The Steam Deal Thread V6. We're all pumped for CAG 3.0!

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V6! You can find link to past threads at the bottom of this post. Read post #2 of this thread for Steam FAQs and more.

With the V6 Thread, we're trying a slight formatting change. We used to list every possible Steam deal in the OP, but they change too frequently for anyone to keep up with (even in the Wiki format). So now, we'll leave regular minor sales out of the OP. This post will keep track of major sales (Winter sale, etc.), Steam deals available through other sellers (like Amazon), Preorder deals, and Group Buys.

I would still greatly appreciate help from you folks at home in keeping this smaller-scale OP up-to-date. This is a Wiki post so anyone can contribute. Wiki instructions:
Thanks for your help! If you notice a sale has ended, feel free to delete its line from the sale list. Of course, if you see something does need to be added, then kindly add it to the list.

Make sure your changes match the thread's format! For example, every game that's on sale is part of an unordered list. When adding a game to the list, copy an existing line and update the link, title, and prices. That way, the format stays correct. Do not list percentages off! We list the original price and the sale price here. If you have any suggestions for major changes to the post/thread, PM me (EastX) about them.

Steam Sales - Updated 1/22

CAG Threads Featuring Steam Games on Sale Elsewhere - Updated 1/9

Preorder Deals - Updated 1/10
Group Buy Deals - Updated 1/9/13

Free Stuff - List needs updating with F2P games!
There are several free games and mods on Steam. These are a few choice ones; you can find a full list here. Note that free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.

Steam around CAG

If you are interested in joining the Steam CAG Community or participating in a trade or group buy with fellow Cheap Ass Gamers, please do so in the dedicated threads and not in the deal discussion thread. In the dedicated threads you will find CAGers with the same specialized interest who will be much quicker (and happier) to respond than in the Deals thread.

Past Special Sales

Visit to check previous sale prices on Steam games. We do keep track of some older sales here though:

Steam Retail Key List

What is a CD key and where can I find it?

Steam's explanation and list of Steam-activatable keys

The CD Key is a serial number with a combination of 13, 18, or 25 letters and numbers - it can be found on a sticker inside your game's case or printed on the game's quick reference card. The CD Key acts as your proof of purchase for the game - Steam Support may ask for it if you need to establish your ownership of an account. It is recommended that you keep your CD Key in a safe place to ensure the security of your account.

Other Keys that can be redeemed on Steam (CAG tested & verified)

  • The Ball (bought @D2D, tested by voken)
  • Supreme Commander Forged Alliance (gives both FA and original, bought @amazon, tested by vism)

Indie Bundles thread on Steam forums (link)

Past CAG Steam Deal Threads
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Yep, you can't really compare the video games to PnP games. It's a different dynamic and (often) a different target audience. The percentage of people who play the video games who would even consider playing the PnP games is extremely small.
[quote name='darkling23']Not to defend WotC/Hasbro particularly, as I'm not overall fond of how they run their business, but there is nothing wrong with them digitally publishing their old tabletop materials and charging something for them. In fact, that's a big step in the right direction considering how, just a few years ago, their goal was to bury their old materials so people would buy the new edition.

And what exactly do you expect RPG PDFs's to cost? Also, comparing video game prices to tabletop RPG prices is kinda like comparing apples and oranges.[/QUOTE]

I tend to prefer apples; however, when taking into account my preference for orange juice over apple juice, I believe as fruits in their totality they're sort of a wash.
I don't have any experience with tabletop DnD outside of an episode of Community, but don't they technically offer you infinite gameplay?

But yeah, the digital book marker overall is horrendous with pricing structure compared to VG or even MP3.
[quote name='darkling23']Not to defend WotC/Hasbro particularly, as I'm not overall fond of how they run their business, but there is nothing wrong with them digitally publishing their old tabletop materials and charging something for them.[/quote]

I never claimed otherwise.

In fact, that's a big step in the right direction considering how, just a few years ago, their goal was to bury their old materials so people would buy the new edition.

Except it wasn't. They did it because they went batshit crazy thinking that selling pdfs encouraged piracy, and proceeded to try and sue various torrent sites.

And what exactly do you expect RPG PDFs's to cost?

Seriously? For 20-30 year old material? Treat it like Steam does. Offer stuff so cheap that people will buy it without even thinking about it, will horde it, or will buy it just to gift away. $1 module, $2 sourcebook, $4 core book. Then come up with cool packages.

Also, comparing video game prices to tabletop RPG prices is kinda like comparing apples and oranges.

Not really, both are forms of entertainment with a very similar fanbase.

[quote name='Mooby']Yep, you can't really compare the video games to PnP games. It's a different dynamic and (often) a different target audience. The percentage of people who play the video games who would even consider playing the PnP games is extremely small.[/QUOTE]

Of course you can. I am not comparing "video games" in general, I am comparing CRPGs, specifically those branded and using the same ruleset as the PnP version. You can replay CRPGs, just like you can replay a module. $12 gets me 8 CRPG + expansions versus 3 pdf modules. Their pricing is so out of whack it is ridiculous.

edit: For reference, the 2nd ed ruleset, plus all the companion books and other misc stuff was available for $20, on CD, like 15 years ago.
I just entered my 4,000th Steamgifts giveaway. I've won 8 giveaways, with 3 of those being Group giveaways (from the CAG group) and 1 of them being a developer giveaway with 15,000 copies and 14,000-something entries.

So basically, I've won 1 out of every 1,000 public giveaways I've entered, or 0.1%.

Strangely, I've been entering giveaways there for 6 months, and 6 of my 8 wins were in the first two months.

Just thought I'd share. :)
[quote name='CheapLikeAFox']
But yeah, the digital book marker overall is horrendous with pricing structure compared to VG or even MP3.[/QUOTE]

I guess in some situations that's true, but in each of those cases you're paying for the license, which often makes the price identical. MP3s, when you buy an album still costs only a few dollars less than it does at retail, and most games are priced identically. I think with books we're expecting the kind of dirt cheap prices offered by second-hand stores, but the author still has to eat.

It would be nice to see more steam-esque deals from retailers like Amazon from their kindle library, though. Whenever I see a daily kindle deal from Amazon that I'm even remotely interested in for only a couple of bucks I jump on it immediately. My digital book backlog doesn't leer at me from my shelves or weigh several hundred pounds while moving like my physical one does.

[quote name='jshackles']I just entered my 4,000th Steamgifts giveaway. I've won 8 giveaways, with 3 of those being Group giveaways (from the CAG group) and 1 of them being a developer giveaway with 15,000 copies and 14,000-something entries.

So basically, I've won 1 out of every 1,000 public giveaways I've entered, or 0.1%.

Strangely, I've been entering giveaways there for 6 months, and 6 of my 8 wins were in the first two months.

Just thought I'd share. :)[/QUOTE]

I have entered nearly 1,000 giveaways and won 3 - two from the CAG group and one dev giveaway with absurdly high odds.
[quote name='jshackles']I just entered my 4,000th Steamgifts giveaway. I've won 8 giveaways, with 3 of those being Group giveaways (from the CAG group) and 1 of them being a developer giveaway with 15,000 copies and 14,000-something entries.

So basically, I've won 1 out of every 1,000 public giveaways I've entered, or 0.1%.

Strangely, I've been entering giveaways there for 6 months, and 6 of my 8 wins were in the first two months.

Just thought I'd share. :)[/QUOTE]

That's a good amount of public giveaways! I've won 26 out of 2,100, but most of mine are group/private wins. A good rule of thumb if you want to win more is to stalk the Steam profiles of people who seem to win a lot and enter into their open giveaway groups. I generally don't go for "membership by invite only" groups because they usually have requirements (like ours) and it doesn't feel right to butter them up, seek their approval and whatnot, just for the games. "You look fit! Healthy, I mean. What's the url for Skyram?" Open ones are generally fair game, with the exception of those website-specific ones.
I'm going to assume the D&D Ultimate Pack from GameStop is probably the same as the GOG versions, but can anyone confirm this and, if so, whether this pack has ever been cheaper? Lack of Steam doesn't bother me at all since, y'know, they aren't on Steam.

[quote name='sleeping_lights_on']GMG is having a Sonic deal. All the sonic games for ~21. Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 I'm looking to pickup. You can also get stuff individually.
Tomorrow will be the Amazon Sega pack with Nights into Dreams subbed in for Sonic Adventure 1.

Got a link for this Amazon pack? I don't remember seeing this anywhere.
[quote name='N3UROP0D']I'm going to assume the D&D Ultimate Pack from GameStop is probably the same as the GOG versions, but can anyone confirm this and, if so, whether this pack has ever been cheaper? Lack of Steam doesn't bother me at all since, y'know, they aren't on Steam.

I believe if it's the same pack as the one GG offers, it has been around $7 from them in the past, and possibly a little lower during a price mistake.

There should be a conversation about it a few pages back.
[quote name='Blade']That's a good amount of public giveaways! I've won 26 out of 2,100, but most of mine are group/private wins. A good rule of thumb if you want to win more is to stalk the Steam profiles of people who seem to win a lot and enter into their open giveaway groups. I generally don't go for "membership by invite only" groups because they usually have requirements (like ours) and it doesn't feel right to butter them up, seek their approval and whatnot, just for the games. "You look fit! Healthy, I mean. What's the url for Skyram?" Open ones are generally fair game, with the exception of those website-specific ones.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I typically find myself with more points than I know what to do with, and since I own about half of the games on Steam, I can usually enter just about every giveaway presented. I prioritize Group giveaways (obviously), then enter the ones with the highest contributor values, then go for the straight up public ones.

Karma needs to catch up with me though, I haven't won anything in over 2 months, and I've given away 15 games on the site now. :)
[quote name='Eldredpe']I believe if it's the same pack as the one GG offers, it has been around $7 from them in the past, and possibly a little lower during a price mistake.

There should be a conversation about it a few pages back.[/QUOTE]

I did read that discussion, but the GG pack in question doesn't have the NWN games. Actually I don't even know if other sites have an equivalent bundle, guess I need to do a little more digging.
[quote name='N3UROP0D']I did read that discussion, but the GG pack in question doesn't have the NWN games. Actually I don't even know if other sites have an equivalent bundle, guess I need to do a little more digging.[/QUOTE]

Actually, they have both

D&D Anthology - The Master Collection

D&D NWN Complete

I snagged the first one during the holidays. It would have been nice to have NWN included but I didn't know about that collection at the time, D'oh!
[quote name='theemadgamer']Actually, they have both

D&D Anthology - The Master Collection

D&D NWN Complete

I snagged the first one during the holidays. It would have been nice to have NWN included but I didn't know about that collection at the time, D'oh![/QUOTE]

Yeah, but they were never bundled together. I was just trying to figure out if this is the best deal on this exact combination of games and as far as I can tell it is.

Thought I'd be getting seperate Sonic 1/2/Knuckles keys from GMG>

NOPE. Its DLC for the MegaDrive pack which I alredy purchased from Amazon for 5$. So effectively I've bought all the Sonic genesis games twice. O_O. F!

Thought I'd be getting seperate Sonic 1/2/Knuckles keys from GMG>

NOPE. Its DLC for the MegaDrive pack which I already purchased from Amazon for 5$. So effectively I've bought all the Sonic genesis games twice. O_O. F! and yet Steam gladly let me activate the Sonic 1/2/3 games twice, prolly as they are DLC for the MegaDrive entry.
Just paid 21$ for Sonic CD,Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 1, Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 2, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Adventure DX, and Sonic Racing. I already owned Sonic Generations. Ouch.
Wow. Bad bad move on my part. Thought I was getting separate Sonic keys for 1/2/3. I got screwed with Amazon's MegaDrive pack and now screwed again. Lol.

Be warned.

I think it's false advertising. The entries on Steam appear as if they are separate games. But in reality they are just DLC for the Megadrive/Genesis emulator app.
I'm starting to think even those who purchase on Steam itself only get DLC for the emulator entry.
Oh well. At the same time, I feel good supporting these ports. IMAGINE Skies of Arcadia!
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[quote name='N3UROP0D']Yeah, but they were never bundled together. I was just trying to figure out if this is the best deal on this exact combination of games and as far as I can tell it is.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I was checking it out as well.

It appears the Gamestop version is the same as the GG Anthology: The Maser Collection.

That's the same one I currently own from GG, they've had it on sale for $9.99 and glitched for $4.99.

I own NWN1 retail somewhere around here and NWN 2 as a steam gift in my inventory. It sure would be nice to have them all in one place.....
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[quote name='sleeping_lights_on']ACK!

Thought I'd be getting seperate Sonic 1/2/Knuckles keys from GMG>

NOPE. Its DLC for the MegaDrive pack which I already purchased from Amazon for 5$. So effectively I've bought all the Sonic genesis games twice. O_O. F! and yet Steam gladly let me activate the Sonic 1/2/3 games twice, prolly as they are DLC for the MegaDrive entry.
Just paid 21$ for Sonic CD,Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 1, Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 2, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Adventure DX. I already owned Sonic Generations.
Wow. Bad bad move on my part. Thought I was getting separate Sonic keys for 1/2/3. I got screwed with Amazon's MegaDrive pack and now screwed again. Lol.

Be warned.[/QUOTE]

The pack you bought from Amazon didn't contain Sonic 1/2/3-Knuckles. I know from first hand experience because I bought that same pack.

So no need to feel that you got screwed. It let you redeem the key because you didn't own the games yet.
[quote name='sleeping_lights_on']ACK!

Thought I'd be getting seperate Sonic 1/2/Knuckles keys from GMG>

NOPE. Its DLC for the MegaDrive pack which I already purchased from Amazon for 5$. So effectively I've bought all the Sonic genesis games twice. O_O. F! and yet Steam gladly let me activate the Sonic 1/2/3 games twice, prolly as they are DLC for the MegaDrive entry.
Just paid 21$ for Sonic CD,Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 1, Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 2, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Adventure DX, and Sonic Racing. I already owned Sonic Generations. Ouch.
Wow. Bad bad move on my part. Thought I was getting separate Sonic keys for 1/2/3. I got screwed with Amazon's MegaDrive pack and now screwed again. Lol.

Be warned.

I think it's false advertising. The entries on Steam appear as if they are separate games. But in reality they are just DLC for the Megadrive/Genesis emulator app.
I'm starting to think even those who purchase on Steam itself only get DLC for the emulator entry.
Oh well. At the same time, I feel good supporting these ports. IMAGINE Skies of Arcadia![/QUOTE]

If Skies of Arcadia is coming to Steam, then there's no way it'll be handled like a Genesis game. That's a Dreamcast era game. Considering Sega's very recent track record on Saturn/DC ports (Jet Set Radio, Sonic Adventure 2, Nights into Dreams), I'd imagine Skies of Arcadia would be handled well.

As for the ROM fiasco... That quite sucks. :( But that's hardly representative of how Sega currently is handling things.
Ugh. Wanted to play Sleeping Dogs so I downloaded it a couple hours ago, but the texture pack didn't download. Restarting Steam started the download, but now I have a 30 minute wait after already fiddling around for 30 minutes. That leaves me very little time to play. Boo Steam for not downloading the texture pack when I clicked the install button.
[quote name='Preedatore']Ugh. Wanted to play Sleeping Dogs so I downloaded it a couple hours ago, but the texture pack didn't download. Restarting Steam started the download, but now I have a 30 minute wait after already fiddling around for 30 minutes. That leaves me very little time to play. Boo Steam for not downloading the texture pack when I clicked the install button.[/QUOTE]

That sucks. Did you "buy" the free Texture Pack before downloading? I can say that the texture pack is totally worth it if you have the VRAM (made it look a good bit better on my venerable GTX 260)
[quote name='asheskitty']That sucks. Did you "buy" the free Texture Pack before downloading? I can say that the texture pack is totally worth it if you have the VRAM (made it look a good bit better on my venerable GTX 260)[/QUOTE]

The store page has an "Install" button. When I clicked and nothing immediately installed I figured the textures were already downloaded in the main game and unlocked when I "bought" the pack. When I went in the options and tried to turn them on it kept saying I had to buy and install the pack. Right clicking the game in my library showed I already had it, but no option to download it. Last resort was restarting Steam and that kickstarted the 4gb update. Oh well, 3 minutes to go.

Edit: what kind of fps do you get with that 260? I just benchmarked at 34 set to high with textures on.
The lack of faith you both have in your GTX 260 is making my 8800GT cry.

It's actually just making a depressing wheezing sound, mostly.

Which is the way that it breathes.
[quote name='Eldredpe']The lack of faith you both have in your GTX 260 is making my 8800GT cry.

It's actually just making a depressing wheezing sound, mostly.

Which is the way that it breathes.[/QUOTE]
Video Card model numbers haven't make sense in years.

Hey the number on this card is higher than mine. But it's slower. grr.
[quote name='Eldredpe']The lack of faith you both have in your GTX 260 is making my 8800GT cry.

It's actually just making a depressing wheezing sound, mostly.

Which is the way that it breathes.[/QUOTE]

I made it sound like I have the same thing. I actually have a gtx 650ti. I got 34fps at 1920x1080 at high settings with high res textures. Was just wondering what ash got for comparison.
[quote name='Preedatore']The store page has an "Install" button. When I clicked and nothing immediately installed I figured the textures were already downloaded in the main game and unlocked when I "bought" the pack. When I went in the options and tried to turn them on it kept saying I had to buy and install the pack. Right clicking the game in my library showed I already had it, but no option to download it. Last resort was restarting Steam and that kickstarted the 4gb update. Oh well, 3 minutes to go.

Edit: what kind of fps do you get with that 260? I just benchmarked at 34 set to high with textures on.[/QUOTE]

I found this article on Rage3D quite helpful in tuning SD. (IIRC, the AA is quite hamfisted at higher settings.) Not that it matters much anymore, but mine is the 55nm core 216 version (EVGA SuperClocked). Below is the SD benchmark result (options->display->advanced->benchmark).


[quote name='Eldredpe']The lack of faith you both have in your GTX 260 is making my 8800GT cry.
It's actually just making a depressing wheezing sound, mostly.

Which is the way that it breathes.

Venerable =) I'm suprised how well it has held up for new games. I've had it coming up on 4 years (and bumped my monitor up from 1680x1050 @76 Hz to 1920x1200 @60Hz). By the time my 7900 GT was three years old it's performance was lacking in newer games.
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[quote name='Preedatore']I made it sound like I have the same thing. I actually have a gtx 650ti. I got 34fps at 1920x1080 at high settings with high res textures. Was just wondering what ash got for comparison.[/QUOTE]

From what I understand, the GTX 650 Ti performs pretty close GTX 260, though the GTX 260 only supports DX 10.1.

[quote name='frogkiller']Video Card model numbers haven't make sense in years.

Hey the number on this card is higher than mine. But it's slower. grr.[/QUOTE]

Pfft, that's nothing. Mobile versions of graphics generally have no relation to desktop graphics. THe most -headscratch- for me are the overlapping Nvidia/ATi model numbers (e.g. 9800, 7950).
[quote name='MySaturdaySelf']newbie question: does the sims 3 on steam still need to be activated through origins?[/QUOTE]

I believe the talk concerning this during the Winter Sale was that 1) It does not require Origin and 2) It can be activated on Origin as well if you'd like, though many of the expansions require you to contact Origin support directly in order to do so.

Almost 100% sure it doesn't require the use of Origin, however.

Sims 3 came out before Origin was a thing.
[quote name='Eldredpe']I believe the talk concerning this during the Winter Sale was that 1) It does not require Origin and 2) It can be activated on Origin as well if you'd like, though many of the expansions require you to contact Origin support directly in order to do so.

Almost 100% sure it doesn't require the use of Origin, however.

Sims 3 came out before Origin was a thing.[/QUOTE]

I can verify that you do not need origin if you have it on steam. I played it for 4 or 5 months with no problems before I even created an Origin account.

I can also verify that you can register it all (both the base game and the expansions/stuff packs) on Origin. Though you have to do so through You need to create an account there and link it to your Origin account. It's not all that difficult, but it'll add an extra minute or two onto the procedure.

This allows you to have two copies for the price of one. I created an Origin account for my mother and gave here the codes to activate the game(s). Saved me the cost of buying it for her as well.
[quote name='Eldredpe']I'd like to make you feel better and tell you Doom Rails is as bad as it looks, but it's actually a blast.

Hope Windows 8 players can find a workaround and join in on some intense 8 player rollercoaster combat action soon.[/QUOTE]

Can't believe I'm actually getting jealous I didn't get in with you guys on Doom Rails lmao.
[quote name='BigSpoonyBard']Man, I have no interest in the Sims 3, but all this talk along with this deal is making my purchasing finger all itchy.[/QUOTE]

I have a bit of interest in it but pretty much the same boat.
[quote name='oman19']Can't believe I'm actually getting jealous I didn't get in with you guys on Doom Rails lmao.[/QUOTE]

You might be able to find someone that will sell it to you, still.

I played it with PillowFight and PantsAttack the other night, and had a surprisingly good time. I'd imagine it's kind of awesome and hectic with 8 people, though. I'm looking forward to that match happening. :D
I've always had a passing interest in The Sims. Never fully got into it like some folks but I've enjoyed jumping into it time and again just to mess around for awhile. I decided to pass on The Sims 3 during the Winter Sale. Might pick it up sooner or later but I'm in no rush.

[quote name='Eldredpe']I played it with PillowFight and PantsAttack the other night, and had a surprisingly good time. I'd imagine it's kind of awesome and hectic with 8 people, though. I'm looking forward to that match happening. :D[/QUOTE]
I've been trying to get it to work for awhile but it just crashes every time I try to load it. What is really bad as that when I load a game and it crashes immediately Raptr will pop up and say I played like 2 seconds of the game. Not with Doom Rails. It somehow crashes even before Raptr recognizes. I've tried to find a solution but have given up due to lack of patience, busy workweek, and a free copy of Darksiders to play on PS3(despite owning it on PC already).

[quote name='jshackles']I just entered my 4,000th Steamgifts giveaway. I've won 8 giveaways, with 3 of those being Group giveaways (from the CAG group) and 1 of them being a developer giveaway with 15,000 copies and 14,000-something entries.

So basically, I've won 1 out of every 1,000 public giveaways I've entered, or 0.1%.

Strangely, I've been entering giveaways there for 6 months, and 6 of my 8 wins were in the first two months.

Just thought I'd share. :)[/QUOTE]

As of right at this moment I've entered 2,960 giveaways with 7 wins total.
- Two of these were BGCQ giveaways, with one of those only having me as a solo entry.
- One of the giveaways was a CAG group giveaway.
- One of the giveaways was a developer giveaway for a game not even on Steam yet (Bloody Trapland: 1k copies, ~18k entries)
- Three of the giveaways were public.

Which brings up something I should have said sooner

That game deserves a spot on Steam and I never got a Steam key since it hasn't gotten greenlit :( Drop by the page and give it a thumbs up! :D

Since it's not truly a Steam game that drops my true Steamgifts wins from 7 to 6 as it only gave me a desura code. Still glad I won it as it's a really fun platformer.
[quote name='momouchi']Oh no, my gaming PC died. How am I going to pretend to play through my backlog now?[/QUOTE]

Sad to hear your gaming PC died, but hilarious and true comment!
[quote name='momouchi']Oh no, my gaming PC died. How am I going to pretend to play through my backlog now?[/QUOTE]
If it's a true backlog, you probably have games from 2003 in there. Go get a Pentium 3 Dell desktop with sweet VooDoo card and start playing!
So Magicka weekend, Portal 2 Monday, Terraria Tuesday, and yet I'm having trouble figuring exactly what excitement Wednesday will bring. LIMBO Wednesday?

[quote name='momouchi']Oh no, my gaming PC died. How am I going to pretend to play through my backlog now?[/QUOTE]

In addition to what Syntax said, some of those indie titles run just fine on a run-of-the-mill laptop. Also I was easily emulating 16-bit consoles and MAME'd arcades back in 2000, so I expect the Sonic classics should run with ease.

Or you can ask yourself, why lie? I don't need no stinking Gaming PC to backlog effectively =D
[quote name='oman19']Can't believe I'm actually getting jealous I didn't get in with you guys on Doom Rails lmao.[/QUOTE]

Motoki was giving away copies, too. That's how I got mine. You missed out on free!

As for The Sims 3, is there any DLC that's really important to get for the game? Some of them, like the supernatural and adventure packs, seem a bit silly, but Showtime and Seasons seem like they might be game changing.
[quote name='Syntax Error']If it's a true backlog, you probably have games from 2003 1990 in there. Go get a Pentium 3 Dell desktop with sweet VooDoo card and start playing![/QUOTE]
Fixed :lol:. I know Commander Keen is 1990. There is also those old Lucas Arts games (don't own them though).
[quote name='Broken Cage']Motoki was giving away copies, too. That's how I got mine. You missed out on free!

As for The Sims 3, is there any DLC that's really important to get for the game? Some of them, like the supernatural and adventure packs, seem a bit silly, but Showtime and Seasons seem like they might be game changing.[/QUOTE]

Ambitions is nice since it lets you choose a career that actually allows you to play your character at work.
[quote name='Syntax Error']If it's a true backlog, you probably have games from 2003 in there. Go get a Pentium 3 Dell desktop with sweet VooDoo card and start playing![/QUOTE]

Pentium 3s and Voodoos in 2003? My Voodoo 3 is circa 1997, and my Pentium 4 is circa 2003. I think I had a P3 in 2000.

Edit: I actually still have my Voodoo 3 and P4.
[quote name='elessar123']Pentium 3s and Voodoos in 2003? My Voodoo 3 is circa 1997, and my Pentium 4 is circa 2003. I think I had a P3 in 2000.

Edit: I actually still have my Voodoo 3 and P4.[/QUOTE]

2003 would have been... Geforce 4?
[quote name='Eldredpe']2003 would have been... Geforce 4?[/QUOTE]

Back then I had an ATI Mobility Radeon 9600 in my Powerbook, and a Geforce 5200 (fanless) in my (low-end) PC desktop (wanted to avoid the Geforce "dustbuster" 5600).
Brings back the memories of my old Sapphire Radeon 9800 PRO SE and how I thought it was SUCH A BEAST.

Good times. Now that I'm taking the time to fill out my backloggery account... I'm getting sadfaced.
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