The Sheamus Appreciation Wrestling Thread

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Wow. John Kricfalusi FTMFW.

[quote name='Chase']
And I agree with whoever said that Cole was pretty good on last night's RAW. From what I heard, he works well with Miz. Could be because Miz is very good on the stick, or, my train of thought, that Lawler is incredibly shitty. Unfortunate that a good heel commentator like Lawler made a transition to titty-monger then to senile do-nothing. Perhaps his heel run wasn't even that good? Anyone go back and listen? He's definitely not timeless like Heenan.[/QUOTE]

Yeah my friends and I have been going back and watching some 1998 episodes of Raw and Jerry's commentary still holds up pretty well. Don't get me wrong he was never Heenan but then again no one was, is, or ever will be again. It's just a shame he is such a shell of his former self now, today he phones it in to such a degree if you look real hard you can see an actual telephone sitting beside him on the announce table.

Also chiming in on last night, up until last night's Raw I have been incredibly bored with what they were doing with CM Punk's character, I just hated the crap with him and Lawler. But I am a big fan of pairing Punk and Heyman up together. Heyman is still one of the best in the business and could really add something to the program if he was on every week. Maybe even lead a stable with Punk and a couple others? The WWE could use a good stable to shake things up again imo.
man not a single dent in that car at the end ...........

now what is punk going to do bring in his own stable just like Dx ,,, wade barret or whatever his name was ECT ECT ECT ...

kind of sucks but

Got this of a wresting website
During Thursday's conference call for 2012 second quarter results, WWE Chairman and CEO, Vince McMahon, said he hopes to make an announcement concerning the WWE Network in three months. "I hope next quarter I will be making an announcement on our Network," McMahon said.
McMahon acknowledged a delay in announcing details on the WWE Network. He stated at the last conference call in May that he expected an announcement to be made "within the next three months."

At this point I think it's safe to say a 2012 launch can be tossed out the window.

i say the WWE NETWORK never sees the light of day

also just got off the phone with comcast and was told

they got the news today COMCAST WILL NOT CARRY the channel when or if it ever shows up.... They are demanding way too much cash to carry it
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I like the WWE network for one reason, when a directv guy at wal-mart asks me to switch, I say, you have the WWE network? They look all over to no avail. Sorry, can't switch. Mind you, this is for the real annoying ones trying to talk me out of cable.

Side note, couple ECW things on netflix and WWE: Falls count any where is on there as well.
It's good to see father and son pictures. I guess Mae and Mark have joint custody. Handy was all grown up on Raw 1000.
The XFL had the advantage of being football and thus a massively larger potential audience and yet it still failed (spectacularly so). WWE Network's potential viewership tops out, essentially, at the equivalent of the average of Raw's viewers. Doesn't exactly scream guaranteed hit, hm?
[quote name='neocisco']The XFL had the advantage of being football and thus a massively larger potential audience and yet it still failed (spectacularly so). WWE Network's potential viewership tops out, essentially, at the equivalent of the average of Raw's viewers. Doesn't exactly scream guaranteed hit, hm?[/QUOTE]

Nah, I see that - but since there are niche channels for sports that don't draw as much as big time wrestling (Tennis Channel), I think there is a market that could be fulfilled with WWE Network.

If they try to have "original programming" that is non-wrestling focused, it will fare worse than Oprah's channel.

WWE, as a business, likes to forge ahead as if they are not viewed by the non-wrestling fanbase as lowbrow, bottom barrel hillbilly white trash programming - as "fake" sport for a demographic of dropouts, miscreants and other sorts of dunderheads. So they pretend to "make movies" or "tell stories" or whatever corporate push line they want - they will never break through into mainstream, legitimate culture by wishing it were so.

WWE wants to be MTV - purveyor of all things pop culture. Edgy, innovative (I know many of you want to respond that they aren't, but to the mall-shopping, TMZ-reading people of the world, this is indeed true) - trend-setting. People lament that MTV no longer even shows music videos anymore, and that may (still) be true. But they grew in that direction, slowly, over time. They did not start in that direction, not by any stretch of the imagination. Once record companies realized that MTV was a vehicle for record sales, and that meant MTV became a vehicle for pop culture - then you saw stuff like "House of Style" (jeez, I remember that show?) show up on the air.

If WWE wants to launch their network with shit like "Are You Smarter Than Mason Ryan?", "Hangin' With Michael McGillicuty," or "In the Kitchen With Brodus Clay" (it's a lot like Sandra Dee's semi-homemade, but more...ahem...'funky'), they'll die in under two years. Probably one year, but I never would underestimate McMahon's persistence in clinging to terrible ideas.

If they want to grow the product naturally, focusing on wrestling first and foremost, then they might succeed.

They also need to emphasize one thing they have not when revisiting wrestling history: the serial nature of the product. Showing big matches is great, but not the context (i.e., the weeks/months of TV buildup) won't help attract fans to the product. Providing serial programming that gives the whole feud (or close to it) will be the only thing that will make fans want the channel and not go to YouTube as an alternative.
[quote name='mykevermin']If they want to grow the product naturally, focusing on wrestling first and foremost, then they might succeed.[/QUOTE]

You ask too much of the company.

I think it's fascinating that WWE has grown in the last few years. Seems like their long-term thinking has been on a decline—especially if Big Bird loses her senate bid. Of course, marketing to kids is long-term thinking, but it's nothing new and not outside-the-box. They did this in the 1990s with the New Generation era. I think this rebuild era feels longer because time becomes more important as we get older.

The success of the WWE Network depends on kids asking their parents to buy them the channel. I think most adults will not want to spend the money WWE will ask. Only way to appeal to all demographics would be to create an "HBO Go"-type system where content is available to everyone and at their own convenience. (HBO is testing an independent system in Europe. Doubtful it hits the U.S., but this cable-less way has been the request of a lot of consumers.) If WWE releases an on-demand app for mobile devices and tablets, without tying themselves to Big Cable, then I think their chance of success sees a significant increase.

Undoubtedly, given the McMahon's history, the WWE Network will join the XFL and World Bodybuilding Federation as another failure. Their efforts lack a soul.

EDIT: Neocisco, that is the funniest damn thing I've seen all day. Holy crap. Many laughs. Well done.
WWE Network would have been HUGE a decade ago or so. Now it feels like something you go "oh cool" then forget about five seconds later because honestly another niche cable channel is the last thing you really want to think about. Personally I'd be interested in the network more myself if they were to show things like the build up to a particular match/angle/whatever and not just random matches/events/etc. Yeah I love some of the WWE's recent home video releases like the WCW Clash Of The Champions release but it would be nice to see more context given to those matches such as the build up so I can appreciate things with a better sense of scope and why that match has importance.

Oh and Neo that picture comparing football/futbol/soccer diving to wrestling made me laugh. That's the biggest thing that drives me NUTS about football/futbol/soccer is the lame diving. Doesn't mean I'll quit enjoying watching the great sport and cheering on my teams but still.
[quote name='Chase']EDIT: Neocisco, that is the funniest damn thing I've seen all day. Holy crap. Many laughs. Well done.[/QUOTE]

I wish I could take credit for them. Those are all from the Facebook page that myke posted the other day. There are hundreds of them and I figured I'd post the ones I particularly like. Here are a couple more.


All of these unfunny wrestling related memes/captioned pictures make me feel like I'm in a WWE Fanclub Yahoo Group circa 2000-2001
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']That pic you posted had me kinda wondering where is Jonathan Coachman these days. So I Googled it and found out he's on ESPN now. Really?[/QUOTE]

I remember him working for ESPN for at least a little while (although never did anything major iirc). I didn't realize he was still there.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']That pic you posted had me kinda wondering where is Jonathan Coachman these days. So I Googled it and found out he's on ESPN now. Really?[/QUOTE]

Welcome to 2009. Brace yourself for swine flu.
I've been mostly out of the WWE loop for quite a while...usually as soon as id turn it on they'd be talking for what seemed like forever. It made me miss the days in 2001 when I'd use my old VCR, tape Raw, watch the actual matches and skip over most of the talking segments.
I listen to Coach and Coleman when I have to work on Sundays. Coach has some good analysis on football.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']That baby's probably not in any pain, but it takes a real shithead to set up a picture like that.[/QUOTE]
Probably way too soon for a Crispin Wah joke, right?
[quote name='neocisco']That must be where you left your sense of humor.[/QUOTE]

It's important to have at least a hint of standards. Most of the shit posted there is pretty fucking weak.

I thought this was a weird finish. I mean, come on.. Kaitlyn? Turns out Layla's shocked reaction was legit: reports that Eve Torres may be added to the Divas Title match between Layla and Kaitlyn at WWE's Night of Champions pay-per-view. It's also possible that Kaitlyn may be removed from the match and it end up being Eve vs. Layla. As we noted, the Divas battle royal from a few weeks ago was botched as Kaitlyn wasn't supposed to win and was not scheduled to be named the #1 contender.
[quote name='Habbler']I listen to Coach and Coleman when I have to work on Sundays. Coach has some good analysis on football.[/QUOTE]

The problem is Coleman. Coach needs a new partner bad. Coleman is just so bland that it hurts.
[quote name='JStryke']I remember him working for ESPN for at least a little while (although never did anything major iirc). I didn't realize he was still there.[/QUOTE]

He mainly does ESPNNEWS, is a 3rd alternate or whatever on SportsCenter, and has a weekly radio show on ESPNRADIO.

Edit: I see Casey has already mentioned Coach is pretty damn good on radio. He hosted Colin Cowheard's show on Monday so I guess he's going to end up being the top radio alternate with the talent drain leaving ESPN.
[quote name='Scorch']

I thought this was a weird finish. I mean, come on.. Kaitlyn? Turns out Layla's shocked reaction was legit:[/QUOTE]

I don't see how Kaitlyn wasn't supposed to win that match. Both of them botch the first clothesline attempt. They redo and Eve sails over.

Other than trying to have Eve skin the cat (which sounds like an incredibly unlikely spot) and somehow eliminate Kaitlyn after, I call BS on the "Kaitlyn wasn't supposed to win" thing.

But make no mistake - the intent was never to really push Kaitlyn. This whole thing is about Eve and her "is she sincere now, or still a scum bucket" angle.

If they add Eve to the match, its probably because Kaitlyn has had a bad string of matches since winning that Battle Royal. Which is odd because while she's still green, she was never that bad on NXT and her other in-ring opportunities on the B/C/D Grade shows. Yep... Gotta get Eve to carry that PPV match.
I want to like Kaitlyn because she has some legit build to her, and isn't another heroin chic set of tits.

I can't like Kaitlyn because she is "week 3 of training" awful in the ring. She can't even run the ropes properly.
[quote name='mykevermin']I want to like Kaitlyn because she has some legit build to her, and isn't another heroin chic set of tits.

I can't like Kaitlyn because she is "week 3 of training" awful in the ring. She can't even run the ropes properly.[/QUOTE]

She is a little awkward in the ring, especially with the running (not just the ropes, but her general running style) and the way she carries herself in the gaps between lock ups and spots and whatever (always hands on her knees). This isn't exclusive to her though. Kelly Kelly can't run the ropes. Most of the Divas can't run the ropes. Fox has been in the WWE system for 4-6 years and she's practically dangerous to be in the ring with. Even if you watch indy women's wrestling, a ton of them have trouble moving in the ring even if they're technically sound when they lock up and do moves or spots or whatever.

I think this is a "good" Divas match with Kaitlyn by WWE standards:

Link here

But it of course helps that she was wrestling Natalya.

Which she did recently and again, it was pretty decent for a "Divas" match in WWE (has most of the same spots from that NXT match above):

Link to this match

They should probably have her wrestle Natalya every day they're on the road if they want Kaitlyn to improve. But Kaitlyn is just as good as the other "heroin chic set of tits" Divas. She's no Beth, Natalya or even Tamina, but I think she has the potential to get there. After all, WWE signed her in July 2010, and she was already on NXT by September 7, 2010 as a substitute since that Isis the Amazon burned her WWE bridges in a one week period. Not to mention Kaitlyn later won NXT, probably largely due to her personality (out nerded AJ).
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