returned to the podcast. "i don't even know the guy..." how can you say shit like that. obviously a touch of stern influencing you. you should weigh up what's important to you.

cheapy i've always loved you but you were really unlikeable. apart from abusing wombat you made a point of reminding us that you smoke weed. bravo my man. all your worst qualities came to the fore. seriously who are you trying to impress? certainly not your 'friend' wombat... this is a good example of why i preferred the 2 man show over the 3.

i feel like i want to unsubscribe (i wont yet) but jeez cheapy you are such an asshole...
I thought Cheapy and Ship were a bit harsh on Wombat.

Also Ship aren't you a Ginger ?
You shouldn't really be making fun of a "norm". There's a reason you carrot tops can't use our water fountains and have to sit at the back of the bus !!
There's no harm in making fun of the annoying things Wombat does, but basically saying Wombat is a stranger and not really a friend is harsh. I don't get how Cheapy could think Wombat is a stranger when he's known Wombat for 5 years and Wombat (aside from Cheapy's family) is probably one of the people Cheapy speaks the most with during an average week.

I guess Cheapy and Shipwreck just think of Wombat as a guy they work with, and Wombat thought of Cheapy and Shipwreck as friends. Cheapy and Shipwreck can back track all they want, but it's already out there. What a rough way to learn where you stand. I feel for you Wombat, and if it's all just business, you should consider shopping yourself around to other podcasts.

At least you got a free trip to E3.
[quote name='retromufc']
If I were him I would get out now. This podcast isn't going to get him anywhere and that is too bad because he is a likable and entertaining host. He needs a good run out on a real podcast for a major website instead of CAG, he is too good for this and I am quite sure is the only reason anyone even listens. could you imagine a podcast with just Sleazy and Shitwreck? Sleazy is horrible and while Shit is ok he is very monotone. Without Wombat it's nothing.[/QUOTE]

Really? "Lets not talk about it anymore", to PC gamers, "if you want to play that game, buy a console"... These comments make a good host for video gamers? hes the best part of this show? wow you guys are reaching, I don't listen for anyone in particular, I listen to get reviews on games and get a different perspective on the industry. Hearing stupid remarks, and dont get me wrong, the "i dont like that, its stupid" comes from everybody on this show but its more mind numbing than it is informative. For those of you bashing on cheapy, which again I am sure hes taking it a hell of alot better than you sensitive trolls, if he wasnt doing this site there would be no collective place to find cheap games on a regular basis. Simmer down people, pull up your big people pants and get over it.

Wombat, I love you and what you do for the show.

But I find it hard to believe that someone that knows so much about what is manly (steak with bones) and what is not (sports that don't let you use your hands) would get so butt hurt over what is obviously just friends having some laughs.

Hopefully this is all getting blown out of proportion here in the comments, and next week's show will be back to Wombat doling out the insults and everyone is happy.
I remember that CheapyD would frequently say that because he was in Japan, it was hard for him to find people to spend time with and talk with. And Wombat was there for him pretty much every week to do the show with him.

And I also remember that CheapyD SAID THAT HE HIMSELF WAS LOUD IN PUBLIC. At least while drunk.

By the way, what the fuck is so wrong with getting free schwag? How in any way does that affect your judgment on a game somehow? Shipwreck gets free shit all the time and frequently gets review copies. Unwritten rules of E3 my ass. Free stuff = free stuff.

Sounds like Cheapy is being a big hypocrite and trying way too hard to seem cool in front of his other E3 buddies.
[quote name='PaddedCell'].. if he wasnt doing this site there would be no collective place to find cheap games on a regular basis. Simmer down people, pull up your big people pants and get over it.[/QUOTE]

What does the cagcast have to do with this site even? Nothing. This site is cheapassgamer yet there was almost never anything in any episode I listened to about gaming deals. Why do they even bother to attend E3, it has nothing to do with anything on this site? This podcast is not even in touch with the website that promotes it. You would think a podcast from a website focusing on how to get games for the lowest possible cost would somehow have the site's theme involved in it. The podcast is in no relation to the content on this site and is news I can get elsewhere. This site fills a niche and the podcast does not follow it. So why even listen?

I mean they scored an interview with a major player in Mass Effect 2 and this site has nothing to do with promoting games or gaming news. It's silly really. This podcast would fade away and still the site would be great. You just need to differentiate the quality of the site from the douchebaggery of the podcast host.
I always enjoy the CAGcast but damn Cheapy you were a real douche to Wombat. Form saying you don't really know him and then when he says his favourite part of the show was hanging with you and Ship, you basically went and said you didn't really like hanging with him and then you repeatedly called to Ship for back up. Not cool man.
One of my favorite episodes of the CAGcast. Wombat is a great member of the show but he's always been cocky. It's not good or bad. That's just his personality. And the we all love to see a cocky guy taken down a peg once in a while. He'll be back to form next week.
What's sad is you guys put a ton of work into that cagcast, but all most people will remember is the cag-fight. Next time hit the pause/edit button and air that stuff out in private.
[quote name='banodyne']One of my favorite episodes of the CAGcast. Wombat is a great member of the show but he's always been cocky. It's not good or bad. That's just his personality. And the we all love to see a cocky guy taken down a peg once in a while. He'll be back to form next week.[/QUOTE]

You need to see the difference between taking cracks at each other for fun and being straight out hurtful. Some of the stuff with wombat being a schwaggrabber and stuff was fine, but calling him annoying, bitchy and not enjoyable to be around after first saying "i don't really know you and i don't really like you" isn't fun for anyone, especially when you're being ganged up on. People who found those comments funny just don't possess empathy or are just douche bags.

Wombat always take humorous comments against him well, but this was as i said, just hurtful and over the line.
[quote name='collipop']How did they put a ton of work in? All they did was talk about what they saw at the show, I cant see how this is anymore work than a normal cast.[/QUOTE]

Have you ever edited a 3 hour podcast? It's a pain
It's not really the comments ON the show that made it over the top. It was their actions during the trip. Not sitting with him, constant criticisms ect. were enough to make anyone feel insecure when they get back. Then add a CAGCast where your fears are basically confirmed, having two of your supposed friends antagonize you for an hour about how you werent really wanted.

Shipwreck would agree with anything CheapyD says. And it's funny how Cheapy always criticizes Wombat for taking free stuff and being cheap, when the site is called CheapAssGamer AND Cheapy got a free fricken 360... and Wombats not the one making over six figures sitting at home. Let the guy take any free crap he wants.

Also, when the question was asked "Best game of E3?" I awaited Ships answer of an obscure game that is not that good. And he says, Vanquish! Of course. Even when CheapyD says, "Yea Gears of Wars with Robots..." ship says, "yea...." like the only reason he chose it was to be different.
[quote name='the_void']I always enjoy the CAGcast but damn Cheapy you were a real douche to Wombat. Form saying you don't really know him and then when he says his favourite part of the show was hanging with you and Ship, you basically went and said you didn't really like hanging with him and then you repeatedly called to Ship for back up. Not cool man.[/QUOTE]

Don't forget the story about Wombat going to sleep and asking Cheapy to wake him up so they all can go to the Halo Reach party and conveniently Cheapy says he "...forgot", and then him and Shipwreck go to the event. What a freakin bummer for Wombat.
[quote name='TheH2s']Don't forget the story about Wombat going to sleep and asking Cheapy to wake him up so they all can go to the Halo Reach party and conveniently Cheapy says he "...forgot", and then him and Shipwreck go to the event. What a freakin bummer for Wombat.[/QUOTE]

damn thats some shady fucked up shit right there. cheapyqueef why even invite someone to go somewhere with you if thats how youre going to treat them?if that was the tone for the whole e3 trip then yeah its pretty obvious cheapyqueef like shipwreck more but instead of being a man about it he goes out of his way to pick on him more and then tell everyone at cag that he does using a lame excuse to suport it.

id be curious to hear from everyones wives about this whole thing. i can pretty much uess what wombats wife would say but idbe curious how the other 2 guys wives feel about their husbands actions.
Gotta say: holy crap with the dumping on Wombat. It really takes a level of confidence to stick your neck out and say something like "my favorite part of the show was hanging out with you guys". Then to have the person you say that too go into a tirade of how they are irritated by you. Man, have a touch of empathy Cheapy.
While I have nothing against Wombat, it's hard for me to feel sorry for him in this situation. He always seems game to ridicule other people. If he can't take it, he shouldn't be dishing it out so often. We're talking about the guy who used to call Major Nelson "Vagina Clown".
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Also, when the question was asked "Best game of E3?" I awaited Ships answer of an obscure game that is not that good. And he says, Vanquish! Of course. Even when CheapyD says, "Yea Gears of Wars with Robots..." ship says, "yea...." like the only reason he chose it was to be different.[/QUOTE]

Maybe you were at E3 and played Vanquish, I'm not sure, but I don't remember talking to anyone there that said the game is "not that good". Maybe it doesn't interest you, but out of all the games I played at E3, I had the most fun with Vanquish. It's got pedigree too as it's being directed by Shinji Mikami (the man with a big role in Resident Evil, Viewtiful Joe, Devil May Cry, etc.).

Thank you for commenting on something other than the debacle though.
Wombat need to lighten up. You shouldnt take passing comments so seriously. You ruined the mood just to draw attention to yourself. Friends get on each other every once in a while, deal with it. Pouting makes you look (sound) insecure and pitiful.
I've been listening to the CAGcast from the very beginning (when I started, I think you only had 10 shows in the can). And I can safely say that in all that time, I have never been as disgusted as I was listening to this episode. I was somewhat prepared, having caught Shipwreck's Audioboo beforehand, but nevertheless, it was hard to endure.

As a CAGcast veteran, I expect a certain amount of ribbing on the show, but this was beyond the pale and really just turned into an ugly, unrelenting (and unprovoked) personal attack on Wombat. Shipwreck was relatively restrained (and still apologized immediately after the show), but Cheapy's behavior was truly reprehensible. I wouldn't blame Wombat a bit if he never appeared on the show again, but I know he has more class than that. Not so sure about Cheapy at this point. Wombat asks you flat out to stop and tells you that you've seriously hurt his feelings (at one point he sounded on the verge of tears) and you just plow ahead and berate him for being too sensitive and make sure he knows just how little you think of him. This in response to him telling the two of you what a great time he had on the trip and that the highlight was spending it with you guys. WTF? Who does that? First class assholes, that's who.

If I spent my time telling my friends the exact limits of my feelings for them and that I'd rather be hanging out with someone else, I'd fully expect them to kick me in the nuts and walk away. Cheapy, maybe being so isolated in Japan has made you emotionally tone deaf, or maybe we're just seeing a darker side to your personality that was always there, but either way, you really need to take a step back and reassess. Because if you keep treating people like they don't mean much to you, you're gonna wind up alone.
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I too felt bad for Wombat but I thought it mostly came from Cheapy. Maybe spending three long days together gets on your nerves, it happens to the best of us. Wombat bullies Shipwreck on just about every show though too so I think you guys are even and glad to hear you're all buds.

Also Cheapy, Wombat is just as much your friend as a friend you see in person. You've been talking to him for years on this podcast. I'm pretty damn sure you know him better than anyone else.
Wow Cheapy, that was really classless. Who shit in your Cheerios? Maybe it's time for you can replace Wombat with one of your many friends like Jean Snow or Major Nelson.
[quote name='KillingMachine']While I have nothing against Wombat, it's hard for me to feel sorry for him in this situation. He always seems game to ridicule other people. If he can't take it, he shouldn't be dishing it out so often. We're talking about the guy who used to call Major Nelson "Vagina Clown".[/QUOTE]

This is exactly what I was talking about a few pages back in my comment. Wombat is so important and so much smarter than everyone else that he dominates the air time and believes he is entitled to make unilateral determinations as to what topics will be discussed and for how long they will be discussed.

He seems completely unaware of how rude it is when he cuts ship or cheapy off. He could care less about calling Major Nelson a "Vagina Clown". And, he mocks the listeners (by way of reading their comments obnoxiously on the air). The point is when he has a captive audience or no one can respond, he has no remorse about being rude, yet when the tables are turned, he turns into Mr. Sensitive.

On a side note, Shipwrecks thanking someone for commenting on something on "other than the debacle" was probably funnier than anything that was said during the entire show.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Also, when the question was asked "Best game of E3?" I awaited Ships answer of an obscure game that is not that good. And he says, Vanquish! Of course. Even when CheapyD says, "Yea Gears of Wars with Robots..." ship says, "yea...." like the only reason he chose it was to be different.[/QUOTE]

Many sites put Vanquish in the list of best of show nominees. When asked at the party what the best game they had seen so far was both Wombat and Shipwreck answered Vanquish independently. There was no clear cut game that blew others away, so I wasn't surprised to hear this. Both my wife and I thought Epic Mickey was the best game we saw.

[quote name='clarke']Wow Wombat sounds annoying as hell in person.[/QUOTE]

My wife (who has never listened to a CAGcast) thought Wombat was very nice when she met him at the party. We talked to him off and on for about an hour, so we know him better than Cheapy now.

I'm only 1:15 minutes into the CAGcast, so I haven't reached the meltdown yet. I guess my ride home will be interesting.
[quote name='bgame2']This is exactly what I was talking about a few pages back in my comment. Wombat is so important and so much smarter than everyone else that he dominates the air time and believes he is entitled to make unilateral determinations as to what topics will be discussed and for how long they will be discussed.

He seems completely unaware of how rude it is when he cuts ship or cheapy off. He could care less about calling Major Nelson a "Vagina Clown". And, he mocks the listeners (by way of reading their comments obnoxiously on the air). The point is when he has a captive audience or no one can respond, he has no remorse about being rude, yet when the tables are turned, he turns into Mr. Sensitive.

On a side note, Shipwrecks thanking someone for commenting on something on "other than the debacle" was probably funnier than anything that was said during the entire show.[/QUOTE]

Seriously, if Wombat reading your comment with a stupid voice upsets you, YOU need some thicker skin. (And I'm speaking as a listener that he has mocked.) Also, if you can't tell the difference between calling a public figure a Vagina Clown and having someone you consider a friend say they don't really know you, then you need a lesson in Apples and Oranges.

There's a major difference between making jokes at someones expense and saying hurtful things without a punch line. Still, it looks like they all worked it out. So the CAGCast will continue, and that's good.
Wombat's personality has little to do with this. I listen to tons of podcasts, and can find irritating sides to any of my favorite hosts, including Wombat. Yes, he tends to be a bit bossy. A few weeks ago, his statement that the cagcast would never, ever discuss kinect again if it cost $150 was beyond silly, but he was dead serious about it. Annoying, but not a mortal sin. And yes, he can dish it out pretty good, but it's always in good fun, even if it rubs some people the wrong way.

But Cheapy's words were not mocking, they were hurtful, whether or not he realized it at the time. Now, Cheapy's not a bad guy, so I'm ready to give him the benefit of the doubt - to some extent. I would expect a profuse apology next week, and it better be sincere. I'm sure he's feeling pretty bad about it right now.

Cheapy, if you're reading this, there's a lesson to be had; you have better friends than you thought you had. Wake up! You should cherish this instead of belittling it.
[quote name='MaskedPlague']Wow Cheapy, that was really classless. Who shit in your Cheerios? Maybe it's time for you can replace Wombat with one of your many friends like Jean Snow or Major Nelson.[/QUOTE]

You used Cheapy and classless in the same sentence, that is something you never see.
this is going to be an interesting CAG cast next week when cheapy comments on last weeks show lol 200 some odd posts hating on him.
Overreacting much everyone?

Wombat was way too "emotional" about it, he obviously hasn't gotten to know Cheapy over the past 5 years of podcasts. It didn't take me many shows to realize what an asshole Cheapy is, he's obviously a very selfish person, he'd be someone I'd like to hang out with but not be friends with. He's demonstrated this MANY times through out the years for Wombat to be surprised that he doesn't consider him a friend, this isn't the first time he's done it. In fact I'm surprised by all the feedback this is getting since IIRC Cheapy was a much bigger douche to Wombat in the pre-100 cagcasts, in fact the past 100 episodes I feel he's lightened up on Wombat a lot. I remember thinking Wombat would likely leave any day back in the older shows because of Cheapy, and I even stopped using the CAG amazon links so amazon would not give Cheapy any money from my purchases. So yeah, Cheapy has never appreciated Wombat for him to have gotten THAT hurt during the cagcast, its something he should already know, Cheapy is an asshole this is nothing new.

I can also relate somewhat to Cheapy , I can bepretty loud but in the right situations, I definitely don't want someone loud embarrassing me in front of others in something that is important to me which is what likely Cheapy felt with Wombat at E3. So yeah I can see myself being annoyed with Wombat being there if I wanted to be seen as not a joke at E3. I'd also be pretty pissed if someone took food of my plate, and yeah I think its fair game for it to be mentioned on the cagcast.

As for the free swag from E3, well I can see how its an unwritten rule for press sites that have a reputation but come on this is CHEAPASSgamer, this is somehting that Cheapy seems to forget. Sure the site made him a lot of money but the site is built on people who are cheap and love free stuff. CAG isn't a reputable gaming website, its a deals website, in fact CAG doesn't really need to be at E3 as "press" for any real reason besides fun. Had I gone as "press" I would have definitely gotten a ton of free swag. With that said I think its fair game that if you grab the swag, for you to be called out on it, nothing wrong with what cheapy did but there was also nothing wrong with what Wombat did, this isn't IGN and its no different than Cheapy getting a 360.

So yeah in conclusion:
Cheapy has always been an asshole no reason for Wombat to get all emo about it.
When everyone on the show takes jabs at each other it's usually hilarious. But it was taken to a really uncomfortable level this week with the pile on Wombat.

The whole "liked" instead of "love" thing was so awkard it become hysterical though.

Next week's show should be very interesting.
[quote name='KillingMachine'] We're talking about the guy who used to call Major Nelson "Vagina Clown".[/QUOTE]Are you trying to say that Major Nelson is in fact not a "Vagina Clown"!?
[quote name='Broken Cage']Seriously, if Wombat reading your comment with a stupid voice upsets you, YOU need some thicker skin. (And I'm speaking as a listener that he has mocked.) Also, if you can't tell the difference between calling a public figure a Vagina Clown and having someone you consider a friend say they don't really know you, then you need a lesson in Apples and Oranges.

There's a major difference between making jokes at someones expense and saying hurtful things without a punch line. Still, it looks like they all worked it out. So the CAGCast will continue, and that's good.[/QUOTE]

First off, the one time a comment of mine was read on the show, it was read by cheapy. My opinion has nothing to do with my own personal experience. I personally just find it immature that wombat can't read a listener's dissenting view without mocking the listener. It's not about me needing thicker skin, it is simply my opinion as an observer of wombat's behavior. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.

I do agree with your "public figure vs. friend" rationale, but I still think Wombat was too sensitive. Let's not lose site of the fact that this is still (at least in theory) part of cheapy's job. Cheapy paid to fly wombat there and put him up in a hotel as a sign of his friendship and to have his (and I use this term loosely) co-worker there. That has to count for something.
[quote name='Scooby']I would expect a profuse apology next week, and it better be sincere. I'm sure he's feeling pretty bad about it right now.[/QUOTE]

I would expect to hear apologies too, but my guess is that Shipwreck will mean it, and Cheapy will just say it to appease everyone who thinks he should, not because its heartfelt. The fact that Cheapy hasn't posted a single thing in this thread about the issue sort of reinforces that for me. That and his lame Twitter post that was pretty weak and not really an apology. All of which will probably make next week's podcast just as awkward as this one.
Honestly, I don't really think there would be a Cagcast without Wombat. He brings so much to the table including music during the Go Daddy ads. I mean, could you really listen to a Cheapy D & Shipwreck show? (No offense) Again, I think they didn't realize what they were exactly saying it when they said it. Wombat is sort of the main part of the show and I think most people know that. He does have really good ideas about the industry and knows how to explain them. If anything hopefully he will feel the love for next week.

I also wonder what the difference is with Wombat picking up swag from events vs. people at the Microsoft event getting a Xbox 360? Talk about buying the press, there was no real outrage for this. It is different than sending a reviewer copy of a game. I know Cheapy D said that he is giving away his Xbox, but my issue is more that there is a lack of anger from the "press". Between that and the "special events" to screen games, the entire videogame industry needs to reexamine what they are doing.
Wow, poor Wombat. Him saying his favorite part of E3 was spending it with you guys and you shit on him for it. I love cagcast, but this was really cringeworthy and uncomfortable.

wow. What a "shit on wombat" podcast.
I can kind of see both sides of the story.
Wombat and Cheapy BOTH have a habit of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.
I think they both need to learn that it is ok from time to time to follow the mtoto (if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all).
I'm not talking about ALL The time. I just think they would do Each other a lot of good to keep some things to themselves.
Like when Wombat totally bashed on the XBLA game that donated it's profits to charity.
And for Cheapy to say what he said this week, about the whole "friend" issue. Wow.
And CheapyD is now the favorite in the running for Douchebag of the Year. Bobby Kotick needs to step up his game if he wants to win, and he killed off Infinity Ward, then tried to play the victim by comparing himself to Luke Skywalker with a PR fluff speech at DICE.

The second half at first sounded like it was taking place over the sound system at the Staple Center after hours.
I've been a CAG for years but have never felt compelled to comment on a show thread before until now. I literally cringed several times for Wombat, especially the whole "I don't really know you" line from Cheapy. As someone else mentioned, you could tell that cut deeper than anything else that was said. Cheapy sometimes acts as if Wombat isn't even his friend. You don't have to hang out with someone all the time to know them. Sure Cheapy, you may not know all of Wombat's mannerisms in person, but to say you don't know the guy? Hell, I even know Wombat enough to know saying what you said would have hurt his feelings.

And it's not just Cheapy dissing Wombat, but his obvious man crush on Shipwreck. Granted, subtlety and Cheapy aren't commonly associated, but can you make it any more obvious Cheapy? Out with the old, in with the new? Wombat must have felt like the uncool tag along all week, and then he gets roasted and broadcasted for all of us to hear. That's embarrassing and Wombat deserves better. Not cool Cheapy and Shipwreck, not cool.
[quote name='Zark7']I would expect to hear apologies too, but my guess is that Shipwreck will mean it, and Cheapy will just say it to appease everyone who thinks he should, not because its heartfelt. The fact that Cheapy hasn't posted a single thing in this thread about the issue sort of reinforces that for me. That and his lame Twitter post that was pretty weak and not really an apology. All of which will probably make next week's podcast just as awkward as this one.[/QUOTE]Yeah, I don't think any apology by Cheapy would make things much better. By the end of the podcast, he was very much aware that his remarks hurt Wombat's feelings, and he didn't apologize at that point, so anything after that would be very disingenuous. I guess you gotta give him credit for being brutally honest, at least. :D

Shipwreck's apology was very sincere, and I doubt there will be any awkwardness between him and Wombat in the future. He was insensitive for piling on while Wombat was knocked down, but it was all pretty minor stuff. Cheapy, on the other hand, had a total Artie Lange "I'm not your bro" moment.
[quote name='shipwreck']Maybe you were at E3 and played Vanquish, I'm not sure, but I don't remember talking to anyone there that said the game is "not that good". Maybe it doesn't interest you, but out of all the games I played at E3, I had the most fun with Vanquish. It's got pedigree too as it's being directed by Shinji Mikami (the man with a big role in Resident Evil, Viewtiful Joe, Devil May Cry, etc.).

Thank you for commenting on something other than the debacle though.[/QUOTE]
The only reason I have a problem with it, is because you said it! Haha, ok fine if you do truly like it then I'll back off. It just sounded random and was not adequately backed up. And yes I did play it at E3 and it was fun, but not the game of the show. Just giving you a hard time... and somehow you find my post buried beneath all of this Wombat love. Damn.
Hey Cheapy D, y'know how you're always talking about how you go to E3 so you can get some human interaction? How your only interaction with people is over the internet? Yeah, it shows. You sounded like you were flaming some guy on an internet forum, not someone you've built a relationship with over five years. Too much internet, not enough real life. It's damaged the part of your brain that controls social interaction.

I don't think Wombat needs to quit the show, I think you do. Take some time off and learn how to, I dunno, speak the language of the country you've lived in for five years? At least find a group of Westerners to hang out with, you need to relearn how to interact with humans. You live in (or at least near) Roppongi, it's gaijin central, go outside and make a friend.
[quote name='Broken Cage']You should know that two wrongs don't make a right. Just because everyone can be a dick sometimes doesn't make it ok to humiliate your friend, record it, and have thousands of people download it.

Also, I don't buy into the "get over it" mentality. If something bothers you, speak. What the hell is the point in sitting around with your mouth shut while the world pisses on you? You might prefer that, but it doesn't mean others should. (Edit: Might I also point out that you yourself spoke out about the "whining", and I'm sure you've whined about something at some point in your older than adult lifetime. Which means you yourself don't subscribe to this "get over it" mindset.)

*Edited out Father Time, don't want my point lost in what might look like mindless flaming.[/QUOTE]

I did say Cheapy took it over the top by leaving it in the show. So I never said that was right. And what I meant was that everyone else get over it. Wombat can speak to them all he wants to, whenever he wants to. He's not who I was referring to. But the community is whining a lot about the entire situation. We can whine in our own situations, but all of our comments about the whole thing isn't going to change any of their personalities. I'm not sure how all this feedback about Cheapy being an ass would change anything at all. Wombat's a nice guy, and he takes it, and I feel for him, but i'm not going to be able to do anything by having a page long rant about how mean they were.

Plus, I meant that everyone in the show is probably older than I am. I have no idea what I meant by that additional note. Not sure what your rant was, but it probably wouldn't have meant much of anything.

I wonder what kind of backlash there's going to be once the next CAGcast comes out.
wombat has some pretty womanly tendencies regarding his moods. Down to the tone of voice. Just man up a little, wombat.
bread's done