GGT #115 Ain't No Need For Trunks E3 Edition!

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[quote name='icebeast']Fang is looking fairly sexy in that screen shot. :cool:[/QUOTE]

Not sure if serious... (about it being Fang.)


Now that we all hav BBCS2 and Platinum, we should set up a time to play. I just need to register my failure in the GAF MvC3 tourney first so I don't start relearning BBCS2 mechanics and do even worse. :)
[quote name='CaptainJoel']I can't tell who that is in the 13-2 screen. Is this a sequel or a prequel?[/QUOTE]

Looks like Sarah. And some new androgynous character (surprise!) :lol: I'd guess it's a he, though.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Looks like Sarah. And some new androgynous character (surprise!) :lol:[/QUOTE]
Yeah, the androgynous one is my problem. I mean, it could be Fang, I guess... :cold:
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Not sure if serious... (about it being Fang.)[/QUOTE]

I'm not, although the colors and style seem similar.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Are the first Red Faction games worthwhile?
What about the MI games? I've played the remake of the first one on XBLA... it was okay... just wondering if the sequels were better or worse.[/QUOTE]
Go with Guerrilla and Tales of Monkey Island.
[quote name='panzerfaust']

Logically, no one will buy XIII-2 because XIII was indeed the worst game ever released this generation. Everyone who bought it was fooled by the raving pre-reviews from Japan and the empty promises of an open world with a dialogue wheel, the ability to mash X through a stranger's bedroom for some ether, and Emerald and Ruby Weapons to find on the world map to kill for sweet materia.

But counter-acting this logic is the redesign of the female characters. Something tells me it's going to do well.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']sold[/QUOTE]

Wasn't FF13-2 supposed to be in the original game but got cut? And they thought of releasing it as DLC but then decided to flesh it out into a full retail release? If that's the case, I'd say it's probably a prologue or something.
It's a sequel though. The trailer made it pretty clear it's not a prologue.

The cut content was stuff from Lightning's home or something, they said the game would be too long. Which sounds iffy, but at 45 hours already I can't really disagree.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']I really hate Cole's voice in Infamous 2. Holy fuck it is so bad.[/QUOTE]

He sounded fine at first. But now he is just trying to sound like the old Cole...and doing a poor job at it. At this point I really wish they just kept the original voice actor.

This actually makes me look forward to the NGP a little more.
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']He sounded fine at first. But now he is just trying to sound like the old Cole...and doing a poor job at it. At this point I really wish they just kept the original voice actor.
[/QUOTE]He sounds like he's trying to be Michael Madsen and it's fucking annoying. I can already tell that if I play the game I will constantly have my nerves grated on whenever I hear him.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']There's no XBLA release this week?[/QUOTE]
Nope, surprisingly.

Overall feelings on Infamous 2 demo-
I really hope that was an early build of the game, I experienced a lot of glitches. The worst of the them was in the sacrifice mission when I was escorting the girl she tripped on a person that had fallen on the ground and was stuck in the falling to the ground animation. I ended up having to kill her and restart the whole thing so she'd get out of it. I love that Zeke's back, he was my favorite part of the first game. I love that evil Cole's lightning bomb is stupidly overpowered, I was able to kill the boss monster in less than 10 seconds because of it.
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[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']He sounded fine at first. But now he is just trying to sound like the old Cole...and doing a poor job at it. At this point I really wish they just kept the original voice actor.

This actually makes me look forward to the NGP a little more.[/QUOTE]

what was their reason for getting rid of him in the first place?
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']

This actually makes me look forward to the NGP a little more.[/QUOTE]

Hmm, looks like I'll hold off on playing the PSP MGS games then.
[quote name='BlueScrote']what was their reason for getting rid of him in the first place?[/QUOTE]
I'm not really sure why. Maybe enough people complained about Cole's VA in infamous that they felt getting a new one would be a good idea.
[quote name='panzerfaust']It's a sequel though. The trailer made it pretty clear it's not a prologue.

The cut content was stuff from Lightning's home or something, they said the game would be too long. Which sounds iffy, but at 45 hours already I can't really disagree.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, meant epilogue. I've been drinking. :p
[quote name='BlueScrote']what was their reason for getting rid of him in the first place?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']I'm not really sure why. Maybe enough people complained about Cole's VA in infamous that they felt getting a new one would be a good idea.[/QUOTE]

Didn't it have something to do with the original VA being a child predator?
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Didn't it have something to do with the original VA being a child predator?[/QUOTE]

Where did you hear that?
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']Where did you hear that?[/QUOTE]

I thought FriskyTanuki had said something about it when I was bitching about the VA and the in-game model changing way back when.


BTW, thanks for the recs, Frisky -- I just grabbed them all... the extra $5 for the original RF games didn't see like too much for the, so I grabbed 'em with the other 2.
Peace Walker with normal controls? Yes please. It'll also be nice to have Snake Eater with the Subsistence camera.
[quote name='whoknows']MGS4 will probably never get trophies.[/QUOTE]

The worst part is the game already basically HAS fucking trophies. How hard is it to get an intern to write the hooks to pop something on the trophy API when you achieve the medals at the end of the game? :roll:
I dunno, maybe Tanuki just said he sounded like a child predator...

Digging on the internet has given me "he didn't want to do it" and "they wanted someone who would also do the mo-cap".
[quote name='corrosivefrost']I dunno, maybe Tanuki just said he sounded like a child predator...

Digging on the internet has given me "he didn't want to do it" and "they wanted someone who would also do the mo-cap".[/QUOTE]

yeah that's about as much as I could find either way. Although I do remember the original VA being one of the first to mention infamous 2 for something.

Seems like a hell of a special edition - though I imagine the Sideshow Collectibles statue is going to come with a matching price tag.

EDIT: Only 99...I was expecting 130 or whatever the Killzone one started at.
MGS HD collection? I'll take that.

ZOE HD collection? Sure, works for me. Only want the 2nd one though, 1st one is vastly inferior.

Silent Hill? Don't really care, but cool.
MGS HD collection? More like watching a movie than playing a game. Amirite?

ZOE HD collection? Robots are so 1945. Pass.

Silent Hill? Even Mario is scarier
So I was sitting in line at Walmart and popped on Twitter and first thing I see is the MGS HD Collection announcement. I totally jizzed myself in happiness.
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