The Sheamus Appreciation Wrestling Thread

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[quote name='Clak']I'm trying to think of what a wrestling museum would be like and I can't help but laugh at the possibilities.[/QUOTE]
It just wouldn't be an authentic American wrasslin' museum unless they had either an authentic/original or replica Dusty Rhodes muffler in it.:whistle2:&;)
Probably the saddest part of a pro wrestling museum would be if they tried dedicating a wing(or three) to guys who left us way too young like Benoit and virtually the whole Von Erich family.
[quote name='diddy310']And they added an additional 30 seconds to his already too long entrance to make sure that you know that you are a funkateer and the girls are funkadactyls.[/QUOTE]

"Funky's on parole. Funky's on parole."

I'm actually more disturbed at the end of his matches where all these kids randomly show up. It's as if they keep them in a cage beforehand.

BTW, am I the only one who hates the new end sequence after Raw (and I'm assuming Smackdown) where they have "ENTERTAINMENT" taking up the entire screen with a small WWE logo displayed afterwords??
[quote name='pimpster4183']So CM Punk posted on twitter he covered a $500k fine that was given to lil naitch.. If the WWE fined a ref that much, that's pretty fucked up. I'm sure the refs aren't pulling that kind of cheese. I guess Naitch was supposed to do something and didn't?[/QUOTE]
He was joking. Do you honestly believe WWE "fined" anyone half a million dollars?
^ For real. They pay their low-end dudes like $100-200K per year - add on top of that that the low-end dudes get little in the way of royalties (Dean Ambrose ain't getting WWE '12/13 or t-shirt money), and they pay for the bulk of their own travel and accommodations (if it's done the way it used to be, WWE covered your flight from your house to TV on Monday or Tuesday and back home after the last house show of the weekend, but everything in between is on you financially).

Nobody could seriously think they fined a dude $500k, right?

Speaking of Austin, while he was at the SummerSlam activities in Los Angeles, he was approached by WWE Diva Cameron. She pointed out to him that she was the first person cut from Tough Enough and the only one who made it to the main roster and is still with the company.

The very last part of that should be much more amusing in another day or so.
[quote name='mykevermin']^ For real. They pay their low-end dudes like $100-200K per year - add on top of that that the low-end dudes get little in the way of royalties (Dean Ambrose ain't getting WWE '12/13 or t-shirt money), and they pay for the bulk of their own travel and accommodations (if it's done the way it used to be, WWE covered your flight from your house to TV on Monday or Tuesday and back home after the last house show of the weekend, but everything in between is on you financially).

Nobody could seriously think they fined a dude $500k, right?


I'm pretty sure that Punk claimed *he* was fined $500,000 and that he also paid some unnamed fine that was handed to Robinson because of the incident.

Honestly, I'm not even remotely interested in Punk's OMGKAYFABE/OMGNOTKAYFABE game anymore. It was interesting for that all of about 3 weeks before the Summer of Punk shit the bed, and it's just done nothing but become more and more grating each week.

That's my nice way of saying I couldn't give less of a shit about whether this is real or not, but I just needed to point out that I'm fairly certain Punk never claimed *Robinson* was given a $500,000 fine.

[quote name='KaneRobot']The very last part of that should be much more amusing in another day or so.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but really, is being a Funka... no, fuck you, WWE, I'm not typing that out... is being a glorified back-up dancer really 'making the main roster'? Still, if she genuinely had the balls to go up to arguably the biggest wrestler of all time and try to rub being Brodus Clay's entourage in his face, then... well, frankly, I don't whether to shake my head or start a slow clap. It's equal parts amazing and cringeworthy.
Anyone ever wonder what Austin's character would be like if he'd stayed active? I just can't imagine a place for him in the current WWE. His character would have had to change so much that the only recognizable thing would have been his appearance.
[quote name='007']I'm pretty sure that Punk claimed *he* was fined $500,000 and that he also paid some unnamed fine that was handed to Robinson because of the incident.

Honestly, I'm not even remotely interested in Punk's OMGKAYFABE/OMGNOTKAYFABE game anymore. It was interesting for that all of about 3 weeks before the Summer of Punk shit the bed, and it's just done nothing but become more and more grating each week.

That's my nice way of saying I couldn't give less of a shit about whether this is real or not, but I just needed to point out that I'm fairly certain Punk never claimed *Robinson* was given a $500,000 fine.[/QUOTE]

Fair enough.

Punk's been pretty boring for some time now. His matches are still fine, but I watch them to enjoy the match, not to see him win or settle the feud or whathaveyou. Like when you watch two people in a tennis match (to pick another sport I like) you've never heard of (like in this week's US Open prelims). Yeah, I'll watch the match just to see good tennis, but I don't care about the people in the match.

Punk has become that. 007's positively right. His "pipebombs" have been positively boring since his 2-week vacation "return" to WWE last summer.

And heeling on Lawler? I can't see how heeling on the skeeziest of dirty old men is supposed to get me to boo him. Lawler has been lifeless for far too long to be of any interest as a foil to get someone over as a heel at this point.
WWE NXT star Bray Wyatt, the former Husky Harris, suffered a torn pec back in June and it was reported that he would be out of action for around six months. Wyatt took to Twitter last night and announced that he will be returning to NXT at the September 20th tapings from Full Sail University.

Wyatt teases that he will be bringing some new faces with him:

“Do you believe? The wait is almost over……..”

“September the 20th. Full sail university #returnOfWyatt”

“Time to change the world. I will no longer be alone, i want to introduce you to my family”
Please, WWE. Don't screw this up.
In a perfect world, they'd model Wyatt's charges after Jody and T.C. from the Preacher comic books (without all the chicken-fucking, mind).
Can't say I agree - he's got a 'minster' thing going (some kind of Hunter S. Thompson meets Jim Jones vibe?), so it's sensible that he would have a 'congregation.'

Also, he's hurt, so best let him have the exposure instead of have his character falter while he is absent.
Speaking of Austin, while he was at the SummerSlam activities in Los Angeles, he was approached by WWE Diva Cameron. She pointed out to him that she was the first person cut from Tough Enough and the only one who made it to the main roster and is still with the company.

[quote name='renique46']"Give me a heck yea!"

"Austin 3:16 says i just kicked your butt"[/QUOTE]

And he'd be drinking O'Douls or A&W Root Beer.
Supposedly there's talk about removing Vickie as Dolph's manager and replacing her with Ric Flair once he is legally away from TNA on 9/10.
They tried the cult leader thing a couple of times before and neither did much for me. They need to establish the guy himself before saddling him with guys following him around. I guess it depends on what they actually do though. Random extras as his followers for a few weeks is fine. Batista-looking freaks who get paired with him because Husky is "too fat" is a sign they aren't behind him to begin with.
I can see Bray Wyatt coming back "with a family" while he heals. They stand in his way, making him appear untouchable..then when he is fully healed, he totally dominates whomever is feuding with them, showing that he doesn't NEED "family", that they are with him simply because they "believe" in Bray Wyatt...shows that he is indeed a serious force to be reckoned with.

If I had to choose a chasing-face-sacrificial lamb for this type of feud I'd have to go with Orton. Someone the fans will get behind, someone who appears to be a threat. Since Orton's been pretty much in the shit house as of late, he's a fitting choice to help push a new heel...and Orton's character to the dubya-dubya-E universe is pretty much akin to Wolverine: Overdone, seemingly unstoppable with an invincible image. It wouldn't hurt him one bit to suffer such a loss.
I am a believer in Bray Wyatt. When Bray Wyatt returns there's only one option for the other talent in WWE. Run!
[quote name='Dr. Venkman']I can see Bray Wyatt coming back "with a family" while he heals. They stand in his way, making him appear untouchable..then when he is fully healed, he totally dominates whomever is feuding with them, showing that he doesn't NEED "family", that they are with him simply because they "believe" in Bray Wyatt...shows that he is indeed a serious force to be reckoned with.

If I had to choose a chasing-face-sacrificial lamb for this type of feud I'd have to go with Orton. Someone the fans will get behind, someone who appears to be a threat. Since Orton's been pretty much in the shit house as of late, he's a fitting choice to help push a new heel...and Orton's character to the dubya-dubya-E universe is pretty much akin to Wolverine: Overdone, seemingly unstoppable with an invincible image. It wouldn't hurt him one bit to suffer such a loss.[/QUOTE]

I like this idea.

The typical guy to throw new heels against is Cena but frankly, we've seen Cena lose pretty frequently over what seems like the past couple years. Punk has beaten him a few times. Lesnar beat him. Rock beat him. I'm sure I'm leaving out a few. Point being, Cena has done enough losing for awhile. I don't necessarily want to see him with the belt but given his spot in the WWE, I'm fine with him winning more than losing. Which wouldn't make sense when you're trying to get Bray Wyatt to make a splash.

Orton on the other hand, has been gone for so long that I struggle to remember the last stuff he did. Dominate Christian? Whatever it was, he certainly returned like a conquering hero. Seeing a no-name guy and his flock take him down two or more PPVs in a row could really freshen up Orton's image. He used to have an edge.
Venkman and Halo should be booking this noise.

(aside from the risk inherent in putting an injured dude over a main eventer, which is admittedly huge.)
[quote name='mykevermin']Oh, you're in Wilkes-Barre?

That explains why you're ignorant white trash.[/QUOTE]
Watch it, man. Shit splatters when you smack it.
[quote name='mykevermin']Oh, you're in Wilkes-Barre?

That explains why you're ignorant white trash.[/QUOTE]

Straight-up murder. Myke: Long-lost Diaz brother.

WWE Diva Cameron, who was recently arrested last for a DUI, did not accompany Brodus Clay to the ring at today’s WWE Raw live event in Sydney, Australia as he was only with Naomi.

Cameron did travel with the WWE roster to Australia.

Na na na na...
If A-Ry (God I hate that moniker) can survive a DUI (career-wise, people) I fail to see why Cameron would have a problem...outside of bribery, I mean.

Heyman should bring in a stable of guys that will wrestle in place of Brock. Build feuds for him..and NO, I don't mean every ECW guy alive, only the ones that could pose a threat, garner heel support, don't need weapons to carry a match, etc.

Wish Raven could fit here (I'm thinking his age and previous substance abuse hampers his current ability), but a guy like Rhino/Rhyno would be a welcome start. Edge is gone now and it's not like Christian's spear is dominating or anything. Bring the damn GORE back and push the guy.
[quote name='Tsel']Funnily enough, your avatar is making the same face as them two.[/QUOTE]

Totally planned it. Absolutely. Without a doubt.
A bit late on this comment, but did anyone else find it particularly funny that Spike chose to air a WWE Films produced movie(The Marine 2) on their network after TNA went off the air?:lol:
SD was a fine little show with good Cody-Rey and Orton-Dolph matches and THE funniest segment ever with HHH being put over in a billion wacky ways.

Full thoughts -

They started talking about the main event was made via Twitter...ugh and that we'd see HHH's emotional speech. I guess some could call it emotional. Either that or hilarious. Oh thank the lord, Sheamus is here to TALK ABOUT HHH AND HOW TOUGH HE IS! Oh thank God, it's Sandow. Sheamus is as ignorant as he is enormous! Tremendous line. Sadly, Sheamus' 'say it to my face' one didn't lead to A-Ry coming out. Sandow's working as a snarker and not just a guy who says big words. I like them throwing Sandow in there with Sheamus - it's worlds better than being saddled with a Brodus feud. Rey's got a match next and SD was the most-watched show on SyFy for the 100th show in a week. Goody for WWE.

Rey is so hard to follow, AND FEEL FREE TO FOLLOW WWE ON TWITTER. fucking hell. He's facing Cody in their 9000th match. Thankfully, Cole brought up their feud and the usage of masks in it to make this feud with Sin Cara seem like it's more than filler. I really liked the little bit with Rey giving his mask to one kid, but the kid next to that one touching him, so Rey did the little meeting of the minds deal with him too and the kid had THE biggest smile ever - things like that will help keep Rey over for-freaking-ever with kids. I love the chemistry these two have - Cody's just the right size to take the bumps needed to help Rey's stuff look better and yet still bigger than him to work a big vs. little man style at points. Loved the running knee from Cody - hit really well. Loved Sin Cara coming to make the save for Rey and set up Cody for the 619 leading to Sin Cara planting his mask on Cody. Great spot - I bet that leads to replica masks selling more. Sin Cara finally feels like he has some direction, which bodes really well for him - it's better than a year and a half of random matches. YAY ANGER MANAGEMENT REPLAY! Don't you dare touch him, Harold.

Eve came out while Cole described the Raw divas battle royal as one of the best divas matches of the decade and Kaitlyn winning as one of the biggest shocks ever. TINY bit of hyperbole there. Kaitlyn and Nattie have a Twitter war causing this match to happen. LOLed at Eve calling Kaitlyn the future of WWE. Eve and Cole just talked about everything but the match, which was won by Kaitlyn and led to a Layla-Kaitlyn graphic where Kaitlyn looked really bored. Loved the little recap video of AJ and Vickie from Raw. Vickie has received TOUTS about her catfight with AJ. Time for another Raw recap - for the Punk-King match. I loved them actually showing clips from Memphis for it. The cage match wasn't recapped very well, but seeing those Memphis clips before it made me wish they'd release a version with Lance Russell on commentary. The TWEETS after the video were hilarious. Surprised they didn't fix A-Ry's typing issues in his, but at least he made TV in some way. Cena's txt-heavy style looks ridiculous. More anger management, YES! AJ's boy toy is a demonic monster from HELL! I missed that the doc found out about Kane's arrival via text - I hope Kane sent it himself. That would've made this skit even more fun. Sheamus-Sandow is next, and Josh can't quite pronounce hooligan correctly, saying it like "whooligan". Maybe he's got owl blood in him.

The match itself was better than I thought it would be. Sandow hasn't really looked great outside of squashes, but looked like he belonged in there with Sheamus to some degree. This is the first time I recall them bringing up Sandow being trained by Killer Kowalski, which made him seem like more of a veteran than they're playing him as. I liked Sheamus reversing the position on the chest clubs - doing them while standing on the apron for a change. The finish was anti-climactic, but I liked the visual of Sandow running away as fast as humanly possible. Orton-Ziggler happens later. I guess Ziggler wanted to lose again. AND WE GET TO SEE HHH CRY AGAIN LATER. PTPs are facing Kidd and Gabriel, who now have THE brightest yellow compression tank tops ever and black and green gear. Wow - turns out they were in that brawl last week. Didn't even notice them or know that they were a team. For some annoying reason, the Usos' Tout was shown DURING THE START OF THE MATCH while the faces did cool shit that got a smaller window than the Usos' talking. I liked Cole saying that it was a toss-up for who got the shot when the PTPs have lost millions and billions of matches in two months. Gabriel's new gear style looks really good. The double knee gutbuster is okay as a finisher, but DY should do it off the top at some point to really get it over. Part 3 pf anger management - still awesome. Kane's ramble on his history might be one of the funniest overall bits in company history.

Alberto does an interview next. I bet it's my destiny to be bored by it. Nope - it was nice and short, and led to a wacky Kane promo that itself led to a HOLLA HOLLA KANE MATCH. I liked Kane mixing up the basement dropkick by doing it TO THE BACK! Alberto hit possibly the shittiest-backstabber ever, and got a win with it. That did not help Alberto in the slightest outside of the story of him beating Kane before facing Sheamus. Loved the post-match kiss on the head from Ricardo. Poor Josh got beaten up once again. Loved the BEAT UP COLE chant. I guess Josh is off of SD next week, which means MORE GUEST COMMENTATORS. WWE should just do us all a favor and have Michael Hayes replace him for one week. HHH crying is next and THE WWE APP IS POPULAR! HHH's speech is the most popular item on and now we've got a video with wacky piano music playing over it. They kept in the HBK WAS BETTER THAN YOU sign. Oh this was high comedy. THANK YOU! FOR LETTING ME!!! PLAY THE GAME!!!! The HHH story is THE TOP STORY ON THE WWE APP - ONE OF THE HOTTEST APPS EVER! So much insecurity in a five minute span. And now it's one of the hottest topics in ALL of social media, as evidenced by Foley, J.R., and Kofi talking about it. Godamn that was tremendous comedy.

Dolph came out, DON'T FORGET TO LIKE WWE ON FACEBOOK and check out WWE'S YOUTUBE CHANNEL with Dolph's Download show. Dolph-Orton starts at 9:51, so it's got enough time to be pretty good, but probably not enough to be really good. I liked Orton teasing an outside-in suplex but having it lead to a superplex instead. I don't remember seeing that done before, but it's a great way to mix up doing a superplex. Zig Zg doesn't connect, neither did the fameass, but an RKO does and Orton wins. Good lord, Dolph had better be killing dudes for a few weeks if they're going to have him win the title soon because all of these losses are hurting him even if they are higher up on the cards. I liked the JTPG sign in the background after the match.

Screens -

I'm not sure which facial expression is funnier


Rey rules

That pop he gets when he removes the mask is amazing. He was so misused in WWE that it wasn't even funny. I mean, most of the WCW guys were used wrong, but they really screwed up with DDP when he arrived. He was fun to watch during the "That's not a bad thing. That's a good thing" phase and his stuff with Christian, but before that he should've been in the (admittedly crowded at the time) main event scene.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']

That pop he gets when he removes the mask is amazing. He was so misused in WWE that it wasn't even funny. I mean, most of the WCW guys were used wrong, but they really screwed up with DDP when he arrived. He was fun to watch during the "That's not a bad thing. That's a good thing" phase and his stuff with Christian, but before that he should've been in the (admittedly crowded at the time) main event scene.[/QUOTE]

I can see DDP coming back for at least one more run, but it really should be as a face. Have him eventually tag and/or feud with Orton for some sick double RKO/Diamond Cutter moments.

What the hell is it with me and Orton these days? :cold:
[quote name='pitfallharry219']He was fun to watch during the "That's not a bad thing. That's a good thing" phase[/QUOTE]

gonna disagree - but it's not because it was 'bad', per se, but because it was unfulfilled potential. Putting someone of DDP's caliber in the places WWF/E used him is just poor business. You're right about him being misused in the Undertaker feud, but that's because he very, very quickly became a jobber from the start. He had little to no offense in any of the matches he had with UT (and that's more problematic than him jobbing to Missus Undertaker). Can't take someone seriously when they're just a jobber - in his case, it wasn't because he lost, it's because he lost so overwhelmingly time and time again. The matches he had were simply unenjoyable to watch. Go back and check out DDP/Kanyon vs UT/Kane in a cage. It's fucking *awful* to watch. It's a squash match.

(side note: this is where I, in some small part, always thought a bit higher of Kronik than the average person/team. They saw the feud w/ DDP and Kanyon, and decided to not let themselves be ruined in the same way. Which, ironically, resulted in them getting very quickly shitcanned and, therefore, ruined. :lol:)

So motivational speaker DDP was well and good, but like polka dot Dusty Rhodes, like "Hoss Funk," like Saba Simba, or the numerous and myriad other guys who were *huge* and *over* in other promotions, it simply doesn't make any good business sense to deny a person's past - particularly when their past, which the crowd is also well aware of, can boost their credibility in the ring, and therefore the company's profile by virtue of "oh my god, did you see who showed up in WWE?" discussions amongst fans.

Picture it this way:
a) "Oh my god, did you see AJ Styles signed with WWE and attacked Daniel Bryan on Raw?"
b) "Oh my god, did you see that promo from the new guy, Phillip Delacroix? It was kinda boring. He talked about grabbing the brass ring and stuff. Yeah, I thought he looked familiar, too. AJ something or other? Yeah, I think he's gonna feud on 'Saturday Slam' versus Michael McGillicuty."

Oof, in hindsight, it's much worse than I thought. DDP gets 25 seconds of offense around 4:30 in, one DDT after that...and then there's the finish, where UT tells him to "Get the hell out" of the ring, and DDP intimates to run off like a coward. Just pathetic booking.
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