The Sheamus Appreciation Wrestling Thread

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[quote name='mitch079']I never got why he would stalk a three dollar steak when he's got filet mignon.[/QUOTE]

Taker apparently asked the same question shortly thereafter.
Found this on Reddit.

I just watched Cactus/Payne vs The Nasty Boys from Spring Stampede for the first time. Good lord, that's hard to stomach at some points.
I just watched Cactus/Payne vs The Nasty Boys from Spring Stampede for the first time. Good lord, that's hard to stomach at some points.

[quote name='davo1224']Try watching Steiners/Nasty Boys from Halloween Hvoc '90. You're almost certain someone is gonna die.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='JJSP']I just watched Cactus/Payne vs The Nasty Boys from Spring Stampede for the first time. Good lord, that's hard to stomach at some points.[/QUOTE]

From Wikipedia:
During his and Jack's feud with The Nasty Boys, Peterson had become increasingly unhappy with their stiffness and insistence on controlling the match. During their brawl at Spring Stampede, (Nasty Boy) Brian Knobs and Peterson did not cooperate on a fall, and Knobs broke his shoulder as a result. After the match, WCW President Eric Bischoff shouted at Peterson for hurting Knobs, and Peterson responded in kind. As a result, Peterson was subsequently buried. He was fired from WCW soon after, although he did help Jack and his new partner, Kevin Sullivan, decisively defeat The Nasty Boys with a well-placed guitar shot
I read about this a few days ago, but I forgot to mention it. I'm actually surprised no one else posted about it.

Two guys stole the actual TNA title and a replica of it backstage at a house show in Iowa. They were finally identified and caught thanks to security cameras.
I always thought Maxx broke Knobbs's arm at the Superbrawl match. Check it out at 16:44. Also, for good measure, the tag match between the Nastys and Cactus and Sullivan.
[quote name='@TestifyDevon']The dudley boys @3DTnT and testify devon at the gym this morning getting our working on. @3DTnT getting ready [/quote]

Posted two hours ago to Twitter

Trying not to read too much into this..
Thoughts on Aces & Eights and Team 3-D's contracts and them teasing jumping ship to WWE...

I think they're the leaders of Aces & Eights and that the "Prospects" are students from their wrestling school.

Them not coming to a contractual agreement is meant to swerve us Internet folk.

Also, I'm almost certain the Aces & Eights guy that did one of the promos last week was unmistakably D'Lo Brown. They might just be doing that to throw people off, though - Keep 'em guessing.
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Dang, D-Von's sons are jacked.

I think the one thing we can say positive about TNA is that it's really unknown who Aces and Eights are. Keeping secrets in wrestling has been virtually impossible for years, so to have the major angle that encompasses their entire product be in the shadows is pretty impressive.

Maybe A&8 really are (as has been rumored)
Mike Knox, Chris Masters, and some other WWE midcarders
. So maybe that's a "disappointment" because it's not...oh, I dunno...some big name WWE guy jumping ship or leading the group?

I'm just stoked that there is an unknown in wrestling right now, and it's front and center as the main story arc of a major promotion. The last time WWE did that, it was a fabrication of the fanbase's imagination (scraping for symbolism in the Y2J 'end of the world' videos, doing the same thing in the UT/"Sting" videos pre-WM28). WWE has had little to no unpredictability in years.

TNA is doing things smartly, and in a way that keeps someone like myself interested and engaged in the product. If it turns out that so-and-so former midcarder is in the group, so what? If they got someone over in the process, then it won't matter that they were midcard in the past. Nobody was pissed off that the nWo was just the return of Vinnie Vegas and Diamond Studd, after all.
[quote name='mykevermin']Nobody was pissed off that the nWo was just the return of Vinnie Vegas and Diamond Studd, after all.[/QUOTE]

Although, we were ecstatic for the return of "Diesel" and "Razor Ramon" to Monday Night Raw.
I for one was happy to see Oz return to WcW. I also loved seeing Terra Ryzing jump ship to the WWF. Great times indeed.

Holy crap, I just got a douche chill at the thought of Terra Ryzing is now pretty much running the show at WWE. Let that sink in for a minute....
As a lifelong wrasslin' fan, sometimes I feel as if I don't contribute nearly enough to this forum.

Visited my parents house this weekend, and decided to dive into my "treasure trove" where I keep all my wrestling memorabilia. In doing so, I came across all the photos I took at the various WrestleManias I attended. There's too many photos to scan in a reasonable amount of time, so I decided to quickly scan a few gems.



Edit: Photobucket is being a dick... maybe give it a few minutes or so.
I hate to say this, but until Miz came out Cole was actually doing some really damn good commentary. Maybe they should let him stick with being the straight play by play guy without trying to have him heel it up. I get they are trying to make him be like Heenan, but for Heenan it came naturally. With Cole it comes off as extremely forced and lame. As a straight up play by play guy he is pretty decent.

One other thing. After seeing the first anger management segment tonight, does anyone else kind of hope that maybe they end up making a Kane/Bryan tag team sometime? Could really have some potential, but then again the tag division is where people go to die in WWE these days.
Yea I was just thinking that Cole was doing great... until I heard Mizs music. I also love the chicago crowd.
WWE is so fucking insular and stupid. Having Punk walk out isn't going to make Chicago hate him, it's going to make them hate the show. Could have heard a pin drop during the Sheamus match.

On a related note, having Sheamus pathetically pander ("these people don't want to see that!") to the crowd isn't going to get anyone to cheer for him when he's trying to shit talk Punk in Chicago.

Mix is doing OK. He's not great but at least he's actually selling what's going on instead of constantly talking about himself.
[quote name='Brak']Thoughts on Aces & Eights and Team 3-D's contracts and them teasing jumping ship to WWE...

I think they're the leaders of Aces & Eights and that the "Prospects" are students from their wrestling school.

Them not coming to a contractual agreement is meant to swerve us Internet folk.

Also, I'm almost certain the Aces & Eights guy that did one of the promos last week was unmistakably D'Lo Brown. They might just be doing that to throw people off, though - Keep 'em guessing.

Don't toy with my emotions. That would be quite incredible to keep secret in an Internet savvy age. I agree with Myke. TNA has been smart with their booking. They even did good salvage work with the "Crackhead Claire" angle after fans made their complaints known. Couple that with the amusement park performer thinking she's a legit actress and TNA made a good decision to scrap that angle. Daniels and Kazarian receive a small push as heels and Styles gets to flush out his history a bit more.

WWE has put up parts of RAW on YouTube. Sheamus using the Texas cloverleaf. I get it, WWE. Cloverleaf, four-leaf clover, Ireland, pot of gold, leprechauns.
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Cena/Del Rio was a nice Attitude Era throwback match. Mic shots, table bump, thrown in the crowd, backstage brawling.. And the ending with Punk/Heyman? Markout city.


Regarding Savage, a fan was dressed exactly like Randy Savage and the crowd popped for him.
[quote name='mykevermin']^?

I stopped watching around 9:30 or so. Wha'ppened?[/QUOTE]

Absolute dead ringer for Randy Savage in the front during the main event. Loud Macho Man chant.

And at the end
Heyman showed up after Punk attacked Cena, and left with Punk.
I want to believe!

Lesnar Fan posted a picture of him and Heyman at a hotel bar last night. Had a feeling Paul E would show up in some form tonight. Glad to see they are doing something with CM Punk being a "Paul Heyman Guy".
[quote name='KaneRobot']WWE is so fucking insular and stupid. Having Punk walk out isn't going to make Chicago hate him, it's going to make them hate the show. Could have heard a pin drop during the Sheamus match.

On a related note, having Sheamus pathetically pander ("these people don't want to see that!") to the crowd isn't going to get anyone to cheer for him when he's trying to shit talk Punk in Chicago.

Mix is doing OK. He's not great but at least he's actually selling what's going on instead of constantly talking about himself.[/QUOTE]

What if they showed a video of Punk pissing on the Wrigley ivy in a David Freese jersey?
[quote name='KaneRobot']I do enjoy how Bryan constantly looks like he's about to start cracking up.[/QUOTE]

100% agreed. Bryan's facial expressions are hilarious, especially during his wedding with AJ.
The guy could use work on the Macho theatrics to complete the tribute but that's a damn fine outfit he's put together.
Someone in that arena in Chicago needs to tone it down about 8 notches on the screaming on that video. I ended up having to mute the sound out of fear of my eardrums bursting from that wailing.:whistle2:#
[quote name='Purple Flames']Well that was a nice genuine surprise there at the end.[/QUOTE]

Not bad. WWE has a habit of mishandling everything, so we'll see what happens, which means I'll have to watch bits and pieces of RAW from WWE's YouTube channel.

And I agree with whoever said that Cole was pretty good on last night's RAW. From what I heard, he works well with Miz. Could be because Miz is very good on the stick, or, my train of thought, that Lawler is incredibly shitty. Unfortunate that a good heel commentator like Lawler made a transition to titty-monger then to senile do-nothing. Perhaps his heel run wasn't even that good? Anyone go back and listen? He's definitely not timeless like Heenan.
[quote name='Chase']Lawler made a transition to titty-monger then to senile do-nothing.[/QUOTE]

Incredibly succinct description of the past 15+ years of Lawler's announcing. :applause:

Miz was okay last night - he brought something different than Lawler, but after 90 minutes on the mic (most of which I didn't see), I can't judge one way or another.
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